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Its a Genderfull Life

Haleys senior project featuring Syes Gender Studies class

We live a world where just because you are a female you have to do
everything that society tells you. You have to wear pink, play with
dolls, be weak, have perfect skin hair and body, and remember dont
ever act like a boy because thats not lady like and society wants
perfect ladies that follow all the rules. If youre a guy say goodbye to
your feelings because its not manly to cry, you have to be tough and
like trucks and sport and be highly competitive, because what is a
man in society without these things.
What is a Its Genderfull Life?
Its a Genderfull Life is a documentary that the students of Syes
Gender Studies class put together. It exposes stereotypes
regarding gender and explores topics involving violence against

Stereotype example-Boys play with trucks and girls play with

When, Where and Why should you come?
When- Tuesday, April 4th


Where- Location TBA

How to sign up- Well be sending out a google form

Why should you go- The Gender Studies class worked really hard
on putting this documentary together and wed love to share it
with you. Some of your classmates are featured in this
documentary and Haley would really appreciate the support in
her senior project!
Your teacher may offer you extra
credit for attending...and there will
be food!

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