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Agenda as follows:

1) Opening business Dallas (7:02)

a. Call to order
b. Approval of minutes from January meeting (tabled)
c. Approval of agenda
(Angie, Tracy)
2) Introductions and welcomes Dallas
Four Corners will attend in March concept plan is in place however the City is debating who will
maintain it. Pending internal discussions and review.
3) Standing Reports
a. President (absent, Vice President in lieu) Dallas
Chili cook off Alicia is leading, Sam is sharing the organizing planning stage underway.
Will look at the possibility of the tickets being sold on the webpage. Potentially a flyer to be in conjunction with
Abundant communities
Civics Max not in attendance. Overlays and infill updated from the City. Skinnies can
happen, setbacks are still the same, lot size variance has happened, considering consulting
with leagues.
Letter send in relation to the consultation process, high rise decision was delayed pending the
World issues some community members attended the Womens March, there is an
organization considering a postcards and pints event. They will provide childcare in one room
League will not be affiliated with the event but
A local mosque is holding an open house and we reposted it on the Facebook event.
Will revisit the Mission statement for update will be done via email
Outdoor sign needs to be updated so the webpage is no longer on it. Dallas will update it,
b. Treasurer Simon (report tabled)
c. Hall Coordinator Keri
Third furnace is fixed thanks to Len and Ed
60 incidences of use
16 paid rentals
7 by members
One weekend there was 6 renters
Febuary things are a little more back to normal
Learn to skate is on 3 consecutive Saturdays
Teen Paint Nite coming up
Shakespear workshop starting
Sunday mornings regular request has come in (10-11:30 AM)
Guidance League events take priority
Photocopier is faint and in need of repair. Tammy will assist Keri in looking at options.
Tracking statistics more comprehensively and can track
Revenue, hall usage by groups, names of not for profits, rooms booked most often,
groups by size, member vs non-member, family and community building events,
length of rental, how often its used for alcohol, repeat rentals, peak times
Considering a satisfaction survey
d. Community Recreation Coordinator (attending remotely if possible) Susan
City of Edmonton has a grant for community celebrations for Canada 150 link in the report
Community Celebration Sponsorship Program
Learn to Skate
Green Shack in Ritchie (see report)
Diversity and inclusiveness tool sharing and information sharing hosted by City of Edmonton
Will be attending remotely for the next 6 months
4) Program updates
a. Abundant Communities Caroline (insert update from Caroline)
Support team is in place (2 non-board members and 4 board members)
Meetings planned every couple of weeks
Tasks allocated including increasing public awareness (posted on the board and in the
newsletter) inquiries have been coming in
Grant is needed to pay neighbourhood connector Lisa is looking at HR component, Julia is
helping with grant writing
Reviewing the survey to customize to our needs
Made contact with database engineers (Common Good)
Interest from the community members is starting
Information is already on the webpage can participate in the survey online
Block connector can be filled on the webpage
Invited the board to check out the information
We will be redesigning the survey to work for our team we will be practicing at a future
meeting (March OR April)
b. Community League Day Allan (absent but information provided by Dallas) Sept. 16th
Meeting earlier this week
Will expect to have both car clubs
Plan to continue with free breakfast, raffle and activities for the kids
Canada 150 opportunity Citizenship ceremony might be held at the hall a heads up that
there might be a large attendance venue size might be a consideration might be held
First Nations representatives might be contacted to acknowledge the Indigenous peoples that
lived here 150 years ago
Linda Duncan has been invited
Notley has been invited
Plan to continue to the for the Canada 150 grant
Car show 11-3 presentation around 2:30
Meeting Feb. 28, 7 PM
Date: Saturday, September 16th
Volunteer recruitment will be a consideration
c. Soccer volunteering
People will sign up live for the volunteering
Dave and Angie will coordinate
Sign-up genius and volunteer sign up will be looked into
5) Spring/Summer events Tracy to facilitate
a. Check-in on commitments
b. Projected dates

Mill Creek clean-up first Sunday in May

Big bin event
Dave will look at the possibility of an eco-bin
Grant for community bin larger items
Mention the eco-stations as an option in the
Maybe message them the same but keep them separate
Pots on the porch
Align with
Front yards in bloom
Keep the hall in mind
Planters by the library

Dog day
Silly dog events
Potentially using the park as a fenced area
Looking for ideas
Mat would like to do this
SCARS might be a good connection
One day event proposal request to Susan
Registration for dogs anything the City might want to include
Trunk sale
Coincide with the BIG BIN event for a Spring Clean Up
Similar to a garage sale
Want to be mindful of Calvary Church dates for their annual garage sale
Bike Day
June 10 tentative date
Coordinating with a few organizations
Walk on item
Disco ball cost will be investigated for Zumba

Peter notification sent from AGLC

The casino on Argyll is the one we are allocated to -
Options: Aug. 31, September 1
Adjourn 8:28
(Tracy, Caroline)

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