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En J. Fischer and XK. Corcoran (Eds.) MEASURES FOR CLINICAL PRACTICE (Volume 2; pp. 446-452). NY: The Free Press, 1994, 448 Instruments for Practice PROCRASTINATION ASSESSMENT SCALE—STUDENTS (PASS) Avmtors: Linda J. Solomon and Esther D. Rothblum Pumpose: To measure procrastination DEScRIPMON: The PASS is a 44-item instrument designed to measure the frequency of cognitive- behavioral antecedents of procrastination, The PASS was developed to measure three areas: (1) the prevalence of academic procrastination, (2) the reasons for academic procrastination, and (3) 1o ‘compare scores ox the PASS with behavioral indices of procrastination and other related constructs. The PASS is divided into two parts: the first part ‘measures the prevalence of procrastination in six academic areas, and the second part assesses reasons for procrastination, The PASS is useful in bok identifying potential focal areas for intervention, and in tracking changes in procrastination over time, NoRMs: The PASS was investigated with 323 university students (101 males, 222 females) enrolled in introductory psychology courses; 90% were be- tween the ages of 18 t0 21; 85% were freshmen, 13% sophomores, and the remaining subjects were juniors and seniors. Norms were reported in per- centages: 46% always or nearly always procrastinate on 2 paper, 27.6% procrastinate on studying forexams, 30.1% procrastinate on reading weekly assignments, 10.6% procrastinate on administrative tasks. 23% on anten- dance tasks, and 10.2% on school activities in general. In addition, 23.7% reported that procrastination was elways or nearly always a problem when ‘wniting a paper, 21.2% said it was a problem when studying for exams, and 23.1% said it was a problem when doing weekly eadings. There were no significantsex differences in procrastination. Regarding reasons for procras- tination, 49.5% of the variance reflects fear of failure, and 18% reflects aversiveness of the task and laziness. Females were more likely to fear feihure than were males. SCORING: Scores on the 5-point Likert-type scale (a= I toe = 5) are summed for each academic task (scores range from 2 to 10) and across the six areas of academic functioning (ranging from 12 to 60). Scores on reasons for procrastination and interest in changing are summed as separate subscales. A total score can be obtained by summing all subscale scores, RELIABILITY: The most recent research shows low levels of intemal consis- tency for the PASS with split-half correlations of .58 for men and .31 for ‘women regarding procrastination frequency. The correlation for procrast- nation as a problem was 26 overall and for reasons for procrastination was 80, The stability of the PASS was fair with one-month test-retest cormela~ tions of .74 for prevalence and .56 for reasons for procrastination. For the totel score, the test-retest correlation was 80, soul Instruments for Aduits 447 jpupery:, The PASS has very good concurrent validity, with significant ‘corelations with the Beck Depression Inventory, Ellis Scale of Irational Cognitions, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and the Delay Avoidance Seaie. Significant correlations also were found between the number of self-paced quizzes and PASS scores and between the PASS and total grade point averages (higher PASS scores comreleted with lower GPAS), | PRIMARY REFERENCE: Solomon, L.J.and Rethblum, E.D. (1984). Academic Procrastination; Frequency and cognitive behavioral correlates, Journal of Counseling Psychology, 31, 503-509. ‘AVAILABILITY: The Free Press. 44g Instruments for Practice PASS. AREAS OF PROCRASTINATION or gach of the following actives, please rate the degree to which you delay o: procrastinate, Rata each item on an a to @ scale according to haw often you wat Lunt the last minute to do the activity. Then, indicate on an a to e scale the degiee towhich you feel procrastination on that ask is a problem. Finally indicate on an a to € scale the degree to which you would like to decrease your tendency to procrastinate on each task, Mark your answers by circing the appropriate leter below each question. 1. Wing a Term Peper 1, Towhat degree do you procrastinate on this task? Never Almost Neary Always procrastinate never. ~—«Sometimes. always procrastinate a b c g e 2, Towhat degree is procrastination on this task a problem for you? Notatale Almost Sometimes Neatly = Aways problem ‘never always problem a b . d ° 3. To what extent do you want fo decrease your tendency to procrastinate on this task? Datinitely Do not want want to to decraass Somewhat decrease a b © a e N. Studlying for Exams 4, To what degrae do you proorastinato on this task? Nevar Almost Nearly Always procrestinaie never “Sometimes. always—_procrastinate a b e d e “To wnat degree is procrastination on tis task a probiem for you? Notatala —Almpst Nearly Always.@ problem ‘never Sometimes. always. «problem: a b © d e Instruments for Adults 449 ‘To what extent do you want to decrease your tendency to procrastinate on this task? Definitely Do not want want to fo decroase Somewhat decrease a b © 6 e ‘Kooping Up Weskly Reading Assignments ‘To what degree do you procrastinate on this task? Never most Nearly Atways: procrastinate never «Sometimes. always procrastinato a . ¢ a e ‘To what dagree is procrastination on this task a problem for you? Notat alla Almost Nearly Always.a problem ever Sometimes. always——_—problem a ’ ¢ a e That extent do you want to decrease your tendency pocrasina on ‘his task? Definitely Do not want wantio todecreaso Somownat decrease a ’ © 4 e ‘Academic Administrative Tasks: Filing Out Forms, Registering for Classes, Gotting iD Card. ote. To what degree do you procrastinate on this task? Never ‘Almost Nearly Always procrestinata never. ©“ Sometimes. alway. procrastinate a ’ © a e ‘To what degree is procrastination on this tack a problem for you? Notataila Almost Nearly Atwaysa problem never Sometimes alway. problem a b © 6 e 12, 16, ML 16. Instruments for Practica ‘To what extent do you want o decrease your tendency to procrastinate on this task? 4 Detintey 3 Do not want want a todecrease Somewhat decrease 2 b c ¢ ° ‘Attendance Tasks: Meating with Your Advisor, Making an Appointment with a Professor, etc. To what extent do you procrastinate on this task? Never Almost Neary Always procrastinate never = Sometimes always. procrastinate a b ° 4 e ‘To what extent s procrastination on this task a problem for you? Notatalla Almost Neatly Always.a problem never Sometimes always. problem a > © a e “Townat extent do you want to decrease your tendency to procrastinate on this task? Definitely Do not want wantto todecrease ‘Somewhat decrease a >’ ¢ a e ‘School Activites in General To what extent do you procrastinate on the Never Almost Aways Procrastnate raver’ Sometimes abvays_ prociaztnste @ b ¢ e ‘To what extent s procrastination on these activities problem for you? Notat ata Almost Nearly Always 2 ‘problem never Sometimes always-——prablen a » © d e 18, Instruments for Adults 451 To what extent do you want to decrease your tendency to procrastinate on these activities? Dotinitoty Donot want want to to decrease ‘Somewhat decrease a 6 © 8 ° REASONS FOR PROCRASTINATION Think of the last time the following situation occurred. It's near the end of the semester. The term paper you were assigned at the beginning of the semester 15 ‘due very soon. You have not begun work on this paper. There are reasons why yo.) have been procrastinaling on this task, Rate each of the following reasons on a S-point scale acco’ding to how much it reflects why you procrastinated atthe time. Mark your answers by writing the leer ato ein the space to the lett of each statoment. Use the scale: Not at al Definitely reflects why | ‘Somewhat reflects why! procrastinated ‘ellects procrastinate:! 3 > c a e Hoi fh ba TT 18. Youwere concerned the professor wouldn't ike your work. 20. You had a hard imo knowing what o include and what nat to incluso in your paper. 21. You waited unti a classmate dd his/hers, so that ne/she coulé give you some advice. 22. You had too many other things todo. 23. Thore's some information you neoded to ask the protassor, but you felt uncomfortable approaching hiner. 24, You were worried you would get a bad grade. 25. Yau resented having todo things assigned by others. 28. You dent think you knew enough to wile the paper. 27. Yourealy distked wing term papers. 28. You elt overwhelmed by the task. 23. You had diticulty requesting information trom other people. 30. You looked forward tothe excitement of doing this task atthe last minute. 81. You couldn’ choose among all the topics. 32, You were concerned that # you did well, your classmates would resent you. 23. You din’ trust yourself to do @ good job. 4. You didn't have enough energy to Begin the task. 35. You fet itjust takes too long to wre aterm paper. 36. You liked the challenge of wating until the deactine 37. You know that your classmates hadi startoc the paporeithes. 38, 39, 40. a Instruments for Practice ‘You resented people setting deadlines for you. ‘You were concerned you wouldn't eet your own expectations. ‘You were concerned that you got a good grade, people would have higher expectations of you in the future. ‘You waited to see i the professor would give you some more 'nformation about the paper. ‘Yau sel very high standatds for yourself and you woried that you ‘wouldn't be able to meet those standards. ‘You jus felt too lazy to wit a tarm paper. ‘Your friends were pressuring you 1 do other things.

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