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Text is all there in the form of writing a book, article, etc. which have a meaning. Non-
continuous text eg brochures, labels, graphic, tables, maps, diagrams, etc. The word text
comes from the Latin texere, to weave. Deriving from the Latin, most definitions place
text as a linguistic structure woven out of words or signs. To call something a text
implies that the words, phrases, lines or sentences of which it consists have not been arranged
this way by chance, but have been produced by a person and with certain kinds of intentions.
In English, there are several types of text or commonly referred to as Genre. Genre
classification in English is influenced by several things, including: Purpose author wrote this
text, the function of the text, linguistic structure (Generic Structure) is used, the
characteristics of what language is used in the text. Types of Text Learning English as a
primary learning material in the subjects of English for high school.
There are 13 types of text in the English language as we know that starting from the
Narrative Text, Recount Text, Procedure Text, Report Text, Analyticl Exposition Text,
Hortatory Exposition Text, Explanation Text, Descriptive Text, Discussion Text, News Item
Text, Review Text, Anecdote text, text Spoof.


a. What does it mean of Recount and Narrative Text?

b. How the generic structure of Recount and Narrative Text?
c. What is the purpose of Recount and Narrative Text?
d. How the example of Recount and Narrative Text?


a. To knowing mean of Recount and Narrative Text?

b. To knowing the generic structure of Recount and Narrative Text?
c. To knowing the purpose of Recount and Narrative Text?
d. To knowing the example of Recount and Narrative Text?



a. Meaning and Purpose of Recount Text

- Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Yes,
usually recount text tells of an incident or experience that occurred in the past for
example as you experience a vacation or an experience you meet your idol. In contrast to
the narrative text, the text recount there is no complication or conflict issues.
- The purpose of recount text is to entertain or inform the readers. The purpose of the
communication is menceritakn text recount an experience or event that occurred in the
past in order to cheer (entertain) and inform reader.

b. Generic Structure Of Recount Text

The Generic Structure of recount text is :

Orientation: memceritakan regarding background information about who, where,

when the event or events occur.
Events: recounted an incident that happened after that is told in accordance
chronological order.
Reorientation: contains a summary or conclusion of all events. The section also
contains the opinion or impression about the author narrated the incident.

c. Language Feature of Recount

Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc
Using chronological connection; then, first, etc
Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc
Using action verb; look, go, change, etc
Using simple past tense

d. Example of Recount Text

Vacation to Bali Lestari Beach

Last week, I and my friends went to the beach after school. We used public
transportation. We reached the beach at 4 p.m. The beach was beautiful and clean.

At the beach, it was fun. We played football in the coast line. After that, we built a
castle from sand. In the night, we made bonfire together. We roasted fishes and squites then
we ate them. In the midnight, it was time to share our scary stories. One by one, we told our

At the morning, we went home. It was a moment i never forgot.


a. Meaning and Purpose of Narrative Text

- If viewed in the English dictionary, the meaningful of narrative literally is : (1) a spoken
or written account of connected events; a story. (2) the narrated part of a literary work,
as distinct from dialogue. (3) the practice or art of narration.
- The purpose of narrative text is to entertaining readers with real events, as if the reader's
own experience of the event.

b. Generic Structure Of Narrative Text

The Generic Structure of narrative text is :
Orientation: It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are
Introduced. (Contain character recognition, place and time of the story (who or
what, when and where).
Complication: Where the problems in the story developed. (Problems arise / start
going and growing).
Resolution: Where the problems in the story is solved. Problem is complete,
whether it is good "happy ending" or bad "bad ending".
Coda is the last part of the narrative structure of the text that contains the changes in
the character and lessons to be learned from the story.

c. Language Feature of Narrative Text

On the Narrative Text, there are some characteristics are as follows:

Using the Action Verb in the form of Past Tense. For example: Climbed, Turned,
Brought, and so forth.
Using certain nouns as a personal pronoun, certain animals and objects in the story.
For example: the king, the queen, and so forth.
Using adjectives that make up the noun phrase. For example: long black hair, two red
apples, and so forth .
Using Time connectives and Conjunctions to sort the events. For example: then,
before, after, soon, and so forth.
Using Adverbs and Adverbial Phrase to show the location of the incident or event. For
example: here, in the mountain, happily ever after, and etc.
d. Example of Narrative Text

The Ant And The Grasshopper

In a field one summers day a grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to
its hearts content. An ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was
taking to the nest.
Why not come and chat with me, said the grasshopper, instead of toiling and
moiling in that way?
I am helping to lay up food for the winter, said the ant, and recommend you to do
the same.
Why bother about winter? said the grasshopper; we have got plenty of food at
The Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the grasshopper
found itself dying of hunger while it saw the ants distributing, every day, corn and grain from
the stores they had collected in the summer.

- Generic Structure :

1. Orientation: First information of the participants inside the story. From the story about ant
and grasshopper below, we see the orientation as : In a field one summers day a Grasshopper
was hopping about. An Ant passed by

2. Complication: What happens next among the participants of the story. This phase
introduce a problem existing between or among the participants. From the example of
narrative below, we see the complication is: Why bother about winter? said the
Grasshopper; we have got plenty of food at present. But the Ant went on its way and
continued its toil.

3. Resolution: The way a writer ends his story plot. It can be successful ending or failure one
which leads to sad ending story. From the story about ant and grasshopper, we see the writer
give the ending as follow : When the winter came the Grasshopper found itself dying of

4. Coda : Do not be lazy and do not procrastinate the jobs

3. Equation of Narrative Text and Recount Text

As described above there is little equation that is owned by Narrative Text and Recount
Text, similarities between the two types of texts are:

Included in the group Narration text. Narration is a class of English text that tells the
events of the past.

Using the Past Tense. Since both the text included in the group Narration who recounted
the incident in the past, the use of tenses is also affected, namely using the Past Tense.

The purpose communicative of Narrative Text and Text Recount same that in recounting
experiences or events in the past with the aim of informing or entertaining.

The structure of language Narrative Text and Text Recount always at the start by the
Orientation or the introduction of characters, place and time of occurrence.

Finally, Narrative Text and Text Recount similar in linguistic characteristics, such as:

- Using action verb (action verb), for example: went, sleept, ran, etc;

- Using Time connectives and Conjunction to sort the events recounted. For example:
then, before, after, soon, etc;

- Using Adverbs and Adverbial Phrase to show the location of the incident or event. For
example: here, in the mountain, etc.

4. Difference of Narrative Text and Recount Text

- Deskripsi waktu pada Narrative Text kurang detail.Dalam Narrative Text tidak
mencantumkan kapan kejadian yang diceritakan terjadi. Narrative Text hanya menuliskan
"Once upon time" dan "Once day", untuk mendeskripsikan waktu.
- Deskripsi waktu pada Recount Text lebih jelas dari pada Narrative Text. Jika pada
Narrative Text hanya menggunakan "Once upon time", pada Recount Text biasanya
menyebutkan hari seperti "on monday", "in the next day", "then", etc.

No Narrative Text Recount Text

1 Orientation Orientation

2 Complication Event

3 Resolution Reorientation

4 Coda


No Contents Recount Text Narrative Text

Narrative is a text telling a story
Recount is a text which retells
focusing specific participants. Its
events or experiences in the past.
1 Meaning social function is to tell stories or
Its purpose is either to inform or
past events and entertain the
to entertain the audience.
2 Generic 1. Orientation: Introducing the 1. Orientation: Introducing the
Structure participants and informing the time participants, place and time
and the place 2. Events: Describing series of

2. Complication: Describing the
rising crises which the participants
have to do with event that happened in the past

3. Resolution: Showing the way of 3. Reorientation: It is optional.

participant to solve the crises, Stating personal comment of the
better or worse writer to the story

4. Coda : Moral lesson of the story

1. Using processes verbs 1. Introducing personal
Language 2. Using temporal conjunction participant;
Feature 3. Using Simple Past Tense 2. Using chronological
connection; then, first, etc


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