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1 Heart Rate

Carotid Pulse

70 bpm

66 bpm

64 bpm

Average: About 67 bpm


1. It is important to take an average heart beat because using just one value will
give an inaccurate value. Taking just one value will not show your heart beat over time.
Taking an average of several trials may show an issue in the persons heart rate.
2. Several factors may affect a persons heart rate. If a person is nervous or
anxious, the heart rate may increase. Physical activity will increase the heart rate as
well. Remaining in a resting stage will make the heart rate slow down. Also, certain
drugs may lower the heart rate.
3. Different people may have different levels of fitness. If they are not as fit, their
heart rate may be much higher than another persons. Different people respond
differently to the same situations.
4. Anna Garcias heart rate shows that her cardiac health is not in a good place. 98
bpm is an extremely high resting heart rate, and that abnormal rate is not healthy. Her
heart rate shows that she is having cardiac issues that must be treated right away.

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