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Lesson Plan

Name Martha Burdick

Grade Level Pre-Kindergarten
Subject Area Math
CCSD 1 PK 4 a, b, counting, recognizing numbers 1-10 by demonstrating
Standard one to one correspondent.

Introduction: Have students come together as a group.

To motivate the students, begin by saying today we will be learning
about numbers.
Raise your hand if you know a number.
Randomly select students to share the number they know.
This taps into their prior knowledge.
Daily Reviews: Write numbers that are shared on the board.
Say I will share with you a poem by Mother Goose that uses numbers
from 1 to 10
Read the poem one, two buckle my shoe.
Have the students recite the poem after you.
(NEPF 1 Learning Purpose and Connections).
Daily Objective: Students will be able to recognize, and count number 1-10 by
demonstrating one to one correspondent.

Concept and Skill Smart board activity. Have students counting objects 1-10 and drag and
Development and drop the correct number. (NEPF 3 Engagement).

Guided/Independent/Gro Have the students to use individual Ipads to play a game about one to one
up Practice: correspondent during centers time. (NEPF 4 Student Understanding of and
Taking Responsibility for learning)
Homework Assignments: Home connection. Have parents help students to count items around the
house and write the quantity numbers, such as beans, utensils, cups, plates
Provide parents with interactive websites for students to use to practice 1-
10 number games.
(NEPF 2 Learning Tasks and Cognitive Demands).
Closure: Have students come together on the floor in a circle in groups of 10
Assign a student to star and assign another to end.
Have students to count 1 to 10 in each group.
Long-Term Memory Sing a finger song and s the song is being sung, pause and ask the students
Review: how many more numbers do they need to sing to get to 10. Do this multiple
time throughout different parts of the song?
Do and show a song about numbers.
(NEPF 5 Assessment Integrated into Instruction).

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