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ED 3601 VERSION B KR 2011

Lesson plan April 13 Part 2 th

Grade/Subject: 7/Science Unit: D Time period: 48 minutes


(2-3, clear, and measurable) ASSESSMENTS (How will you
know they met learning objectives?)
STUDIES (Observations, Key Questions,
Students will: Products/Performances)
3.0 Devise ways to test the strength, and flexibility of Discussion
materials used in a structure.
3.0 Discussion
Compare the structural properties of different materials,
including both natural and synthetic materials.
Key Questions
Teacher resource guide
Popsicle sticks
Uncooked spaghetti
Glue gun or scotch tape
Introduction (5 min):
Attention Grabber/Assessment of knowledge: Ask the students what they would have made their bridges out of to make them
even stronger if they had any type of material available to them.
Assessment of prior knowledge: Discuss how if a skateboard was made out of paper, or a tent was made out of bricks the impact
this would have on the structure.
Body (40 min.):
What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing?

Learning Activity #1: Slides 10 minutes During LA 1 students will be engaging

To start off the class I will propose an idea to the class. I will have a marble and with the material, and answering key
will ask the class how I would have to manipulate straws to be able to hold this questions to go along with the material.
marble over top of a gap. I will take some suggestions and test them out creating
a gap between 2 desks and attempting to hold the marble up. I will ask the student
how holding a marble between a gap may apply to real building designs, and During LA 2 students will be designing
what types of structures in society need to support weight. the structures out of the varying
materials in order to be tested and
Learning Activity #2: Activity 30 minutes illustrate the difference that materials
-Students will build a predesigned tower structure with set measurements. There can make when designing a structure.
will be 3 groups which will all be making the same structure which will be tested
near the end of class to see the effect that building materials can have on a

One group will be given straws, another popsicle sticks, and another uncooked
spaghetti to make the design. They will glue these precut lengths of material
together to form the tower that will be provided via a paper template. Once all the
towers have been made a fan will be turned on to test how easily it is able to
knock over the created structures, and if they prove to be stable weight will be put
on the tower to demonstrate its strength.

ED 3601 VERSION B KR 2011

After this activity we will discuss if the results were as expected, and it would
have been possible with a different design to make the towers stronger using the
same materials

Closure (5 min.): * Connect your closure with learning objectives*

Summary: Closing discussion on the activity, and how the materials caused the structures strength to change.
Specifically we will link back the structures back to the terms including Deformation, and flexibility.

10 Key questions to review your plan:

1) What will my classroom/ teaching area look like when I begin to teach?
2) How will I interest the students on the lesson questions/ topic?
3) At what part of the lesson will I assess formatively? Summatively?
4) Have I clearly planned how I will transition from each part of the lesson (e.g. intro to activity 1)
5) Have I given thought to what approach to use in each activity? (e.g., direct instruction vs. group work)
6) Do I have enough detail in my activity descriptions to really understand what I will say, do, and assess?
7) Have I considered how my students will react to each activity? Any special learner considerations?
8) Do I know what evidence I am looking for as I assess formatively (e.g.- as you observe students working- what are you
looking for? As you question the students- what types of answers are you hoping to receive?)
9) Does my closure solidify the key points to the lesson?
10) Do I connect my closure to the lesson objectives?

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