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Clinical Observation # 1 Date ____2/17 __________

Student Teacher ___ ___B. Loya_______ Observer ___Beth Slaine_______

Criteria Exceptional Acceptable Unacceptable Comments

(5 points) (3.5 points) (0 points)

Coherence Coherence Total Points: __20____ /


Standard(s) & The objective(s) The objective(s) is/are The objective(s) is/are Yes
Objective(s) is/are closely tied to tied to appropriate not closely tied to
appropriate standards and are appropriate standards
standards and are somewhat specific, or are not specific,
specific, measurable measurable and measurable and
and observable. observable. observable.

Congruency All of the lesson Most of the lesson Few or none of the Yes
components are components are lesson components
highly congruent congruent with the are congruent with the
with the standard(s) standard(s) & standard(s) &
& objective(s). objective(s). objective(s).

Sequencing Breaks down Breaks down complex Does not break down Yes, I know Friday is short time.
complex tasks into tasks and presents the complex tasks or However, it may help students to
appropriate material in a present the material practice in mixed pairs. Form an inside
increments and somewhat logical clearly in a logical and outside circle. Practice 3 to 5
presents the sequence. sequence. minutes with one partner then the inner
material clearly and circle rotates. Student would have the
explicitly in a logical opportunity to practice with and
sequence. different people. It is more opportunity
to give and receive feedback.

Pacing The lesson is well The lesson is fairly The lesson is not well Good
paced and well paced and paced or transitions
transitions are employs some are ineffective.
effective. effective transitions.

Criteria Exceptional Acceptable Unacceptable Comments

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Clinical Observation # 1 Date ____2/17 __________

Student Teacher ___ ___B. Loya_______ Observer ___Beth Slaine_______

(5 points) (3.5 points) (0 points)

Elements of Effective Instruction Elements Total Points: _23_____ /25

Anticipatory Set Creative, engaging, Effective at focusing Not effective at Get readyone song to get spead out
and highly effective the learners attention focusing the learners on the floor.
at focusing the and tapping prior attention or tapping
learners attention knowledge. It requires prior knowledge. It
and tapping prior participation from does not require
knowledge. It learners and includes participation from AnnouncementsRodeo,
requires active a statement of the learners or it does not Friday/Monday schedule.
participation from learning objective.4 include a statement of
learners and the learning objective.
includes a clear
statement of the
learning objective. Warm up.

Movementswhy do we do each of
these warm up stretches.

Extentlooks better, breathing,


Consider a student leader or rotating

leader for warm ups. It would give you
the opportunity to walk around and
help students maximize their

Modeling Teacher clearly and Teacher models some Teacher does not Explaination and demonstration of
explicitly models expected learning model expected pinwheel trun left and right
expected learning outcomes for the learning outcomes for
outcomes for the learners. the learners.

Guided Practive Clear, concrete, Effective strategies Ineffective strategies Clap out practice of left/right pinwheel
effective strategies provide opportunities provide few turns
provide for most learners to opportunities for
opportunities for all demonstrate learners to

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Clinical Observation # 1 Date ____2/17 __________

Student Teacher ___ ___B. Loya_______ Observer ___Beth Slaine_______

learners to understanding with demonstrate Feedback

demonstrate support from the understanding with
understanding with teacher. support from the Extention 6 and 12 cross over at 6 and
support from the teacher. 12

Not with skirts lets make sure are


Watch the transitionhula hoop

Closure Concise closure is Closure is provided Inadequate or missing By group: Two pinwheets to the right
provided that that requires some closure. and two pinwheels to the left.
requires active participation from
participation from learners and
learners and reinforces the learning
effectively reinforces objective(s). Reviewed foucs before beginning.
the learning
Applause after each group

Next week with be critique

Independent Instructions are Instructions are Instructions are Students have opportunity to work in
Practice extremely clear and somewhat clear and unclear or do not pairs practice turns. Teacher
anticipate may anticipate anticipate difficulties. circulates to give feedback and clarify
difficulties. Tasks difficulties. Tasks Tasks do not ensure expectations.
ensure that all ensure that most that learners possess
learners possess learners possess the the requisite Consolidate to groups of four.
the requisite requisite knowledge knowledge and skills
knowledge and and skills to succeed. to succeed.
skills to succeed.

Criteria Exceptional Acceptable Unacceptable Comments

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Clinical Observation # 1 Date ____2/17 __________

Student Teacher ___ ___B. Loya_______ Observer ___Beth Slaine_______

(5 points) (3.5 points) (0 points)

Responsive Instruction Responsive Instruction Points:

_14___ /15

Check for Teacher uses Teacher uses at least Teacher does not Modeling, questioning students about
Understanding ongoing and varied one strategy to check check for movements. Watching students as
strategies to check for understanding. understanding. group, pair, quad.
for understanding.

Monitor and Teacher continually Teacher adjusts Teacher does not Yes, students needed more practice
Adjust and effectively instruction as student adjust instruction as before they could take on the learning
adjusts instruction needs indicate. student needs that was outlined in the lesson plan.
as student needs indicate. Loya adjusted his lesson to meet the
indicate. needs of his students.

Differentiation Effectively meets Attempts to meet the Does not effectively Works individually with students to
the needs of all needs of all students meet the needs of all address needs.
students by by differentiating students by
differentiating instruction to differentiating
instruction to accommodate for instruction to
accommodate for varied abilities and accommodate for
varied abilities and learning styles.4 varied abilities and
learning styles. learning styles.

Classroom Management Management Total Points:

___10___ /10

Relationships Demonstrates Demonstrates Does not demonstrate Goodbe carful with comments about
positive and somewhat positive positive and respectful giggling it may be interpreted as
respectful and respectful relationships with all condescending. Focus on what
relationships with all relationships with all students. attidude they need to project instead of
students. students. what they shouldnt do.

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Clinical Observation # 1 Date ____2/17 __________

Student Teacher ___ ___B. Loya_______ Observer ___Beth Slaine_______

Procedures and Runs an efficient Runs a somewhat Does not run an Wtith the dressing out the beginning
Routines classroom; uses efficient classroom; efficient classroom; and end of class can be chaotic, but it
effective classroom uses classroom does not use effective is clear students know what they are
management management classroom supposed to do.
strategies to strategies to minimize management
eliminate disruptive disruptive activity and strategies to minimize
activity and makes good use of disruptive behavior or
maximizes instructional time. make good use of
instructional time. instructional time

Total Points out of 70: 67

= ___95_____ %

Additional Comments

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Clinical Observation # 1 Date ____2/17 __________

Student Teacher ___ ___B. Loya_______ Observer ___Beth Slaine_______

Goals for Next Observation

The Student Teachers goals for areas needing improvement on the next clinical observation will be outlined below.

The goals should be focused on areas marked Unacceptable on this clinical observation.

Area(s) marked Unacceptable are:

A summary of the conversation between the Observer and the Student Teacher regarding the deficiency:

Actions the Observer will take to help address deficient area(s) are:

Actions the Student Teacher will take to address deficient area(s) are:

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Clinical Observation # 1 Date ____2/17 __________

Student Teacher ___ ___B. Loya_______ Observer ___Beth Slaine_______

Student Teacher Signature ___________________________________________________ Date ________________

Observer Signature _________________________________________________________ Date _________________

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