Unbalanced Fault

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ELE B7 Power System Engineering

Unbalanced Fault Analysis

Analysis of Unbalanced Systems

z Except for the balanced three-phase fault, faults

result in an unbalanced system.
z The most common types of faults are single line-
ground (SLG) and line-line (LL). Other types are
double line-ground (DLG), open conductor, and
balanced three phase.
z The easiest method to analyze unbalanced system
operation due to faults is through the use of
symmetrical components

ELE B7 Slide # 1
Symmetrical Components

z The key idea of symmetrical component analysis is

to decompose the unbalanced system into three
sequence of balanced networks. The networks are
then coupled only at the point of the unbalance (i.e.,
the fault)
z The three sequence networks are known as the
positive sequence (this is the one weve been using)
negative sequence
zero sequence

ELE B7 Slide # 2
Symmetrical Components

Sequence Currents
Unbalance Currents Balance
zero sequence
IA Zero
Unsymmetrical Sequence positive sequence
Fault IC
Symmetrical Three
Unbalance components Sequence balanced
System Systems

IB Negative

negative sequence

ELE B7 Slide # 3
Symmetrical Components

Assuming three unbalance voltage phasors, VA, VB and VC having a positive

sequence (abc). Using symmetrical components it is possible to represent each
phasor voltage as:

VA = VA0 + VA+ + VA
Zero Sequence Component
VB = V + V + V
B B Positive Sequence Component

VC = VC0 + VC+ + VC Negative Sequence Component

Where the symmetrical components are:

ELE B7 Slide # 4
Symmetrical Components
+ + +
The Positive Sequence Components ( VA , VB , VC ) VC+ VA+
Three phasors 120 o
Equal in magnitude 120 o 120 o
Displaced by 120o in phase
Having the same sequence as the original phasors (abc) VB+

The Negative Sequence Components ( VA , VB , VC )

Three phasors V VA
Equal in magnitude 120 o
Displaced by 120o in phase 120 o 120 o
Having the opposite sequence as the original phasors (acb)

0 0 0
The zero Sequence Components ( VA , VB , VC )
Three phasors
Equal in magnitude
Having the same phase shift ( in phase) VC0
ELE B7 Slide # 5
VA = VA0 + VA+ + VA
Zero V A0 VB = VB0 + VB+ + VB
VB 0
Sequence VC = VC0 + VC+ + VC
VC 0
V A0
V A+
VC = 0
Positive VC + 120 o
Sequence V A+
120 o

VB + VC = 0

VB Negative 120 o
Unbalance Sequence 120 o VC
Synthesis Unsymmetrical phasors
Voltage VB
using symmetrical components

ELE B7 Slide # 6
Sequence Set Representation

z Any arbitrary set of three phasors, say Ia, Ib, Ic can

be represented as a sum of the three sequence sets
I a = I a0 + I a+ + I a
I b = I b0 + I b+ + I b
I c = I c0 + I c+ + I c
I a0 , I b0 , I c0 is the zero sequence set
I a+ , I b+ , I c+ is the positive sequence set
I a , I b , I c is the negative sequence set
ELE B7 Slide # 7
Conversion Sequence to Phase

Only three of the sequence values are unique,

I0a , I a+ , I a ; the others are determined as follows:
= 1120 +2 + 3 = 0 3 = 1
Ia = I b = Ic
0 0 0
(since by definition they are all equal)
I b+ = 2 I a+ I c+ = I a+ I b = I a I c+ = 2 I a

Ia 1
1 1 1 1 1 a I 0

I = I0 1 + I + 2 + I = 1 2 I +
b a a a a
I c 1 2 1 2 I
ELE B7 Slide # 8
Conversion Sequence to Phase

Define the symmetrical components transformation

1 1 1

A = 1 2

1 2

Ia I 0
I 0

+ +
Then I = I b = A I a = A I = A I s

I c
I a I
ELE B7 Slide # 9
Conversion Phase to Sequence

By taking the inverse we can convert from the

phase values to the sequence values
I s = A 1I
1 1 1
1 1 2
with A = 1
1 2

Sequence sets can be used with voltages as well
as with currents

ELE B7 Slide # 10
If the values of the fault currents in a three phase system are:
I A = 150 45 I B = 250 150 I C = 100 300
Find the symmetrical components?



ELE B7 Slide # 11
If the values of the sequence voltages in a three phase system are:
Vo = 100 V+ = 200 60 V = 100 120
Find the three phase voltages
V A = 200 60 + 100 120 + 100
V A = 300 60
V B = 1 240( 200 60 ) + 1120( 100 120 ) + 100
V B = 300 60

VC = 1120( 200 60 ) + 1 240( 100 120 ) + 100

VC = 0
ELE B7 Slide # 12
Use of Symmetrical Components
Consider the following wye-connected load:
I n = I a + Ib + I c
Vag = I a Z y + I n Z n
Vag = ( ZY + Z n ) I a + Z n I b + Z n I c
Vbg = Z n I a + ( ZY + Z n ) I b + Z n I c
Vcg = Z n I a + Z n I b + ( ZY + Z n ) I c
Vag Z y + Zn Zn Zn Ia

Vbg = Z n Z y + Zn Z n Ib

V Z Zn Z y + Z n I c
cg n
Slide # 13
Use of Symmetrical Components

Vag Z y + Zn Zn Zn Ia

Vbg = Z n Z y + Zn Z n Ib

V Z Zn Z y + Z n I c
cg n

V = Z I V = A Vs I = A Is
A Vs = Z A I s Vs = A 1 Z A I s
Z y + 3Z n 0 0
A ZA = 0 Zy 0
0 0 Z y

ELE B7 Slide # 14
Networks are Now Decoupled

V 0 Z y + 3Z n 0 0 I 0
+ +
V = 0 Zy 0 I

V 0 0 Z y I

Systems are decoupled
V 0 = ( Z y + 3Z n ) I 0 V+ = Zy I+

V = Zy I

ELE B7 Slide # 15

z When studying unbalanced system operation how a

system is grounded can have a major impact on the
fault flows
z Ground current only impacts zero sequence system
z In previous example if load was ungrounded the
zero sequence network is (with Zn equal infinity):

ELE B7 Slide # 16
Sequence diagrams for lines

z Similar to what we did for loads, we can develop

sequence models for other power system devices,
such as lines, transformers and generators
z For transmission lines, assume we have the
following, with mutual impedances

ELE B7 Slide # 17
Sequence diagrams for lines, contd

Assume the phase relationships are

Va Zs Zm Zm Ia
V = Z Z Z I
b m s m b
Vc Z m Z m Z s I c
Z s = self impedance of the phase
Zm = mutual impedance between the phases
Writing in matrix form we have
V = Z I
ELE B7 Slide # 18
Sequence diagrams for lines, contd

Similar to what we did for the loads, we can convert

these relationships to a sequence representation
V = Z I V = A Vs I = A Is
A Vs = Z A Is Vs = A 1 Z A I s
Z s + 2Z m 0 0
A 1 Z A = 0 Zs Zm 0

0 0 Z s Z m
Thus the system is again decoupled. A rule of thumb
is that Z+ = Z and Z0 is approximate 3 times Z+ .
ELE B7 Slide # 19
Sequence diagrams for generators

z Key point: generators only produce positive

sequence voltages; therefore only the positive
sequence has a voltage source

During a fault Z+ Z Xd. The zero

sequence impedance is usually substantially
smaller. The value of Zn depends on whether
the generator is grounded
ELE B7 Slide # 20
Sequence diagrams for Transformers

z The positive and negative sequence diagrams for

transformers are similar to those for transmission
z The zero sequence network depends upon both how
the transformer is grounded and its type of
connection. The easiest to understand is a double
grounded wye-wye

ELE B7 Slide # 21
Transformer Sequence Diagrams

ELE B7 Slide # 22
Unbalanced Fault Analysis
z The first step in the analysis of unbalanced faults is
to assemble the three sequence networks.
z Consider the following example
VT =1.05 VT =1.05
T1 T2 fault
Transmission Line
G1 G2

MVA Voltage X+ X- Xo
G1 100 11 kV 0.15 0.17 0.05
G2 100 11 kV 0.20 0.21 0.1
T1 100 11/220kV 0. 1 0.1 0.1
T2 100 11/220kV 0.1 0.1 0.1
Line 100 220kV 0.105 0.105 0.315

ELE B7 Slide # 23
Sequence Diagrams for Example
Positive Sequence Network
J0.15 J0.1 J0.105 J0.1 J0.2

1.050o 1.050o

Negative Sequence Network

J0.17 J0.1 J0.105 J0.1 J0.21

ELE B7 Slide # 24
Sequence Diagrams for Example

Zero Sequence Network

J0.05 J0.1 J0.315 J0.1 J0.1


ELE B7 Slide # 25
Create Thevenin Equivalents

z Second is to calculate the Thevenin equivalents as

seen from the fault location. In this example the
fault is at the terminal of the right machine so the
Thevenin equivalents are:
j 0 . 1389 I a+ I a I a0
++ +
1 .05 0 0 E Va j 0 .1456 V a j 0 . 25 V a0
- -
Zth+ = j 0.2 in parallel with j0.455
Zth = j 0.21 in parallel with j0.475
ELE B7 Slide # 26
Single Line-to-Ground (SLG) Faults

z Unbalanced faults unbalance the network, but only

at the fault location. This causes a coupling of the
sequence networks. How the sequence networks
are coupled depends upon the fault type. Well
derive these relationships for several common
z With a SLG fault only one phase has non-zero fault
current -- well assume it is phase A.

ELE B7 Slide # 27
SLG Faults, contd
Ignoring prefault currents, the
SLG fault can be described by
the following voltage and
current relationships: Ia Va
Ib Ic

Ib = 0 & Ic = 0 Zf
Vb Vc

Va = I a Z f

The terminal unbalance currents at the fault point can be

transferred into their sequence components as follows:
I a0 1 1 1 I a

1 Ia

I + = 1
a 3

I a0 = I a+ = I a =

1 2 0
I Slide # 28
SLG Faults, contd
During fault,
Va Va
Ia = and I ao =
Zf 3Z f

The terminal voltage at phase a can be transferred into

its sequence components as:
Va = Va0 + Va+ + Va
V V 0
+ V + V
I a0 = a = a a a
3Z f 3Z f

ELE B7 Slide # 29
SLG Faults, contd
The only way that these two constraint can be satisfied
is by coupling the sequence networks in series
I ao I ao
I ao
Zero Zero
Sequence Vao Sequence Vao Vao
Circuit Circuit
I a+ Ia+ Ia+
Ib Ic
Ia Va
Positive Positive 1 0 Z+
Zf Vb Vc Sequence Va + Sequence Va + 3Z f E Va + 3Z f
Circuit Circuit
I a Ia Ia

Negative Negative
I = I = I
0 Va Va Z Va
Sequence Sequence
a a a Circuit Circuit

Va Va0 + Va+ + Va
I =
a =
3Z f 3Z f

ELE B7 Slide # 30
z Consider the following system
VT =1.05 VT =1.05
T1 T2 fault
Transmission Line
G1 G2


z Its Thevenin equivalents as seen from the fault

location are:
j 0 . 1389 I a+ I a I a0
++ +
1 .05 0 0 E Vf j 0 .1456 V f j 0 . 25 V f0
- -
ELE B7 Slide # 31
Example, contd
j 0 . 1389
I a

1 . 05 0 0
+ +
E a
With the sequence networks in I

series, we can solve for the fault j 0 . 1456 V a

currents I 0

j 0 . 25 0
V a

1 . 050 0
I a+ = I a = I a0 = = j1.964
j (0.1389 + 0.1456 + 0.25)
I = AI s I a = j 5.8 (of course, I b = I c = 0)
NOTE 1: These are the currents at the SLG fault point.
The currents in the system during the SLG fault should be
computed by analyzing the sequence circuits.
ELE B7 Slide # 32
Example, contd
From the sequence currents we can find the sequence
voltages as follows:
Va+ = 1.0500 I a+ Z + , Va = I a Z , Va0 = I ao Z o
V = AVs Va = 0, Vb = 1.166 j 0.178 , Vc = 1.166 + j 0.178

NOTE 2: These are the voltages at the SLG fault point.

The voltages at other locations in the system (during the
SLG fault) should be computed by analyzing the
sequence circuits.

ELE B7 Slide # 33
Line-to-Line (LL) Faults

z The second most common fault

is line-to-line, which occurs
when two of the conductors
come in contact with each Ia Ib Ic
other. With out loss of Va Vb Z f Vc
generality we'll assume phases
b and c.
Current relationships: I a = 0 & Ib = Ic
Voltage relationships: Vb = Vc + I b Z f

ELE B7 Slide # 34
LL Faults, cont'd
Using the current relationships, we get
I a0 0
1 1 1

I + 1
= 1 2
a 3

1 2 I
I a b
Therefore, = 1120
I =0
= 0.5 + j 0.866
I = ( 2 ) I b
2 = 1240
2 = 0.5 j 0.866
1 2
I a = ( ) I b

2 = j 3
2 = j 3
Hence I a = I a+
ELE B7 Slide # 35
LL Faults, con'td
Therefore, it is obvious that, during a LL
Faults there is no zero sequence components Zo Vao = 0

in the sequence circuit that represents this I a0 = 0

fault. Va0 = I a0 Z 0 = 0
During LL fault,
I =0
we have:
Vb = Vc + I b Z f
Using the symmetrical components,
Vb = Va0 + 2Va+ + Va Ia
+ +
Vc = Va0 + Va+ + 2Va Va Vb Vc
_ _ _
I b Z f = Z f ( I a0 + 2 I a+ + I a )
ELE B7 Slide # 36
LL Faults, con'td
Va0 + 2Va+ + Va = Va0 + Va+ + 2Va + Z f ( I a0 + 2 I a+ + I a )
Substitute for I a0 = 0 Va0 = I a0 Z 0 = 0 I a+ = I a
Then, ( 2 )Va+ = ( 2 )Va + ( 2 ) I a+ Z f
Va+ = Va + I a+ Z f
To satisfy I a = I a+ , Va+ = Va + I a+ Z f and I a0 = 0 ,
the positive and negative sequence networks must be
connected in parallel I ao I ao
I =0
0 Zero
V ao
Sequence Vao
Sequence Z+
a Circuit
Circuit Va +
Ia+ Ia+ E

I a+ = I a Positive
Sequence Va+ Positive
Sequence Va +
Circuit Zf
Ia Ib Ic Ia
Z Va
+ +
Va Vb Z f Vc V =V + I Zf
a a a
Va Negative
Sequence Va

ELE B7 Slide # 37
LL Faults-Example
In the previous example, assume a phase-b-to-phase-c
fault occurs at the busbar of generator 2 (G2)
j 0 .1389 I a+ I a+ I a
j 0 . 1389 Zf
1.0500 Va+
Va+ Va
1 .05 0 0 E
j 0 . 1456
I a

j 0.1456 Va
Solving the network for the currents, we get
I a0
+ 1.0500
Va0 I = = 3.691 900
j (0.1389 + 0.1456)
j0.25 a

I a 1 1 1 0 0

Note: Zf = 0 I 1


b = 3 1 3.691 90 = 6.39

1 3.69190 0

I c 2
ELE B7 Slide # 38
LL Faults-Example, cont'd

Solving the network for the voltages we get

V fa = 1.050 j 0.1389 3.691 90 = 0.5370
V fa = j 0.1452 3.69190 = 0.5370
Vaf 1 1 1 0 1.074
Vb = 1
0.537 = 0.537

f 1 2 0.537 0.537

ELE B7 Slide # 39
Double Line-to-Ground Faults
z With a double line-to-ground (DLG) fault two line
conductors come in contact both with each other
and ground. We'll assume these are phases b and c.
The voltage and the current relationships are:

Vb = Vc
Vb = Vc = ( I b + I c ) Z f
Ia = 0
Ia Ib Ic

Va Vb Vc
Ia = I + I + I = 0
a a a

Note, because of the path to ground the zero sequence

current is no longer zero. Slide # 40
DLG Faults, cont'd
Using the symmetrical components, the terminal
voltages are: +
Vb = Vb + Vb + Vb

Vb = Va0 + 2Va+ + Va

Vc = Va0 + Va+ + 2Va

Vb = Vc
Va0 + 2Va+ + Va = Va0 + Va+ + 2Va

( 2 )Va+ = ( 2 )Va
Va+ = Va

ELE B7 Slide # 41
DLG Faults, cont'd
Using the symmetrical components, the terminal
currents are: I b = I a0 + 2 I a+ + I a

I c = I a0 + I a+ + 2 I a

The voltage between fault terminal and ground is:

Vb = Vc = ( I b + I c ) Z f
Express the above equation in terms of its symmetrical
Va0 + 2Va+ + Va = ( I a0 + 2 I a+ + I a + I a0 + I a+ + 2 I a ) Z f

Using Va+ = Va , 1 + + 2 = 0 & I a = I a0 + I a+ + I a = 0

Then Va0 Va+ = 3I a0 Z f
ELE B7 Slide # 42
DLG Faults, cont'd
To satisfy I a = I a0 + I a+ + I a = 0 , Va+ = Va &
the three symmetrical circuits, during a double line to
ground fault, are connected as follows:
I ao I ao
I ao
Zero Vao Zo Vao
Sequence Vao
3Z f 3Z f
Circuit Ia+
I a+
1 0 Z+
Positive Positive E Va +
Sequence Va + Sequence Va +
Ia Ib Ic Circuit Circuit Va+ = Va
Ia Ia
Va Vb Vc
Zf Va Negative Z Va
Circuit Sequence Va
I a = I a0 + I a+ + I a = 0
Va0 Va+ = 3I a0 Z f
Va0 Va+ = 3I a0 Z f

ELE B7 Slide # 43
DLG Faults-Example
In previous example, assume DLG fault occurred at
G2 bus.
I a0

j 0 . 25 V a0
3Z f j 0 . 1389 I a+ I a I a0
I a+
V a+ j 0 . 1456 V a V a0 j 0 . 25
1 . 05 0 0 E j 0 . 1389 V a 1 . 05 0 0 E
I a
3Z f

j 0 . 1456 V a
Assuming Zf=0, then
V 1 . 050 0
I a+ = +
Z + Z //( Z + 3Z f ) j (0.1389 + j 0.092)

= 4.547 900
ELE B7 Slide # 44
DLG Faults, cont'd

j 0 . 1389 I a+ I a I a0
V a+ j 0 . 1456 V a V a0 j 0 . 25

1 . 05 0 0 E

3Z f

V fa+ = 1.05 4.547 90 j 0.1389 = 0.4184

I fa = 0.4184 / j 0.1456 = j 2.874
I 0fa = I +fa I fa = j 4.547 j 2.874 = j1.673
Converting to phase: I bf = 1.04 + j 6.82
I cf = 1.04 + j 6.82
ELE B7 Slide # 45
Unbalanced Fault Summary

z SLG: Sequence networks are connected in series,

parallel to three times the fault impedance
z LL: Positive and negative sequence networks are
connected in parallel; zero sequence network is not
included since there is no path to ground
z DLG: Positive, negative and zero sequence
networks are connected in parallel, with the zero
sequence network including three times the fault

ELE B7 Slide # 46
Generalized System Solution

z Assume we know the pre-fault voltages

z The general procedure is then
1. Calculate Zbus for each sequence
2. For a fault at bus i, the Zii values are the Thevenin
equivalent impedances; the pre-fault voltage is the
positive sequence Thevenin voltage
3. Connect and solve the Thevenin equivalent
sequence networks to determine the fault current;
how the sequence networks are interconnected
depends upon the fault type
ELE B7 Slide # 47
Generalized System Solution, contd

4. Sequence voltages throughout the system are given

by 0
This is solved
0 for each

V = V prefault + Z I f sequence
0 network!

5. Phase values are determined from the sequence values
ELE B7 Slide # 48
Unbalanced System Example

Bus 1 Bus 2

G1 G2

Bus 3

For the generators assume Z+ = Z = j0.2; Z0 = j0.05

For the transformers assume Z+ = Z =Z0 = j0.05
For the lines assume Z+ = Z = j0.1; Z0 = j0.3
Assume unloaded pre-fault, with voltages =1.0 p.u.
ELE B7 Slide # 49
Positive/Negative Sequence Network
Bus 1 Bus 2
j0.2 j0.05 j0.3 j0.05 j0.2

1.00o 1.00o
j0.3 j0.3
Bus 3

24 10 10 0.1397 0.1103 0.125

Ybus = j 10 24 10 Zbus+
= 0.1103 0.1397 0.125

10 10 20 0.1250 0.1250 0.175
Negative sequence is identical to positive sequence
ELE B7 Slide # 50
Zero Sequence Network

Bus 1 Bus 2
j0.05 j0.05 j0.3 j0.05 j0.05

j0.3 j0.3
Bus 3

16.66 3.33 3.33 0.0732 0.0148 0.0440

Ybus = j 3.33 26.66 3.33 Zbus
= 0.0148 0.0435 0.0.292

3.33 3.33 6.66 0.0440 0.0292 0.1866
ELE B7 Slide # 51
For a SLG Fault at Bus 3
The sequence networks are created using the pre-fault
voltage for the positive sequence thevenin voltage,
and the Zbus diagonals for the thevenin impedances
j 0 . 1750

1 .0 0 0 E j 0 .1750 j 0 . 1866

Positive Seq. Negative Seq. Zero Seq.

The fault type then determines how the networks are

ELE B7 Slide # 52
Bus 3 SLG Fault, contd

I +f = = j1.863
j (0.1750 + 0.1750 + 0.1866)
If = If = 0
If = j1.863
1.00 0 0.7671
V+ = 1.00 + Zbus +
0 = 0.7671

1.00 j1.863 0.6740
0 0.2329

V = Zbus 0 = 0.2329

j1.863 0.3260
ELE B7 Slide # 53
Bus 3 SLG Fault, contd

0 0.0820
V 0 = Z bus 0 = 0.0544

j1.863 0.3479
We can then calculate the phase voltages at any bus
0.3479 0
V3 = A 0.6740 = 0.522 j 0.866

0.3260 0.522 + j 0.866
0.0820 0.4522
V1 = A 0.7671 = 0.3491 j 0.866

0.2329 0.3491 + j 0.866
ELE B7 Slide # 54
Faults on Lines

z The previous analysis has assumed that the fault is

at a bus. Most faults occur on transmission lines,
not at the buses
z For analysis these faults are treated by including a
dummy bus at the fault location. How the
impedance of the transmission line is then split
depends upon the fault location

ELE B7 Slide # 55
Line Fault Example
Assume a SLG fault occurs on the previous system
on the line from bus 1 to bus 3, one third of the way
from bus 1 to bus 3. To solve the system we add a
dummy bus, bus 4, at the fault location
Bus 1 Bus 2
j0.25 j0.1 j0.25

1.00o 1.00o
fault bus Bus 3

Bus 4

ELE B7 Slide # 56
Line Fault Example, contd
44 10 0 30
The Ybus 10 24 10
+ 0
now has Ybus = j
4 buses 0 10 25 15
30 0 15 45

Adding the dummy bus only changes the new
row/column entries associated with the dummy bus
0.1397 0.1103 0.1250 0.1348
0.1103 0.1397 0.1250 0.1152
Zbus = j
0.1250 0.1250 0.1750 0.1417
0.1348 0.1593
0.1152 0.1417
Slide # 57

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