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Equilibrium of OCD

By Sarah Teel
Proposed Causes of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

An Imbalance in Serotonin

Difficulty shutting off a circuit in the brain that brings impulses to your


A previous disposition to OCD can cause it to be triggered by a traumatic

or disturbing experience
Symptoms of OCD

Fear of germs and contamination

Unwanted thoughts
Need for symmetry and order
Excessive cleaning
Uncontrollable behaviors and actions
Treatments for OCD

Supplements and drugs are used to help the chemical and hormone levels

reach an equilibrium

Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors have been known to decrease

OCD Cycle
Role of Serotonin

Serotonin allows for messages to be sent between brain cells

hSERT makes a serotonin transporter that mops up excess serotonin, but

for those with OCD sometimes hSERT works too fast and mops up excess

serotonin before it has a chance to get its message across

Serotonin Chemical Formation
An Image of the Role of Serotonin in Nerve Cells
Brain Comparisons of Those With and
Without OCD
Connection to Equilibrium (LeChateliers Principle)

When levels of hSERT are out of balance, it causes the symptoms of OCD.
When these levels are in equilibrium, symptoms are less likely to appear.
With increased or decreased levels of hSERT (controls absorption of
serotonin), the system can be shifted out of equilibrium. Equilibrium can be
regained using pharmaceutical drugs such as Selective Serotonin
Re-uptake Inhibitors. This idea of shifting equilibrium is expressed by
LeChateliers Principle.
OCD Equilibrium Equation

hSERT + serotonin + brain cells hSERT + serotonin + brain cells

(increased) + (decreased) + (do not receive messages) (normal) +

(normal) + (messages are received)
Supporting Document (annotated bibliography)

Hall, Marble. "What Causes OCD?" What Causes OCD? | OCD-UK. OCD UK, n.d. Web. 12 May 2017.
This professional webpage of a well known organization provided me with information regarding the
causes of OCD and what possible factors have been studied. This is source is reliable because it is a
well established research organization from the UK. It informed me that there are many different theories
but one of the main ones involves serotonin and hSERT levels.
Neurotransmitter. N.d. OCD UK, n.p.
This source was a photograph showing neurotransmitters and the role of serotonin. This source is
reliable because it comes from a prominent research organization in the UK. This process outlines that
role of serotonin and how it relays messages across the synapse.

"Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder." National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, 2016. Web. 12 May 2017.
This article provided me with common symptoms and effects of OCD. This source is reliable because it is
from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It informed me about the different obsessions
and compulsions, such as fear of germs, excessive cleaning, and uncontrollable behaviors.
OCD Cycle. N.d., n.p.
This source was an image of the cycle of OCD that occurs for those who are affected by it. This source is
reliable because it comes from a well established website. The cycle that it shows is a well known cycle
used by many to explain causes and effects of OCD.

Petscan 1. N.d. Hope4ocd, n.p.

This is a picture of a side by side comparison of a petscan of a brain without OCD and a petscan of a
brain with OCD. This is a reliable source because I cross referenced it with other sources and found the
same conclusions. The hyperactivity of the brain for those affected by OCD is demonstrated by these
PhD, Gary D. Tollefson MD. "A Multicenter Investigation of Fixed-Dose Fluoxetine in the Treatment of
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder." Archives of General Psychiatry. American Medical Association, 01 July 1994. Web. 12
May 2017.
This source was a study performed by the American Medical Association regarding the different possible
treatments of OCD. This source is reliable because it is from a scientific study that was very extensive
and performed by established scientists. It provided me with information concerning the use of
Fixed-Dose Fluoxetine and other possible treatments for OCD.

"Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders." Understanding OCD - OCD Research - Stanford
University School of Medicine. Stanford Medicine, 2017. Web. 12 May 2017.
This article from the Stanford Medicine organization further informed me about the effects and causes of
OCD. This source is reliable because the Stanford Medicine program is a world renowned program. This
article provided me with information about symptoms of OCD as well as possible causes and
psychological effects.
"What Causes OCD?" Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: An Information Guide. CAMH, 2001. Web. 12 May 2017.
This webpage of a prominent research center provided me with more information regarding the causes of
OCD. This center works together with University of Toronto and many other organizations. This is a
reliable source because the organization was sponsored by and worked with other prominent programs.
It gave me information about the neurological causes of OCD.

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