BMIS 32122 Introduction To Computer Networks Quiz 1

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Quiz 1 BMIS 32122 - ICN

BMIS 32122


QUIZ 1 25


1. Transmission rate is also known as bandwidth. _________

2. Protocols define format, order of messages sent and received among network entities, and

actions taken on message transmission. _________

3. Data over DSL phone line goes to telephone network. _________

4. 3G, 4G and LTE is also wireless LANs that provided by telco operator within the 10km distance.


5. Transmission delay is calculated when length of packets in bits divided by link bandwidth.


6. Signals that propagate freely such radio wave are also known as guided media. _________

7. Coaxial cable has low error rate and needs to place repeaters spaced far apart to boost the

signal. _________

8. Packet switching uses store and forward concept where the entire packet must arrive at router

before it can be transmitted on next link. _________

9. Queuing delay means packets can be dropped if memory buffer fills up. _________

10. Forwarding function determines source to destination route taken by packets. _________

11. Packet switching commonly used in traditional telephone networks. _________

12. Content provider networks such as Google and Akamai may run their own network to bring

services and contents close to end users. _________

13. Propagation delay is length of physical link divided by bandwidth. _________

14. Throughput is the rate (bits/time unit) at which bits transferred between sender or receiver.


NHMR/FBM Sept 2015

Quiz 1 BMIS 32122 - ICN

15. Lost packet may be retransmitted by previous node, by source end system, or not at all.


16. Network hardware and software implement protocols in layers, above layer offers services to

the layer below it. _________

17. Modularization eases maintenance, updating of system where the change of implementation of

layers service transparent to rest of system. _________

18. Network layer duty is to take care of process to process data transfer. _________

19. Link layer routes the datagrams from source to destination. _________

20. OSI model has representation and session layer. _________

21. Virus is self-replicating infection by passively receiving object that gets itself executed.


22. Attackers make resources (server, bandwidth) unavailable to legitimate traffic by overwhelming

resource with bogus traffic in packet sniffing attack. _________

23. Encapsulation is process of adding header and trailer to the message send in the network.


24. IP spoofing happens when packet is send with false source address. _________

25. Botnet can record keystrokes, web sites visited or upload info to collection site. _________

NHMR/FBM Sept 2015

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