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Lukomski, Hamann, Leshok, Dziadzio

AP Physics C
2nd Hour

Formal Lab #1: Colliding Buggies

Purpose: When two cars of different speeds are facing each other, when and where do they
collide when placed eight meters apart? Do this by writing equations using data gathered from
repeated experimentation. From these equations, predict the exact location and time when they
collide when positioned apart.

When positioned eight meters apart, when and where will the two cars collide if released at the
same time?

1. Measure out 20 cm increments for a total of one meter
2. Position one of the cars at zero
3. Obtain a slow motion camera app and position it above the track to film the entire
4. Start the camera and the film the car as it travels the one meter length
5. Using the slow motion video, find the exact time the car arrived at each increment
from the time that it started
6. Repeat steps 1-6 for the other car
7. Using the data gathered, write a position equation for both cars. Use these
equations to predict the exact time and place the cars will collide when positioned the full
eight meters apart

Slow Car (x = 0.094t - 0.019)
X (cm) 0 20 40 60 80 100

T (sec) 0 2.42 4.59 6.65 8.71 10.64

Fast Car (x = .274t -.006)

X (cm) 0 20 40 60 80 100

T (sec) 0 0.75 1.49 2.22 2.94 3.64

(*All equations are given in meters for simplicity in the final calculations)

(0.094t - 0.019) + (0.274t - .005) = 8 T = 21.8 sec

X = (0.094(21.8)) - 0.019 = 2.03 m

X = (0.274(21.8)) - 0.005 = 5.97 m

Error Analysis:
Errors could have occurred in multiple ways. For starters, friction was a factor in the cars
movements, throwing off our position equations. Also, the slow motion app used wasnt accurate
to small enough time intervals. This could give generalized values and lead to our equations
being calculated incorrectly.


Once our experimentation was finished, we used this data and the calculators linear regulation
function to calculate two equations. Using these, we were able to set up a system of equations to
determine at what time (t) and what position (x) they were equal. At T = 21.8 sec, and when the
slow car has traveled 2.03 m and the fast car traveled 5.97 m, the two cars will collide. Repeated
experimentation of this hypothesis once it was calculated proved it to be correct in predicting the
exact time and place of the cars collision.

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