Critical Thinking

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Ortiz 1

Carlos Ortiz

Mrs. Angulo

AP English Language & Composition

2 May 2017

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is an intellectual process of synthesizing and applying new

information through aspects of observation or experience. In example, my involvement in the

Sierra Vista High School Marching Band as a two-year section leader has allowed me to

exemplify these conditions by requiring attention to detail in educating, performance, and

travel. Leadership requires a commitment to accommodation that incorporates the skills and

development of all peers, and I do so by constantly reviewing the difficulties of my peers and

apply my learning experiences through music theory that would effectively aid them.

Additionally, the responsibility behind safely transporting all instruments and students from

school to competitions requires strong intellects as I must work with fragile instruments and a

small space to accommodate to each time. In order to further develop these critical thinking

skills, I would need to integrate my application of leadership into a larger environment

composed of diverse people. The perspective and experience of each individual is different,

thus, the responsibility to effectively lead dense communities would be a demanding

challenge. Through my perspective, a teacher would not be able to develop my process of

critical thinking, rather, the experience of living is a learning environment that teaches the

fundamentals which I further improve. The world brings a new experience every day,

therefore, critical thinking must be applied depending on the new information I must evaluate

and apply to successfully go throughout my day. Critical thinking is a concept from which my

overall experience is greatly influenced by its high-level components that I aspire to achieve

on a daily basis.
Ortiz 2

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