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Ritchie Community League Meeting

Thursday October 6, 2016


Location: Ritchie Community League Large hall

Time: 7:00-9:00pm
1) Opening Business Tim Speaker
a) Call to order 7:04 Laura
b) Approval of the minutes from September 8, 2016
c) Approval of agenda 7:12
2) Introductions and welcomes 7:04 5 min
a) Laura
b) Tammy
c) Jef
d) Dallas
e) Sam
f) Ed
g) Angie
h) Susan
i) Monika
j) Troy
k) Len
l) Jim
m) Keri
n) Caroline
o) Peter
p) Tracy
3) Special guest: Troy reducing Neighborhood Speed Limits 7:12 Troy
4) Speed limit change to 40 km in Hazeldean. City of Edmonton requires the community to
demonstrate 67% support a speed limit to City of Edmonton. Advantages of 40 km speed
limit include safety and reduction in noise. 67 % have said yes, some indiferent, 21% did
not support in the individuals supported.
Suggesting that there could be benefit from the communities coming forward together.
This policy has not been utilized yet so it is being tested.
Requesting that we discuss. Timelines Have until the new year to get a response to Troy
about our approach.
Forward the action item to consider for Julia. Laura will also follow up with Cathy.
Ritchie Community League Meeting
Thursday October 6, 2016

5) Standing Reports 15 min

a) President 7:26 Laura
Express of appreciation for the amount of work invested over the last few months. Great
success for the Community League Day and Oktoberfest
b) Treasurer Simon
c) Presentation of the Social Event Summary
i) Request to include the volunteer hours contribution to the event (both at the event
and in preparation)
d) Submitted Society annual returns
e) Secretary Tracy
i) Tips sheet
ii) Workshop follow-up and workplan
f) Hall Coordinator 7:45 Keri
Appreciation to the recent hall use, has gone really well
Hall report provided
Meeting requested to provide direction and criteria for Keri to use for out lying
Action item: Doodle Poll to President, Program coordinators and
i) Hall Maintenance No items raised
g) Community Recreation Coordinator 7:56 Susan
ParkBench distributed 5 min
Year round Green shack will start in May, locations are in the report
Leah and Susan to talk of line about learn to skate
Notice of a public meeting open house Mill Creek Ravine rehabilitation project Oct.
27 Hazeldean 5PM to 8 PM drop in
Notice of a public meeting notice of public events Oct. 13 7-8 PM ATB Arts Barn
(online survey to available)
Winter Fun Festival Kennelworth January 14 th looking for members for a steering
committee next meeting is November
6) Website 8:00 Laura
Process has not gone as smoothly as we would have hoped
Motion: Immediate terminate the contact and ask for assets created during the project
from the vendor
Ritchie Community League Meeting
Thursday October 6, 2016

First: Laura, Second: Jef

Discussion: Built on a system that is not commonly used however we will maintain
The disconnect between the working relationship is not reflective of the individuals
character but a reflection of a diference of perspectives in the
Vote: All in favour
7) Ongoing Initiatives
(Focus update on volunteer and budget requirements and key highlights)
a) Ritchie Hall Revitalization Committee 8:15 Jef
Rebuild vs renovation is a ongoing discussion as there are complex considerations in the
decision. The concept design presented at Community League Day 2015 is not going to
meet the needs and looking to do a rebuild. Renovation can be more expensive as they
can be unexpected findings and work uncovered during renovation.
Designs are based on the assumption that we needed to maintain
Some grants are dependent on a renovation however the interpretation of this may be
variably interpreted.
The trial of the skate shack indicated that the timing of the survey (spring and summer)
may have influenced the year round considerations for the projected needs.
Location of entrances
New National Energy Code is coming into efect that will exceed LEED certification
Needs for decision:
Move forward with work to obtain design schematics
New architect might be considered as they current architect did not respect the building
costs in producing the new build option as the projected cost is approximately $3.2
Avid is the architect that is being considered
1. Move forward with a new build concept drawing and a renovation
concept drawings as an alternative option in the Business Case that
both be presented to the City of Edmonton as part of the Concept
Phase of approval.
Laura, Tracy
Basement was considered by Strathern however it was not explored as an option
Ritchie Community League Meeting
Thursday October 6, 2016

Concept drawing will be brought back to the board for approval.

All in favor

Motion: Committee to move forward with working with Avid Architecture to complete
the concept drawings for the new build
Laura, Dallas
How much has been sent to date estimate. Suggest that a budget should be set.
Needs assessment and concept drawings is approximately $30,000 (but less
Hourly rates have been discussed with Avid, rates
Would we consider an additional RFP?
Has been completed for the RFP process
Review of the RFP process, references will be checked. Ofer to them that they
can include any updated information to the process.
Has the agreement with the vendor be completed? Yes
Review the grading process from the RFP Avid designs were not seen to be as
Amendment: If the reference checks are favorable, move forward to a maximum of
Peter, Tracy
All in favor

All in favor
b) Communications not present Amanda
c) Civics update 8:50 Max
i) Rezoning Mature overlay consultation ongoing
ii) Plan Whyte information on the, one of the scenarios is a zoning to allow for 14
story high density, there is another option with a lower option of 6 story,
Request for assistance
Sign up at
Ritchie Community League Meeting
Thursday October 6, 2016

d) Ritchie Vibrancy 8:59 Tracy (for

Julia was recently approached by the Flying Canoe Festival organizing team. They would like to get nearby community Julia)
leagues involved in the festival this year.
Flying Canoe Festival is a Metis, Art, and French festival happening the first weekend of February in Mill Creek Ravine.
Dylan Toymaker is hoping to have a lantern making workshop with the league and Ritchie will then have a light display of our
own at the festival.
We would need to pick a day and book the league for the lantern workshop if folks are interested in this opportunity.
e) Youth Programs Leah
Halloween Party coming up, pumpkin carving
Motion: Requesting up to $800 for Halloween party
Leah, Tammy
All in favor
f) Adult Programs 9:04 Tammy
8) Events update 15 min
(Focus updates on volunteer and budget requirements and key highlights)
a) Winter Day
b) Special Events Dallas
i) Oktoberfest great success
ii) New years update will be coming in November
c) Adult Programs Tammy
Craft Night
Motion: to move support Jillian Ritchie Crafter Guild to a maximum $400 startup cost
Tracy, Caroline
All in favor
9) New Business 10 min
a) Abundant Communities 9:09 Tammy
Date will be sent out for a workshop
10) New ideas from workshop Laura/Tracy
(check in on commitments and target for dates)
Meeting closed 9:10

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