Week 5 Lecture Notes

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The four Key questions to ask

- What do I want ss to learn? (knowledge, skill, social behaviours)

- How do I want them to learn it? (sequencing of learning experiences)
- What will ss do in order for T to know they have learnt the content?
- How well do I want them to do this? (expectations via indicators/
maybe some form of marking rubric)

Assessment can be informal and formal

What are expectations via indicators?

Unit overview
- Dont have unit over whelming, allow the students to be able to achieve
- Students have an equal opportunity to resources to complete the task
- How to get students motivated
- Advanced teaching strategies

Methods to improve quality thinking?

o Collaboration
o Inquiry based activities
o Problem solving
o Student directed activities

Students will not engage in learning if the task is:

o Boring
o Difficult
o Easy
o Has no connection to ss lives

Interesting lessons need to be planned in order to engage students

o Ensure the lessons are sequenced and scaffold
o Relate the topic of study to student lives

Debones six thinking hats

o Means of exploring characteristics advantages and disadvantages
o It explores perspective of having an open mind

o White hat- what are the facts

o Red- what are my feelings
o Yellow- what are the positive points
o Green- what is possible
o Black- what are negative points
o Blue- thinking to solve a solution
o Incorrect as it shows nouns but it should show verbs eg. Remembering
o Remembering- retrieving or recalling info
o Understanding- interpreting, summarizing
o Applying- implementing strategies
o Analyzing- breaks down material or concepts into parts
o Evaluating- making judgments based on criteria and standards
o Creating- putting elements together to form a functional whole

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