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Nicaragua Weekly Joachim Chamorro of La They are quite literally

Prensa, was assassinated breaking the ideals that

New Rebel Group In by Somozas death squads they so heavily value
Bounds which eventually led to the themselves. By funding
overwhelming support of these terrorists, they are
By Walter Samuels the Sandinistas. Eventually actively trying to stop
democracy prevailed and democracy. Ironic, huh?
the Sandinista National The United States fighting
Liberation Front overthrew against democracy. But it
Somozas government with seems rather silly. The
Somoza trying to flee but United States is a force of
ended up being democracy, it doesnt
assassinated. Now, a new make sense. Many people
rebel group, The Contras, have been trying to figure
have just been created out why the United States
and are already notorious would even give weapons
for their crimes of murder, to the Contras in the first
Just when everyone torture, and rape of the place. The Contras are
thought it was over, they citizens of Nicaragua. taking away the freedoms
came back. Although a They are trying to revive of the people of Nicaragua,
new democratic the old government that by trying to place a
government has been Somoza was in control of. dictatorship in the
established, it seems that And sadly... the United government. The Contras
the ghost of Anastasio States are supporting are murdering, torturing,
Somoza, the previous these terrorists. And there and raping their own
leader of Nicaragua, is really isnt a reason why. people, and the U.S dares
trying to take back the Its confusing more or less. to support a group who is
government for himself Arent the United States a taking away the freedoms
once again, and have his force for democracy? Why of others. Its just
people suffer and be are they supporting these hypocritical. So in the end,
forgotten all for his own cruel dictators? Why would everyone in Nicaragua is
benefit. The people of the United States ever in a in fear. With a powerhouse
Nicaragua remember million years condone a like the U.S now backing
vividly the large group of terrorists who the Contras, this great few
earthquake ten years ago rape, torture, and murder years we had of living in
that happened in their own citizens? No one the government we wanted
Managua. When the know why and thats may fade away. Its scary,
United States tried to give what makes the situation but its something the
economic aid, Somoza worse. The United States SNLF will have to put up
used that aid to spend on has even been funding the with. It will be hard, but we
luxuries for his friends and Contras with weapons could pull through. Its just
close allies. Not only that, produced by them. It sad that the U.S is trying to
but six years later, Pedro bewilders all of us, frankly. take away our freedom
and our democracy. Its atrocities by the Contras Jamie lived in an
just disappointing is all. include murder, torture, apartment when the
Although, it could be a and rape, and its only Contras attacked. He said
misunderstanding. It may getting worse. I saw two that he had to run and
just be they have the soldiers restrain a woman sneak out of the city,
situation wrong, or maybe and they were trying to hiding behind dumpsters
they felt we did something well god I dont want and desks gradually
wrong that we should clear to think about what making his way out. When
up? Thats the optimistic happened. Jamie fled the we asked Jamie how much
side of it though. Many city to avoid being the event has changed
people doubt that it will get captured by the Contras, him, he stated, Ugh
cleared up. But well fight as he says he didnt want well I sure have seen
for our freedom to suffer under their hand. the worst of it all. Well...
regardless. Ever since the theres probably people
Sandinistas have installed who have experienced
Atrocity Exhibition the new government, worse. It just gives you
many people felt we perspective really. You
By James Sunderland werent going to realize that this happens to
experience a cruel dictator people, and thats what
again. But the Contras are makes it terrible. Although
trying to revive that old Im pretty optimistic about
government, and after everything. I dont know
seeing what Ive seen I why whenever Im the
didnt want to go back to bearer or the witness of
how things were before, something terrible, I feel
and now, we have to make optimistic about the
sure we dont get back to situation Im in. I seen
Its not only terrifying but that terrible leadership. terrible things, that even I
its inhumane. says Jamie Because I sure as hell am cant really utter, but like I
Felix, a refugee and not going back to that dont want to dwell on it. Ill
previous citizen of a city government. Jamie is an always question myself of
overwhelmed with artist, however his what I could have done.
Contras. I saw them paintings are left in his But if I dwell in that too
straight up shoot a woman apartment. Haha, I hope I much, itll become a
and her baby in the head. can return to my home, but nightmare. Im not going to
It was horrific. I dont know knowing the Contras do that to myself.
how I made it out, but I behavior, my art might be
did and its unsettling to gone. Which well The Story Thus Far
me. Ever since the sucks but working on art
Contras have been makes me feel better. Its By Martin Mason
formed, they have begun something I can look
terrorizing the people of towards to, despite seeing
Nicaragua. These what I just seen recently.
his brother Anastasio military squad ambushed
Somoza Debayle, his home. The Sandinistas
becomes the new dictator then establish a National
of Nicaragua. In 1972, a Assembly thats controlled
massive earthquake in the by their military junta,
Nicaraguan capital, which is essentially when
Managua, devastates the the military is in control of
city, and the US provides the government. Then the
In 1982, a guerilla unit economic aid to the events of 1982 occur.
called the Contras, is country. However, Somoza When the Contras ended
formed from the takes the U.S aid and up getting formed, it
Conservative groups spends it for himself and created what was known
fleeing Nicaragua after the his friends, which ends up as the Iran Contra Affair,
Sandinistas are created. making situations even when the United States
Immediately, they are worse and rebel groups gave aid to the Contras. It
infamous for their atrocities start to form; specifically, a wasnt until November and
towards their own people, group called the December of 1986 when
which go as far as murder, Sandinistas rise to power. President Ronald Reagan
torture, and rape. In Years pass until 1978, was exposed for secretly
addition, because the U.S when Pedro Joachim funding the Contras.
believes that the Chamorro, a journalist Eventually, in August
Sandinistas are a working for the countrys 1987, the U.S stops giving
Communist group, they biggest newspaper, La support for guerrilla
support the Contras and Prensa, is assassinated by groups. Nicaragua, which
even supply them with Somozas death squads became under control
weapons and supplies. which causes many people under the Contras, agree
How it got to that point is in Nicaragua to support the to elections and a
unclear, in the sense that Sandinistas. During the ceasefire was put into
its origin is unknown, spring of 1979, President place. The conflict came to
although the events Jimmy Carter of the United end.
leading up to the creation States stops giving aid to
of the Contras is clear. In Somozas regime after
1956, the leader of many protests in the U.S
Nicaragua, Anastasio about Somozas cruel and
Somoza Garcia, was harsh dictatorship. On July
assassinated and his son 19, 1979, the Sandinista
Luis became the new National Liberation Front,
dictator of Nicaragua. Luis also known as the FSLN,
even tells the U.S that they seize power with the help
will be a strong and of Cuba. Somoza flees
dependent ally to stop Nicaragua but ends up
communism. Luis rules being assassinated in
Nicaragua until 1967, then 1980 after a Sandinista
Work Cited:

James N. Briggs and Letter to Williams Casey, Ronald Reagan. Speech

Pedro Joachim Chamorro. CIA Director, from Senator from the Oval office about
Document 493: Barry Goldwaterm(R) the Iran-Contra Affair. 4
Memorandum of Arizona. April 9, 1984. March 1987. American
Conversation, Managua, Understandin the Iran Experience: Reagan.
May 6, 1970. Foreign Contra Affair. Brown WGBH Educational
Relations of the United University. Accessed 7 Accessed 8 December
States, 1969 - 1976. Vol. December 2012. 2012.
E-10: Documents on
American Republics, 1969
- 1972. Accessed 8
December 2012.

CWW4.6 Nicaragua
(1979-1990). Cold War
World Lesson #4: Hot
Spots Research Project,
The Regents of the
University of California,
df. Accessed 6 Apr. 2017.

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