(Trading) Gann Method (W D Gann, 1931)

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Ne are sending you oi: parranont Chante, och eontain— ing Cl nurbers. Tho First Square of Nino rune from to 31. Everything mast nave a votton, top, ani four siden to bo a squaro or cube. Sho First Square funning up to 82 ia the betton, baso, Floor or beginning point. squuroe #2, 5, 4 und 8 ere tro four’sidGa, which are equal and contain 61 numbers. The Sixth Sgusro of jline is the top snd means that it is times times ao yoFerred to in the Bible, or a thing reproducting iteolr by being multiplicd by iteclf. Wine times nine equals 81 end six tines ai oguals 483, Yo cen Olso use 9 tines 81, which would equel 729. B Tho number § ic the most important number of the dinita Yeeause it to tho balance or main center. There are four numero oa cach side of it. Note how it is sham as the balancing or center number in the Square of Wino. oquere the Cirelo by deginning at 1 in the center end going Ground until ve roach 360. Note that the Square of Hine comes out at Sél. The reason for this is it is 19 tines, and the 2 to begin With Gnd’ one over S60 represent the boginning and ending points, 561 is © transition paint and begine at the next circio. Showld'we leave the first space blank or meke it. "0", then we Would coms oat at 560. Everything in mathematics mat prove. You cen begin at th at the center ard York out, or. begin at the outer rin work in to the center. Bogin at the left and work rinht to the center or to the outer rim or square. Kote the Square of Nino or the Square of the Circle w begin With 1 and ron up the sidé of the column to 19, ther con~ wu'to go Berose until we have made 19 columns, again the square 3s vy le. Hote how thio proves up the circle: One-half of the ete is + Kote tnat in the grend-ceater, where ell engies the four corners and from the East, West, North ané South gravity center, nuuber 191 appears, shoving that this point we sre erosoing the Equator or Gravity center and are sturting oa- the other half of the circle. Hoge 88h eck Me havo astronomice] and astrological proof of tha whys xerefores and the cause of the workings of georetrical angles When yea hava wede prognoses, proved yourself worthy, 7 Will give you the Wester Number ani also the Master Work. will un ro is to know. ‘Romenber there is a source of all supply, and thet you Aave Within you the pover to Imov all there is to Jmov, but you must work hard, seek and you shall find. Whon a otock gots into the Second square of "12", 4¢ hus faster moves, and when tho time ar number of months from any Votbom or bop moves into tho Socond Square, it ia an indication of faster woves, Both up and dom, Apply tho same rule to tho Sré, 4th, Stn and Gin squares, In the Srd and 4th squares of tho waster "12", ‘you wil find that meitof the big bull and boar csmpsigns culainate, vhea moucured by months, which determines. the division, according to tino. All of the other rules given you to epply to Spece movorents, angiés and timo, cin bo used vith tho Master #12" tebiog. op Hz! You havo airosdy had the MASHER SQUARE OF THZTVE oxplainod, which represents days, woeka, months and yoors, and the peusure:“ns of TIME in tho Square of Twelve or the Squaré of tho Circle. @he SQUARE OF NINE to very important because nine digits are used in meavuring everything, and we cannct go boyond 9 without starting to repeat and using the 0. If we divide 360° by 9, we get 40, which weasures 40°, 40 months, 40 days, or 40, weeks, and shows way bottoms and tops often come oft on these anglés measured by ono-ninth of the tots] circle. If we divide our 20-year period, or 240 months, by 9, we get 26-2/5 months, miking on important angle of 26-2/5°, months, ov weeks. Wine tines/equals 81, which completes the First are of Mino. Noto tho angloc and how they run from the main iter. Tae Second Square of Nine is comploted at 162. Note how this i3 in opposition to the main center. whe Yhird squere of Mine is completed at 245, which would equal 243 nonths or 3 sonths over own 20-year period anivaccounts for the time which often olapees before thé change in tho Cyolo, sonctines running .o 5 months or morc. The Pourth Square of Hine ends at S24. the angles of 45° cross at S25, indicating a cnange in cycles here. fo complete tho 560° requires Four Saueres of Nine end 36 over. Rote that 361 equals a Square of 19 tines 19, thus proviag the eat value of the Squere of Wine in working out the important anglca and proving up discrepancies. Roginning with "1" at the conter, note hav 7, 22, 4 75, 111, 187, 212, 2735 and $43 e12 fsll ona 45° angle. Going the other way, note that S, 15, Sl, 57, 91, 153, 165, 241 end 507 fall on an angie of 486, Xowerber’there eré always four ways you_can travel froma contor following an angle of 45°, or en ange of 160° or sn anglo of 90°, which ali equal about the sare when measured on e flat surfeco.” Note that 8, 25, 46, 77, 216 163, 218, 221 ond 55$ are all om an angle fron thé mein center alsé noté that 4, 15, 3¢, G1, 96, 159, 190, 249 and 516 are on an sagle from the main cénter, all of these being groat rosistanco points and roaauring out important time factors ané angles. Study tho SQUARE OF NINE very carofully in connection with the MASTER TYELVE and 360° CLRCIE CHART. SPACR OR VOIIME, the number of pointe up or dor months and yoars, ; dayo, weeks, on Square No. 1, which runa from 1 to 144, I havo éravm tho finer anglos to show the grand-centor or atrongést Resistance Point in oach minor square. Tho minor contera, which are tho strong- ot for minor tops and botoma aro 14, 17, 20,°23, 50, 53, 56, 59, 86, 89, 92, 95, 122, 125, 120, 182. The major center {9 where the strongest resistence is et. Theso numbers are 66, 67, 78, ami 79. Stocks going up om coming doin to these prices will méet with stubborn resistunce. The next strong angle in the 45°, and tho numbers of grectcat resistance are 4, 27,40, 65, 65, 79, 92, 105, 118, 151, and 144. Phe cthor ciagondi 48° angie ’rrom 12’15 équaily strong.’ The nunbors are 12, 23, 34, 45, 67, 78, 89, 100, 11h, 122 and 153. Tho numbors which are cut by the 45° englea thru the center of cach of the 1/4 squares are next in strength. Theso numbers are 7, 20, 43, 46, 59, 72, 61, 56, 59, 28, 17 and 6, era oa tho other side of the Square, after you pass the half-way point, these nunbors are 75, 86, 99, 1i2, 125, 158, 159, 123, 117, 108, 95 and 84. The numbers ot tho tops ond bottoms of tho squares are important prices for important tops and bottons to be mede becouse thoy are @position nunbers and ere equal to the nalf—way point. These nambere for square No. 1 are 1, 15, 25, 37, 49, 61. 75, 85, 97, 109, 121, 135. The top numbers are i2, 24, 36, de, 60, 72, 24, 96, 108, 120, 152 end lee. The opposition angle, which runs thru the center of the square, from east to west, equally dividing it, is ono of the very strong angles because it équals one-half. Any stock moving up or @oun and Peaching these prices will meet With resistance ena make tops or bottoms. These numbers are 6, 7, 18,19, 30, 31, 42, 43, 54, 55, 66, 67, 78, 79, 90, 91, 108, 103, 124, ifs, 126,127; 138, 158. Rorember, when anything has mowed three sectioas ov: fron the beginning, it reaches the square of its om plece, which is the first strong resistence. When it hes moved six scotions over, it reaches the opposition, or what equals the helf—way point of ifs own plece and mets still atronger resistance. iioving over nin places or sections from its own place, it reaches tho 3/4 point, enotcer square, The th and 9th sections aro tho strongest, end nerdest pointe to pass because thio fa the "death" zone. The next end otill stronger io the 12th section or column which ends at lid. Anything getting into this section moots the strongest rosistunce wut ones it moves out of thia Square and gets as much as 5 points into Square #2, that 1s, melcing 147, will indicate much higher, But after reeching this, it’should not drop back 5 pointe or to 1é1 in seuara fl. As stooko advance and make higher bottoms on tho month— ay, wooly or duily chart, you should always draw angles fron y bottans. “Then whon you roach tho last soction of « bull markot, and those important’ angles are broken from the last bot- tom, you Imov that tho trend nas turned cov, Apply thia care rule aga narket coclines, Draw your angles fron’oach lovor top and wateh your angles until the stocks agein cross the 45° angle from a second, third, om fourth lover tep. The second wer Lep, oF second highor bottom is always very inportant to draw ungles frou, ond bo measure tino from, ag voll. Whon @ stock is in a very weal, or 4 very strong post- tion, 4b will nlvaye show it ty ta position on angles, end yoluro chart, made up according to the proper spacing “4th volune, that to, considering the total number of shores, will ahou when the stock is in a strong or weak position and show whether buying oP solling predcminates, enabling you to detormine whother supply is increasing, cr whether demand ia decroasing. HE IN DouRT whon you aro in doubt ebout the position of a stock end do not know whet its trend is, you should, of course, not trade in t. “ait until it shows by breaking resistence level, or crossing ® resistence level, or until 1t crosses an important angle, or breaks en important angle before deciding which way it t3 Going to move, especially after it has been in @ long deadlock, or ina sidcuays mivencnt, ca referred te 4n "Yall Etreet Stock Scloctor.” fs @ gonoval rule, when a change in trend takes place of importance, the volune of salés will show it, The volure of sales usually ine creases wnen a stock starts to advance fron low levels, or froa Gullness, and the same after a long period of dullness ‘at a aigh levol, vhen activity starts on tho down side, the voluze of sales increases. YWhon a stock starts up end is in’a strong position, it will] shov 1t on angles by keeping ahove strong angles fron tho bottom. ‘Pho same when it starts to decline. If it is in a vory wesk position and going very fast, it Will show it by the position of angles, that is, dropping below and keoping below strong angles, "ith the daily, weéldly and monthly high and low chart, the in= portant angles cannot be orossed at extreme low levels, unti] proper tine ras elapsed, noither can important angles be broken at high levels until sufficient time has elapsed. Therefore, tho angles ze vory important because when brdcen they usually mean that the tire bas run out, waether you know it or not, and a change in trond will take place. MASTER "12" CORRE The WASTER CHART io the Square of "12" or 12 x 12, mak- ay tne first oquars end at 144. Tho Second Square of "12" “emis at 268, the Third square of "219i at 432, and the Fourth Square at 576, which will cover most anything thet you want, but you can make up O9 rany more squares as you want. ‘This chart my be used ani applies to anything-- TT: or the 45° angio on the monthly and week y charter io Decuuge tho largo volume of sales moves tho pri- cos ovor until tho 45° angle is roslly broken at a vory high levol, which an be ocon by malcing tho combination time, spaco and volume ciart. Tho yolimo chart shows that the gid Sa hrolon While the tino chart, whica only shava one space for each month or Wool, ¢o00 act ohev tho angio brolon. For cxample, mako up a volune crart on U. S. Stool woolly from tay 51, 1929 to date, ard you will ocethat it broke 30 sharply after the high in Soptembor, 1920, decauco the voluno broke The angie before the angles wore brasen by the woolly or monthly chart. We are conding you Vanadium woolly from 1929 to dete with volume. This vill show you how the stock works von vol™me of sales 4a charted with time end epace. Yhy do stocks take such # long time to recover after a ong decline und remein so long at low levels? Rocause the volume gots so emall near the bottom that it roauires @ long time to overcome the square of distancs. ‘hen & stock declinea 100 points or more in two or three months, for ex- snple, We Will say exactly 100 points, then to overcows the square of Gigtance at a low level, it roquirés 100 months. 4 stock has to acucro itself on the weekly, monthly end Aaily high and lov clurt. The lower the price crosses the 45° angle, the stronger the position of tho stock end the highor the stock is dnd the greatest distance from the base, or beginning point when the 45° angle is broken or, in fect, any other angle, the weaker the stock is. y do stocks often cross the 45° angle op the daily, weeldy or monthly nigh and low chert, then bave gn advance fora short poriod cf time, decline and reat on the 45° angle? It 19 because when they cross the 48° angle the first time, they save crossed it before thoy have run out or overcane the Square of distance. terefore, on the secondary reaction, when they rest on the 45° angle, it ia at a time when they havo reached the square of distance, and after that time a greater ad= vanec follovs. Reverao this rule ct the top of a ball merket. This accounts for the stocks having a sharp, quick decline from the top Bnd then udvancing and making a slightly higher top or a scrics of slightly lower tops, working over until it overcomes the sqyare of distance at a comparatively high level ard breaks the 45° angle, then o feat dedline Lollowe. What rule should be fo2lowed when stocke make higher cottoms ard lower topa? sree bee Bunter & previous movehte wetten. The vets of Salon Inereavod onornousiy in Oct over, 1880, und continued luere in Hovortor, Dosonbar, end in fact, right on up untia Auguae, 29505 Whon sa109 wore again” over 109,000,000 aiaroa, and tho month’ of Soptombor saloa wero ovor 100,600,600 shares; eee how the piceure locks with this onormous volume at the top and then in octobor, the finct tim since Yay, 1020, the price broke under tho lover ef the previous month, shoiving thit the trend had turned down. All records for volume of sales was broken in the month of Oct ctor, when sales roached 141,000,000, In the final reaction in November, or the lest wave of liquidation, sales dropped down to around 0,000,000. Thon the price versed up ovory month, maling higher bottoas and highor tops with a fairly large volume, until varch, 1930, when the voluce of sules reached 90,000,000. If April, the fotal ‘volume of sales reached 111,000,000 sharés, a very smali gain in price. In the early part of fay tho price broke under the bettom of the month of April, Which wac the firat timo since the low was reached in November, end a sharp decline followed. The volune of sales ror the month of May was heavy, reaching 80,000,000; then continued in June on fairly heavy volume, with tho price getting down to 250 oa June 9th. This movenent “on volume from November, 1929 to April, 1930, shovs « rally in a bear market. Hote the bettom from January, 1929 to Mey, 1929, ard that the rally in April just brought prices up under this heavy voluse of sales “hore distribution took place in 1929. ote that the scale on this chart 4s 2 pointe to each 1/8 of an inch instesa of 1, for in considering the argles from the lov in August, 1921 and the low in November, 1925, the anglos are doubled in value, that is, the angle of 2 x 1 equuis the anglo of 45° and the angle of 4 x2 equals the angle of 2x 1 or 223°, For example, the angle of 2x 1 from tho low in June, 1926 oquale the angle of 45°, Note that the price rosted on this angle in May, 1929, and that it was broken for the {irst tine in October, 1929 and the big decline followed. rote that the angle of 4 x 1 from August, 1021, vhich is the equal of the angie of 224°, or 2x 1, feirly in April, 1930, come right up under this angic. Then conoider tho noxt angle of 4’x 1 from November, 1925, which 1s also equal to the angle of 221°, notice prices in March ana April got slightly above this angle, but that when the price opened in iiay, 1930, lt arbpped under thie angle end then broke the angle of 45° from November, 1929 and the angle of 45° is really the angio of 2 x 2, or 224°, odunting tho basis of the chart being ct the rate of 2 spaces for one, Then tho angle af 2x 1, from November 1929 1s equ:l to the angle of 45°. This angle crosses at 248 in Juno 1030, tho sone place whore the anglo of @x 1, from the caner of tho top of October, 1919, argle of 2x 1, or 45 as it is dravn across thors, ovesses, making 248 a very important point. Also note that tro 10 in Jonuory, 1930, wae 248. Tf this angle 4s broken and this low of 246, of yantary, is broken, it will indicate vory much lower prices for these averages. FAST ¢DVANCH AND PAST DECLINES Why do stooke thet have fast advences, reverse quickly and have sharp, quick declines before brealcing the angle of 673°, puring tho weok ending June Tt, venudium broke te angio of 48° °{ Rom tho ov of A7 en noavy YoLuZe, Fhe Lotwl sures fon ene woo hotng 287,100, The price Rot doen’ to 100 und weoted Ga tho onsl0 of 262°, Or tho anglo of 2% 2 fran STi. On Juno otn, Vanadium broke 100 and, of course, vue under tho angio of 2 x 1 ond SEBTINGT £5°So}, Ente imo gotting, support around the gravity center, Gronsifsway poirt, from 374 to 143%. Mowover, Vanadium is in a weal position o7 angles acco “ling to the volume chart, and in a weak pow Preion on angles according to the weekly chart, without volume, ane the Konthly high and low chart end nothpry but a rally 19 indi- ceted at this tine. However, if 4t tan hold for a while und not frcak the Low of G7 on May 10th, 4t will indicate a better rally, probably 1/3 to 1/2 of the recent dec ine. From tho low on Yiovenber 13, to the high in April, the total volume ot sales was 1,072,600 shares Siguring 25,000 to cach Le apace to move over ouch wook Would Sring this over'to the 67th goace, wich I have marked, and you Will soo from the voluxe chart that thie runs over which Je due to tho fact that somo wocko volume Gia not equal 25,000,000 shares. ‘Ye have to register the top and otto und thie ¢hrows ws out a little on valance, In the weeke of Tey 3ré and 10th, the total volune was 614,000 shares, bringing the Geen total up to thut tine to 2,202,000 which brings it to spece Si on tho wook ending Mey 10th and puts our volume chart 6 spacos too far over. ote that tho voluno of those two Weeks was about {7/8 of the total volume fron 57% to 14% 8/4 and, of course, vipéd cat helf of the advance. Therefore, it is only nature] tist & fally should follov hecsuss the decline was too fast according to tine. Bringing the totel number of sules up to the week ending June 7, we have 3,170,800 shares, his would bring us to apsce 126, iafxea’sn rea inic, and the way wo have the volume chart, it to 8 spaces too far over, ‘Yherefore, the volume for the week ending june ‘7th, with the Space movement rested exactly on the angie of 2x 1 fron 37h, and 101 to 100% would strike up ageinst tais engle on the weok beginning June 9th, The price on June 9th was Lod, ena ere crock declined to 093. After a stock gota avay fron a farrow series of fluctuations with small volume and keep your Volume chart exact, 20 as your angles will werle out better. KONIRLY VOLUKE CHAI DUSTREALS FROM JU: ON DO-TON 1921 to S THIRTY A abudy of this volume chart will prove vory interesting en@.valuublo. You can sco that in June, July and August, 1921, the volus® of cules was dow to around, 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 pnercs per month. ‘In March 1928, saloa reached 80,000,000 per nonth tor tre first time in history. From this tine on the volume Of sales wis very large, with this group of stocks working higher ‘¢ aiong from the reuction in June 1928 when the price wie 104 he top in September 1029 when the price reached S61, there wes novor mor than one monthte reaction and et no time did the avor- whon the oteck sold ut 124i with pe yblune of cares ef 200,000 shares: “Phie wae the Jargoat voluve of cules Of any tino singe Novoxtor 1926, u reaction of 20 pointe forlowed, out during the wook onding April sth, ealoa vere only 83,600 shares. In the following week the stock mide a higher bot= fon shoving that tho market hod not yot reached top. During tho weok onding April 19th, sales wore 194,600 bares ond during the week onding April 26th, oaloo wore 258,100 ohares. ‘ith tho stofKup 105 points from the extrezo low, end the yoluro of sules almost equalling the totul amount of stock out- stinding, woo @ plain indication that top wag being reachod for a Dig reucéion, During the woek ending Way Srd a big decline Follovea sulca reached 304,000 shrres, an anglegof 48° from the low at 103% as firet broken, then the angle of 45° from S7} was brdcon und the stock ceclined to 67 during tho week ending Kay JOth on oules of 310,400 ohares, breakjng all reoords up to that time. It got dom neat the anglo of 224°, or the angle of 2 x 1 from the low ‘of 37%. Tt was o tq reaction for two weeks period of tine and care éovn 57 points. Figuring your low of 574 to the high of 1452, gives a hoifsvay point of 66 5/8, The stook declined 3 3/8 pointa boyond this. This was due to the large voluno of sales and tho monontua, Hoiover, often a stock will go 5 3/6 points beyond the half=way point and then recover, ospecially if it has had a big éccline. She greater the decline in number of points, the more allowance con Ee rade for fluctuations sround the main center or halfway point and, of course, Vanadiun with a very suall volume of float- Tog supply of stock makoa faster moves und wider rango than @ stock of lerge voluze. During the week ending tay 10th, the voluze of sales of 242,400 shares and the price crossed the top of the following reek ard davanced to 1103. he folloving week it advanced to 120% on sales of 248,600 shares, showing that ths volume of treding was in- creasing on the way up but the price wae nct increasing in propor~ tion, During the week ending Hey Siet, the atock recehed 126 on volume of saieo of 135,700 shares, an indication that the scll~ ing vas better than the buying and thet when the price level ap~ proached where distribution atarted, it shoved that there wis again the very best of selling. During the weelc ending June 7th, the price advanced to 125. Figuring the top of 143% to the low’of 87, tho 2/5 points Kea at i267. then figuring the total value of the stock 1453, we Sind the 7/8 point at 125 3/6. This made 125 a very strong Resistance Ievol because it was at the 7/8 point, of total value, and close to tho 2/3 point on the fluctuating movea. Another roaoon why 125 wao a strong Resistance Level 1s because 25 is 1/4 of 100. followed sith aalea of 74,200 shurva, Yn tho folloxin Lottor Was uPround tho sand lovol with salos of 253,000 sh During the week onding Yarch 2nd, culos were $1,500 charon. Thon followed two Wouks of omail volute, 35,500 shards and 32,200 shares. Wore tho atook again broke under the angle of 23%, or 2x 1 frow tho lovel of sentonber 29, 1929 and a decline followed. Potton wee reached at 66 on thd viook onding Juno let, when sales were only 33,700 sharos. The following woek sales wore only 27,000 shuros whitch ‘indieatod that liquidation wae not heavy and had rin its course, Tho stock rallied to 97 during tho woek ending July 20th. The volane of eules was only 48,700 shares, not enough volume 1.0 indisate that the buying waa stiong onough to force the stock higher at that tine. A decline followed and the volume of salos was anall. Botton was reached during the week ending August 10th at 773. During those weeke tho sales run 25,000 or loos, petting down to 8,800 during the week ending August Slot which indicated that there wea not much stool for axle at this price and that somo one we just taking whit wee offered, During the week onding September léth, the stock wus rushed up to 100 on sales of 158,400. Note thut it failed to cross tho top of Avril 6th, and that beth of theee tops wore undor t):e heavy volume of February 16th and 2ird, which indicated the tig Aistrivation thut took place between 104 and 115 was by poople who id not intend to buy the stock tack for a long time and that when the stock approached the level of 100, they sold heavily again. During tho weok onding Soptenter 23th, a decline followed on email volure, but the angle of 46° wae broken and tho atock con- tinued to work lower, The volure increased during the sce onding October 26th to 56,600 shares. ‘ho folloving weok it vas 50,600 shares, indicating heavy liquidation at thie time. Then during the weék ending Noverter Sth and 16th, sales dropped to 17,200 shares and 20,000 sharen. Final bottom was reached on Novemtor 1sth at 37), Then’a rally folloved up to the weele ending Decemtcr 1éth, put the valum of sales was sali only getting up to 31,000 sneros and on the top week 21,000 shares, f reaction followed but the voluxe of sales was still smaller, 12,300, 11,300, and 15,800 The bottom was reached during the week ending December 21st, © eles were 19,000 shares, then two narrov weske on the aide with the total volime not exceeding 25,000 shares, ‘This indicated that the stock was thoroughly liquidated and was getting ready to go wigher, but the week ending February 1, 1950, when the stock crossed the high of December 24th, volume of sflos tacreased to 92,000 shares. THen during the week of Fobruary 8, there was a suall reaction, but the voluns of sules wus only 25,000 sheres. ‘The advanced was Po= sured the folloving week and sules reached 62,400 shares, The next Weox the sules were 48,300 sharos. Then during the week ending Merch 1, there wos a email reaction but the volure of eslea wore only 36,500 shares which indicated that the buying was better than tne selling, and that there was no hoavy selling pressure yot. The aévance was resumed and the volum of sales increased every week res. a Wigher level, Lrouk tho 45° anzle tho fourth tina, whieh plueea {t ih un extrecoly weax position because it to so far avay trom the fuse snd 20 much tino has olapavd aince the stock madu Lov level. Reverse thin rulo in w bour rarket or ® decline and dontt forget to conaidor that tho Monthly ana Veokly high ond lov charts arc''the moat important when angles u¥o orokon. Daiay charto oun breuk ungleo anu recovor thon and it 19 impossible for a duily high ond low chart to maintain an angle of 45° for 6 very long poriod of tine excopt when the final grand rush conea at tho ond of lag bull compéi gno. Suppose at the time a stock breaks a 45° anglo that it 4c at 135, and on tho 135th month. This would bo ut a strong Ro- siotanco Zevel, breaking a strong angle, and striking ond treaking @ otrong ongie ‘according to time, This Would be time and space balancing at Resistance Levels, or seomotrical angleo, and would indicate a big decline to follow, Reverse the same rulo at the end of & bear campaign. After considering the three lmportant factors, Restetance Levels, time and goomstrical angles, the fourth and next very in- portant fuctor is the volume of salés at tops or bottors. sales inereaae near the top and decrease near the bottom, that ic, when 9 tear campaign has run for a long time and liquiddtion hue about run its course, the volume of pales decrease, which 1s an indicution that the narxet is getting ready to mako a change in trend. VANADIUM STFEL, WEEKLY WIGH & LOY CHART, VOLUME G SALE: This chart vogine Septomser 29, 1926, Tor cach spuce 2/8 wide, y hove used to ropresent 25,000 sharce. | For example, during tno “eck ending sspromer 29, 1928, sales were 25,600 oharés and the high wés 85 and the low 76 which 419 represented by 1/8. the sine with the following week, when sales were 25,000 shares or less and tho stock remained in a nerrow trading rango but gradually worked up until the week ending October 27th, whon tho volume of sales wus 10,400 shores und the stook advanced to 88%, I mide the space 4 wide te represent 100,000 shures. Then note Novomber 10th, or the week @nding Yovomter loth, when the atock advanced Sra: 84} to 108, sales wore 238,900 sharos. Tho following weok, oaloo wore, 116,400 shares and the price gnly went 5 points higher. Then the stock wroke the angle of 45° ana declined to 85. During the week onding Decenvor fth, and the following week, the price was around this sare level, holding above the angle of 4x 1 from the bottom, and fuiling te get back to tho low roached during tho weok onding De~ comber 10th. The volume of sules on thie decline wus small. For tho week ending Decemrer 22nd, sales were only 25,000 shares. Then the stook started up again. During the wook ending January 10, 1929, eales wore 158,800. The following woek salos were 61,200 and the next weeks Sith thé stock getting only 4;point lover, sales were only 25,000 sharse. ‘when foliowed a hufok rally ending in the week of February Oth with sales of 1753000 shares, rhfe wis top, A qufok reation de Whiten shoved cut steel seo tohing time, Put that it kun ina at rong Position holding at 38 ahove the angle of 135°, or the prico of ST he hen when Stvol ergcood 200, it equalled 2 ciréice of 3G0. whom it sdvazecd to 2618, it was closcat to 62) in the third 100 or neurest tho angle. I€'wao tho strongoat angio after 1t erooacd tho palf-woy point or 180° angle, Steel's half-way point on the third hundvnd wag 250; 2623 would be the next polnt, or 5/6 polnt, which, equale 225°, Under the instructions for tho Master Tinting Anglos, you 411 find hoy far ouch tindng snglo hod moved from the tine Steel was incorporated up to tho time it mode oxtrene top. Study these timing angles and you v2] sce whot happens when each of the timing angles resch 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 90, 120, 185, 1573, 160, 210, 225, 240, 270, 300, 315, 330, 545, and 360 mentho, tho equivelent of 3c0®.” Under the Master Timing Anglos we algo show you what happens when tinting angles #15, 6, 7, G, and 9 crovs the other tining angles, on the plsce where they wero at the time Steel was incorpo- rated.’ Of course these same rules con be appliod to any othor stock. You can ace what happens when oach of these taster Timing Anglos returns to the same place it wus at the time Steol was incorporated, or to the sane place whon any oxtrome high or low price io reacnea. You vill learn when thesa Master Timing Angloo return to the same placo oF to tho came anglo or degree from which they otarted, There- fore you ¥#11 know the cxact measurenenta of eycloa accerding to moving energy. The tnotructions on tho Master Timing Anglos give you the couse of all market movements ond they can be worked out ahead os for as the yoar 2000, The figures which we will use are figures made by tho United States Govornment astronomera and are therefore absolutely accurate. A careful study of al] these figures and a comparison of the moverents of the various etocke will om- vince you of their value. HOY TO USE. OROMRTRICAL ANGIES Uy Kethod of operating in the Stook Market 1s 411 based on msthematicél points or geometrical angles. Tho Xesistance Levels sre ail geometrical angles hocause they are 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/é, 1/3, 2/3, etc., which are proportional parts of a circle vihether large or émall dnd, therefore, ropresont geometrical angles. There are three important factors to conoiger, price, tine end spaco movenonts. For exemple, when the price veuches 45, it reete resistance tecause it 1s equal toa 45° angle. Then then the prieé breaks a 45° anglo, rogaraloso of whother the price ia at 45, 67, 96, 155, 180 or anywhere'elso, it weakons tho poaition end oquels 2 Testatance anglo, but 1s more important when a long wove from the hace. ‘The Aistance tho stock broaks the angle of 45° ox uny other angle Sron the base is tho most important. For example, many tince & stock Will rest on the angle of 45° in its early atages when ad- vancing, then later in reaction reste on,it again, then have a pro- longed advance, react and rest on the 45° angle agein, and then hit whut Le tho next atrengest anziosto the 180° enclor 270 bocauso 4t 19 in opposition to 90, or 160° from tio GO° enrl, witch equaie 1/2 of tho circle, the atréngest point, what fa the next atrongest angle after 2707 360 vecauce it endg tho circle and gets baci: to the beginning point and 4s opnosite 280° or nulf-way point, or the angle which equals 1/2 of the cirolo, o __, Nhat anglce ore noxt strongest to 90, 180, 270 and 5507 220° and 2407 vocause they are 1/3 und 2/5 of tho éirolo. 120 so 90 plus 30, which 1s 1/3 of 90, 240-48 180 plus 1/3 or GO, which mikes thoo¢ atrong angles, espscially strong for reusuremonts of time. What angles are next in strength? 45, because it io 1/2 ef 90, end 155 because At ds 90 from 45, and 225 bocause Lt 10,45 from 1g0, ond 315 because it is 45 fron'270. Phe angle of 225° is 160 fron’45 and the angle of 515° 4158 180 fron 155. The angles of 90, 180, 270 and 360 form the firot in- pertont cross, known ao the Cardinal Croas. Tho angloa of 48, 135, 228 ond 315 form the next important cross, which is Imovn aa the Fixed Cross. These angles are very important for the measuromonts of time and space and volume. why fo the angle of 223° stronger than 113°, Because st is twice as much, being the same reason that a 45° angle is stronger than a 223, again the angle of 673 ia 1} times 45, therefore quite strong when anything is moving up toward 90°. 78% is stronger than S7y decause 1t io 7/8 of 9O and therefore one of the strongest points kefore ve reach 90 and mpertant to wateh both on tine, apace and volun. teny stocks have important moves and make tops or bottens Ground the 78th to 80th week, month or day. thy are the angles of 1/8 of a otrcle most important for tire end space moasurcment? Pocsusc we divide $1 into 1/4, 1/2, und 1/e parto. Ve use 25¢ or one quarter, 60/ or 1/2 dollar, and long years ago ve had 123” piccos, But thé moot important ripures of cur basis of somey aro the four quarters, but we do use the 1/8 part or 12¢ in 211 coloulations. Stock fluctuations are based on 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8 and the whole figure, ‘Therefore, any space reasurenent, as well as tine, will Work out closer to these figures whon eungod into angles of time than 1/3 or 2/3 points for the sizple reason that the fluctuations moving in 2/8 proportion must cae out closer to these figures. Figuring $100, or par, as a basis for otock prices end changing these prices to degress, 12% would equal 45°, 25 would equal 90°, 37% would equal 435°, 50 would equal 180°, 62% would equal 225°, 75 would equal 270°, 82} would equal 315°, and 100 would equai 360% For exauple: When a stock sells at 50 on the ledth day, woek or ronth, it 4s on the degree of ite time angle. 0n February 2, 1915, 0. 5. Steel made a lov at 38, whichis closeat to a price of 3 which 1s 3/8 of 100 and equals a 135° angle. Steel was 14 years 01d’ or i66 months old on February 26, 1915 and bit the angle of 155° Ae 39. on the angle of 2 x 1 {ros the lox at 1124, made tq Junury, 1927, In Tezceltar, 1940, U. 5. Steel clozcd abors tho 45° angle From the botto’ of 150; As long oa it staya above this angle, it is inn stronger position, but to regain the strongest ponition, tt ¥i21 huve to croca the angles of 45° from 150 on the up side and stay above thio engle. fercmber that when any stock breaks under the 45° angle on the daily, weekly or monthly pute it dn a very weok position and indieites u deciige to the next angle. however, When a stock can repain the 46° angle, tt fe in a stronger position. The sare rule applice to a 45° angle up fran any top. When a stock crosses the angie on the daily, veckly or monthly and atays above the 45° angle, it 1s in a very’ strong position. Afters stock once drops below or gets above eny important angle and then reverses ite position by getting back above the angle or Gropring back below it, 4t changes the trend again. qhe anples on the wonthly ant Weekly charts are, of ear: of greeter importance than those on the Daily charts, because the daily trend cen change quite often, while only the mJjor changes are shoxn according to the angles on the monthly high and low and weedy {igh and lov charte. Always consider the distance o stock is from its base or beginning point when {t breu.ze any important angle or crosses any iuportent angle. The farther avay from tho base, the importent the change in trend, whother this be crossing an angle fron th top or brecking under an angle from the bottom. Exch stock works out its own square according to its ex- treme high and lov points or the square of ite tops. For exuuple: U.S. Rubber-- 143 wus the total high to measure the width; then moye over 143 spaces or 143 months to the angle of 90° dow und di- vide up the square, as I havo doo on the monthly high and low chart. You cun sce how it worked out to the 1/4 of its square, 1/2, 3/4, 1/3, 2/5, ete. It will require 143 months to pass out of the squsre, or 21 years und 11 months, This period of tine will end in Pecenver, 1832, which will be an’important point to wateh for # change in trend on U: S, Rubber. RY obo: Wry Is the 90° angle the strongest angle of ally Recause it 4a horizontal or straight up «nd straight dom. ICAL ANGLES WORK ON STOCKS . Uhut Ls the noxt strongest angig to the 90° angig? The 269° angle because it 1s square to the HO" angle, being 80° fron the 90° angie. the angle of 3 x 2 on the Jest ri sue ut the rate of #2 points in 12 wenths ore gain of 3/4 ct a point per month in order fo keep above this angie. It is not necessury to draw angles from a long ways deck, Youcm meke the calculation and determine where they cross. Por exemple: Suppose in 1900, in the month of January, tock endo bottom at 15, and J want to ealoulate whore the 45° angle will cross 20 yeers later in Janucry, 1930. The 45° angle rises at the rate of 1 point per month, then 10 years would be 120 months or 120 points added te 15 at the bottom; the 45° angle would erees at 135 tn Januury, 1030, 11 of the ether angles may be cal- culated in 6 long way back in the same way. I have marked on the Pattern Chart {he measured degrees of the aygies, which you pill see are fotBes 15°, 182°, 265°,, 30°, 3°, 571°, 45°, 520% 562°, 60°, 638°, 712°, 750, 8220, BEd0, azd’s0°. “you a not have fo bother about measuring thése angle All you have to do to get the angles correct 1s to count the spaces ‘and draw your linos or angles accordingly. You will notice on your Pattern Chart how each angle drew from the top snd from the botton prove themselves by the point at vhich they cross. Por exemple: The angle of 8 x 1 drawn from "0" and the angle of 8 x 1 dravn from £0 down both crose at <5, 5-5/8 inte over from "0" counting to tho right. Then take the angle of x 1 fron "o" and 4 x 1 down from 90 and you will notice that they srose at 113 on 45, equal distance from the other angle and of caurse twice ‘re peasure. ° The resson why these angles prove this way is because the 45° sngle or 45 points, degrees, or anything elae from "0" to 45 is one-half of 90, Therefore paraile] angleg beginning at ®o ® going up and at 90 coming down, must cross on & 45° angle or at the gravity center. FULFS FOR ANGLES PRou Borrous Fron any bottom, bese or beginning point, two 45° angles can te started, one running up fron the vertical angle and one running down fro-. the vertical angle. ‘You can ayeo use @ 45° angle or any other anzle from any top, running the 45° angle down from the top, which indicates « dooline of 1 point por month, week or day, accord~ “ng to your scale of prices; then running the 45° angle up from ths :P, Which would indicate a gain of 1 point or 1 degree per month. For example; ‘Take the lov of J. S. Steel on November 15, 1920, when it sold at 150. start the 45° angle up and it gains 1 point per ronth; then start the 45° angle down irom 150 and the stock aa to decline 1 point per month to rest on tho angle of 45° Hovenber, 1950, was 12 months from November, 1929, and, $. Steel mde lov in November, 1930 at 158, which wes on a 45' a-glé fror the bottom at 150, In December, 1930, U. S. Steel made an extrene low of 254-5/8, this was 2 pointe under the 45° angle from 150, but rested Rover decide that tho main trend has changes ons way or the other without consulting your angles from top.or bottom and without consideriag tne position you are in in the cyole of euch individuet stock, ‘then extrene advances or declines’ oocur, the firet tine that the murket ‘reversca over one-fourth or onechact of the distance traveled, in the Inet section, you can gongider that the trend has turned up or down at loust for the present. It is important to watch apace movencnts because when time is running out one way or the othor, space movements Will shor 4 reversal by breaking back over 1/4, 1/3, or 2/2 of the distance of the last move, which indicates the main trend has changed. HOH TO US ANGLES FROt TOPS AMD BOTTONS EGE TO USE ANGIES FROL TOPS AND BOTTOUS. Tho anglos to be used from a bottom of 2 stock up stert from the point marked "0" and those starting down fram the top oF the chart marked "Tr" are the way thoy are put on from the top down, Remember, tho first thing to do when you vant to put sngles on from bottou to top ts te drav the angle of 45°, then'crey Sext the angle of 2 x 1 on each side of the 45° angle. In meny casoe, you XAUL not have te use any other angled Fax a tog tive, Bhan pat othe ether angles when they ure neceasury. Of coured, af foureseee fe saveactiz very rapidly, then keep your 1x 4 angle on und yor 8 x 1. ‘The act: applice when it io having a sharp deoline--keep your sngie ef 8x 1 and 4x 1 drawn dovn, using the scale of 1 point to each 1/8 ofan thea, us shown on your Pattern Gnart, A atock to Keep above the 45° angle must mike & gain af one point per moth, 1. 0. it must raice its bottoms one point por wonthe To keep above the angle cf 8 x 1 going up, it must raise its bottons eight pointe por month, end to keep above ‘the angle of 4x 1 it must raise i.c bottous Your points per month, To keep above the angle of Sxl, it ruc! raise ite bottoms three pointe por month, ond to keep above the anglo of 2 x 3 it must raise ite bottons 1] points per month or mke # gain of 18 pointa por year, On the left hand sido of the angle af 45°, beginning with the angie af 6 x1, the atock only hus to mxe a gain cf 2 pointe per yoar. If a stock camot riso above on angle of thia kind, it te in @ very weak position and of course on the bear siie af the square. The angle to the left of the angle of 3 x 1 {niteates u géin of 3 points por year and the angle of 3 x 1 iniloates a gain of 4 points per your, Tho noxt ongle of 2x 1 indleatos a gin of points per yecr ar 1/2 point per month. Coring down aftor having broken the angle of 45° and bresk- ing this angle, a stock 4s in a very weak position, especially if it #8 long vays from the tase, and indioutes much lof pricos. second, consider each individual stock and determine its trend frou ifs position according to distance in tine from bottan on top. Fach stock works out its 5, 10, 20, 50, 50 and 60 year qycl=a from its om bottoms and tops, regardiesa uf the moverents of otber stovks, even those in the same group, Third, monthly reversals or changes in trend often ocour after tyo to three months, The chance starte in the third month, according to the main tims factor you ere working in. Fourth, wookly tim rulea. 4 stock will run dom two to three weeks and somtizce four, but as s rule @ reversal or change will occur in the third weok and sili only run three weeks against the mein trend, In a Bull market two weeks! deoline, or possible three, and in tbe middle of the third week the trend will tura up ond olos6 higher rt the ond of the third veek. In some casos the change in trend will not come until tho fourth xoek. Then the reversal wil? core und dt will close higher at the ond of the fourth week, Ali of these rules are reversed in a boar market. Fifth, rapid advances or declines on big voluro will run about seven weeks. Those are culninution moves up or doz. Taten for bottom or top around the 49th to Sénd day, slthough at times the bottom or top will came on the 42nd ta <5th day end @ chenge in trend will etert. reromtor that et the end of any big movement, either monthly, weekly, or daily move, sqetine must be constmed for aceumlation or Alstrifution. 80, you must oliow for this. ‘ateh your ungies and time postoss. After a murket has declined seven weeks, it may have two or three ‘short week on the side und then turn up, wiich agrees with the monthly rule for a change in the third month. In regard to daily time rules, the deily chart gives the firet Lut remezter it may only run fron seven to ten days, then follow trend, whe weekly chart will give the néxt important change dn trend tut remember it may not run more than thres to four weeks or in extreme easce not more then siz to seven wooks, thon reverse. and follow the rain trend. the monthly ehert may reverse and run dorn three to four months, tren rovorse and follos the main trend again, or run up three fo four conthe in » beur market, then revoree end follow the rain trend, although os a general rule, in @ bear market stocks never sally nore than two months. They start breaking in the third ronth ant folloy the main trend down. SVine A reaction wi21 not Ist over two mentha, the third month wring ap, the sume rule ac im yearly cycle = the davn andthe. | third up. Thin sure rule Applies th Bear markets + rellied not lasting nore than tvo montha- Host nove run cut in eix te feven weeks. Seven days in & week, and seven times soven ming 49 daye, @ fatal furning point. Alwsys watch your annual trend end consiaer whether you sre in ® bear or Rull market, weny tines when in Bull year, with the monthly chart showing up, a stock will react tvo or three weeks, then rest three or four weeks, going into new territory and advancing eix to soven weoke more, ‘Always consider whether or not your big time linit has run out before judging 6 reverg© novo, and do not fail to consider your indications on time both fron nein top and bottoms, Rule 12: Daily Charts: The daily swing ron on the sare rulos as yoorly and monthly cycles, but of course it 4s only = minor nort of then. Important daily changes occur every seven end ten cys, During @ month naturel changes in trend occur around the 6th te Tin, Ott to loth, 4th to 1sth, loth to 2Oth, 23rd to eéth, 2th to Set. "those minor foves occur in accordance with tops and bottoms of individual stocks. atch for © change in Trend 30 days fron tho ist tovor bottor. This is very important. Then watoh for chanres €) 90, 20 days from topa on bottons. 180 days, or siz months, is very im portent on sazetincs merko chengea for greater moves, “Also the 9th S-dlith montha from tops or bottems should be watched for important minor and often major changes A daily chart gives the firet short ohange, which may ran fer seven or ten days, the eekly the next important ‘changes in trend, end the meathly the strongest, Remember weekly moves run three ‘to Seven weeks; monthly moves 2 to 5 months or more, socording to the yearly cyole, before revorsing. It 48 important to note whether a stock is making higher or lover bottans eack year, For instance, if a atock has nade a higher bottor wach year for five years, then mukes a lover than previous year, it 4s @ sign of a reversal and may mark a long dorm cycle. he Bare rule applies in atocks that are making lower tops for a number of yeurs in a Rear market. Stugy #21 the instructions and rales J nove given you, Reed them over several times, as cach tine they will become clearer to you. Study the charts und work out the rules in actual practice, as well 63 on past performances. In thie way you will make progrens and-will realize and appreciste the value of my method of forecasting. INSTHUCTIONS YOR PORECASTING THE STOCK MARKEY First, ronember tine ts the most important of 011 actors and not until] sufficient time his expired does any bis cove up oF gom start. the tine factor will overbslance beth spuce and volune. Vhon tins is up, space movement will start and ‘big volume will begin either up or down, Time rales, Always consider your annual Forecsst. The "%ur campuinn from 1919 wee doxn tie yoors = 1920 and 1921: therefore, VO can only rot a leyear rally in 1922; then tuo years down - 1933 and 1924, which completes the S~your Roar cycle, Now, Jook back to lv13 and 101+ und you vi21 see that 1925 and\1o24 Rast be Peer yeurs to compicte the 10-year cycle from the botto: of 1915 und 114, Then note 1917 pottom of a Hear yoar add sovon years and it uives 1924 also as totton of a Bear cycle. Rulo 9: Tow to pake up Annual Ferecaste for any yoar, Take ten yours back and the future ycar will run vory close to the Jast 10-year cycle. For instance = 1952 will rum like 192, 1912, and 1922. There te 6 major oyolo ef 30 yoare, which runs cut three ten-ycar cycles, The 10-year cycle back from the present and the @a-year cycle have the rost effect on the future. But in cozplet- ing the 30-yeer cycle, it is best to have 50 yeura past records to check up to mike up a future forecast. For instance: In order to make up my 1922 Forecast, I check 1892, 1902, and 1912, ard watch for mihor variations in monthly moves. But J lmow that 1922 will run closest to 1912. Hovever, some stocks will run close to the Sluctuctions of 1002 und 1902, Remember each stock works fron its oa base or irop its own tops and bottoms, and not alvays accord- ng to Averase tops and bottoms. Therefore, Judgo each stock in~ Gividu.lly uhd keep up weekly and monthly charts on then Rule 10: Extrene Great Cycles. There must alucys boo rajo> and u mumor, 9 lesser and a groator, & positive and & nogctive; shat is why stecks havo throe inportant movea in a 10-year eyelc, two tops three yeers apart and the next one foar years, ‘This works agcin the five years moves, 2 yoars up and 1 yeur down, then 2 yesre up - tWo major and one minor movo. The smallest conpiste cycle or workout in @ market is five yours, and 10 4s a complete cycle. Five times ten equele 50, which is the greatest cycle. At tho end cs &6reat Cyuls of 50 years, oxtrene high and lov prices occur. Go ..c. over past records and you can verify this. The numter "7" 4s the basis of tine, ani a penicic occurs end depression in the eteck market every seven yoars, which is extrexc ard greater than the three-year decline. Note 19C7, 1927, etc. Seven tins seven is fatal, which mekes 49 years, and ‘cauces extreme fluctuations in the 49th to S0th year. Remember trat you. zust begin with bottons or tops to figure all cycles, whether = jor “or minor, Ixtrenc fluctustions also occur at the end of « 50-year cycle #8 you can see by going back 30 to 50 years Rule 11: Monthly moves can be determined by the eine rele ac yearly; i. €., add three months to a bottom, then add four, yeven, to get: minor bottoms and reaction points. But rene: 4 ull market a reaction may only lest two or three © covance 1s resumed. In this way, & market may cmtinuo Pp for twelve months without breaking a monthly bottom. In Pia UP Page #3. TENE _AVIFS FOR PF ONECASTING STOCKS The stock kurket movos in 20-year cyoles, which 1s worked out dn S-yoar oyoles - a Seyenr cycle up and a B~yoar oyole dom. Rule 1; Bull or bear campaigns do not run more than 3 to 3} yeurs up or down without a movo of 3 to G montho or ono year in the opposite diroction. Many campaigns ¢ulminate in the 23rd month, not running out the full two years. Watch the veelly and nonthly charts to determine whether the culmination W111 occur in the 25rd or 24th month of the move, or in the 34 to 35, 42 to 42, 49 to 60, 67 to 72, or 84 to 90th months~ Rulo 24 A Rull campaign runs five yours; -2 yoars up, | Lyoar down, and 2 yearo up, completing a S-year cycle, Tho ond of a S-yoar campaign comea in tho Seth or Goth montha. Always waten for the change in the 59th month. Rulo 3: A Rear cyole rune five yeara down. Firat move 2 yeara dam, then 1 year up and 2 yoars down = completing the 5- year dou ewing. Rulo 4: Ada ten years to any top and it will give you another top of a 10 year cyole with about the same average fluc~ tuations. Rule 5: Add ten years to any bottoa and it will give you the noxt hotton of the 10-year cyole and of the same kind of @ year and about the sane average fluctuations. Rule Rear campaigns run out in Y-your cycles, or S years tnd 4 years from cny completo bottom. Prom any compicte Potter, of a tycle first add 5 years to got the noxt bottom; then add ¢ yoara to get bottom of 7-yeur ayole. Rule 7: From any complete top add three years to fet tho next top; then add three years to the first top, which will give the sccond top. Add four years to the second top to get the thira end final top of a 10«year ayolo. Rulo 8: Add fivo yoars to any top, wild Give tho next votton of a five-year cyole With about the same average fluctu- ations. In order to got tops of a Seycar cycle, add five years to any bottom and it will give the noxt top with the same avorage fluctustions. 1917 bottom of a big bear cempaign - odd Hive years gives 1922 top of © minor bull campaigns Why do x say "Top of = Viner 7ull Campaign"? 1919 was top - ada five years to 1919, givys 1924 as cotton of a Seyoar Boar oyole, itefer to Rule 2 and 3, writen will tell you that a Bull or Bear campaign never runs moro thin two yeare in the same direction. page #2. ‘The most important Pine oycle is the 20-year cyclo, or 240 months and moct stocks and averagon work closor to this cycle than any other. Five yoars 4o one-quarter of tventy and ton yoars {a one-half of twonty and very important hecause it 4a 120 months. Fifteen yours 18 throe-quarters of twenty years and important ve~ cause it 40 180 months, just the same as 7 1/2 years 10 90 months, Decause 84 5/8 ts 18/16 of 90. (he next important major cyole 4s 30 yours, Which is caused by the planct Saturn, This planet makes ono revolution around the sun every 30 yours. Saturn rules the products of the earth and causes extrom high or low pricos in products of the earth at the end of cach 30-yoar cycle, and this maken Stocke high or low. The moat important oyole of all is the 20-year cycle. The next important major cycle is the 10-year oyole, which produces fluctuations of the samo naturo and extreme high ar low overy 10 yoara. Stocks cone out remarkably, close on cach even l0-yoar oyole. The minor, cycles are S years and 6 years. Ths spallest oyole is 1 year, which will ofton show a change’ in the 10th or llth month. In repid markets a move will run 6 to 7. weeks and have some kind of a minor reversal in trend, but often markets will continue for several months, only reacting two woeks, thon reating possibly two or thres weeks and resuming tho main trend. often they wove right on up or dom in the third week. This same rule oppiice to daily movements. Past mankots will only move two days in opposite direction to the main)trend and on tho third day they will resumo their upward or downward oourse-in barmony with the main trend. In all mevenonts uso the angles and also calculate the 1/s,2/3, 1/4, and 3/4 points of the major or minor move. Once~nalt’ ie the most important os it equals the 45° angle, which is the strongest and most fatal. The next in importance is 2/5, which would equal a triangle, or 120°. All rules based on Natural Law aro applied the samo to Time, Space and Volume charts. Et never poys to guess. Always consider the main tine sWing of a narket; then watch your weekly and overnight charts until they show a reversal or tine has expired. All markets move in three to four sections. The third or fourth movement up or down barke tho culminstion. A rovorse signal 4a always given before time expires and then the market may make two or three swings up or down into the sane territory, going © little higner or a little lover than the topa or bottoms from whioh the Warning aignal yas givon. ‘hen this is taking place the market is either being acoumulated or distributed. W. D. GANN anatase uel Su utc feos pia een NEW YonK enarfeccosnae rea gr int one ean EE TARY cont once Nae hae one METHOD FOR FORECASTING THE STOCK MARKET sragersitgresiey etegagntg THD’ OF CHARTS You should keep a yearly, monthly, weekly end overnizit vhart, You-w41l find on the weolly chart that ctooke will often reverse tho minor trend and run up tio or three woeks, but the thivd Week it will not make o highor top or a higher bottom; yeb ot other tines it will hold for sovoral wooks without advone- ing above the level nado in the first two weeke' rally, In cases of this kind, it 1s always safe to tuy or sell with a atop 3 points above’ or below the two weeks! reverse move. If the markct Zs going Miqhor, it should conti me up the thire week, or con, to the cdac ray be, The rules apply ina bear market a3 in a bull market. eho Overnight Chart, in order to show a reversal in trond, must 7o 5 points above the last top or bottom. he Over= night “chart is based on Bottoms. As long as higher bottors are made, 1t continues upward, 4s long es lower bottoms are mado, it continues downward, The basis of a1] movenents are calculeted from bettors, For a market to advance, bottoms must be progreasive or increasing, and if a market deolincs, bottoms mast decrease. How Te FoREcAsT Evory movement in the market.ts the result of a natural nw and of a Cause which exfate long before the Effect. takes place and can be determined yeara in advance. The future is but a re- petition ac the past, as the Bible plainly states: “re thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is dane {a that which shall be done, and there is no new thing under the gun." -Ecol. 1:9, Everything has &.major end e minor, and in order to te acourate tr forecasting the future, you must lmow the mejor cycle, as the most money is made when extremo fluctuations cocur. The cajor cycle of stocks occurs every 49 to 50 yoors. A periad of “junilee" years of oxtrerie high or low prices, lasting from 5 to 7 years oocur at the end of the S0-yoar cycle. "7" 49 © fatal numbor referred to many timoe in tho Bibic ond it is ruled by the plenet Saturn, which brings about contrac- tions, depression, and panics. seven times "7 " equals 49, which fs ohovm aa the fotul evil year, causing extreme fluctuatians. PRE wa ox Phere are seven openings in tho hoad-~ two oye, two oars and two nostrils, oqually divided, thros on euch aide. From this wo got our law of Three und know the recson why the chengo comoa aftor two and in the third poriod. ‘The seventh ning in tho head is the mouth and everything goes dom. Study your sovon-year porieda and sco ho your marketa go doun and make tops and bottoms. Worsn is more perfect than man bocause sho can create. Hor body contains 12 openings. iante body only contuins 11. ®ho 12 roprosonte the 12 signs of tho Zodiac. Tho fact thas venta body only contains 11 openings proves Why a nen betrayod Christ and'not a woman. Note the angle af 114%. Mote the number 11 on all of your different charte. study the poodtion of 7 tires 7 or 49 on all of your permanent clarts, Tion you will umerotnd why tho children of Israel marched 7 times around the welle of Jericho, blow the ram's harn 7 times and the walls fol] dam on tho Tth'dey. This Lav is also backed with astrological proof, but cnything that oun be proved in any way or by any acdence la not correct unless it can be proved by nuubers and by goorotry. The Mino Cycles and every measurement of anglos aro ropresented by the human bedy. You have 5 fingers on exch hand/ Taoy arc Btove tho Waistline or Solar plexus and reprosent the 10- year cycle or tho tuo S-your cycles, which are 1/4 and 1/2 of tno 20 year cycles. You have 10 toos, but note that there are 5 on one side 2nd 5 on the other. This indicates that one 10-year eycie Which 4z below tho base line, must run opposite to the 10 alove the base line, but thet the Jo and 20-year tope and bottoms will cone out according to the proper moasurements from tho base or beginning point. study the different divisions of your lizs. Note the 3 divisions of your fingers, und that the third Joint er ends of your fingers are shorter than the other two, and thet ths thunb really contains only two spaces or joints, where your fingers contain 5, Learn the socret of this and you will learn why the thusb is 6o important, Study all of these Master onarts, spply them to Space, Time and you will find the cause of tops snd tottoms and will lnow how to determine Resistance Levels. Go ack over sny of the old charts you have and study the places where they have had the greatest rosistanco. Note tho price, then deter= mine the tive by weeks, months or days, and you will té able to learn how to understand future movements. Look up the position of your Master Twelve Chart and your Square of Nine, then ecnsider your gocretricil angles from West to Haat, according to tine, then considor your angles from the different bases or beginning points end you Will be able to dotermino the position of a stock. ‘The SQUARE OF NINE, the MASTER TWELVE SQUARE, and the GROFPIRICAL ANGLES are all mathovatical points and do not contra- ict each other tut harmonize end prove up the different mthesuti~ eal pointe. January 17, 1631. WW AnH,

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