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Discipline Referral Process

Elizabeth Hall International

1. Investigate incident
a. Talk to and document report from adult witness
b. Have adult complete the Major Referral Form
c. Talk to both (all) students involved and document their
2. Determine Consequences
a. If students can return to class, students fix it with each
other, then walk them to class and fix it with the
classroom teacher/adult witness
b. If students are not able to return to class and ISS is
appropriate, document consequence at the bottom of
referral form. Gather homework from teacher, and notify
teacher. Use room 141, or if needed a younger grade
c. If students are not able to return to class and OSS is
appropriate, consult with admin and carry out
consequence, document on bottom of referral form, and
notify teachers
i. Notify Eleanor about suspension letter
1. Provide copies to attendance office, admin,
classroom teachers
ii. Make parent phone call and document in CFS or call
iii. Deliver signed suspension letter to student, or place
in US mail if parent contact was made.
iv. Arrange re-entry meeting time with parent (this time
should be added to the suspension letter)
d. Send an email to admin and student support team
with name of student, number of days suspended,
day and time of reentry meeting, and who will be
attending and facilitating re-entry meeting
3. Plan for re-entry meeting
a. If appropriate give student reflection sheet to be
completed with family at home
b. Prepare documents for re-entry meeting
i. Reflection questions
ii. Incident report with documented details

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