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1 Week/Day/Date 1 Tuesday 5/1/2016

2 Class/Time/Subjec 3M 7.50 8.50 BI

3 Theme/Topic World of Self, Family and friends/Things I do
4 Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Objective 1. Answer at least 2 questions correctly based on the statemen
Reading 2. Read the text with correct pronunciation with teachers guid
2.2.2, 2.2.3

5 Activities 1. Set induction:

- Teacher shares his family members activity during the w
2. Pre:
- Teacher reads the text. Pupils repeat after teacher.
- Teacher asks some questions and let pupils answer it (wi
3. While :
- In group, pupils discuss about their family members acti
- Pupils present in front of the class. Teacher guide the pro
4. Post:
- Teacher give exercise, let pupils to answer the questions
5. Conclusion:
- Teacher inculcates moral values

6 6.1 Moral Values and citizenship

Values/EE Thinking Skills
7 Teaching Aids Text book, exercise, oral questions
8 Assessment Pupils do the presentation in front, and answer given questions.
9 Reflection/Impact
/ Homework
1 Week/Day/Date 1 Tuesday 5/1/2016
2 Class/Time/Subjec 4M 8.50 9.50 BI
3 Theme/Topic World of Self, Family and Friends / Our Community
4 Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Objective 1. Write words with legible cursive writing print.
Writing 2. Write the words correctly

5 Activities 1. Set induction:

- Teacher recaps previous lesson.
2. Pre:
- Teacher explains that the lesson will be writing in cursive
3. While:
- Teacher shows how to draw cursive letter, pupils follow b
Words in the paper provided
4. Post:
- Teacher gives several words and pupils draw the words in
5. Conclusion:
- Teacher concludes todays lesson.

6 6.1 Moral Diligent

Values/EE Creativity and Inovation
7 Teaching Aids Text book, blank paper
8 Assessment Pupils can write in cursive writing/ write the words correctly
9 Reflection/Impact
/ Homework
1 Week/Day/Date 1 Tuesday 5/1/2016
2 Class/Time/Subjec 3P 12.10 1.10 BI
3 Theme/Topic World of Self, Family and friends/Things I do
4 Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Objective 1. Answer at least 2 questions correctly based on the statemen
Reading 2. Read the text with correct pronunciation with teachers guid
2.2.2, 2.2.3

5 Activities 1. Set induction:

- Teacher shares his family members activity during the w
2. Pre:
- Teacher reads the text. Pupils repeat after teacher.
- Teacher asks some questions and let pupils answer it (wi
3. While :
- In group, pupils discuss about their family members acti
- Pupils present in front of the class. Teacher guide the pro
4. Post:
- Teacher give exercise, let pupils to answer the questions
5. Conclusion:
- Teacher inculcates moral values

6 6.1 Moral Values and citizenship

Values/EE Thinking Skills
7 Teaching Aids Text book, exercise, oral questions
8 Assessment Pupils do the presentation in front, and answer given questions.
9 Reflection/Impact
/ Homework
1 Week/Day/Date 1 Tuesday 5/1/2016
2 Class/Time/Subjec 6 Cekap 7.50a.m 8.50a.m English
3 Theme/Topic World of Self, Family and friends/Reading: the window to the world
4 Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Objective 1. write a book report of their favourite story books

5 Activities 1. Set Induction: Lets Talk(1)

-Talk and discuss about a book based on its cover.
What can you see on the cover? What do you think the st
is about?
2. Pre: Lets Talk (2)
-Classroom Discussion- Talk about different types of genre (Tree
Which genres do you like the most?
3. While: Group Activity (Snatch!)
-Teacher prepares answer strips for each group
- Teacher read the titles of few books and pupils choose the gen
4. Post: Lets Write (Individual)
-Choose one book that the students like and write a report on t
Write about the title, author, genre, characters, synopsis

6 6.1 Moral Love to read/Thinking Skill

Values/EE I-think tree map
7 Teaching Aids Textbook, answer strips, story book
8 Assessment Book report
9 Reflection/Impact
/ Homework

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