10commandmentsforlife 14

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Student Name: Jahlil Pinkett Date: Block:

Ten Commandments for my Future Christian Vocations

Spring 2017

Commandment Rationale Scripture Suppo

I I will follow the Rs Saving relations is Romans 12:17 Repay
one evil for evil, but give
important thought to do what is
honorable in the sight of

II I will be respectful Respect is earned Romans 12:10 Love o

another with brotherly
affection. Outdo one ano
in showing honor.

III I will follow the love Everyone needs love 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
is patient and kind; love
languages differently not envy or boast; it is no
arrogant or rude. It does
insist on its own way; it is
irritable or resentful; it do
not rejoice at wrongdoing
rejoices with the truth. Lo
bears all things, believes
things, hopes all things,
endures all things.

IV I will protect my My job as a man Ephesians 5:25 Husba

love your wives, as Chris
partner loved the church and gav
himself up for her,
V I will have children Catholic teaching Genesis 1:28 And God
blessed them. And God s
promotes children them, Be fruitful and mu
and fill the earth and sub
and have dominion over
fish of the sea and over t
birds of the heavens and
every living thing that mo
on the earth.

VI I will raise my Catholic teaching Proverbs 22:6 Train up

child in the way he shoul
children well even when he is old he w
depart from it.

VII I will tend to my We have an 1 Peter 3:7 Likewise,

husbands, live with your
spouses needs obligation to in an understanding way
eachother showing honor to the wo
as the weaker vessel, sin
they are heirs with you o
grace of life, so that your
prayers may not be hinde

VIII I will seek God is the only way Psalm 37:4 Delight you
in the LORD, and he will g
happiness through you the desires of your h

IX I will be a public Charity makes the 1 Peter 2:17 Honor

everyone. Love the
servant world go round brotherhood. Fear God. H
the emperor.

X I will treat all Everyone deserves Romans 12:9-10 Let lo

be genuine. Abhor what i
people from all it! hold fast to what is good.
walks of life with one another with brother
affection. Outdo one ano
respect in showing honor.

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