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Food Research International 77 (2015) 467475

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Release of allyl isothiocyanate from mustard seed meal powder

entrapped in electrospun PLAPEO nonwovens
Ruyan Dai 1, Loong-Tak Lim
Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, ON N1G2W1, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Defatted mustard seed meal powder (MSMP) is a natural source of allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) a potent antimi-
Received 29 May 2015 crobial volatile released from Brassicaceae plants when a glucosinolate (sinigrin) in the plant tissues is hydro-
Received in revised form 14 August 2015 lyzed in a myrosinase-catalyzed reaction. This study demonstrated the feasibility of entrapping MSMP particles
Accepted 18 August 2015
in nonwovens produced by electrospinning poly(lactic acid)poly(ethylene oxide) (PLAPEO) blends into ultra-
Available online 22 August 2015
ne bers. Although MSMP particles were larger than the electrospun PLAPEO bers, results from scanning elec-
tron microscopy showed that the mustard seed particles were physically entrapped and uniformly dispersed
Allyl isothiocyanate within the nonwovens. Moreover, the surface of the MSMP was fully covered by the polymer blend. By changing
Mustard seed meal powder the PLAPEO blend ratio, AITC release rate and quantity released could be manipulated readily. Specic interac-
Electrospun bers tions between PLA, PEO and MSMP were not detected with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. However,
Controlled release differential scanning calorimetry showed that components from MSMP interfered with the chain packing of
the crystalline phases of both polymers, lowering their melting temperatures. In view of the well-established an-
timicrobial properties of AITC, the RH-sensitive MSMP-containing nonwovens potentially can be useful in active
food packaging applications. Further studies involving specic foods will shed light on the extent by which the
active nonwovens affect product shelf-life.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction manipulating the diffusivity and solubility of AITC in the polymeric ma-
trices (Ko, Jeon, & Park, 2012; Vega-Lugo & Lim, 2009). Alternatively, the
Allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) is a naturally occurring compound found vapor pressure of AITC can be suppressed by blending it with a miscible
in plants from the Brassicaceae family (e.g., mustard seed, horseradish, liquid, such as vegetable oil (Lim & Tung, 1997).
and cabbage). Due to its broad-spectrum antimicrobial effects against As an oilseed, mustard seed is pressed and ground for the extraction
bacteria, molds, and yeast, AITC has been studied extensively for food of oil, resulting in mustard seed meal powder (MSMP) as a byproduct
preservation (Delaquis & Mazza, 1995; Isshiki, Tokuoka, Mori, & Chiba, (Marcone, Yada, Aroonkamonsri, & Kakadu, 1997). Since MSMP is rich
1992; Kinae, Masuda, Shin, Furugori, & Shimoi, 2000; Mari, Leonib, in the AITC precursor sinigrin, MSMP may be used as a natural source
Iori, & Cembalia, 2002; Nadajarah et al., 2005; Shofran, Purrington, of AITC in antimicrobial MAP applications to extend the shelf-life of
Breidt, & Fleming, 1998). For this purpose, AITC has been added directly food. AITC is released from Brassicaceae plants when sinigrin in the
to food products in the liquid phase, or apply as vapor in modied atmo- plant tissues is hydrolyzed in a myrosinase-catalyzed reaction
sphere packaging (MAP) applications to extend the shelf-life of food (Bjorkman & Lonnerdal, 1973). Because water is a required substrate
products, including fresh beef, cured pork, sliced raw tuna, cheese, egg in this reaction, the release rate of AITC can be manipulated by control-
sandwich, noodles, and pasta (Jung et al., 2009; Parashar, ling the accessibility of MSMP to water. Recently, we investigated the
Ramakrishna, & Ramaprasad, 2011; Serrano et al., 2008; Shin, Harte, feasibility of using MSMP as a natural source of AITC (Dai & Lim,
Ryser, & Selke, 2010; Suppakul, Miltz, Sonneveld, & Bigger, 2003). Be- 2014). In that study, we demonstrated that the natural matrix could
cause AITC is volatile and possesses strong odor, it is important to opti- release 2 to 17 mg AITC/g of MSMP within 24 h, depending on the tem-
mize its inhibitory concentration to prevent unwanted sensory issues, perature and relative humidity conditions used (85 to 100% RH, 5 to
while achieving adequate antimicrobial efcacy. To this end, AITC has 35 C). Conceivably, when MSMP is exposed to the package headspace
been encapsulated in various polymers to control its release, by of a product with elevated water activity, or when the product is
exposed to temperature abuse during transportation, the release of
AITC can be activated, thereby inhibiting the proliferation of spoilage
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L.-T. Lim).
Author Dai is currently afliated with Weston Bakeries Ltd. & Ready Bake Foods Inc., In order to effectively deploy MSMP to deliver AITC in MAP applica-
Mississauga, ON, Canada. tions, the particulate MSMP must be contained within a permeable
0963-9969/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
468 R. Dai, L.-T. Lim / Food Research International 77 (2015) 467475

carrier (e.g., membrane, sachet, and capsule). By virtue of their sub- solutions at 9% (w/w) xed and mixed with the magnetic stirrer for 3 h
micron diameter, electrospun bers possess a surface-to-volume ratio to form homogeneous suspensions for electrospinning.
considerably greater than other carriers such as those produced from
blown spun bers and cast lms. The large surface area of the 2.2.3. Electrospinning
electrospun carrier is useful in applications where surface activation is The suspensions prepared in Section 2.2.2 were electrospun using a
important. Moreover, by altering the composition of the bers, such as horizontal setup (Fig. 1). Suspensions were drawn into a 3 mL plastic sy-
blending with different polymers, their physicochemical properties (hy- ringe (KD Scientic, Holliston, USA) and pumped at 3 mL/h via a piston
drophilicity, ber diameter, density, glass transition temperature) can assembled using a syringe pump (Orion M361, Thermo Scientic, Oak-
be manipulated readily to ne-tune the release rate of the encapsulated ville, ON, Canada). A 20-gauge blunt tip stainless steel needle, serving
species (Huang, Zhang, Kotakic, & Ramakrishna, 2003; Pham, Sharma, & as a spinneret, was attached to the syringe. The spinneret was connect-
Mikos, 2006; Potinenia, Lynn, Langer, & Amiji, 2003; Schiffman & ed to the positive electrode of a direct current power supply (DC model
Schauer, 2008; Sill & von Recum, 2008). ES50P-50W/DAM, Gamma High Voltage, Ormond Beach, FL, USA), oper-
Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is an aliphatic polyester derived from starch ating at a constant voltage of 11 1 kV. A circular stainless steel plate
and sugars, which exhibits material properties and processing charac- covered with aluminum foil was grounded to collect the electrospun -
teristics similar to many thermoplastics. Since PLA is biodegradable bers. The distance between the tip of the spinneret and the collector was
and derived from renewable feedstock, it is being considered as an en- xed at 15 cm. Electrospinning experiments were conducted in an envi-
vironmental friendly alternative to petroleum-based polymers (Lim, ronmental chamber (Model MLR-350H, Sanyo Corp., Japan) maintained
Auras, & Rubino, 2008). By dissolving in a solvent, PLA can be at 25 0.5 C and 20 1% RH. At the end of the electrospinning process,
electrospun into ultrane bers for various applications, including en- the nonwovens were transferred into a vacuum oven for 48 h at 40 C to
zyme immobilization, controlled release of drugs, and tissue scaffolds evaporate residual chloroform and DMF. Samples were stored in a des-
(Vaz, van Tuijl, Bouten, & Baaijens, 2005; Yang, Murugan, Wang, & iccator (Fisher Scientic, Oakville, ON, Canada) before further
Ramakrishna, 2005; Zhou & Lim, 2009; Zong et al., 2005). To optimize characterization.
the electrospun PLA bers for specic end-use applications, PLA is
often blended with other compatible polymers. For example, by blend- 2.3. Fiber morphology and size analysis
ing PLA with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), composite bers that are
more hydrophilic than those made of pure PLA can be prepared The microstructures of the nonwoven were evaluated using scan-
(Honarbakhsh & Pourdeyhimi, 2011). ning electron microscopy (SEM) (Model S-570, Hitachi High Technolo-
The objectives of the present study are to: (1) develop PLAPEO non- gies Corp., Tokyo, Japan). Electrospun samples were mounted on metal
wovens, using an electrospinning methodology, to entrap MSMP parti- stubs using double-adhesive carbon tape, and then coated with an ultra-
cles; and (2) study the moisture-activated release of AITC from MSMP thin (20 nm) layer of gold and platinum using a sputter coater (Model
particles entrapped in electrospun PLAPEO nonwovens. K550, Emitech, Ashford, Kent, UK). An accelerating voltage of 10 kV
was applied during the analysis. Samples were randomly selected
2. Materials and methods from three locations for analysis. Fiber diameters were analyzed with
image processing software (Image Pro-Plus 6.0, Media Cybernetics
2.1. Materials Inc., Bethesda, MD, USA). For pristine ber samples, the diameters of
the bers were recorded, while for MSMP-containing samples, only
PLA (6201 D) was donated by NatureWorks LLC (Minnetonka, MN, the brous portions were measured.
USA). PEO (300 kDa molecular weight), hexane, chloroform (HPLC
grade), and dimethyl formamide (DMF) were purchased from Sigma Al- 2.4. Attenuated total reection (ATR)Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
drich (Oakville, ON, Canada). MSMP was donated by Biofumes Technol- analysis
ogies Inc. (Saskatoon, SK, Canada). AITC standard (N98% GC purity) was
purchased from Fluka Chemical Co. (Steinheim, Germany). FTIR spectra of pristine and MSMP-containing electrospun ber
samples were analyzed using a FTIR spectrometer (IRPrestige21,
2.2. Methods Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan), equipped with an ATR cell (Pike Tech-
nologies, Madison, Wis., USA). Spectra were taken by averaging 40
2.2.1. MSMP preparation scans for each sample at 4 cm1 resolution. Samples were mounted di-
MSMP was defatted using the Soxhlet oil extraction method with rectly on the ATR sapphire crystal, compressed with a press, and
hexane, following by grinding into ne powder using a ball mill scanned between 700 and 3900 cm 1. Spectra were analyzed using
(Model PM 100, Retsch GmbH, Haan, Germany). Ball milling was con- the IRsolution software (Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan). Three spots
ducted at 450 rpm for 1 h using eight stainless steel balls (diameter: were randomly selected from samples for analysis and each spot was
20 mm) in a 500 mL stainless steel grinding bowl. Sample preparation analyzed three times.
was conducted at 24 2 C and 60 5% RH. Samples were freshly pre-
pared and stored in airtight glass jars for no more than two weeks be- 2.5. Thermal analysis
fore the encapsulation experiments. Particle size distribution and the
chemical composition of the resulting MSMP were analyzed as per Dai Thermal properties of the nonwovens were analyzed using a differ-
and Lim (2014). ential scanning calorimeter (DSC, Q2000, TA Inc. New Castle, DE, USA).
The DSC was calibrated using an indium standard (melting point:
2.2.2. Preparation of polymer solution for electrospinning 156.6 C), and errors were found to be less than 2% in the heat ow cal-
Stock solutions of 9% (w/w) PLA and 3% (w/w) PEO were prepared ibration. To study the thermal characteristics of the nonwovens, sam-
by dissolving PLA and PEO resins, respectively, in 9:1 (w/w) ples were cut into small pieces, weighed accurately (3 to 5 mg) into
chloroform:DMF mixture, and stirred for 12 h at 24 2 C using a mag- alodined-aluminum pans, and sealed. Samples were heated at a ramp
netic stirrer. To study the effect of the PLA and PEO blend ratio on AITC rate of 10 C/min in the range of 0 to 250 C. Thermal data were analyzed
release behavior, the stock solutions were blended at 100:0, 75:25, using TA Universal Analysis Software (TA Inc. New Castle, DE, USA).
50:50, 25:75, and 0:100 ratios (w/w), coded as 100PLA0PEO, From the thermographs, the glass transition temperature (Tg) and melt-
75PLA25PEO, 50PLA50PEO, 25PLA75PEO, and 0PLA100PEO, respective- ing temperature (Tm) were determined. Tg and Tm values were averages
ly. The defatted ground MSMP was then dispersed into the ve polymer of three determinations.
R. Dai, L.-T. Lim / Food Research International 77 (2015) 467475 469

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup for electrospinning of PLAPEO nonwovens.

2.6. Release of AITC through headspace analysis release kinetics were modeled empirically using the modied Gompertz
equation (Lay, Lee, & Noike, 1999; Mu, Wang, & Yu, 2006):
The AITC release kinetic was studied using a gas chromatograph (GC   
6890, Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, Calif., USA) equipped with a k  exp1
Q t Q max exp exp t 1 4
ame ionization detector (FID), as described by Dai and Lim (2014). Q max
MSMP-containing nonwovens (5 cm 8 cm) were cut and placed in
hermetically sealed 1 L glass jars containing a glass lter paper saturated where Qt is the amount of the AITC released at time t; Qmax is the max-
with 1 g of distilled water. A septum was attached to the lid of the jars, imum amount of AITC released; k is the rate constant; and is the lag
allowing a sampling needle to pierce through the lid to extract the head- time. Non-linear regression analyses were conducted to determine
space gas at predetermined time intervals. The glass jars were main- values for the three parameters using the Solver function in the
tained at 20 0.5 C in an environmental chamber during the test. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet package (Microsoft Ofce 2011, WA,
Briey, the analysis involved lling the sampling loop of a gas sampling USA). The GRG Nonlinear algorithm option was selected to minimize
valve with about 15 mL of headspace gas. When the valve was actuated, the residual sum of squares by changing the three parameters, without
the sampling loop was purged with nitrogen carrier gas, injecting the imposing any constraints.
headspace gas into a capillary column. Chromatograms were analyzed
using the Peak Simple software (39332 bit, SRI Instruments, CA, 3. Results and discussion
USA). The calibration curve was prepared by injecting known amounts
of AITC standard into the glass jar and analyzed as above. To determine 3.1. Microstructures of electrospun nonwovens
the amount of AITC released at any given sampling point (Mc), the
amount of AITC removed during each previous sampling step was Figs. 2 and 3 are SEM micrographs taken at different levels of magni-
taken account: cation for pristine and MSMP-containing nonwovens. As shown,
electrospun bers for the pristine nonwovens had smooth surfaces. This
Mr Cr Vb 1 result is different from the electrospun PLAPEO bers observed by
Honarbakhsh and Pourdeyhimi (2011), which displayed porous
surface morphology, probably due to the higher vapor pressure of the
Ml Cr1  Ve Ml1 2
dichloromethane solvent used in their work, than that of the chloro-
formDMF solvent used in the present study. By contrast, MSMP-
Mc Mr Ml 3 containing bers displayed irregular entities along their length, which
can be attributed to the embedded MSMP particles that are larger than
where Cr is the recorded AITC concentration calculated based on calibra- the diameter of the electrospun bers. Approximately 75% of the MSMP
tion constants at any given sampling point; Cr1 is the recorded concen- particles had radius in the range of 5 to 20 m, with a total of greater
tration of the previous sampling point; Vb is the volume of the glass jar; than 95% of the particles having radius smaller than 30 m. Despite the
Ve is the volume of headspace gas extracted; and Ml1 is the sum of oversized MSMP particles, they were encapsulated by the polymer ma-
mass loss of all the previous sampling points before Ml. trix, as revealed by the absence of jagged surface morphologies seen in
unencapsulated MSMP powders (micrograph not shown). Also, as
2.7. Data analysis shown in low magnication micrographs, there were no apparent particle
aggregations throughout the nonwoven. These results show that the PLA
Statistical analysis was conducted using the SPSS 20 software (IBM PEO nonwovens are compatible matrices for entrapping MSMP particles.
SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). One-way ANOVA was carried out to detect In the absence of MSMP, the average diameters for the electrospun
the differences of various factors and treatments at a 95% condence in- bers ranged from 1.09 0.31 to 2.02 0.44 m, while for those dis-
terval with Tukey's post hoc test. All treatments were triplicated. AITC persed with MSMP ranged from 0.77 0.37 to 1.50 0.46 m
470 R. Dai, L.-T. Lim / Food Research International 77 (2015) 467475

Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of pristine electrospun ultrane bers: (a) 100PLA0PEO; (b) 75PLA25PEO; (c) 50PLA50PEO; (d) 25PLA75PEO; and (e) 0PLA100PEO. The histograms
show the distribution of ber (y-axis; fraction) in different diameter intervals (x-axis; m).

(Table 1). The smaller bers observed with the MSMP-containing bers those prepared without MSMP particles. Although the ber diameter
were probably caused by the increased momentum of the polymer jet as did not display monotonous correlation with the polymer blend ratio,
it ejected from the spinneret tip, due to the extra mass carried by the PLAPEO bers were signicantly larger (p b 0.05) than those
embedded MSMP particles. As a result, the polymer jet was subjected electrospun from the single polymer, implying that dilation of free
to a larger net stretching force, producing bers that are thinner than volume occurred on blending the two polymers. This observation is
R. Dai, L.-T. Lim / Food Research International 77 (2015) 467475 471

Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrographs of MSMP-containing electrospun ultrane bers: (a) 100PLA0PEO; (b) 75PLA25PEO; (c) 50PLA50PEO; (d) 25PLA75PEO; and (e) 0PLA100PEO. The
histograms show the distribution of ber (y-axis; fraction) in different diameter intervals (x-axis; m).

attributable to different segmental conformations between the dis- shown, thicknesses for the pristine bers tended to be normally dis-
similar PLA and PLA chains, reducing chainchain packing (Wu, tributed for all polymer blends, but MSMP-containing bers showed
1987). The frequency charts of the ber diameter are presented skewed thickness distribution. Also, the addition of PEO to pure PLA
along with the SEM micrographs in Figs. 2 and 3, showing the effect tended to increase the variation in ber thicknesses, as shown in
of the polymer blend ratio on the size distribution of the bers. As Fig. 2(b) and (c).
472 R. Dai, L.-T. Lim / Food Research International 77 (2015) 467475

Table 1 dependent on the polymer blend ratio, so as the maximal amounts of

Mean ber diameters and standard deviations of pristine and MSMP-containing AITC released. To better understand the release kinetic, Eq. (4) was
electrospun nonwovens.
tted to the release plots. The estimated Qmax, k, and parameters are
Fiber membranes Without MSMP, m With MSMP, m summarized in Table 2. The lag times tended to increase with increasing
100PLA0PEO 1.09 0.31a 0.81 0.40a PEO content, which may be caused by the greater afnity of PEO with
75PLA25PEO 1.68 0.85b 1.46 0.58b water than PLA, thereby extending the time needed for the water mol-
50PLA50PEO 2.02 0.44c 1.50 0.46b ecules to reach the enzymatic reaction sites in MSMP particles. Howev-
25PLA75PEO 1.75 0.27b 1.48 0.39b
er, after the initial hydration phase, the release rates of AITC from the
0PLA100PEO 1.31 0.34d 0.77 0.37a
PEO-containing nonwovens were signicantly higher (p b 0.05) than
Values are mean standard deviation (n = 200). Numbers within a column with differ- that of pure PLA, due to increased hydrophilic properties of the ber car-
ent superscript letters indicate statistical signicant difference (p b 0.05). Statistical anal-
ysis was conducted using one-way ANOVA with Tukey's post-hoc test.
riers when PEO was added. Similarly, the addition of PEO also enhanced
the total amount of the AITC release. As shown in Table 2, Qmax values
were signicantly higher (p b 0.05) for the blended nonwovens than
3.2. Release of AITC from encapsulated MSMP that of pure PLA nonwovens. The effect of PEO on enhancing ber hy-
drophilicity when blended with PLA polymers has been reported by
The formation of AITC in mustard seed is triggered by the hydrolysis Honarbakhsh and Pourdeyhimi (2011), who observed a signicantly
of a glucosinolate, sinigrin, catalyzed by the cell wall-bound myrosinase lower water contact angle (47.4) on electrospun PEOPLA (10:90,
(Delaquis & Mazza, 1995). In this study, the entrapment of MSMP was w%) bers than that of neat PLA bers (58.4). The increased hydrophi-
achieved by dispersing MSMP grounds in a polymer solution, followed licity will enhance the plasticization effect of water on the ber matri-
by electrospinning the suspension into a nonwoven composite. To acti- ces, facilitating the diffusion of water and AITC molecules. According
vate the release of AITC from the resulting MSMP-containing nonwo- to this hypothesis, it is expected that 0PLA100PEO, being the most hy-
ven, the polymeric carrier should be moderately hydrophilic to allow drophilic among the nonwovens tested, should exhibit the highest
the penetration of water substrate into the entrapped MSMP particles. AITC release rate and amount released. However, data from Table 2
The polymer should be soluble in a non-aqueous solvent to prevent pre- and Fig. 4 do not show this trend. This anomaly can be explained by
mature hydrolysis of sinigrin during electrospinning. To this end, PLA the visible shrinkage of the 0PLA100PEO nonwoven at the end of the ex-
was selected since it is highly permeable to water and it is soluble in periment. The shrinkage of 0PLA100PEO was likely caused by the solu-
chloroform/DMF blend conducive for electrospinning (Huang et al., bilization of the PEO ber as it absorbed large quantity of water,
2003; Vega-Lugo & Lim, 2009; Zhou & Lim, 2009). When the MSMP- reducing the surface area available for moisture and AITC mass trans-
containing nonwovens were exposed to moisture, several diffusion- ports. This effect can be seen in Fig. 4, where the slope for 0PLA100PEO
controlled phenomena were involved in triggering the release of AITC: is comparable to those of PLA and blended membranes during the rst
(1) sorption of water onto the surface of electrospun bers; (2) diffusion 20 h, but the slope noticeably decreased as time progressed due to the
of water through the polymer matrix; (3) uptake of water by MSMP collapsed nonwoven matrices. In comparison, other non-woven speci-
particles; (4) hydrolysis of sinigrin forming AITC; (5) diffusion of AITC mens did not display visible shrinkage at the end of the experiment.
through MSMP and ber matrices towards the ber surfaces; and nally The sinigrin content of the defatted MSMP, determined using the meth-
(6) desorption of AITC into the headspace air. Thus, manipulating fac- od reported in our previous study, was 5.5% w/w (Dai & Lim, 2014).
tors that change the hydrophilicity and barrier properties of the ber Complete hydrolysis of this amount of sinigrin would result in
carrier will allow one to control the release kinetic of AITC. For this pur- 13.7 mg AITC/g MSMP in the 1 L headspace jar, which is greater than
pose, an amphiphilic PEO was added to the polymer solution at different the estimated Qmax values as shown in Table 2. This observation indi-
ratios to plasticize, as well as to adjust the hydrophilicity of the nonwo- cates that the maximal amount of AITC released from MSMP particles
vens. These two polymers share similar solubility parameter () values encapsulated within the present PLAPEO ber carrier, under the pre-
in the range of 9.59.8. Accordingly, the two polymers are expected to scribed experimental conditions, would be about 64% (50PLA50PEO)
form homogeneous blends (Younes & Cohn, 1988). of the theoretical value. It is noteworthy that the maximal amount of
Representative release proles of AITC from the electrospun nonwo- AITC released will be dependent on temperature, humidity, as well as
vens are presented in Fig. 4. As shown, all plots show a brief initial lag the morphology of the electrospun bers. These factors should be
phase due to the time needed for the humidity to buildup in the head- taken into consideration when developing an MSMP-based active pack-
space of the test bottle. Beyond the lag phase, AITC released at rates age system for shelf-life extension of food.

3.3. FTIR analyses on pristine and MSMP-containing electrospun ber


FTIR analysis was conducted to further elucidate the interaction be-

tween different components within the electrospun bers. The spectra

Table 2
Estimated parameters of modied Gompertz equationQmax, k and lag time constants of
AITC release proles for MSMP-containing electrospun nonwoven at 20 C and 100% RH.

MSMP-containing nonwovens Qmax Rate k Lag time

mg/g MSMP1 L h1 h

100PLA0PEO 4.59 0.33a 0.09 0.00a 5.20 0.33a

75PLA25PEO 7.29 0.16b 0.30 0.02b 4.86 0.63a
50PLA50PEO 8.88 0.05c 0.38 0.01c 6.24 1.33a
25PLA75PEO 8.37 0.30c 0.25 0.03d 9.50 0.90a
0PLA100PEO 7.40 1.48b 0.25 0.01d 8.41 2.41a
Fig. 4. Representative cumulative AITC release proles from MSMP-containing
electrospun nonwovens in 1 L glass jar at saturated RH, 20 C. Symbols and continuous Values are mean standard deviation (n = 3). Means within a column with different su-
lines are, respectively, experimental data and tted curves based on the modied perscript letters indicate statistical signicant difference (p b 0.05). Statistical analysis was
Gompertz equation. conducted using one-way ANOVA with Tukey's post-hoc test.
R. Dai, L.-T. Lim / Food Research International 77 (2015) 467475 473

of electrospun pristine and MSMP-containing nonwovens, are present-

ed in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. As an aliphatic polyester, PLA contains
exible ester bonds in the backbone structure with the characteristic
carbonyl (C_O) absorption bands at 1751 cm1, whereas the C\\O\\C
stretching bands of PLA appeared at 1082 cm1. Absorption bands that
relate to the amorphous and crystalline structure of PLA appeared at
862 and 755 cm 1, respectively (Auras, Lim, Selke, & Tsuji, 2010;
Kang et al., 2001; Kister, Cassanas, & Vert, 1998; Xu et al., 2009;
Younes & Cohn, 1988). PEO is a polymer with the molecular formula
(\\CH2CH2O\\)n. The characteristic C\\O\\C absorbance band is locat-
ed at 1097 cm1. The bands detected at 962 and 843 cm1 have been
attributed to the rocking and twisting of C\\H2 and stretching of
C\\H. Both of these peaks have been associated with the crystalline
structure of PEO (Oliveira et al., 2013; Pielichowski & Flejtuch, 2005;
Wen et al., 1996; Younes & Cohn, 1988; Zhou, Chu, Wu, & Wu, 2011).
In Fig. 5, similar spectral features are observed between electrospun
PEO bers and as-received PEO powders, indicating that the
electrospinning process did not alter the molecular conformation of
the polymer (Fig. 5). In the polymer blends, the C\\O\\C stretching
band of PEO at 1097 cm 1 overlapped with the C\\O\\C band from
PLA at 1082 cm 1. No signicant shift was observed for these two Fig. 6. Comparison of FTIR spectra of MSMP-containing electrospun nonwovens.

peaks as the polymer blend proportion changed. Similarly, the C\\H

stretch at 2880 cm1 from the PEO backbone remained unchanged at in the literature (Coleman, Yang, & Painter, 1992; Nijenhuis, Colstee,
all polymer blend ratios. A similar observation was reported by Grijpma, & Pennings, 1996). PLA and PEO are semi-crystalline polymers,
Younes and Cohn (1988) in their extruded PLAPEG blend lms, who the crystallinity of which can be estimated from their melting enthalpy
attributed the lack of interaction to the low concentration of\\OH end (Nijenhuis et al., 1996; Oliveira et al., 2013; Younes & Cohn, 1988). An
groups and the absence of other moieties capable of developing the in- attempt was done to study the miscibility of PLA and PEO by evaluating
termolecular interactions. the Tg values of the polymer blends. Unfortunately, a considerable over-
For the MSMP-containing bers (Fig. 6), spectra for all polymer sam- lap existed between the Tg of PLA and Tm of PEO, making quantitative
ples displayed an extra amide I band at 1649 cm1, attributable to the measurement difcult. Furthermore, an endothermic relaxation peak
protein fraction present in MSMP that contained 40.5% protein (Dai & that appeared near the glass transition of PLA (Lim et al., 2008) further
Lim, 2014). Comparing Figs. 5 and 6, vibration frequencies for C\\O\\C complicated the analysis. Nevertheless, a decreasing trend of Tg of PLA
(1097 cm 1) and C_O (1751 cm 1) of PEO and PLA, respectively, with increasing PEO content is visible in Fig. 7, indicating that the
remained unchanged after the incorporation of MSMP. In summary, added PEO acted as a plasticizer to PLA. The plasticizing effect of PEG
the FTIR analysis did not reveal any specic interaction between (b50%, w/w) on extruded PLA has been reported by Sheth, Kumar,
MSMP and the polymers. Dave, Gross, and McCarthy (1997).
The melting peak temperature of pure PEO shifted from 72 C to
3.4. Thermal analyses lower temperatures when the weight ratio of PLA polymer solution
increased from 0 to 50%. This shift is possibly due to the disruption of
Thermograms for electrospun pristine PLA, PEO and PLAPEO non- PEO chain packing by the PLA polymer, producing imperfect crystalline
wovens are presented in Fig. 7. The endothermic melting peaks of structures, leading to a lower melting temperature for PEO. On the other
0PLA100PEO and 100PLA0PEO electrospun bers were 72 C and hand, the Tm of PLA remained unchanged for all polymer blends regard-
168 C, respectively, comparable with the values previously reported less of the PEO ratio, indicating that the crystalline phase of PLA was not
affected by the incorporation of PEO (Fig. 7). Similar phenomena were
reported by Younes and Cohn (1988) for their PLAPEG cast lms.

Fig. 5. Comparison of FTIR spectra of the pristine electrospun nonwovens. Fig. 7. DSC thermograms of pristine electrospun nonwovens.
474 R. Dai, L.-T. Lim / Food Research International 77 (2015) 467475

The thermogram for MSMP alone showed a weak endothermic peak antimicrobial efcacy of AITC in many food systems, further evaluation
at about 73 C and a relatively strong endotherm peak at about 193 C of the MSMP-containing nonwovens will be needed in order to eluci-
(Fig. 8). The MSMP matrix is complex and thus the origins for these date their feasibility in active food packaging applications.
thermal events are unknown, but they are likely due to denaturation
of proteins (Byczynska & Barciszewski, 1999; Marcone et al., 1997)
and thermal degradation reactions as the MSMP samples were heated Acknowledgments
to elevated temperatures. The protein content in the MSMP samples
was 40.5 0.6% (Dai & Lim, 2014). When the MSMP particles were dis- This research was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
persed in the bers, both endothermic peaks shifted to higher temper- Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, and supported by Biofume Tech-
atures (Fig. 8). This observation could be caused by the MSMP nologies Inc.
polymer interaction and/or leaching of soluble MSMP-components
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