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Sitton 1

Anne Marie Sitton

Mrs. Balden

English 4AP

15 February 2017

Wuthering Heights #3

Emily Bronte, in her book Wuthering Heights, unravels the Victorian love triangle

between Catherine Earnshaw and her two lovers; Heathcliff Earnshaw and Edgar Linton.

Catherine Earnshaw is a materialistic girl blinded by the luxuries of a high social status. The

striking difference between the two men is one can give her these worldly security, and the other

only love. Although Catherine feels affection for each, her acquisitive desires handicap her

ability to chose with her heart. In Wuthering Heights, Bronte brilliantly reveals through choices

of her characters, the consequences of adhering to societal norms of the Victorian Age.

Specifically, Catherines choices have far reaching effects. Choosing financial security

over love, Catherine's decision to marry Edgar negatively affect her and everyone associated

with her. Because Catherine confided in Nelly of her decision to marry Edgar instead of

Heathcliff, the course of her life changes as does the lives of all the main characters in Wuthering

Heights. This choice devastates Heathcliff, and drives him away for three years. In distress,

Catherine spends the entire night outside resulting in illness. This contagious illness spreads to

her in-laws resulting in their death. Catherine continues to struggle with health issues from her

previous illness which postpones her marriage to Edgar. Eventually, they marry and soon after

Heathcliff returns. Heathcliffs departure, the tragedy of the Lintons death and her on going

health issues are a direct result of her past revealed decision to marry Edgar.
Sitton 2

Because women did not have equal rights in the day of Heathcliff and Catherine,

suffering ensues for all the characters in Wuthering Heights. The choices Catherine makes based

on societal pressures of the day have a deadly outcome not only for the Lintons, but for

Catherine and Heathcliff as well. Heathcliff returns with a mysterious wealth, something he

knows Catherine is attracted to. Edgar feels threatened by the presence of Heathcliff and does

everything in his power to prevent them from seeing each other. Eventually, Edgar forces

Catherine to choose again who she truly loves. Unfortunately, Catherine falls very ill and dies in

childbirth before she is able to make a decision. Heathcliff uses this child with evil intentions to

finish his scheme for revengeful justice. Suffering, Catherines life ends unfulfilled at that

moment. Heathcliffs tortured life continues. Eventually, all in Wuthering Heights blindly

contend with the societal norms of the day.

In any era, decisions motivated by pride, greed and hate, as opposed to love, have

negative consequences developing into a tangled web called life. Emily Brontes Gothic novel,

Wuthering Heights, illustrates the ramifications of an unjust and immoral society. Where there is

a lack of justice, there is suffering. Emily Bronte writes a fictional account of the results of

subjugation of women in history which accurately illustrates the demise of human hearts.

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