Paola Hurtado: Assignment Stress, Health, and Ethic

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1. Good health is more a combination of several factors among which we

have genetics, because studies show that people whose family members
showed good health and a long life, have a longer life expectancy than
others with a less healthy genetic background.
However, health should also be taken care of the above is not valid if
a person has bad habits, is neglected and performs activities that
attempt against it because obviously already loses its good health,
even if it comes in their genes. The body should be taken care of as

2. Adele, as is normal should feel very worried and sometimes

depressed thinking that at any time can lead to death, however, the
first is that you should receive psychological support to better
understand your illness, what is happening to your Body, the way it
reacts the symptoms of its evil, to be able to accept that the
situation that is happening to you and to be filled with courage to
face it with the appropriate medical treatments, besides being a
cancer is something treatable and can be cured, But you need positive
energy and desire to get ahead for your body to react better to the
medications you are getting.

3. In this case the patient should understand the risks and potential
benefits of the treatment, it should be informed that it is only in
the experimental phase, which could cause unknown consequences or
reactions in your body, and the results may vary, but also a Hope for
improvement and possible cure.
The ethical questions are that doctors are experimenting with human
beings, something that may have not very good consequences, but in
their goal to save lives, they try to try new medicines to help
patients in serious condition. In my opinion it is something that they
must do, because their profession consists in exhausting all the
resources to save the life of the people.

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