1920spresidents Stonewilliams

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Presidents of the Roaring 20s

Research the following presidents and find out how their presidency contributed to the Great
Explain in detail each event related to each president.

E.Q.: Who is more responsible for the Great Depression?

President: Warren G. Harding Return to Normalcy

Quote: [Let us] safeguard America firstto exalt America first to live for and revere America

Years as President/reason for leaving office:

March 4, 1921 to August 2, 1923/ died of heart attack

Views on the KKK:

Called for the end of inequality between races although it was believed that he was a Klan

Tax Plans (Be specific):

Taxes are reduced specifically for wealthy people and corporations and high tariffs were in

1921 Quota Act:

Restricted the amount of immigrants that can go into the country. Warren G Harding signed the
1921 Quota Act

Teapot Dome Scandal:

A bribery incident that happened during the Harding Administration. The incident involved an oil
reserved in Wyoming that was set aside for the Navy in an emergency. He signed an executive
order transferring reserves from the Navy Department to the Interior.

In what ways did Hardings presidency cause the Great Depression?:

He mostly just didnt watch the country and just let everyone do what they wanted to do.
Because of that, people just did what they pleased and it would lead to the Depression.
President:Calvin Coolidge Silent Cal

Quote: The chief business of the American people is businessthe man who builds a factory,
builds a temple. The man who works there worships there.

Years as President/reason for leaving office:

Sleeping Habits, how can this affect his presidency?:

Kellogg-Briand Pact:

Tax Plan:

Coolidge supported Speculation in the Stock Market, What is speculation?

In what ways did Coolidges presidency cause the Great Depression?

President:Herbert Hoover the Engineer

Quote: I have no fears for the future of the country, it is bright with hope.

Years as President/reason for leaving office:

March 4th 1929 to

Good Neighbor Policy:

Hawley-Smoot Tariff:

1. How did economists feel about the Tariff? Why?

2. What was the result of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?

Reconstruction Finance Corp (RFC):

In what ways did Hoovers presidency cause the Great Depression?

How are 1920s Conservative Presidents different than the

Progressive Presidents that came before them?

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