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Projects Overview

Student Badge Replacement- Z Pass

Description of the Need

Students need to prepare having a badge with them at all time. As the students
matriculate through school, it is requirement that students have this ID badge with them to board
the bus, enter the campus or even classes in some cases. This trickles down to the elementary

Needs Assessment Tool or Data Source(s)

Letters home

Tardy counts

Number of badges being swiped on the bus

Number of students who dont own a badge to begin with

Outline of Action Plan, Including the Goal and Timeline

Create a standard form to send home to parents who child doesnt have an ID.

Require a fee for a temporary/replacement badge.

Should be enforced immediately.


Students who have their badges can get through the breakfast line quicker as they can be
scanned instead of keying in numbers. Parents are able to accurately track when and if their child
made it on the bus and made it to school for the day


The sooner the communication is about the importance of ID badges are the better.
Students need to be held accountable as it teaches them lifelong values
Superintendent Fun Run
Description of the Need

In addition to helping our district support its educational scholarship fund, our campus
wants to use this as way to bring our families together in a healthy and enjoyable fashion. It is a
great networking system to get our communities and parents involved with their child academic

Needs Assessment Tool or Data Source(s)

Participant sign up

Bulletin Board (meter)

Outline of Action Plan, Including the Goal and Timeline

The goal is to reach a 100 participants, a combination of students and faculty. The run
will take place on February 18, 2017. Teachers will be given reminders through staff meeting,
emails updates and in the weekly agenda. Parents and students will be told verbally, a remind
101 system will be used once a week and letters home in the monthly tale are available.


Success is determined by the number of participants we have signed up to participate

towards our campus goal. In addition, the commitment to actually attend the event will also be


If I could re-do this project, I would do a better job of advertising to the students. The
teachers seemed overwhelmed with having other financial obligations. In addition, providing the
information to the students and staff with a sufficient amount of time is critical. The largest part
of our demographics is Hispanics. I could have used one of Spanish speaking aides or teachers to
help translate and relay the message.
Student Safety Patrols
Description of the Need

Student Safety is our number one priority. This is extended to the bus drivers who have
to safely transport our students home each day. Having extra sets of eyes will hopefully assist the

Needs Assessment Tool or Data Source(s)

Bulletin Board (track progress and success)

Outline of Action Plan, Including the Goal and Timeline

The patrols will begin within in the next two weeks, soon as we receive our materials for
the patrols. We hope to see a change within this 9 week grading period. We will compare it with
reports from last year at this time being this will be a pilot program at our campus. We will also
look at the month to month ratio as we approach the end of the school year.


Success will be determined if the number of incident reports are decreased. With fewer
reports, it will be evident that the students and being responsible and accountable on the bus.
Most importantly, student safety will increase.


The 1st nine weeks Patrols should be those who are already Leopard Leaders. Attaining
parental support is beneficial and needed, especially when they dont understand why their child
is being written up by another child. Further, with children writing up reports, there tends to be
leeway towards family members and friends. The importance of everyone doing their job needs
to be stressed along with different scenarios and role playing for the patrols to help them get a
better understanding of their role.

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