Nutrition of Sports During Exercise

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1Erwan Sha Bin Habinullah, 2Puan Noor Aiwa bt Rosman

1pelajar Sarjana, Fakulti Sains Sukan & Kejurulatihan Upsi

2pensyarah, Fakulti Sains Sukan & Kejurulatihan Upsi

Sports Nutrition is the study and practice of nutrition and diet, relating to a person's
athletic performance. It is concerned with the type, as well as the quantity of fluid and food
taken by an athlete. In addition, it deals with the consumption of nutrients such as vitamins,
minerals, supplements, which also include organic substances such as carbohydrates, proteins
and fats. Nutrition is an important part of many sports training regimens, being most popular
in strength sports (such as weight lifting and bodybuilding) and endurance sports (for
example cycling, running, swimming, rowing). Whether you are a bodybuilder, a professional
athlete or simply exercising to improve your health, sports nutrition plays a key role in
optimising the beneficial effects of physical activity. Making better decisions with your
nutrition and hydration can result in improved performance, recovery and injury prevention.
Nutrition professionals offer a range of services to support your health and sporting goals.
This can range from a daily food diary, to a comprehensive food and nutrition plan for
training and competitions.



Carbohydrate are sugars and starches. They exist in the body as monosaccharides,
disaccharides, oligogasaccharides, and polysaccharides. All carbohydrate must be broken
down into monosaccharides before the body can use them as a fuel. Insufficient intake of
carbohydrate during periods of of intense training can lead to depletion of glycogen stores.
Conversly, glycogen loading by consumption of a diet rich in carbohydrate offer major
benefits to performance. Endurance performance can be enhanced when carbohydrates are
consumed up to an hour before exercise,within 5 min of starting exercise, and during
exercise. Exercises can replenish carbohydrate stores rapidly by ingesting carbohydrate.

Fats or lipids, exist in the body as triglycerides, FFAs, phospolipds, and sterols. They
are stored primarily as triglycerides, which are the bodys most concentrated energy souce. A
triglyceride molecule can be broken down into one glycerol and three fatty acid molecules.
Only the FFAs are used by the body for energy production. Although fat is major energy
source, the use of high-fat diets to enhance endurance performance by sparing glycogen has
generally been unsuccessful.


The smallest unit of protein is an amino acid. All protein must be broken down to
amino acids before the body can use them. Only nonessential amino acids can be synthesized
in the body; the essential amino acids must be attainted through diet. Protein is not primary
energy source in our bodies,but it can be used for energy production during endurance
execise. The currernt RDA for protein (0.8g/kg per day) may be to low for athletes involved
in intense resistance training (1.6-1.7 g/kg per day) or for endurance athletes (1.2-1.6g/kg per
day). During the initial days of training or during periods of very intense training the
reqirement might be higher. However,exremly high proteien diets offer no additional benefits
and could offer a health risk to normal kidney function.


Vitamins perform numerous functions in the body and are essential for normal growth
and development . many re involved in metabolic processes, such as those leading to energy
production. Vitamin A,D,E and K are fat soluble. These can accumulate to toxic levels in the
body. B-complex Vitamin, Biotin, Pantothenic acid, folate, and vitamin C are water soluble.
Excesses of these are exreted. So toxicity is rarely a problem. Several of the B-complex
Vitamins are involved the processes of energy production.
Mineral & Water

Mineral are required for numerous physiological processes, such as muscle

contraction,oxygen transport, oxygen transport,fluid balance, and bioneretics. Minerals can
dissociate into ions,which can participate in numerous chemical reactions. Minerals that can
dissociate into ions are called electrolytes. While, water balance depends on electrolyte
balance, and vice versa. At rest, water intake equals water output. Water intake includes water
ingested from foods and fluids and produced as a metabolic by product. The majority of
water output at rest occurs from the kidneys, but water also is lost from skin,from respiratory
tract, and in feces. During exercise metabolic production increases as metabolic rate

Comparison of Postexercise Nutrition Knowledge and Postexercise Carbohydrate and
Protein Intake between Australian Masters and Younger Triathletes.

Postexercise nutrition is a critical component of an athletes recovery from training

and competition. However, little is known about athletes postexercise dietary practices or
knowledge of dietary recommendations, particularly among masters athletes. The purpose of
this study was to compare and contrast the knowledge of postexercise nutritional
recommendations, and typical postexercise intakes of carbohydrate and protein, between
masters and younger triathletes.

Masters triatheles are one of the most rapidly expanding cohorts in the sport of
triathlon. This is particulary evident in long-distance triathlon, in which participation rates of
masters triatheles have increased significantly. For example over 16 period from 1995 to
2010, the percentage of male race finishers over 40 years of age has increased from 23% to
48% at Ironman Switzerland ( Stifel. 2014). Furthermore,over a 25 year period from 1986-
2010, the percentage of male masters triatles (>40 years) completing the Hawai Ironmen
world championships has increased from 31% to 56% (Lepers 2013).

Postexercise nutrition is a critical factor influencing postexercise recovery following

endurance exercise Currently,sports nutrition guidelines recommend that atheletes consume
1.0-1.2 kg of carbohydrate during the immediate postexercise period to replenish both muscle
and liver glycogen stores. Indeed, the rate of muscle glycogen resynthesis following exercise
has been suggested as a primary determinant of the duration required to recover from prior
exercise (Belen 2010). Postexercise protein intake is also vital for skeletal muscle repair and
remodelling following exercise also together with carbohydrate, protein intake is increasingly
being accepted as an essential element of postexercise recovery nutrition for endurance
athletes (Moore 2015). Currently, athletes are recommended to consume 20g of protein
during the immediate postexercise period (Van Loon,2013). To date there has been limited
research examining the dietary practices of masters athletes during the immediate
postexercise period (Beshgetoor&Nichols, 2003).

Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to investigate the knowledge of
postexercise nutritional recommendations among Australian triathletes, and compare and
contrast the postexercise nutritional practices of masters and younger triathletes.
The Effect of Ad Libitum Consumption of a Milk-Based Liquid Meal Supplement vs. a
Traditional Sports Drink on Fluid Balance after Exercise

The aim of this study was to compare the effect of ad libitum intake of a milk-based liquid
meal supplement against a carbohydrate-electrolyte sports drink following exercise induced
fluid loss. Seven male participants (age 22.3 3.4 years, height 179.3 7.9 cm, body mass
74.3 7.3 kg; mean SD) completed 4 separate trials and lost 1.89 0.44% body mass
through moderate intensity exercise in the laboratory. After exercise, participants consumed
ad libitum over 2 h a milk-based liquid meal supplement (Sustagen Sport) on two of the trials
(S1, S2) or a carbohydrate-electrolyte sports drink (Powerade) on two of the trials (P1, P2),
with an additional 1 hr observational period. Measures of body mass, urine output,
gastrointestinal tolerance and palatability were collected throughout the recovery period.

Sweat loss during exercise that excdeeds fluid intake causes hypohydration (Burke&
Hawley, 1997). Manipulating nutrient composition and the volume of rhydration beverages
has been shown to influence fluid retention following exercise (James,Gingell&Evans,2012).
Comsumption of dilute fluids,such as plain water, post exercise leads to a decline in plasma
osmolality and sodium concentration,resulting in increased rates of fluid excretion,potentially
comporomising rehydration (Nose, Mack,Shi & Nadel 1988). However,certain nutrients have
been demonstrated to improve a beverages ability to restore fluid balance after exercise.
Firstly, the addition of sodium to a pstexercise beverage will cause greater fluid retention
(Merson,Maughan&Shirrefs 2008).The addition of carbohydrate to rehydration beverage can
also cause increases in fluid retention following exercise (Clayton,Evans & James 2014).

Recently, milk-based beverages, which contain a wide range of nutrients, have been
shown to enhance fluid retention compared with traditional sports drinks. Furthermore,the
additional energy, protein and sodium in a milk-based liquid meal replacement facilitated
superior fluid retention following exercise in comparasion with the commercial milks.
(Desbrow, 2014). Milk based everages are more effective than sports drinks in restoring fluid
balance after exercise,with urine output shown to be reduced by up to 60% (Shirrefs, Watson,
& Maughan, 2007). Adding 25g of milk protein to a 40g carbohydrate and electrolyte drink
has shown greater 4-hr net fluid balance when compared with isocaloric carbohydrate and
electrolyte only beverage. The observed benefit in fluid retention between milk-based
beverages and commercially available spoerts drinks are likely due to differences in nutrition
composition for example, energy density,carbohydrate,rotein,electrolytes.
However, in keeping with the majority of studies investigating the hydration potential
of milk-based beverages this investigation compared large (2-3 L) fixed volumes of fluid
consumed over short periods 1 hour immediately after exercise. Fluid consumption under
these conditions resulted in participants reporting reduced palatability and gastrointestinal
tolerance to milk beverages.

The amalgamation of this studies finding indicates fixed volume rehydration of milk-
based drinks are an effective rehydration option compared with sports drinks,: yet
dehydration potential and gastrointestinal tolerance af these drinks when consumed and
libitum rehydration remains unknown. In addition, the choice of beverage type and volume
consumed after exercise may be influenced by broader dietary goals associated with daily
requirements of many different nutrients. Milk-based liquid meal supplements are commonly
used to promote muscle protein replenishing after exercise and provide practical rehydration
potential to athletes. While the constituents of milk-based beverages appear to offer benefits
for fluid retention after exercise ,it is unclear if these beverages would also be advantageous
when consumed under conditions in which the volume of fluid intake is not prescribed.
Effects of Three Oral Nutritional Supplements on Human Hydration Indices

Water is a vital for human metabolism,movement of subtances into and out of cells,
cardiovascular function,temperature regulation and many other homeostastic processes.
Because the kidneys are primarily responsible for the maintenance of body water and
electrolytes, urinary hydration biomarkers have been identified as valid indices of hydration
status in a variety a laboratory enviroments (Armstrong, 2007). One validated urine colour
chart(UCC) depicts typical urine colours ranging from pale yellow to brown and represent the
sum total of daily fluid turnover, solute exretion, fluid intake volume and urochrome

It is well known that Ucol represents endogeneous metabolism, but it is possible that
dietary content and nutritional supplements may also influence urinary composition
(JA, 2005, Rasmussen 2011, walsh 2006). Previous nutritional studies have identified
changes in Ucol after supplementation with beetroot, vitamin C, and riboflavin,these
nutritional supplements were selected due to their relevance and popularity with athletes and
members of the general public. Firstly, beetroot has gained attention within the scientific
community due to a number of studies evaluating it as a source of antioxidations and for its
effects on blood pressure and athletic performance. Beetroot ingestion has been purported to
change urine colour to shades of red pink (Graff, 1983. Ross 1983,Simmerville 2005).
Secondly, vitamin C,the most widely consumed vitamin supplement throughout the world
(Naidu, 2003) and has reportedly changed urine colour to orange (Blows 2013).
Thirdly,riboflavin is highly regulated, water soluble vitamin present in a variety of fortified
food and multivitamins,which are ingested by a great deal of athletes and nonathletes. After
ingestion, urine colour may appear neon yellow. (Graff 1983, Slawson, 1980). It is prudent to
investigate the potential influence of these nutritional supplements on urine colour to prevent
the potential misdiagnosis of hydration state, which could lead to participants of the UCC
either over-or underhydrating as as a result of the urinary chromatographic characteristics.

Therefore,the overall of this study was to assess the afficacy of U col as in indicator of
hydration status after nutritional supplementation with beetroot (880 mg), vitamin C (1000
mg), and riboflavin (200 mg), when consumed at does recommended by the manufacturer.
We hypothesized that both 24 hour urine colour and single sample urine colour would be
altered by beetroot, vitamin C and riboflavin supplementation.


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