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Bethlehem University

Faculty of Business Administration

Marketing Research
BUSA 311

First (1st) Exam

Date: 19/3/2011 Time: 11:00 am Duration: 60 minutes


Section ONE
Multiple Choice Questions

1) In general, the purpose of a Marketing Research is to:

a) Identify a problem
b) Solve a current problem
c) A & B
d) None of the above

3) The purpose of the Exploratory (Qualitative) Research is to:

a) Choose the right people for data collection
b) Explain the secondary data available to the researcher
c) Make the decision maker understand the problem
d) Non of the above

4) Collecting the right data from the field requires:

a) All of the below
b) Strong knowledge of the problem
c) Good knowledge of the research structure
d) Good coordination and organization skills
5) Choosing the right hypothesis for your research is part of:
a) Preparing the report for the research
b) Descriptive research design
c) Preparing the research approach
d) Analyzing relevant secondary data

6) Some tools for conducting an exploratory research to identify a
problem are:
a) General interviews & regular surveys
b) Syndicated services
c) Case studies & In-depth focus groups
d) All of the above

7) The outcomes for the exploratory research can be:

a) To conduct a conclusive research
b) To conduct an additional and deeper exploratory research
c) To look for more details about the problem
d) All of the above

8) A marketing research must:

a) Help the decision maker understand the problem
b) Answer research questions
c) Minimize the risk of taking wrong decisions
d) All of the above

9) To look for information about the problem, the researcher may

a) Past info from within the company
b) New technological advancements
c) Legal factors
d) All of the above

10) Budgeting for a marketing research, the researcher must consider:

a) Period of time needed
b) Money
c) Expenses
d) All of the above

11) After collecting primary data, the researcher must:

a) Collect more data about the details of the problem to produce results
b) Check data integrity, perform editing and start analyzing to produce
c) Start analyzing immediately and produce results
d) Ask the decision maker for help

12) Which of the following is false?

a) Every problem is an opportunity in disguise
b) Primary data collection is a major step only for a complicated marketing
c) A marketing research only provides suggestions not implementation
d) Decision makers must understand the specific details of the problem
13) Which of the following is true?
a) Every marketing research has a unique objective that was never done
b) A good researcher will not show all the findings of the research to the
decision maker
c) Choosing the research hypothesis is part of the research design
d) A problem audit is only necessary for financial organizations

14) The researcher will perform data analysis for:

a) All of the below
b) Questionnaires
c) Interviews
d) Observational data

15) If you want to conduct a research to study how sales will change if
the company modifies the prices, you will:
a) Conduct a longitudinal research
b) An experimental causal research
c) A detailed exploratory research
d) A conclusive research

16) To maintain a high quality of the research, the researcher must:

a) Collect the right data from the field and concentrate on secondary
b) Collect all the necessary data from different sources to answer all the
research questions
c) Document every step of the research properly
d) All of the above

17 The researcher must be fully aware of the problem details when:

a) Conducting causal research
b) Conducting cross-sectional research
c) Conducting a longitudinal causal research
d) All of the above

18) The approach part of the marketing research must include:

a) Models of work
b) Analytical framework
c) The research questions
d) All of the above

19) Random Sampling errors are:

a) Errors resulting from random reasons
b) Errors resulting from the sample chosen for the research
c) Errors resulting from analyzing the data collected
d) All of the above

20) Analytical Frameworks can be presented in which of the following

a) Verbal presentation
b) Mathematical presentation
c) Graphical presentation
d) All of the above

21) Data collection from the field can be done through:

a) Questionnaires
b) Syndicated services
c) Sales reports
d) All of the above

22) When we compare Longitudinal & Cross-Sectional designs which of

the following is true?
a) A Cross-Sectional design is better at detecting change than a
Longitudinal design
b) A Longitudinal design contains more data than a Cross-Sectional design
c) A Longitudinal design is less accurate than a Cross-Sectional design
d) None of the above

23) In the formal selection process of a "Marketing Researcher", the

decision maker must consider:
e) Access to information
f) Prior experience of the researcher
g) The reputation of the researcher
h) All of the above

24) Which of the following is false?

a) Marketing Information Systems (MIS) are a form of Business intelligence
b) Documentation is important for Marketing Research reporting
c) Analytical frameworks only shows the variables or reasons of the problem
d) Full problem definition is about showing symptoms and causes of the

25) A professional researcher must be:

a) Skilled & good looking
b) Objective & Systematic
c) Energetic & expert in the field of the research problem
d) All of the above

Section TWO
True or False Questions

1) Data transcribing is used for questionnaires and large surveys.

True or False

2) A problem audit is used to explain the problem to the researcher but not the
decision maker.

True or False

3) It is important to knowing the six steps of the marketing research but not the

True or False

4) A "panel" is a group of people used for data collection for any research

True or False

5) The researcher must train the data collection staff properly and always
supervise their work.

True or False

6) Any limitations in the marketing research must be discussed with the

decision maker before continuing with the research.

True or False

7) A very experienced researcher can avoid some of the Marketing Research

steps to save time.

True or False

8) The researcher must conduct secondary data analysis to identify the


True or False

9) After finishing the research, the researcher must implement the

recommendations of the research.
True or False

10) As a first step, the researcher and decision makers must agree on the
details of the Marketing Research problem.

True or False

11) The researcher does not participate in primary data collection.

True or False

12) Some of the primary data collection tools include interviews, questionnaires
and focus groups.

True or False

13) In a causal Research, Sales is considered a dependent variable and the

"price" is considered an independent variable.

True or False

14) In the information value chain, data is transformed into information and
information is transformed into knowledge.

True or False

15) A good problem definition must be broad and very specific.

True or False


Read the Questions Carefully
Think Logically

Good Luck

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