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This drama started with:
1. Grandpa&Grandma picture when they were be boy and girlfriend
2. Grandpa&Grandma picture when they got married
3. Grandpa&Grandma picture with their children
4. Big family picture
5. Old Grandpa picture
6. Old Grandma picture
7. Main title, etc....etc

Grandpa&Grandma have face to face sit. They look at each other for a while, they smile
at each other for a while. They come to sofa together, they sit down side by side like young
couple. After they laugh, they sit down face to face again. They look at each other for a while,
smile, and come to sofa together again likes a bride and groom, with ashame and so, and so on.


Grandpa : Would you like to sing now?

Grandma shake ones head and smile spoily
Grandpa : Like it used to be.
Grandma shake ones head and smile spoily
Grandpa : Sing like before.
Grandma : Im shy
Grandpa : You always like that
Grandma : Cause you always mock me everytime when I sing
Grandpa : Now, it is not, since now I will never mock you again.
Grandma : I dont wanna sing
Grandpa : Whenever?
Grandma : Whenever
Grandpa : Also for me?
Grandma : Also for you.
Grandpa : You're cruel. I am very sad. I die before you sing.
Grandma : Honey, why are you thinking about that? It is not good and useless. Honey, stop
thinking about it.
Grandpa : If I die before you sing, its so tragic. Its my fault.
But if you have understood that I tease you, of course you can forgive all of
them. God, I think I have my last breath when you are singing for me.
Grandma : Honey, please stop thinking about that! For the sake of all, stop it! Smile as usual
Grandpa : I will smile if you make a promise.
Grandma : Of course, yes of course
Grandpa : Sing for me.
Grandma : Of course, honey.
Grandpa : When?

Grandma : Someday

Grandpa : Before I die?

Grandma : Yes, honey. Yes, honey.

Grandpa : Now.

Grandma : No, honey, you know that I catch a cold since the party a few days ago?

Grandpa : (Laughs) Oh, I remember now.

Grandma : You always like that! You never care when I get sick.

Grandpa : Youre over.

Grandma : But you always like that. If I get cough you know it after a week.

Grandpa : Yes, I admit that I often enjoy with my self. I admit it. I hope you forgive me for
my soul, so that .......

Grandma : Honey, I dont wanna forgive you if you dont wanna stop talking about death.

Grandpa : Im sorry, no more.

Grandma : I will forgive you with one condition.

Grandpa : What is a condition?

Grandma : You should sing for me.

Grandpa : (shook his head).

Grandma : If you dont do that, I dont wanna forgive you.

Grandpa : And my heaven ...?

Grandma : Maybe, have close.

Grandpa : Well, I will sing. But just a little. If it is too long I will get cough.

Grandma : No. From the beginning until the end of your song.

Grandpa : I will get cough.

Grandma : You always say it, but in fact you are good at singing. And you always sing a
song perfectly without coughing.

Grandpa : A song?

Grandma : Come on, honey. The audience could not wait for the singer.

Then grandfather sang two-three rows of no other love stand - chen Schubert or other and the
rest play back. As soon as the song ended grandmother clapped excitedly

Grandma : Your voice is still same.

Grandpa : Where is the first gallery? I wanna see my self when I sing in public where you
are there. Do you remember that?

Grandma : In that time you just graduated from propaedus. You're so arrogant.

Grandpa : You too. You never look at me.

Grandma : Because your sight is naughty.

Grandpa : But you also look at me quietly.

Grandma : You're smart to kiss for the first time you kissed me.
Grandpa : Every time when I see a scene, Im smart to see it detail and imagine it, include
about kissing scenes.


Maid : There is guest, mistress

Grandma : Who?

Maid : MrsWenas, ma'am.

Grandma : (Glancing at my grandfather) that Mrs. Wenas (to the maid) I will meet her.

The maid exits

Grandma : Do you give letter to her?

Grandpa : No.

Grandma : You lie. How did she know about our party?

Grandpa : I do not know.

Grandma : You lie (Exit) I fewer was started.


Grandpa : she should not have come here.

Then he loitered around and grumbled.

Grandpa : I'm afraid he has fever because of the Mrs. Wenas. Ah. Its better for me to go
out to the den. (Exit)


Grandma : We sincerely hope that you came yesterday. My husband wonder why you did
not come then.

Mrs. Wenas : We're sick.

Grandma : We? You mean ....

Mrs. Wenas : Yes, I and my dog were sick. Every time I am sick, so does my dog. I'm glad
because I am a little better now, but Bison has a severe illness.

Grandma : Poor. Honey. (wonder because her husband is absent). Where are you? He was
here. Wait a moment please (calling) Onda, where are you? (Exit)


While watching around the room, Wenas fix herself.

Mrs. Wenas : I am damned, why am I so afraid?

The Servant come and bring drinks and then he go back to kitchen.
Mrs. Wenas : Wait
Servant : Yes, maam
Mrs. Wenas : Whos person choose this drink ?
Assistan : I did it. Why ?
Mrs. Wenas : Its my favorite drink
Asisstant : Im so pleasure maam. Drink it, please.
Mrs. Wenas : (drinking the drink) The taste is good. How do you know that I like this drink ?
Servant : My master often told about you to me. When I know you will come to this home,
I make your favorite drink soon. Happy drinking maam.
Mrs. Wenas : Wait again !
Servant : Whats wrong maam ?
Mrs. Wenas : Your master stiil like ....
Servant : Do you mean that he likes watering cactus ?
Mrs. Wenas : Yes ?
Servant : Not anymore, maam. But he likes watering all flower now in the morning and
also in the afternoon. But in the midnight, he is often watering cactus which it puts in the privy
without anybody knows what he does. Sorry maam but I have to go back now.

Grandma : Welcome, Mrs. Wenas.

Mrs. Wenas : Congratulations for ....

Grandpa : Thank you. Sorry, Mrs. Tampubolon?

Grandma : Youre really forgetful.

Grandpa : Who said, Madam is Mrs. Mangandaralam.

Grandma : Honey, this is Mrs. Wenas..

Grandpa : Yes, I mean Mrs. Wenas. How is your husband maam?

Grandma : I'm sorry, ma'am. Honey, Mr. Wenas had died eleven years ago.

Grandpa : I'm sorry, you're right honey. I have bad memory. I'm sorry ma'am.

Mrs. Wenas : No problem.

Grandma : (Calling) Joni.!

Servant : Yes, ma'am.

Grandma : Take this drink in.

Servant had brought the drinks.

Grandfather : How are you, ma'am?

Mrs. Wenas : Im fine. Thanks for Mr. and Mrs Blessing. What about yourself?

Grandpa : Thanks to your Blessing.

Grandmother : do you like to drinking orange juice Maam?

Mrs. Wenas : I like all kinds of drink. But I prefer ice milk.

Grandpa : I do not really like it, but ........

Grandma : We will drink orange juice. We get Flu (calling) Joni!!

Servant : Yes, ma'am.

Grandma : Please make a glass of ice milk and two glasses of hot orange.

Servant : Two glasses of ice milk and a glass of hot orange?

Grandma : Two glasses of orange juice and a glass of hot milk.

Grandpa : Hows your children madam?

Grandma : Honey, Mrs. and Mr. Wenas were not blessed any child. Why do you ask?

Grandpa : Sorry, I forgot. I mean, what is the purpose for madam to coming here?

Grandma : I'm sorry about my husband, ma'am. Sometimes he was very rude, but he is a
very gentle man.

Mrs. Wenas : Yes, ma'am. Onda is a very gentle man, even very very kind. Onda always be
careful in choosing his words and I guess he never shout over his lifetime.

Grandpa : what will we drink? Mrs. Wenas likes ....

Grandma : Onda, we has been ordered drink. (Dragging) you're overreacting, it is so


Grandpa : You, yourself ask in order that I pretend not to know that woman.

Grandma : Yes, but you're overreacting. You're less natural.

Grandpa : It's hard. If Im natural, youre angry. If Im overacting, youre also angry. If I
pick you up in the library, youre also angry. I dont know now to behave, so
youre not angry and I dont want to be angry in order that you arent angry.

Grandma : Just be a little bit polite.

Grandpa : Ill try.

Grandma : Relax your face.

Meanwhile, the servant had been serving drinks on the table and was about to step away.
Grandpa : Lately, fresh air. What is often rains your home, madam?
Mrs. Wenas : Yes, especially lately
Grandma : It is the rainy season
Mrs. Wenas : And especially when afternoon
Grandpa : Like in our home, is not it, dear?

Grandma : Of course. If madam Wenas home is rain, our home too, because madam Wenas
home and we are in one city, even one sub-district.

Grandpa : Yes, one city, one sub-district. Is not like that, madam, ehhh who? Oh ya madam
Wenas? Is not like that ?

Mrs. Wenas : Yes, we are in one city.

Grandpa : Lets drink.

Grandma : Please, madam.

Grandpa : (after drinking) Fresh orange is so hot

Grandma : Yes, please, Madam. Are you dont like it?

Mrs. Wenas : (understand) It is very fresh milk! Thank you.
Grandpa : Since when you like this hot milk, madam?
Mrs. Wenas : Since...since yesterday. Yes of course it was.
Grandpa : We like the fresh hot orange, is not like that, honey?
Grandma : Yes
Mrs. Wenas : Honestly, I really admire with you, Madame. I never see you are growing old,
Grandma : You exaggerate Madame.
Mrs. Wenas : I am serious, Madam.
Grandma : So, I will be honest. The more you get older. The more you get your beauty.
Grandpa : It should be. (Open his wide eyes). I mean the old appears when we feel old. The
term old is derived from its definition; unfortunately, this definition is only done
by time. So its hard for us to take the consequence. Just take it for granted.
Grandma : I dont think so. Old is a consequence from our awareness.
Grandpa : Yes, if we neither have math nor time, we never get older.
Mrs. Wenas : But we have sun
Grandma : Thats the point.
Grandpa : Destiny. Now lets drink as if we havent the sun.
Mrs. Wenas : Hot milk is so fresh.
Grandpa : Fresh orange is so hot. Is not like that, honey?
Grandma : Yes it is.
Mrs. Wenas : But...if we dont have sun, we will never have moon.
Grandma : And we dont have daylight and your rheumatic will acute again.
Mrs. Wenas : We arent going to have noon and night
Grandpa : So what?
Grandma : It is better we have sun than doesnt have anything
Grandpa : Yes, and it means old is mercy
Mrs. Wenas : No., it is not but what should we do
Grandpa : What we have to do lets drink again
They drank and talked like before
Mrs. Wenas : Old or not doesnt matter for example cactus
Grandma : Yes, whenever cactus is still cactus is rigid and thorny
Grandpa : So I remembered Old Shatter hand with Winnetou, how both them of crawled on
savannah while they were breathing which was bringing the enemy odor, or how
they heard the enemy hooves from a thousand miles. Wild cactuses many grow in
Mrs. Wenas : Its beautiful
Grandma : Isnt it the beautiful flamboyance of Poinciana tree that can always create a way
covered dusk?
Grandpa : I think it is prettier and useful. We even can take shelter under its golden light
Mrs. Wenas : But Poinciana tree I think is too glory and less simple
Grandma : Cactus is always loneliness I said
Mrs. Wenas : It is right less attention by anyone
Grandma : It is dangerous
Grandpa : What do you think how we move to the other topic I think Bank interest involves
our interest economy
Mrs. Wenas : Its too bad, we already agreed to receive suns invaded so Ive been gotten
warning from him, long enough Mrs. Wenas ..thank you for you dishes. I think
I should go home and congratulation for anniversary wedding. Its so bad, he gets
ill so I have to back home soon
Grandma : Thank You very much for you visiting
Grandpa : Thank you sends my regards to your husband
Mrs. Wenas : You are welcome (while go away) my bison

Muteness war just began between grandma and grandpa.


Grandpa : Why you are silent?

Grandma only keeps silent
Grandpa : Why you are so silent?
Grandma : You too.
Grandpa : Why?
Grandma : Why you do that?
Grandpa : is a bad time to discuss this problem in our lovely party.
Grandma : You start this first. You destroy our lovely party with your girlfriend's cactus.
Grandpa : When you was young. Youre totally sure that I have had a loving-relation with
her. I was surprise, why you manage to create fantastic figure becoming a real
figure in yours, so you can pull your leg (idiom= mempermainkan dirimu) a
whole time as long as in your life.
Grandma : It is not fantastic. But she was really your fantasy figures even when you get
older (crying) you intentionally asked Joni to prepare a special drink when she
Grandpa : Who? Me? Asking to Joni? What beverage?
Grandma : You asked Joni to make milk ice when that Mrs. Wenas came.
Grandpa : No. I didnt ask Joni to do that.
Grandma : You did it when i was met her. When you pushed you away from here and then
you hid yourself in the reading room.
Grandpa : No..Darling.. I went to the reading room for a while and then I was
preoccupying in reading about psychologist. When you came here, I exactly on
the telepathy track. I remember indeed.
Grandma : You were lie.
Grandpa : If you don't believe that. You can call Joni. (Yelling to Joni)


Servant : Yes, Sir.

Grandpa : Who asked you to ...
Grandma : Let me ask him. Joni!
Servant : Yes...Madame..
Grandma : How many times did you lie since this morning?
Servant : Never. Madame.
Grandma : Confess it. I will not cut your wages off.
Servant : Honestly... it has been twice Madame.
Grandma : What a tough guy. What are they?
Servant : First is to my wife.
Grandma : That is unnecessary thing to tell. And then?
Servant : Second is to my wife.

Grandma : So do you always telling lie with your wife?

Servant : Not always, Maam. But no more than three times a day

Grandma : Why do you do that?

Servant : Because I believe my wife also doing the same.

Grandma : What a lie youre telling about??

Servant : Almost everything from the minor to the severe ones

Grandma : The minorist? Like what?

Servant : Quasi illness

Grandma : The severest?

Servant : About pray

Grandma : How about woman?

Servant : Thats in the middle standard, Maam.

Grandma : How?

Servant : I think this question is privacy, Maam. And its not polite.

Grandma : You are smart in debates.

Well. Now you just have to confess who is order you to prepare three glasses of
ice milk when Wenas comes?

Servant : Myself, Maam.

Grandma : Why ice milk?

Servant : I dont know. I just prepare.

Like the previous visitors, I make ice syrup and you just quite.
Servant : Is there any work that I have to do, noble Maam?
Grandma : Thats all. Go away!
( Joni Exit )


Grandma : You lie.
Grandpa : Its not good to ruse.
Grandma : In fact, you take care of cactus in lavatory.
Grandpa : Not always only cactus but also some other flowers.
Grandma suddenly crying well
Grandpa : Serene, honey. If you silent, I will sing again. Serene please. I will sing two
songs. Please, serene honey, dont cry too hard, it will make your throat hurts and
husky. I cant imagine if the children come, honey. Or you want me read a bible?
Legend? I will read how Noah (prophet) takes care of pregnant female lion, while
a monkey suffered influenza.
Grandma : Although you accompany me into the bedroom, I wont be silent.
Grandpa : Well, I will do nothing but you should keep silent.
Grandma : If you dont do anything, I will cry harder than now.
Grandpa : Oh God... I just have a head and Im confused. If I have three heads maybe I
know how to make you silent. But my head just one and your cry fulfill my head
with million bluebottles. Oh my God.
Grandma : I will keep crying. Let the thunder strikes, Ill keep crying.
Grandpa : Tell me my nymph....
Grandma : Im not a nymph
Grandpa : Tell me my angel...
Grandma : Im not an angel
Grandpa : Tell me my goddess
Grandma : Im not a goddess
Grandpa : Whatever you are, please tell me..
Grandma : Im your wife !
Grandpa : Yes, I know, tell me my wife....whats going on?
Grandma : Im not your wife !
Grandpa : Oh my God..
Grandma :You are so cruel, you dont have any feeling for me.. you dont love me anymore.
You broken my heart and cheating behind me. You are lier ! God, please bring
him to your hell ! Burn him until die.
Grandpa : (crying) How dare you...
Grandma : Whatever
Grandpa : Do you want me go to the hell?
Grandma : No...not in the hell, but the worst of hell.
Grandpa : Youre rude! And you ??
Grandma : Heaven.
Grandpa : You are selfish !
Grandma : Yes, I am.
Grandpa : Why dont we go to the same place??
Grandma : Me?? With you?? (Cih! Spitting)
Grandpa : Are you really want me go far away from you??
Grandma : Yes,, but you dont understand.............................................. I want to break up.
Grandpa : Whaaat??? Break up?
Grandma :Yes, we have go to the district court right now.
Grandpa : Honey,, you must think before you want to divorce me.
Grandma : If I think again, I worried I wont far away from you.
Grandpa : But you must think, Honey...
Grandma : I neednt to think again. My heart is the judge from this problem. I want
divorce now!
Grandpa : Its night, honey. We cannot go to district court now.
Grandma : Okay! We can go tomorrow. But.. begin this night I didnt want you in my side, I
didnt want you sleep in my bed. You can sleep in your library with your pet.
Nita voice : B u s t a m!
Servant voice : Yes, Madam..
Grandpa : Do you listen? Nitas come..
Servant appear
Grandpa : Honey.. keep quite.
Grandma : No way! I wont
Grandpa : Nitas coming, honey....
Grandma : I dont care
Servant Appear with a lot of bag, when Nita come in to the room, Grandma suddenly go away.


Grandpa : (overtake) My love....

Nita : Whats wrong again, Dad?
Grandpa : Cactus in latrine (exit)
Nita : Bustam
Servant : Yes, Mam
Nita : Did Mom and Dad quarrel?
Servant : I dont know Mam, but I hear that theyre weeping


When Nita and Servant exit, Arba come in and bring some suitcase and bag, then put them in
there. A few minutes later, Novita come in with her children, Meli and Feri
Arba : In here, Mam?
Novita : Yes, put in here
Arba : And the others, Mam?
Novia : Let them in the car, and you wait in there
Meli : Mom, did Daddy will come in too?
Novia : Yes sweeti. Arba!
Arba : Yes, Mam?
Novia : Emm.. no, you can leave
Arba : Yes Mam (exit)
Feri : Wheres Aunty Ita Mom?
Novia : Just for a while handsome
Feri : Feri wants to see fish Mom
Meli : Me too, Mom
Novia : Yes honey, Meli and Feri may see the fish but promise, theres no play with
water. If you do it,the fish will get illness and grandpa and grandma will cry.
Feri : Grandma? Does she like wreep too Mom?


Nita is come up and shoked

Nita : ( after played with Meli and Feri ) whats going on Novia?
Novia : I will tell to you later, where is Memet?
Nita : Bustami!
Servant : Yes, madam
Novia : Memet!
Servant : Yes, madam.
Novia : Bring Meli and Feri (to the children) who is want to see the fish?
Meli and Feri raise their hand: Iam mam.
Novia : Follow memet.
Servant : Lets go see the fish.
Servant invite Meli and Feri entered.


Nita : It is a worst shit.

Novia : But, I think it is the last time I say this.
Nita : You always said that at the past.
Novia : But, Nita, you can measure how hurt my feeling when I see what Vita do to his
patient who counterfeit sick.
Nita : Who else?
Novia : Icih, the sundanese, his girlfriend when he is school.
Nita : But if she is sick , whats wrong if she checkup to your husband.
Novia : I believe she just counterfeit sick.


Grandpa : Just at the moment, Nita. You have to listen about your mother earlier.
Novia : Dad......
Grandpa : Whats wrong with you? Yesterday, You were from here. But now, you come
back again! With who you come?
Novia : My children.
Grandpa : Where are they?
Novia : On the back. Seeing fish likes usual.
Grandpa : (after thinking a minutes) Fortunately, you come, its no problem if you are as
her daughter knows it. Itis complicated problem and it might effect sadness for a
long time.
Novia : Whats matter, Dad?
Nita : Your mother, she is angry.
Novia : Mom?... Anger?... Why??
Grandpa : Listen to me (thinking). Actually, it is just litle problem and it is not important.
Your mother dislikes cactus. But I like it. You know?! I place cactus on restroom.
Just because of it, your mother is getting anger.
Novia : Why you dont concede?
Grandpa : During on my life, I always concede and always become a loser.
Novia : Throw away thats cactus, dad!
Nita : Dad, it is not only cactus but also it is fire, fire of jealousy, she is jeslous with
mrs. Wenas.
Grandpa : I think so, just because of cactus. Your mother want to divorce me.
Novia : Divorce?
Grandpa : Yes, she realy want to divorce me, and she wants the documents are finished
right now.
Novia : Mom?
Nita : Yes, she likes you, now.
Grandpa : What? Likes you? What happen? You also want to divorce? For who?
Nita : For her husband, of course.
Grandpa : Your mother and you are same, what is your reason you do that? Do you want
sadness like me? What did enter on your mind? Divorce! Do you think that
divorce will make you happy? Novia, dont be like adolence! Do you think that
marriage likes game? Novia, its time to you to be aware that marriage likes holly
building, namely mosque. And holly building is the place where is vision of great
god. Holly building is the place where is love becomes desire of your life. To
reach the happiness on your marriage.
Oh god.....
Novia, dont continue that. This is not only about you, but also about your
children. They are still growing. They need you and your husband. Imagine what
will happen on their psychology.
Meli, feri..... this problem became complicated problem. I will not let it go. I will
not let your home burned just because jealousy. I must talk to your mother. (exit)

Nita : Novia, do you never see that your childrens eyes shine is bright ? I am
discussing about meli and feri.
Novia : But you can think how my heart is being hurt now. Try it,icih. That bitch girl
almost comes to my house to check her disease everyday.
Nita : Is it almost everyday ?
Novia : No but I mean for once a week
Nita : Are you really that she does it for once a week ?
Novia : Okay, i say it just for once a month but her behavior is too childish and it made
me become so angry surely.
Nita : How do you know it ? do you join to check her disease ?
Novia : I just perforce become a detective. I go in to the treatment room and I pretend to
look for a thing.
Nita : So, you also hear what your husband and Icih have talked about?
Novia : Yes, I hear their conversation
Nita : How??
Novia : Like a doctor and his patient
Nita : So, what make you jealous?
Novia : How if my husband does medical check up in private part of Icihs body??.
Nita : Why you are not go inside and see Vita check that womans body?
Novia : Are you crazy??
Nita : Then, you just stay in the outside of his room?
Novia : Heeemmmm
Nita : That is your own fault
Novia : Do you think that I have to go inside and open her skirt?? You are mad.
Nita : It is better than you imagine that your husband and Icih do a bad thing
Novia : I am not supposed but make it clear to myself.
Nita : But wait. Please explain to me honestly, are Icih had married??
Novia : It is not the about she has a husband or not but it is about the character.
Although that woman passed away, I believe that her soul still flirtatious.
Nita : You have been dominated by your angerplease think about it calmly and
seriously. So much words that you have spoken but no one of your words can
explain me why you force your husband to divorce you. If you honest, actually
you just driven by your prejudice. You feel jealous to Icih but why not to others
women or girls that also come to your husband??
Novia : Do you think that other girls are like Icih??? If it is really happen I will jealous
to all of them. But, I think you are agreeing that not all women like to tease other
womens husband???

Grandma : (come to novia and crying) Novia, sweetheart,,,please, dont read such cheap
romance books imagine...your mind will be screwed up by reading such
unworthy books. Reading those books are just like filling your large intenses with
alcohol. You can drink it once or twice... but if you drink it every day... it will
decreasing your life spawnohhh my lovely Novia, I believe that you have been
affected by those unworthy books so you live your life just like playing a drama.
Read Romeo and Juliet story, sweetheart. Read about the faithfulness of love and
throw those readings that told you about divorce and hatered away from now on.
Do you think that divorce is a holy way??
Grandpa : Do you think that you will be a strong female if you got divorced from your
Grandma : Dont you think that your sentiment and jealousy will lead you to the happiness,
do you?
Grandpa : Dont forget about Meli and Feri too.
Grandpa : Because of your jealousy and your pathetic romance want to destroy
your household,,,why not that fragile chicken coops? It will be easier to break????
Grandma : Novia sweetheart, nothing comes good in your intention to get divorced from
your husband. Can you imagine all of your husbands kindness like before??
When you force me to accept him as my son in law??... ( novia speaks ) dont say
anything else
Grandpa : Yes, you have no reason, only just the exclamation.
Grandma : You are in anger. In these conditions remaining silent and listening other advice
is better action than any other action else.
Grandpa : Yeah, I guess so. Your mother actually in anger too but she speaks no word.
Grandma : These bags, whats the meaning of all of this? You are really playing around,
arent you?
Novia : I am not playing around Mom, seriously.
Grandma : This is a nightmare (crying again). Oh My God...what will happen if you got
divorced with Vita? How your life happens after all?
Nita : What about your children? Meli and Feri will get less of their parentss love than
Grandma : Think carefully, my dear...
Grandpa : Do you think that divorce paper like a cheque?
Grandma : Oh my God, bless my child by your compassion and mercies. Dont you get it,
Grandpa : Weve been together in a half of century, without any single thing which can
break us apart.
Grandma : Are you sure if that is your own sentence? I am sure that you pick it up from one
of your romance books !!Joni !! (no response)
Nita : Bustam!!!!
Novia :Memet!!!
Grandpa : Joni!!!!
Servant : Yes, Sir
Nita : Bustam, give me some cold water!
Novia : Quickly!
Servant : Wait for minutes, lady.
Grandma : Thats enough, Novia. Your mother can be fainted if you always do these!
Novia : Hmm,,, I mean I mean.. Vita is cheating.
Grandma : Which page that makes you quoting that sentence, Novia?? (shouting) Jonii!!!
Novia : Met!!!
Grandpa : Joni!!!
Nita : Bus!!
in a hurry, Servant brings 4 glasses of cold water, and among them are drinking
Nita : Change your phrase, Novia.
Grandpa : Yeah, thats right otherwise it will make your stomach swelled.
Grandma : Find the another phrase that has the soft words.
Novia : Mom, I am jealous.
Grandma : Yeah, thats good. Jealousy is pure, jealousy is sacred. Only bythat words, you
can create loves.
Novia : But Vita is far too much.
Grandpa : Perhaps, your jealousy is far too much.
Nita : Novia, got jealous with one of Vitas patients.
Grandma : Novia, you did not know that the soft and pure touch from a doctor just like the
touch from the saint even Prophet. The doctors are doing the sacred duties. Only
them, who are reallyapplying the Gods orders. In fact, the doctors could
understand the sorrow of humanty along the history. They fight obviously in order
to make uor life better than before.
Grandpa : They calm our heart down,heal us from any kinds of pain from our God.
Grandma : It touch my deepest heart
Grandpa : Poor Vita
Grandma : Good man like him being distrusted like this...
Grandpa : Like the Prophets, who are spited by their society.
Grandma : You are so cruel! You just like Abu Jahal, Novia.
Grandpa : You are very rude!!
With pale and in a hurry, Servant appears
Nita : Whats wrong, Bus?
Grandama : Whats wrong, Joni?
Novia : Whats wrong, Met?
Servant : Meli, madam.
THE FOURTH:Meli????????
Servant : Feri.
THE FOURTH: Feri????
Servant :Meli and Feri?
THE FOURTH: Meli and Feri????
Servant : Yes, Madam.
Servant : They are gone.
THE FOURTH: what???
SERVANT : they are gone.
THE FOURTH: kidnapped?
Servant : Gone
Novia : You nuts!!!
Nita : Where did you leave them?
Grandpa : How many times I said, be careful!
Grandma : The worldis fullof kidnappers.
Nita : Why are you so blank?
Keempatnya : Find them.
Nita : No, first.. we have to make a call
Grandpa : Call the police!
After they improvisation, they are anxious, fearful, etc.
Nita : Meli! Feri! Where are they?
Grandpa : My grandchilds
Grandma : My grandchilds
Novia : Met!
Servant : Yes, Maam
Novia : Call Arba
Arba : Im here, Maam
Novia : Are you a stone? Answer me!
Arba : Im here, Maam
Novia : Meli and Feri was gone
Arba : They kidnapped, Maam
Novia : Kidnapped?
Arba : Their father was take them earlier, about quarter of an hour ago Mr. Doctor met
me and without a word he picked Meli and Feri up and went away.
Novia : You are crazy
Grandpa and Grandma and Nita come up
Grandma : Where are they?
Grandpa : Have you called the police?
Nita : The cigarettes seller across the street said that a man has carried Meli and Feri
off in a car.
Grandma and Grandpa : What???
Grandma : (drink) call the police

Telephone is ringing
Grandpa : I sure it is from the police
Grandma : My poor grandchilds.. I cant imagine, they are crying because the kidnapper
scares them by his knives
Nita : (give telephone) Its for Melis mom
Grandpa : Is it from the police?
Nita : Its from Meli
Grandpa : Give whatever they ask... however it cost
Grandma : I sure he threats his knive on their tiny necks...
Nita : Meli and Feri have arrived at home. They are kidnapped by their father.
Grandma : Is this some kind of jokes?
Grandpa : Its nonsence! Nonsence! I cant forgive this kind of rude game.
Grandma : Why are you so angry? We should be grateful that is just a play.
Grandpa : Im so mad cause of this is just a play!!
Grandma : So, you hope it is real? Do you really want they got kidnapped?
Grandpa : Thats not my purpose. This game is for the young,not for old people like us. It
is not suitable with weak hearted person.
After Novia calling, Nita close her and both talking each other. Nita flatter to Novia.
Grandpa : Im gonna have to talk to Vita for sure!! I will say that as a doctor he didnt think
about the psychological effect from this game. Does he understand that I have to
manage my blood circulation in front of the aquarium while listening to slow
songs in to keep my heart healthy?
By using this game, it is same like he put a bomb in my head then explode it.
Does he think that he can treat me like Im a sick person? Probably, he forgets that
he is just a young doctor. A young doctor has lack of experiences. So, he must
learn more from old people like us. Son of the gun... think of it!!
Novia : Dad, Mom...I have to go home.
Grandpa : With no apollogies? Go home and tell to your husband that tomorrow he must
come here, I mean it!!
Novia : Excuse me, Mom...
Grandma : You must remember all of my advices.
Novia : Yes, Mom..
Servant : The police are in the outside, Madam...
Nita : Wait a minute, Ill be there.

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