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The effect of illumination on the formation of metal

halide perovskite films
AmitaUmmadisingu1, LudmillaSteier1, Ji-YounSeo1, TaisukeMatsui1, AntonioAbate1, WolfgangTress1 & MichaelGrtzel1

Optimizing the morphology of metal halide perovskite films is an in the MAI solution. As seen in the CLSM image and the corresponding
important way to improve the performance of solar cells1 when these scanning electron microscopy (SEM) inset in Fig. 1a, the freshly spin-
materials are used as light harvesters2, because film homogeneity coated PbI2 film shows no distinct features that can be attributed to
is correlated with photovoltaic performance 3. Many device crystals. According to the literature12, crystalline metal halides show
architectures and processing techniques have been explored with the stronger luminescence when compared with amorphous compo-
aim of achieving high-performance devices4, including single-step nents. Spots with a prominent PbI2 emission, distinguishable from the
deposition5, sequential deposition6,7 and anti-solvent methods1,8. surrounding PbI2, are observed in the CLSM image of a sample dipped
Earlier studies have looked at the influence of reaction conditions for 6s (Fig. 1b). They correspond in size and shape (hexagonal platelets
on film quality3, such as the concentration of the reactants9,10 and characteristic of the 2H polytype of PbI2; refs 1315) to the crystals seen
the reaction temperature11. However, the precise mechanism of the in the SEM inset of Fig. 1b, indicating that PbI2 crystallizes before the
reaction and the main factors that govern it are poorly understood. formation of perovskite.
The consequent lack of control is the main reason for the large Only with an increased dipping time (8s) do we detect small amounts
variability observed in perovskite morphology and the related solar- of perovskite (shown in red), present in the central parts of the crys-
cell performance2,3. Here we show that light has a strong influence on talline PbI2 clusters, in the CLSM image (Fig. 1c). This indicates that
the rate of perovskite formation and on film morphology in both of the onset of intercalation6,13,16 of MAI into the PbI2 crystals occurs
the main deposition methods currently used: sequential deposition subsequent to the crystallization of PbI2. This is followed by structural
and the anti-solvent method. We study the reaction of a metal reorganization, which results in PbI2perovskite mixed crystals, and to
halide (lead iodide) with an organic compound (methylammonium our knowledge such observations have not been previously reported.
iodide) using confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy The progress of the intercalation is apparent in Fig. 1d and e, which
and scanning electron microscopy. The lead iodide crystallizes show a sample dipped for 10 and 60s, respectively.
before the intercalation of methylammonium iodide commences, We then study the CLSM images of samples dipped in MAI solution
producing the methylammonium lead iodide perovskite. We find under 1Sun illumination (Fig. 1fi). Comparing these images with
that the formation of perovskite via such a sequential deposition those obtained from samples made in the dark, we notice major differ-
is much accelerated by light. The influence of light on morphology ences. (1) The intercalation commences and ends much earlier under
is reflected in a doubling of solar-cell efficiency. Conversely, using illumination, indicating that the rate of perovskite formation is greatly
the anti-solvent method to form methyl ammonium lead iodide increased. (2) Crystals formed under illumination are smaller and
perovskite in a single step from the same starting materials, we more numerous (additional observations are given in Supplementary
find that the best photovoltaic performance is obtained when Information).
films are produced in the dark. The discovery of light-activated At this point, we investigate the nucleation mode of the PbI2 film.
crystallization not only identifies a previously unknown source The images of the film at increasing times of exposure to the MAI solu-
of variability in opto-electronic properties, but also opens up new tion in the dark (Fig. 1bd) show that the number of crystals does not
ways of tuning morphology and structuring perovskites for various increase after the initial nucleation. This indicates essentially instan-
applications. taneous nucleation, such that new nuclei do not form after the initial
To begin with, we investigate the effect of light on perovskite for- seconds of dipping. This shows that the PbI2 crystals originate from a
mation by sequential deposition. In this method, lead iodide (PbI2) finite number of potential nuclei formed during the PbI2 deposition
is deposited onto a mesoporous TiO2 scaffold, which is then dipped step17. This can be understood by considering the thermal history of
in a methylammonium iodide (CH3NH3I; MAI) solution to con- the film. Its rapid drying, after deposition at 70C, results in a film that
vert it to methylammonium lead iodide perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3). has both amorphous domains and minute crystalline clusters of PbI2
We monitor the reaction of PbI2 films in a 6mgml1 MAI solution (refs 13, 17; see below). Such a film is metastable at lower temperatures,
in 2-propanol, both in the dark and under illumination of approx- with a tendency to crystallize further17. These minute crystalline clusters
imately solar intensity, using confocal laser scanning fluorescence are the potential nuclei that possess the capacity to grow instantane-
microscopy (CLSM) to image samples at different dipping times. ously on exposure to an MAI solution by consuming the amorphous
(We refer to this level of light intensity as 1Sun: it is produced by component, before converting into perovskite. As the nucleation occurs
a white light-emitting diode (LED) array supplying approximately due to the presence of crystals of the material being crystallized, we
100mWcm2; see Methods for details.) CLSM spatially maps the classify the nucleation of PbI2 in our system as secondary nucleation18.
emissive chemical constituents by exploiting the differences in their Interestingly, we observe that well-annealed PbI2 films do not show a
emission spectra. high nucleation density as they lack the amorphous component needed
We take up the case of the reaction in the dark, starting with an unre- for the nuclei to grow (see Extended Data Fig. 1 for SEM images and
acted PbI2 film and progressing to samples at increasing dipping times X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis).

Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces (LPI), Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL), Station 6, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Present addresses: Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK (L.S.); Advanced Research Division, Advanced Functional Materials Research Group, Panasonic
Corporation, 1006 Kadoma, Kadoma City, Osaka 571-8501, Japan (T.M.); Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Fr Materialien und Energie GmbH, Kekulstrae 5, D-12489 Berlin, Germany (A.A.).

2 0 8 | NAT U R E | VO L 5 4 5 | 1 1 M ay 2 0 1 7
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a a Dark b d 2 eV

Number of crystals
Dark 1 Sun
0.001 Sun
b 6s f 2s

0.01 Sun Dark 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Sun Sun Sun Sun

g Light intensity
c 8s 4s
c e 2.5 eV
Energy (eV)
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
0.1 Sun

Absorbance (OD)
d h 2
10 s 6s

1 Sun

827 620 495 413

e Wavelength (nm)
60 s i 60 s
Figure 2 | Nucleation density under different illumination conditions.
a, From top to bottom, SEM images of samples dipped in MAI solution
for 25 s in the dark, under 0.001Sun, 0.01Sun, 0.1Sun and 1Sun.
Imaged regions are 10m 7 m. b, Number of PbI2perovskite mixed
crystals identified from the images shown in a. c, Absorbance spectrum
of an unreacted PbI2 film (OD, optical density). Absorption tail states
Figure 1 | CH3NH3PbI3 formation in sequential deposition in the dark (the Urbach tail), attributed to inherent disorder of the material, are
and under 1 Sun illumination. In these CLSM images, the emission visible. d,SEM image of sample dipped for 25s under monochromatic
between 500nm and 550nm attributed to PbI2 (ref. 30) is assigned a green illumination of 2.0eV. e, As d, but under monochromatic illumination of
colour, while the emission between 700nm and 800nm is attributed to 2.5eV. Scale bars (d, e), 2.5m.
perovskite10 and assigned a red colour. Colour saturation scales with
emission intensity. a, Unreacted PbI2 film. be, Sample dipped in MAI
solution for respectively 6s, 8s, 10s and 60s in the dark. fi, Sample To verify whether photo-generated electronhole pairs enhance
dipped for respectively 2s, 4s, 6s and 60s under a light intensity of nucleation, we investigate the effect of photon energy on nucleation.
1Sun. Note the shorter dipping times in the right-hand column (under In Fig. 2c we show the absorbance of a PbI2 film as a function of
illumination) than in the left (in the dark). Insets show SEM images. All photon energy (upper x axis; the wavelength is shown on the lower
scale bars show 5m, and are applicable to both CLSM and SEM images. x axis). We choose two photon energies (2.0eV and 2.5eV) that are
respectively below and above the absorption onset. In Fig. 2d and e
Before we investigate the mechanism of the light-activated nucle- we show SEM images of PbI2 films dipped in MAI solution for 25s
ation, we quantify the effect of the light intensity. We captured SEM under monochromatic illumination of photon energy 2.0eV and
images of samples dipped in MAI solution for 25s in the dark, and 2.5eV, respectively. Comparable photon fluxes were used in these
under light intensities of 0.001Sun, 0.01Sun, 0.1Sun and 1Sun, as experiments. They demonstrate that a higher nucleation density
shown in Fig. 2a. The count of PbI2perovskite mixed crystals for each is attained on above-gap illumination, indicating that photons
sample (Fig. 2b) corresponds to the nucleation density in each case, absorbed by the PbI2 and generating electronhole pairs enhance
since PbI2 exhibits instantaneous nucleation. Although the nucleation nucleation.
density is low in the dark, it increases logarithmically with the light To gain deeper insight into the mechanism through which
intensity present during dipping, thus confirming the occurrence of absorbed light enhances the nucleation of PbI2, we performed photo-
light-activated nucleation. electrochemical experiments (Extended Data Fig. 3). Using chopped
We considered the possibility that heating due to illumination is light chronopotentiometry, we first ascertained that a crystalline
the cause of the light-activated nucleation. However, using evidence PbI2 film was photo-active and of n-type. Furthermore, we observed
from the following variable-temperature and variable-light study, we transient behaviour in the potential on switching from 1Sun illu-
rule out this possibility. By comparing samples made under a light mination to the dark, indicative of charge trapping or accumulation
intensity of either 0.01Sun or 1Sun, we see that perovskite formation at the PbI2electrolyte interface. Using electrochemical impedance
at higher temperatures results in large crystals due to a higher growth spectroscopy (EIS), we confirmed the presence of surface traps in the
rate (Extended Data Fig. 2). This is contrary to the light effect that PbI2 film, which are located below mid-gap (see detailed discussion in
enhances nucleation and gives numerous small crystals, as observed Supplementary Information, Extended Data Fig. 4). We discuss below
upon comparing samples made under 0.01Sun and 1Sun at the same the role of these traps in the light-activated nucleation.
temperature (Extended Data Fig. 2, Fig. 2). So this also rules out the At this point, we propose a mechanism for the secondary nucleation
possibility of illumination changing the growth rate rather than the of the PbI2 film, both in the dark and under illumination. The cru-
nucleation step. Consequently, we attribute the light-activated nucle- cial thermodynamic factors in nucleation are the critical free energy
ation to the generation of electronhole pairs, rather than to a thermal of nucleation (G*), which is the height of the nucleation barrier or
phenomenon. the work of formation of the critical nucleus, and the critical cluster

1 1 M ay 2 0 1 7 | VO L 5 4 5 | NAT U R E | 2 0 9
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a Crystalline (001) b c
Amorphous MAI solution
domain I I I
Interface +++

PbI2 transport
PbI2 film
as deposited Dipping in MAI solution

d Interfacial Dark Light e f

Free energy change, G

term G*dark N*light


N*light N*dark N*dark
Cluster size, N Cluster size, N Cluster size, N

Figure 3 | Diagrams of the nucleation mechanism in the PbI2 film. of free-energy change on cluster size: contributions from interfacial and
a, PbI2 film as-deposited, showing amorphous domains and crystalline volume terms are shown, with the critical free energy of nucleation
clusters. A crystalline cluster embedded in the amorphous component is (G*) and the critical cluster size (N*) in the dark and under illumination.
shown with the (001) face exposed. b, Dipping the PbI2 film in the MAI e, Cluster size distribution in an as-deposited PbI2 film. The fraction of the
solution. c, Accumulation of I ions at the interface in the MAI solution clusters acting as nuclei and growing in the dark is shown in grey. f, The
due to photo-generated holes trapped at the PbI2 surface. PbI2 transport fraction of the clusters growing under illumination is shown in orange.
from amorphous domains to a crystalline cluster is shown. d, Dependence

size (N*). They can be described using equations (1)19 and (2)19 below cluster size, denoted N dark . The metastable PbI2 film (standard,
in the case of homogeneous nucleation in solids: as-deposited) is reported to have a distribution of crystalline clusters
of different sizes22 schematically represented in Fig. 3e and f. These are
4 ( i ii )3 the potential nuclei for secondary nucleation, of which only clusters
G = (1)
27 ( 2 1)2 larger than the critical cluster size, in this case N dark (Fig. 3e), nucleate,
that is, start growing to form larger crystals.
3 So far, we have discussed how clusters larger than the critical cluster
8 i ii
N= (2) size survive and grow, consuming the amorphous material in the film.
27 2 1 In addition, Ostwald ripening is likely to take place at later stages of the
growth process. Here, clusters that were smaller than the critical cluster
Here 1 and 2 are the respective chemical potentials of the bulk amor- size and could not grow are consumed to enable the further growth of
phous and crystalline phases, i is the interfacial free energy per unit those that surpassed the critical cluster size18,23.
interfacial area for the ith area, and i is the shape factor for the ith Under illumination, we posit that G* and N* are lower and this
area, a term dependent on the shape the cluster adopts to minimize its facilitates more nucleation. We propose that the surface traps in the
energy. Although heterogeneous nucleation may be a more appropriate PbI2 film are populated with photo-generated carriers, most probably
description of our system, for simplicity we use the equations for the holes (as discussed later) and thereby increase the surface charge. As a
homogeneous case. We interpret them by considering the unusual response, to compensate for the positive charge on the PbI2 surface,
contact with the MAI, as discussed later. I ions in the MAI solution would migrate to the interface to form the
Reports6,13 have shown that a PbI2 film is of the 2H polytype and dis- outer Helmholtz plane (Fig. 3c). According to equation (3)20,21, an
plays a preferential orientation such that the (001) face of the crystalline increase in charge density at the interface decreases the surface tension
clusters is in contact with the MAI solution, as shown in Fig. 3ac. We below the value observed in the dark. This lowers the critical free
suggest that the amorphous component, apart from crystallizing in situ, energy of nucleation and the critical nucleus size such that
is transported, possibly through the MAI solution or along the surface G light < G dark and N light < N dark (equations (1)19 and (2)19), and
of the film, to add to crystalline clusters resulting in their growth smaller crystalline clusters in the PbI2 film surpass N light and grow
(Fig. 3c). For the (001) face, the interfacial free energy is a function of the (Fig. 3f).
crystalMAI solution interfacial tension () (ref. 20) and influenced by The higher the light intensity, the higher the number of charge car-
the MAI solution in contact with the face. From Lippmanns equation, riers trapped at the surface and the lower the surface tension. Based on
we derive the expression for the surface tension as20,21: the above discussion, this gives a higher nucleation density under high
2 light intensities, as observed in Fig. 2b, where the nucleation density
= 0 (3) scales logarithmically with light intensity. This dependence might be
2c 0 rationalized by the fact that the trapped capacitive charge increases
where 0 is the surface tension at zero charge, is the excess surface linearly with photo-voltage, which scales logarithmically with light
charge and c0 is the double-layer capacitance. intensity24 (Extended Data Fig. 3).
Figure 3d shows the relationship between the free energy change and To identify whether the surface traps in the PbI2 films are for elec-
cluster size, depicting the critical free energy of nucleation and critical trons or holes, we conducted additional photo-electrochemical exper-
cluster size in the dark and under illumination. The sum of the inter- iments (Extended Data Fig. 5, details in Supplementary Information)
facial and the volume free energy terms gives the total free energy and determined that photo-generated holes are the carrier type instru-
change in each case. In the dark, there exists a particular value of the mental in the light-activated nucleation. We considered the possibility
critical free energy, denoted G dark , and the corresponding critical of an alternative mechanism taking place, namely photo-redox25

2 1 0 | NAT U R E | VO L 5 4 5 | 1 1 M ay 2 0 1 7
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a Dark b 1 Sun

Figure 4 | Images of CH3NH3PbI3 films made using the anti-solvent crystal density. Insets show CLSM images with emission between 700nm
method in the dark and under a light intensity of 1Sun. Main panels, and 800nm attributed to perovskite and assigned a red colour. Colour
SEM images. a, Film made in the dark showing low perovskite crystal saturation scales with emission intensity. Scale bars: main panels (a, b),
density. b, Film made under 1Sun illumination showing high perovskite 0.5m; insets (a, b), 5m.

(that is, oxidation reactions involving the photo-generated holes), perovskite formation28. We posit that the lead halide crystallization
but we ruled it out using control experiments (detailed discussion in is influenced by illumination in a manner analogous to our findings
Supplementary Information). for sequential deposition.
To demonstrate the practical applicability of the ability of light In the anti-solvent method, perovskites of progressively increasing
to tune the perovskite morphology (the light effect), we fabricated complexity, such as the double-1, triple-29 and quadruple-cation26
photovoltaic devices under three conditions: in the dark, and under compositions, which incorporate multiple metal and organic hal-
light intensities of 0.1Sun and 1Sun (details in Methods). The solar- ides, have been developed to improve device performance. These
to-electric power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the devices was found mixed compositions are composed mainly of formamidinium ions
to increase from an average value of 5.9% to 12.4% (13.7% for the (HC(NH2)2+), which replace a large fraction of the methylammonium
best-performing cell for 1Sun) when the light intensity during dip- ions (CH3NH3+) in the perovskite. The light effect prevails robustly
ping in MAI solution was increased from the dark to 1Sun. Statistical even in these predominantly formamidinium-based1,26,29 perovskites
analysis of photovoltaic data are presented in Extended Data Fig. 6 (SEM images in Extended Data Fig. 9). For the Rb-incorporated-
(average values and hysteresis data are given in Extended Data Table 1). quadruple-cation composition26, we observe superior performance
In the case when the films were dipped into MAI solution under a light of cells made in the dark (average PCE of 19.2%, best-performing cell
intensity of 1Sun, smaller crystals that give superior surface coverage PCE of 20.7%) compared to those made under illumination of 1Sun
and thereby more homogeneity are observed (Extended Data Fig. 7; (average PCE of 12.4%) (statistical analysis shown in Extended Data
XRD spectra also shown). This allows better absorption of incident Fig. 6, average values and hysteresis data in Extended Data Table 1,
light, improving the photocurrent density, as reflected in the incident- IPCE spectra in Extended Data Fig. 8). We therefore find that dark
photon-to-current conversion efficiency (IPCE) (Extended Data Fig. 7). conditions are advantageous in the anti-solvent method, in contrast
In the work reported above, we considered film formation by sequen- to the sequential deposition method, in which illumination is
tial deposition. We also investigated the effect of illumination on film advantageous.
formation using the anti-solvent method, which is the route employed in
Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display items and
the fabrication of high-efficiency solar cells1,26. In this method, a single Source Data, are available in the online version of the paper; references unique to
precursor solution containing multiple metal and organic halides, the these sections appear only in the online paper.
two components needed for perovskite formation, is used. It is spin-
received 19 May 2016; accepted 15 March 2017.
coated onto the substrate and then an anti-solvent (a solvent in which
Published online 26 April 2017.
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Methods where CSC is the space-charge layer capacitance, AS the interfacial area, e the
Materials. Materials used in the study were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, Acros elementary charge, r the dielectric constant of PbI2, 0 the vacuum permittivity,
Organics or TCI Chemicals, while 2,2,7,7-tetrakis(N,N-di-p-methoxypheny- ND the charge carrier density (in cm3), V the applied potential, Vfb the flat band
lamine)-9,9-spirobifluorene (Spiro-MeOTAD), used as the hole conductor in our potential, kB the Boltzmann constant and T the temperature (in K).
devices, was sourced from Merck KGaA. MAI was prepared in-house as described X-Ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. XRD measurements were carried out
in ref. 5 or obtained from Dyesol. The Al2O3 paste of 23-nm-diameter particles was on an XPert MPD PRO (PANalytical) operated in Bragg-Brentano geometry. It
prepared in-house. Commercial TiO2 pastes (18 NR-T and 30 NR-D) were obtained consisted of a ceramic tube (Cu anode, =1.54060), a secondary graphite (002)
from Dyesol. Films used to study the effect of photon energy and the role of the illu- monochromator and a RTMS XCelerator detector. The automatic divergence slit
mination spectrum employed fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO)-coated glass substrates and beam mask were adjusted to the dimensions of the films. A step size of 0.008
(Tec15, Pilkington) while the remaining samples were made using Nippon sheet glass. and an acquisition time of 1.5min per degree were chosen for data collection.
Sequential deposition sample preparation. Standard samples included a mes- Sequential deposition device preparation. Devices were prepared following the
oporous Al2O3 layer (300nm thick), processed as mentioned in ref. 6. A 1.3 M procedure outlined in ref. 6. A mesoporous TiO2 layer (18 NR-T, Dyesol) was
PbI2 (Sigma-Aldrich) in N,N-dimethylformamide (Acros) solution at 70C was deposited, a 1.3M PbI2 (Sigma-Aldrich) solution in N,N-dimethylformamide
spin-coated at 6,500r.p.m. for 20s and the films dried at 70C for 10min. A low (Acros) was spin-coated, and 8mg ml1 MAI (prepared in-house) in 2-propanol
concentration of MAI (prepared in-house) solution in 2-propanol (6mg ml1 or solution was used for dipping. Dipping under various light intensities was imple-
0.038M) was used in all experiments except the device preparation. This was to mented using the calibrated white LED array (LXM3-PW51 4000K, Philips), where
keep the reaction rate sufficiently low so that kinetic features could be monitored the light was incident normal to the sample surface, while it was submerged in an
and analysed effectively. Samples of specific reaction times were prepared by dip- MAI solution for 20s. Isothermal conditions at 25C were maintained for dipping
ping PbI2 films in MAI solution at 25C for the required period, followed by wash- using a climatic chamber (ST16, Angelantoni) and a controlled relative humidity
ing in 2-propanol to halt the reaction. A calibrated white LED array (LXM3-PW51 of 5% achieved by flushing the chamber with dry air. The perovskite films were
4000K, Philips), where integration over wavelength gave the required light intensity rinsed using 2-propanol and dried at 70C for 10min. A Spiro-MeOTAD solution
(for instance 100mW cm2, which we refer as 1 Sun), was used for illumination was spin-coated6 on top and 80100-nm-thick gold electrodes were deposited
during dipping. The light was incident normal to the sample surface while it was through thermal evaporation under high vacuum. The solar cells had an active
submerged in MAI solution. The films were dried at 70C for 10min. area of 0.56cm2.
Confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy (CLSM) and image processing. Sequential deposition device characterization. The current/voltage characteristics
Images were obtained using Leica Application Suite X software on a confocal laser were obtained by recording the generated photocurrent with a digital source meter
scanning microscope (Leica TCS SP8), using a HC PL APO oil objective (63/1.40). A (Model 2400, Keithley) under an externally applied potential bias such that the
440-nm pulsed diode laser was used for excitation, with the excitation power and the scan speed was 10mV s1. No device preconditioning, such as light soaking or
gain chosen to optimize the dynamic range of the detector (PMT, HyD or HyD SMD). voltage biasing in the dark, was applied before measurement. The light source
Single plane 512512 images were acquired at 25C from a unidirectional was a 450-W xenon lamp (Oriel) fitted with a Schott K113 Tempax sunlight filter
scan of 400Hz speed with a pinhole size of 1 Airy unit. They were acquired at a (Praezisions Glas & Optik GmbH) to match the emission spectrum of the lamp to
resolution of 72nm in xy with an image bit depth of 8. Fiji software was used for the AM1.5G standard. Prior to each measurement, the light intensity was deter-
image processing: the two components mapped to different channels were pseu- mined using a calibrated Si reference diode equipped with an infrared cut-off
do-coloured, with linear brightness and contrast adjustments done equally across filter (KG3, Schott). On the basis of the intensity of the lamp, which varied
all images for each channel. Images were set to a size of 8cm8cm at 600d.p.i. between 91 and 101mW cm2), the reported Jsc was linearly scaled to that for
using bicubic interpolation and cropped to 8cm4cm for display (Fig. 1). 100mW cm2. IPCE spectra were recorded using the Ariadne system (Cicci
Ultravioletvisible spectroscopy and experiments. Samples used to study the Research). A non-reflective metallic mask with an aperture of 0.16cm2 was used
effect of photon energy were prepared in a Horiba Jobin Yvon Fluorolog spect- during both measurements.
rofluorometer. Each film was exposed to a 0.038M MAI solution for 25s, under Anti-solvent method sample and device preparation. Li-doped TiO2 mesoporous
illumination of the required energy and comparable photon flux. The photon flux films26 were used to prepare devices in a nitrogen glove box maintained at 25C,
was adjusted using OD filters. The absorbance data were collected in transmission using the anti-solvent method. A TiO2 paste of 30-nm-diameter particles was used
mode using a Varion Cary 5 spectrophotometer. to prepare the mesoporous layer (30 NR-D, Dyesol). CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite films
Electrochemical experiments. 350-nm-thick PbI2 films were deposited on Nippon were deposited from a precursor solution containing MAI (1.2M, Dyesol) and
sheet glass using the standard parameters. While the films used in the experiments PbI2 (1.2M, TCI Chemicals) in anhydrous dimethylsulfoxide (Acros). The pre-
shown in Extended Data Fig. 5 were dried under standard conditions, the films cursor solution was spin-coated using two steps, spinning at 1,000r.p.m. for 10s,
used for steady state experiments were annealed at 100C for 1h to crystallize them and then at 4,000r.p.m. for 30s. 15s before the end of the programme, 200l of
and improve stability. The films were contacted and encapsulated using epoxy or chlorobenzene was dripped on to the spinning substrate. After spin-coating, the
hot glue. A photograph of the sample is shown in Extended Data Fig. 3a and a films were kept either under 1 Sun illumination or in the dark for 15min at room
cross-sectional schematic in Extended Data Fig. 3b. temperature, before heating at 100C for 40min. As timeframes for perovskite
Chronopotentiometry measurement under chopped light and EIS meas- formation depend on the composition used, the illumination time was chosen such
urements were carried out in a 3-electrode configuration using an Ag/AgCl, that light was present until perovskite formation was complete29.
KCl (saturated) reference electrode, a Pt wire as the counter electrode and the The quadruple-cation perovskite precursor solution was prepared as reported in
PbI2 film as the working electrode in a 0.38M 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium the literature26. A two-step spin-coating procedure was used which involved spin-
bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (EMIm TFSI) in 2-propanol solution (Extended ning at 1,000r.p.m. for 10s, and then at 4,000r.p.m. for 30s. 200l of chlorobenzene
Data Fig. 3c, d). To determine the chemical potential of the MAI solution, two half was dripped on to the spinning substrate 20s before the end of the programme.
cells connected by a salt bridge were employed, one containing a Pt wire (working The spin-coating was done either in the dark or under 1 Sun illumination. For the
electrode) in the 0.038M MAI solution and the other a Pt wire (counter electrode) latter, illumination was continued for 1min after the sample was transferred onto
and the reference electrode in 0.38M EMIm TFSI in 2-propanol (Extended Data the hot plate for heating at 100C for 40min. The previously mentioned calibrated
Fig. 3e). In the experiment to study the effect of populating traps (Extended Data white LED array (LXM3-PW51 4000K, Philips) was used for illumination. The
Fig. 5), we used standard PbI2 films as the working electrode and a Pt wire as a solar cells had an active area of 0.25cm2.
counter electrode. The films were dipped for 6s in 0.038M MAI solution under bias. Anti-solvent method device characterization. The current/voltage character-
The calibrated white LED array (LXM3-PW51 4000K, Philips) mentioned ear- istics were obtained as mentioned above for the devices made using sequential
lier was used for illumination, with the light incident normal to the film surface. deposition. However, for CH3NH3PbI3 cells made using the anti-solvent method, a
A SP-200 potentiostat (BioLogic Science Instruments) equipped with a frequency non-reflective metallic mask with an aperture of 0.1225cm2 was used for masking.
analyser was used for the electrochemical measurements. Full impedance spectra A similar non-reflective metallic mask with an aperture of 0.16cm2 was used for
were measured at frequencies from 100kHz to 10Hz with a sinusoidal potential all remaining measurements including IPCE spectra. IPCE spectra were recorded
perturbation of 10mV. The range of the bias potential was 0.5 V to +0.9 V versus using the Ariadne system (Cicci Research).
Ag/AgCl, KCl (saturated). The EIS data were modelled using a simple RC circuit in Data availability. The data supporting the findings of this study are available
series with a resistance (series resistance) using Zview (Scribner Associates). The within the paper and its Supplementary Information.
extracted capacitance was plotted in a MottSchottky plot according to the equation:
AS 2 2 k T 31. Calloni, A. et al. Stability of organic cations in solution-processed CH3NH3PbI3
= V Vfb B (4) perovskites: formation of modified surface layers. J. Phys. Chem. C 119,
C SC er0ND e 2132921335 (2015).

2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Extended Data Figure 1 | Growth of PbI2 nuclei under different f, XRD analysis showing the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of
conditions in sequential deposition. a, SEM image showing a standard the Voigt function fits of the (001) reflection of the 2H polytype of PbI2
unreacted PbI2 film (as-deposited). b, c, SEM images of standard PbI2 and the corresponding height of the platelet obtained using the Scherrer
films dipped in MAI solution for 4s: in the dark showing low crystal equation. We observe an increase in platelet height from 17nm to 36nm
density (b) and under 1Sun light intensity showing high crystal density (c). on annealing the standard PbI2 sample at 100C for 1h. The platelet
d, e, SEM images of PbI2 films annealed at 100C for 1h, dipped in MAI height increases from 17nm in the standard unreacted PbI2 film, to 20nm
solution for 4s: in the dark (d) and under 1Sun light intensity (e). Scale and 29nm, on dipping in 0.038M MAI in 2-propanol in the dark and
bars (ae), 1m. It is interesting to compare samples made under 1Sun under 1Sun illumination, respectively. On dipping standard PbI2 films in
light intensity, as the light-activated nucleation is expected to take place 0.038M EMIm TFSI in 2-propanol (for equivalence with 0.038M MAI in
and the affinity for nucleation can be assessed. Image e shows a sample of 2-propanol), an increase in the platelet height from 17nm to 19nm and
initially high crystallinity with substantially fewer crystals growing on the 24nm was observed, for dipping in the dark and under 1Sun, respectively.
surface after dipping, compared to the analogous standard sample in c, This is similar to the trend seen for dipping in MAI. See Methods for
indicating that amorphous PbI2 is required for the growth of nuclei. details.

2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Extended Data Figure 2 | SEM images of CH3NH3PbI3 films prepared under 0.01Sun; c, 35C under 1Sun; and d, 50C under 1Sun. Dipping at
using sequential deposition under various temperature and light a higher temperature and the same light intensity gives larger perovskite
conditions. PbI2 films were dipped isothermally in MAI solution for 25s crystals; dipping at a higher light intensity and the same temperature gives
at the following conditions: a, 35C under 0.01Sun illumination; b, 50C a higher nucleation density with small crystals. Scale bars (ad), 2m.

2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Extended Data Figure 3 | Electrochemical experiments. a, b, Photograph (a) geometrically flat surface (equation (4)). A flat band potential
and cross-sectional diagram (b) of a PbI2 electrode. c, d, Photograph (c) (Efb) of 0.46V versus Ag/AgCl, KCl (saturated) was determined from the
and diagram (d) of set-up with a PbI2 electrode in contact with 0.38M x-intercept of a fit of the linear region. The upper limit of the charge
EMIm TFSI in 2-propanol, used for chopped light chronopotentiometry carrier concentration (ND), considering a geometrically flat surface, was
and EIS measurement. WE, working electrode; Ref, reference electrode; obtained as 8 1019cm3. i, Energy levels versus Ag/AgCl, KCl (saturated)
CE, counter electrode. e, Diagram of set-up used to determine the and the equivalent value versus the vacuum level shown. The Ag/AgCl,
chemical potential of 0.038M MAI in 2-propanol (IPA) solution, KCl (saturated) reference electrode was calibrated by dissolving ferrocene
and f, the corresponding chronopotentiometry experiment data. The (Fc) in the ionic liquid solution and verifying that the position of the
chemical potential of the MAI solution was determined to be +0.056 V Fc/Fc+ couple was +0.4V versus Ag/AgCl, KCl (saturated), consistent with
versus Ag/AgCl, KCl (saturated). g, Variable light chronopotentiometric the literature21. The energy levels determined from f, g and h are shown.
photo-voltage measurement at zero applied current (dark, 0.01Sun, Electron-quasi-Fermi level under illumination is denoted by EF. Reported
0.1Sun, 1Sun and dark). The potential under the initial dark condition is values31 for the conduction band (CB) and valence band (VB) edges of
set to zero. h, MottSchottky analysis of PbI2 film in the dark, where C is PbI2 are also shown.
the space-charge layer capacitance normalized by the area considering a

2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Extended Data Figure 4 | Energy band diagrams of PbI2 film and chemical potential of the electrolyte (MAI solution). a, In the dark, after
0.038M MAI in 2-propanol solution in the dark and under 1Sun contact and electrostatic equilibration, and b, under 1Sun illumination,
illumination. Diagrams constructed using data from Extended Data with the limits of surface traps obtained from the MottSchottky analysis
Fig. 3i and band bending assumed in both cases. EF, Fermi level; MAI, shown in blue. Quasi Fermi level for holes not shown.

2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Extended Data Figure 5 | Effect of populating surface traps. Shown are illumination, no voltage bias; and c, under 0.02Sun illumination, bias
SEM images of PbI2 films that have been dipped for 6s in 0.038M MAI of +0.8V versus the Nernst potential of MAI. Panels b and c show
in 2-propanol solution; a, in the dark, no voltage bias; b, under 0.02Sun comparable nucleation density, while that in a is low. Scale bars (ac), 2m.

2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Extended Data Figure 6 | Statistical analysis of photovoltaic data the anti-solvent method. a, e, i, Short-circuit current density (Jsc).
(backward scans) recorded under simulated AM1.5G illumination. b, f, j, Open-circuit voltage (Voc). c, g, k, Fill factor (FF). d, h, l, Power
Left-hand panels (ad) represent 5 CH3NH3PbI3 devices of each condition conversion efficiency (PCE). The upper and lower error bars represent
(dipped into MAI solution in the dark, and under 0.1Sun and 1Sun the maximum and minimum values respectively, and the mid-line in
illumination) fabricated using sequential deposition. Centre panels (eh) each box represents the median value. The top and the bottom of the
represent 6 CH3NH3PbI3 devices of each condition (made in the dark and box represent the upper quartile (75th percentile, Q3) and lower
under 1Sun illumination) prepared using the anti-solvent method. Right- quartile (25th percentile, Q1) respectively, and box height represents the
hand panels (il) represent 10 quadruple-cation perovskite devices of each interquartile range (Q3Q1). Filled squares indicate the mean values
condition (made in the dark and under 1Sun illumination) prepared using shown in Extended Data Table 1. See Methods for details of illumination.

2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Extended Data Figure 7 | Photovoltaic device characterization and dipped into MAI solution in the dark and under 1Sun. e, XRD spectra
analysis of CH3NH3PbI3 samples made using sequential deposition. of perovskite films dipped into MAI solution in the dark, and under
ac, SEM images of the perovskite films corresponding to devices dipped 0.1Sun and 1Sun. The main reflections corresponding to the tetragonal
into MAI solution in the dark, and under 0.1Sun and 1Sun respectively. perovskite have been indicated. *Reflections of the PbI2 in the 2H
Scale bars (ac), 1m. d, Absolute IPCE spectra (solid lines) and the polytype; reflections from the FTO. Similar amounts of PbI2 remain in all
integrated current densities (dashed lines) of representative devices the films.

2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Extended Data Figure 8 | Absolute IPCE spectra (solid lines) and the integrated current densities (dashed lines) of representative devices prepared
using the anti-solvent method in the dark and under 1Sun illumination. a, CH3NH3PbI3; b, quadruple-cation composition26.

2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Extended Data Figure 9 | SEM images of perovskite films prepared composition29 made in the dark (c) and under 1Sun (d). Scale bars (ad),
using the anti-solvent method. a, b, Double-cation composition1 made 1m. e, f, Quadruple-cation composition26 made in the dark (e) and under
in the dark (a) and under 1Sun illumination (b). c, d, Triple-cation 1Sun (f). Scale bars (e, f), 2m.

2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Extended Data Table 1 | Photovoltaic device data recorded under simulated AM1.5G illumination

a, Average values of parameters shown with standard deviations from the backward scans of numerous devices (5 CH3NH3PbI3 cells made using sequential deposition, 6 CH3NH3PbI3 cells made using
the anti-solvent method and 10 quadruple-cation composition cells made using the anti-solvent method) prepared under different illumination conditions. b, Photovoltaic parameters from the forward
and backward scans of one device of each preparation condition. The hysteresis of the photovoltaic devices is low.

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