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Nanostructure synthesis using surfactants and copolymers

Wolfgang Meier

Self-assembled structures of surfactants and block subsections of it w3]11x, so that here only a short
copolymers provide a valuable tool for controlling overview will be given covering some aspects of the
nanostructure formation in polymers and inorganic solids. period from mid-1997 to the mid-1998.
The past year has seen a huge number of different new
nanoparticles and mesostructured solids. A high level of
control of the mesoscopic and macroscopic morphologies Polymeric nanoparticles
has been reached for both polymer nanostructures and Microemulsions are thermodynamically stable emul-
mesoporous inorganic materials. sions and consist of nanometer-sized water and oil do-
mains and have spherical, cylindrical or sponge-like
morphologies. These hydrophilic and hydrophobic do-
Addresses mains have attracted increasing interest of polymer
Physikalische Chemie, Departement Chemie, Universitat
Institut fur
Basel, Klingelbergstrase 80, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
chemists during the past two decades w3,4x. The con-
cept of polymerization in microemulsions has devel-
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 1999, 4:6]14 oped into a rapidly growing field of research and there
is a wide variety of different applications for the result-
Electronic identifier: 1359-0294-004-00006
ing materials, such as drug delivery, catalysis or separa-
Q 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. ISSN 1359-0294 tion processes.

Introduction Ultrasmall spherical latex particles in the range of 5]100

An extremely active and prolific field in modern colloid nm are usually obtained from this polymerization tech-
chemistry is finding ways to control size and mor- nique, the size of which is controlled by the surfactant-
phology of colloids at the nanometer level. One main to-monomer ratio. These particles possess a relatively
objective is to manipulate the properties of the result- narrow size distribution and consist of only a few high
ing materials thus enabling the introduction of new molecular weight chains. The molecular weight, molec-
material properties into well-known standard com- ular weight distribution and particle diameter is additio-
pounds, for example the quantum size effects that occur nally controlled in the polymerization using all of the
in particles that have become too small to exhibit bulk following: surfactant w12x, monomer w13x or initiator w14x.
properties. This concept is largely inspired by biominer- The polymerization rate is very high in microemulsions
alization where Nature displays that, with only a few and can, for example, be influenced by the hy-
simple inorganic minerals like CaCO 3 , SiO 2 or hydrox- drophobicity of the monomers w13x.
yapatite which are molded into an appropriate shape, an
extremely large variety of different materials properties
e.g. mechanical properties. can be realized w1,2x. Simi- The restricted volume available to the growing polymer
lar to Nature, self-organized systems are usually used as chain within a microemulsion droplet does not seem to
structure guiding media. In this context the aggregates be of considerable influence; the tacticity of, for exam-
of surfactants and block copolymers have proven to be ple, polymethylmethacrylate. produced in a mi-
valuable tools; micelles, microemulsions, vesicles, ly- croemulsion does not differ from that of bulk polymer-
otropic liquid crystalline phases or the mesostructures ization w15x. Furthermore, the large internal interface
of block copolymers offer a huge variety of microphase may catalyze polymerization of monomers which usu-
textures which may be used as structural templates, the ally do not lead to significant conversions under compa-
size and structure of which is to be captured in the rable conditions w16x.
newly-formed material. These concepts are currently
applied in polymer chemistry as well as in inorganic Although the fundamental processes which determine
materials science. Although the frontiers between these the reaction kinetics and latex properties have been
two different streams become more and more diffuse, investigated, most of the results can only be interpreted
this review is divided into several subsections based on at a qualitative level except for some attempts to quan-
this classification: polymeric and inorganic nanoparticles tify the reaction kinetics. Recently, however, a mecha-
and mesostructured solids, depending on the chemistry nistic model has been proposed which, for the first
used and the structure obtained during the templating time, allows an analytical expression for the molecular
process, respectively. weight distribution and particle size w17 x. Using this

model some of the assumptions from Morgan and Kaler

A whole series of recent reviews already summarizes w17 x could be verified for one system using on-line

the main developments achieved in this field or certain small-angle neutron scattering measurements w18 x. vv
Nanostructure synthesis using surfactants and copolymers Meier 7

One problem concerning the applications of microemul-

sion polymerization is the usual, rather low polymer
content of the resulting latex dispersions. This can be
overcome, for example, by slow continuous addition of
the monomer to the reaction mixture w19x.

A similar procedure has been used to condense mix-

tures of methyltrimethoxysilane and dimeth-
yldimethoxysilane in water in the presence of surfactant
w20 ,21,22 x. This highly interesting method allows the
v v

preparation of spherical micronetworks with a narrow

size distribution and particle sizes ranging from 5 to 30
nm. Analogous to a living polymerization, subsequent
addition of two monomers with different functional
groups may lead to core-shell particles in which, for
example, noble metal ions can be entrapped. or to
hollow polymer spheres in the nanometer range w21,22 x. v

Another elegant approach for forming hollow spherical

polymer particles is the polymerization of hydrophobic
monomers dissolved in the hydrophobic domain of a
lipid bilayer w23 ,24 ,25 ,26x. The polymerization does
v vv vv

not affect the size of the templating vesicles probably

because of the very slow lipid exchange between dif-
ferent bilayers. Parachute-like morphologies w24 x or

closed spherical polymer shells w25 ,26x have been


reported; the type of morphology formed depends on

their mutual miscibility for different combinations of
monomer, polymer and surfactant. The details of the
mechanisms behind this still need to be clarified. Nev-
ertheless, this method does not only allow control over
the inner and outer radius of the polymer shell, but the
(a) SEM micrograph of a polymer hollow sphere obtained by a
polymer scaffold within the bilayer also leads to con-
cross-linking polymerization of alkylmethacrylate monomers in the
siderable mechanical stabilization without loss of the bilayer of a giant vesicle after isolation from the bilayer. The
lateral mobility of the lipids, thus enabling such po- diameter of the sphrere is approximately 250 mm. (b) SEM
lymer-containing membranes to self-repair see Figure micrograph of a semispherical fragment of a polymer hollow sphere
1. w26x. obtained by shearing the polymer particle. The thickness of the
shell could be

Stabilization by a colloidal template also plays an impor-

tant role in alleviating the poor processibility of con-
ducting polymers. For example, thin polyparaphenylene Inorganic nanoparticles
films can be prepared from microemulsions w27x, The synthesis of metallic and other inorganic nanoparti-
nanoparticles of polypyrrole w28x or polyaniline w29x by cles has become a topic of increasing interest w3]5x
polymerization in the presence of stabilizing copo- because of the wide range of optical and electronic
lymers. Coating preformed polystyrene latexes with a properties that are accessible in the nanometer regime.
thin overlayer of polyaniline leads to core-shell struc- The unique properties of such nanoparticles are at-
tures w30 x. Removing the polystyrene core allows the
v tributed to quantum confinement or surface effects.
isolation of partially broken conducting polymer shells.
Similarly, gold-polypyrrole core-shell particles of various Similar to microemulsion polymerization, the droplet
shapes can be obtained by polymerization of pyrrole structure of microemulsions can also be used as a tem-
within gold ions containing polystyrene-block-poly2- plate for the preparation of such inorganic nanoparticles.
vinylpyridine. micelles w31 x. Polymerization of pyrrole
Most of the papers in this field are mainly concerned
within the polar domains of a lamellar sulfonated with particle synthesis and the characterization of their
polystyrene-block-polyethylene-alt-propylene. me- interesting material properties. The knowledge about
sostructure yields nanocomposites which display the underlying mechanisms of the synthesis controlling,
anisotropic electric conductivity w32 x.
for example, shape and size of the particles is, however,
8 Self-assembly

rather poor and further efforts to clarify these open than the original system. Nevertheless, they have highly
questions are required. Although a certain control over interesting properties due to their continuous, high
size and shape of the particles is possible, as shown by surface pore system. Recently, it could be shown that
the preparation of cylindrical copper particles or copper using a high-molecular-weight polyoxyethylene-based
networks w33 x, it is still impossible to predict the
surfactant macromonomer may lead to materials with
properties of the resulting particles a priori. pore sizes ranging from 1 to 10 nm which are probably
direct casts of the water channels of the precursor
Reversed micelles have been used to obtain nanoparti- bicontinuous microemulsion w48 x. This might be the

cles of Cd 1y y Mn y S a magnetic semiconductor. w34x, result of the very slow dynamics of the polymeric
Cd 1y y Zn y S w35x, Ag 2 Se w36x, Cu 2 S, CuS w37x and AgCl surfactant preventing rearrangements in the reaction
w38x. Similarly Fe]Cu alloys w39x with superparamag- mixture during polymerization. In contrast, acrylamide
netic properties or alkylthiole covered Ag and Ag 2 S polymerization in the aqueous domains of lyotropic
particles which can be self-assembled at surfaces have phases of counterion-coupled gemini surfactants does
been prepared w33 ,40x. Hydrolysis of TiiPrO.4 or
not preserve the original length scales. Despite the
SiOEt.4 in water-in-oil microemulsions yields nanome- lamellar architecture of the resulting gels, the character-
ter-sized TiO 2 w41x or SiO 2 w42x, respectively. istic size of this lamellar structure was approximately
two orders of magnitude larger than that of the templat-
Metal nanoparticles, however, can also be prepared ing lyotropic liquid crystalline phase w49 x. This in-

within the nanostructures of polyelectrolyte gels con- crease in size has been explained to be the result of a
taining oppositely charged surfactants w43x and disk-like phase separation in the system induced during gel
CdS nanoparticles have been shown to be available by formation.
H 2 S treatment of Cd-arachidate multilayers w44x.
Amphiphilic polymer networks with a layer spacing of
Because of their lower dynamics, compared with con- approx. 20 nm., the structure of which is a direct cast of
ventional surfactants, there has been an increasing in- the templating liquid crystalline phase, can be prepared
terest in block copolymer aggregates as matrices for the in a magnetic-field-aligned ternary parental system in
formation of inorganic nanoparticles in the past few the presence of polymerizable triblock copolymers
years. This field has recently been reviewed w6,7x and w50 x. The lamellar structure is preserved even after

examples of block copolymer templating can be found extraction of the templating matrix and reswelling these
in nearly every section of this review. Two interesting elastomers in water leads to a mainly one-dimensional
papers should be mentioned at this point, Moffitt et al. swelling, reflecting the high degree of order in these
w45 x and Colfen
and Antonietti w46 x. Recently, the
v systems.
formation of spherical assemblies of CdS containing
block copolymer reversed micelles has been reported in Another highly interesting approach to nanoporous ma-
w45 x. These semiconductor-doped so-called large com-
terials which allows an exact control over the resulting
pound micelles can be prepared in the presence of an morphology has been described by Hashimoto et al.
additional stabilizing copolymer and offer, for example, w51 x. Here the polyisoprene blocks of a polystyrene]

interesting possibilities in the optics of catalysis. block]polyisoprene gyroid phase have been selectively
degraded by ozonolysis. The resulting nanochannels in
Precipitation of CaCO 3 in the presence of so-called the glassy polystyrene do not perturb the original
double hydrophilic block copolymers, consisting of one symmetry of the system see Figure 2..
hydrophilic polyoxyethylene. block and a second hy-
drophilic block which is able to strongly interact with Inorganic mesostructured solids
the growing inorganic particle, allows control of the Since the discovery of mesoporous silicate materials of
morphology and crystal modifications of the CaCO 3 the M41S family, the synthesis and investigation of
w46 x. Although the structures reported in w46 x are in
v v
mesoporous inorganic solids with uniform tunable pores
the micrometer range, such polymers seem to be highly in the range from 2 to 30 nm has developed into a
promising as new templates in the field of inorganic rapidly expanding field. This is reflected in a tremen-
nanostructure formation. dous number of papers appearing in this field which
have recently already been reviewed in several articles
Polymeric mesostructured solids w7]11x. Therefore, only a short overview over some
Mesoporous polymeric materials can be obtained using, recent developments will be given here.
for example, a thermally w47x or photochemically initi-
ated free radical polymerization within the sponge-like The synthesis of regular mesoporous materials usually
structure of bicontinuous microemulsions. In most cases, proceeds via templating a lyotropic liquid crystalline
however, the polymer structures obtained are larger phase. One possibility is to start with a dilute micellar
Nanostructure synthesis using surfactants and copolymers Meier 9

process from the interfacial silicate polymerization.

Compared with the surfactant in solution the silicate
surfactant aggregates reveal a significantly lower curva-
ture because of the electrostatic binding of the head-
groups. This has been modeled in a recent study using
cationic gemini surfactant aggregates on anionic mica
planes w58 x.

A higher control over the architecture of the inorganic

nanostructures can be achieved using the mesostructure
of lyotropic liquid crystalline phases or amphiphilic
block copolymers as a template. In this case the inor-
ganic precursor is directly incorporated in the hy-
drophilic domains of the respective mesostructure. The
resulting materials are a direct cast of the parental
mesostructure. This approach also allows the use of
non-ionic surfactants or disordered L 3 sponge phases
w59 x and may lead to large transparent, up to centime-

ter-sized monoliths w60,61 x while the classic method


usually yields fine precipitates with particle sizes in the

sub-micrometer range.

Interestingly, it is also possible to prepare mesoporous

platinum in the form of small particles w62 x or films

SEM micrograph showing the bicontinuous nanochannels in a w63 x by reducing platinum salts in the aqueous do-

polystrene matrix. The channels have been formed by ozone mains of a non-ionic surfactant liquid crystalline phase.
polystrene. The channels have been formed by ozone degradation This method can thus be extended to metallic materials
of the polyisoprene blocks of a cubic gyroid phase of a
polystrene]block polyisoprene block copolymer. Figure courtesy
with a tailored nano-architecture which proposes appli-
cation as catalysts or sensors.

Recently, the microphase-separated block copolymer

surfactant solution. Electrostatic or hydrogen bonding morphology of a polyisoprene]block]polyethylene ox-
interactions between the surfactant and the growing ide. has been used to prepare lamellar and hexagonal
inorganic species usually leads to a phase separation aluminosilicate]polymer mesostructures that are highly
into a surfactant-rich gel phase and a dilute isotropic ordered w64 x. Applying well-known concepts of block

solution in which polymerization to the final product copolymer technology allows control over the length
occurs. The structure of the resulting inorganic solid scale and the alignment of the microstructures.
depends sensitively on the reaction conditions such as
concentration, temperature and pH w52,53x. Moreover, Compared with low molecular weight surfactants, am-
during the synthesis phase transitions may occur in the phiphilic block copolymers do not only allow the real-
surfactant assembly thus complicating the situation even ization of mesoporous silica with larger pore sizes up to
more w54x. As a consequence, the structure of the result- approx. 30 nm. w65 x and improve the ductility and

ing mesoporous solid usually cannot be predicted a elasticity of the resulting composite leading, for exam-
priori. To do this would require knowledge about the ple, to crack-free monoliths. w61x but the slower relax-
relation between synthetic conditions, polymerization, ation times of copolymers also lead to an even higher
growth and curvature of the inorganic]surfactant liquid control over the structure thus allowing the exploitation
crystalline phase. Obviously, certain efforts have been of even kinetically hindered structures or micellar ag-
made to clarify these questions. They were, however, gregates as templates w66 x. Unlike conventional sur-

successful only in a few cases up to now. For example, a factants the properties of amphiphilic block copolymers
model for aluminophosphate formation via a linear chain can be continuously tuned to adjust the composition,
aluminophosphate intermediate has been proposed the molecular weight or the architecture to the desired
w55 x. The molecular and mesoscopic organization in
purpose see Figure 3. w6,7x.
alkylammonium phosphate w56 x and alkaline hexagonal

and lamellar silica-surfactant liquid crystals w57 x have

Applications of mesoporus silica often requires materials
also been investigated. In the latter case the use of with a well-defined macroscopic shape. Such systems
unreactive silica species at high pH and ambient tem- can be synthesized, for example, using a procedure
perature allowed the decoupling of the self-assembly described by Ryoo et al. w67 x. This process allows the
10 Self-assembly

nacre by using a combined organic and inorganic po-

lymerization technique w73 x.

Mesoporous thin films are expected to have high poten-

tial as separation membranes. In this context it is quite
important to achieve a macroscopically uniform orienta-
tion of the pores. This can be realized, for example, by
orientational ordering of the pores by magnetic field
alignment of the lyotropic silicate]surfactant liquid
crystal w74 x or by mechanically shearing the crystal in

the presence of high KBr concentrations w75 x. Subse- v

quent polymerization freezes the orientation of the

pores. Another approach has been used to prepare long
oriented continuous silica tubules w76 x; microcapillar-

ies serve as a substrate whereby an applied electric field

induces electro-osmotic flow from the reaction mixture
into the capillaries and enhances polymerization by
local Joule-heating.

This orientation problem, however, can be bypassed

using isotropic three-dimensional continuous pore struc-
tures like the disordered L 3 sponge phase which has
been developed by McGrath et al w59 x or cubic MCM48

materials w72 ,77,78x.


The potential applications of these mesoporous materi-

als has not only led to the development of a series of
non-silica materials, based on, for example, AlPO4
w79,80x, Al 2 O 3 w81 x, SnO 2 w82,83x, ZrO 2 w84x, TiO 2 ,

NbO 2 w85x and even metallic platinum w62 ,63 x, but vv v

also has led to forming materials in which the Si in silica

is partially replaced by Ti w77x or Al w78x, the encapsulat-
Silica monoliths obtained by templating from a lyotropic liquid
crystal polymer template. The backround lines are 5 mm apart. (b)
ing transition metal complexes w86]88 x in the pore

The transmission electron micrograph of the calcined silica of Fig. system and so incorporating the organic functional
3a. The sample was embedded in epoxy resin and ultramicrotomed. groups w89x. This last development is, for example,

Figure courtesy of CG Gother et al. accessible by an elegant one-pot synthesis using organo-
trialkoxy silanes as co-monomers w89x.

formation of transparent, single-crystal-like mesoporous The preparation of a mesoporous V2 O5 with an excep-

silica in the form of films, plates and wires from a tional ribbon structure using a water-in-oil microemul-
largely non-aqueous solution. Hollow tubular morpholo- sion has been reported w90x. The structure is formed by
gies have also been realized using bacterial filaments slow intermicellar agglomeration and is not a direct cast
w68 x as substrates and even in a narrow composition
vv of the parental microemulsion. Nevertheless, the result-
range using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as sur- ing material has potential in catalysis or rechargeable
factant w69x. Mesoporous silica lamines and hollow batteries.
spheres can be prepared in the presence of alkylamines
as structure guiding components w70,71x. So far there An interesting approach, especially from an applications
does not appear to be any great disadvantages. As this is point of view, is the recently reported preparation of
a young field, however, these structures have only re- mesoporous silica in the presence of environmentally
cently been synthesized. friendly non-surfactant templates, like sugars, which
allow control over pore diameters in the range from 2 to
6 nm w90x.
Thin films of surfactant-templated mesoporous silica
have been prepared by a simple dip-coating method Conclusions
w72 x. Interestingly, this procedure can be extended to
The recent years have seen tremendous progress in the
laminated organic]inorganic hybrid coatings mimicking preparation of nanostructured materials using surfactant
Nanostructure synthesis using surfactants and copolymers Meier 11

and copolymer templates. A huge variety of different 14. Wang L, Liu X, Li Y: Synthesis and evaluation of a
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Acknowledgements indicate a low miscibility between the growing polymer and
The author would like to acknowledge the support of the Swiss monomer. Therefore, the polymerizing droplets can be modeled as
National Science Foundation. a polymer core surrounded by a monomer-rich shell.

19. Ming W, Jones FN, Fu S: High solid-content nanosize

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Treatment of gold-ions containing block copolymer micelles with the size of the CdS particles is directly determined by the length of
pyrrole leads to the formation of polypyrrole coated gold particles. the polar block, the interparticle distance is controlled by the
Depending on the reaction conditions the shape of the gold polystyrene.
nanoparticles could be influenced thus leading to spherical, cubic,
tetrahedral, octahedral and dendritic morphologies, respectively. 46.
Colfen H, Antonietti M: Crystal design of calcium carbo-
v natemicroparticles using double-hydrophilic block
32. de Jesus MC, Weiss RA, Hahn SF: Synthesis of conductive copolymers. Langmuir 1998, 14:582]589.
vv nanocomposites by selective in situ polymerization of Precipitation of CaCO3 from aqueous solutions containing hy-
pyrrole within the lamellar microdomains of a block drophilic block copolymers consisting of a poly(ethylene oxide)
copolymer. Macromolecules 1998, 31:2230]2235. block and a second hydrophilic block, which can strongly interact
The ionomeric microdomains of a sulfonated polystyrene] with the Ca2 + ions, is described. These double-hydrophilic block
block]poly(ethylene-alt-propylene) diblock copolymer have been copolymers allow a certain control over crystal size, shape and
used as a matrix for pyrrole polymerization. The polymerization modification. Although the underlying templating-mechanism clearly
does not disrupt the block copolymer microstructure. Aligned sam- needs to be investigated in more detail, this class of polymers
ples displayed anisotropic electric conductivity varying up to two offers interesting new possibilities in nanostructure processing.
orders of magnitude parallel and normal to the layer planes.
47. Schmuhl N, Davis E, Cheung HM: Morphology of thermally
33. Pileni MP: Colloidal assemblies used as templates to polymerized microporous polymer materials prepared
vv control the size, shape and self organization of from methyl methacrylate and 2-hydroxyethyl
nanoparticles. Ber Bunsenges PhysChem Chem Phys 1997, methacrylate microemulsions. Langmuir 1998, 14:757]761.
The influence of the microstructure of Cu(AOT)2 / i-octane/ water 48. Liu J, Gan LM, Chew CH, Teo WK, Gan LH: Nanostructured
microemulsions and copper dodecyl sulfate micelles on the shape v polymeric materials from microemulsion polymerization
of copper nanoparticles formed upon reduction is investigated. using poly(ethylene oxide) macromonomer. Langmuir
Mixtures of spherical and cylindrical particles were obtained from a 1997, 13:642116426.
region of the phase diagram where the surfactant self-assemblies Transparent nanostructured polymeric materials have been pro-
form an entangled network of interconnected cylinders. Alkanethi- duced by polymerization of a bicontinuous microemulsion. Using
ole-coated silver and silver sulfide particles form highly organized the macromonomer v-methoxy-poly(ethylene oxide)4 0 -undecyl}
pseudocrystals with a face-centered cubic structure at surfaces. methancrylate as a polymerizable surfactant, continuous pores with
sizes in the range from 1]10 nm could be produced. This channel
34. Levy L, Feltin N, Ingert D, Pileni MP: Three dimensionally system is believed to be a direct cast of the parental biocontinuous
diluted magnetic semiconductor clusters Cd1y y Mn y S microemulsion whereby the macromonomer obviously prevents
with a range of sizes and compositions: dependence of structural reorganization during the polymerization because of its
spectroscopic properties on the synthesis mode. J Phys low mobility.
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Antonietti M, Goltner C, Hentze H-P: Polymer gels with a
35. Cizeron J, Pileni MP: Solid solution of Cd y Zn1y y S vv micro-sized, layer-like architecture by polymerization in
nanosized particles: photophysical properties. J Phys lyotropic cocogem phases. Langmuir 1998, 14:267012676.
Chem B 1997, 101:8887]8891. Hydrophilic gels are prepared from acrylamide polymerization in the
36. Buschmann V, van Tendeloo G, Monnoyer P, Nagy JB: aqueous lyotropic phases of counterion coupled gemini surfactants.
Structural characterization of colloidal Ag 2 Se Demixing of the gelling polymer and the surfactant mesophase
nanocrystals. Langmuir 1998, 14:1528]1531. leads to structures being two orders of magnitude larger than the
templating lyotropic phases. Nevertheless, the morphology of the
37. Dixit SG, Mahadeshwar AR, Haram SK: Some aspects of gel is still controlled by the ordered arrays of the surfactant me-
the role of surfactants in the formation of nanoparticles. sophase.
Colloid Surf A 1998, 133:69]75. 50. Meier W: Polymer networks with lamellar structure. Macro-
38. Bagwe RP, Khilar KC: Effects of the intermicellar exchange vv molecules 1998, 31:2212]2217.
rate and cations on the size of silver chloride Amphiphilic networks with a nanometer-sized layer structure can be
nanoparticles formed in reverse micelles of AOT. prepared from the lamellar phase of the C12 E 5 / decane/ water sys-
Langmuir 1997, 13:6432]6438. tem in the presence of hydrophobically modified poly(oxyethylenes)
bearing polymerizable groups at the hydrophobic ends. To prevent
39. Duxin N, Brun N, Colliex C, Pileni MP: Synthesis and phase separation during polymerization only a part of the decane
properties of elongated FeCu alloys. Langmuir 1998, has been replaced by hydrophobic alklymethacrylate monomers.
14:1984]1989. The layer structure and its orientation is preserved after extraction
Nanostructure synthesis using surfactants and copolymers Meier 13

of the templating matrix. Macroscopically uniform aligned networks The lyotropic liquid crystalline phases of amphiphilic block copo-
of this type display one-dimensional swelling in water. lymers in water can be used to prepare large crack-free monoliths
of mesoporous silica because of an improved elasticity and ductility
51. Hashimoto T, Tsutsumi K, Funaki Y: Nanoprocessing based of the resulting hybrid materials.
vv on biocontinuous microdomains of block copolymers:
nanochannels coated with metals. Langmuir 1997, 13: 62.
Attard GS, Goltner CG, Corker JM, Henke S, Templer RH:
6869]6872. vv Liquid-crystal templates for the nanostructural metals.
The polyisoprene blocks of the cubic gyroid structure of a Angew Chem Int Ed 1997, 36:1315]1317.
polystyrene-block-polyisoprene block copolymer have been selec- Reduction of platinum salts within the aqueous domains of a hexag-
tively degraded by ozonolysis. This leads to the formation of onal lyotropic liquid crystalline phase leads to metallic platinum
nanometer-sized ordered bicontinuous channels without disturbing whose nanostructure is a direct cast of the templating phase struc-
the arrangement of the glassy polystyrene. The surface of these ture, in other words consists of regular pores in continuous metallic
nanochannels could be plated with nickel metal thus leading to matrix. Because of their high surface area and controlled nanoar-
materials which have a high potential as catalysts. chitecture these materials promise great potential for use as cataly-
sis in sensors or batteries.
52. Chen X, Huang L, Li Q: Hydrothermal transformation and
characterization of porous silica templated by 63. Attard GS, Bartlett PN, Coleman NRB, Elliott JM, Owen JR,
surfactants. J Phys Chem B 1997, 101:8460]8467. v Wang JH: Mesoporous platinum films from lyotropic liquid
53. Yang H, Vovk G, Coombs N, Sokolov I, Ozin GA: Synthesis crystalline phases. Science 1997, 278:838]840.
of mesoporous silica spheres under quiescent aqueous A versatile route to create mesoporous metal films by electrochemi-
conditions. J Mater Chem 1998, 8:743]750. cal reduction of platinum salts in the aqueous domains of lyotropic
liquid crystalline phases is presented. These films could serve as a
54. Luan Z, He H, Zhou W, Klinowski J: Transformation of new generation of electrode materials.
lamellar silicate into the mesoporous molecular sieve
MCM-41. J Chem Soc Faraday Trans 1998, 94:979]983. 64. Templin M, Franck A, Du Chesne A, Leist H, Zhang Y, Ulrich

R, Schadler V, Wiesner U: Organically modified
55. Oliver SRJ, Ozin GA: Phosphate liquid crystals: novel aluninosilicate mesostructures from block copolymer
v supramolecular template for the synthesis of lamellar phases. Science 1997, 278:1795]1798.
aluminophosphates with natural form. J Mater Chem 1998, The mesostructure of a polyisoprene-block-poly(ethylene oxide)
8:1081]1085. block copolymer has been used as a template for the preparation of
N-alkylammonium dihydrogenphosphates display thermotropic and organically modified aluminosilicates. Macroscopically uniform
lyotropic (in nonaqueous poly(ethylene glycol) solvents) liquid crys- aligned samples could be prepared using the solvent-cast tech-
talline behavior. The liquid crystalline phases display intriguing nique.
surface patterns which are believed to be responsible for similar
morphologies observed in lamellar aluminophosphates. Topological 65. Zhao D, Feng J, Huo Q, Melosh N, Fredrickson GH, Chmelka
defects in the precursor alkylammonium mesophase are proposed vv BF, Stucky GD: Triblock copolymer syntheses of
to be responsible for these biomemetic forms.
mesoporous silica with periodic 50 to 300 Angstrom
pores. Science 1998, 279:548]552.
56. Oliver S, Kupermann A, Ozin GA: A new model for Ordered hexagonal mesoporous silica structures with uniform pore
v aluminophosphate formation: transformation of a linear size up to about 30 nm can be produced using amphiphilic poly(al-
chain aluminophosphate to chain, layer, and framework kylene oxide) triblock copolymers as structure guiding compounds.
structures. Angew Chem Int Ed 1998, 37:46]62.
An interesting model helping to rationalize the formation of microp- 66.
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S, Goltner C, Antonietti M: Synthesis of
orous aluminophosphates is presented. The basic building block vv nanoporous silica with new pore morphologies by
according to these considerations is a linear chain aluminophos- templating the assemblies of ionic block copolymers.
phate which finally condenses to complex porous layers or Langmuir 1998, 14:2027]2031.
open-framework structures. The micellar aggregates of ionic block copolymers can be used as
templates for the sol]gel synthesis of mesoporous silica. The
57. Firouzi A, Atef F, Oertli AG, Stucky GD, Chmelka BF: Alka- resulting silica network is a precise copy of the original self-assem-
vv line lyotropic silicate-surfactant liquid crystals. J Am bly structure and seems to allow the realization of a rich variety of
Chem Soc 1997, 119:3596]3610. pore structures.
The molecular origins of the self-assembly, organization, and phase
behavior of alkaline silicate-surfactant liquid crystals are investi- 67. Ryoo R, Ko CH, Cho SJ, Kim JM: Optically transparent,
gated in detail for the first time suing a combination of complemen- v single-crystal-like oriented mesoporous silica films and
tary experimental techniques. The low reactivity of the silicate plates. J Phys Chem B 1997, 101:10610]10613.
species under highly alkaline conditions and ambient temperatures Highly ordered thin films, plates and fibers can be produced using
allow a decoupling of the surfactant self-assembly process from the nonaqueous azeotropic solvents.
kinetics of interfacial polymerization.
68. Davis SA, Burkett SL, Mendelson NH, Mann S: Bacterial
Manne S, Schaffer TE, Huo Q, Hansma PK, Morse DE, vv templating of ordered macrostructural in silica and
vv Stucky GD, Aksay IA: Gemini surfactants at solid-liquid silica-surfactant mesophases. Nature 1997, 385:420]423.
interfaces: control of interfacial aggregate curvature. Ordered mesoporous fibers of amorphous or hexagonal meso-
Langmuir 1997, 13:6382]6387. porous silica can be realized using bacterial filaments as a subs-
The aggregates of cationic gemini surfactants tend to favor a lower trate for mineralization. Removal of the organic material by calcina-
curvature on an anionic mica plane than in solution. These mor- tion leads to hallow mesoporous silica tubules.
phologies on mica correlate well with those observed in
surfactant-silica mesophases, where electrostatic binding or the 69. Lin H-P, Cheng S, Mou C-Y: Mesoporous molecular sieves
headgroups also plays a dominant role. Shape transitions of the MCM-41 with a hollow tubular morphology. Chem Mater
interfacial aggregates could be induced be specifically binding 1998, 10:581]589.
counterions, thus eventually providing a method to predict and
design specific mesoscopic architectures. 70. Singh PS, Kosuge K: Flaky, ultrathin mesoporous silica
lamines. Chem Lett 1998:63]64
59. McGrath KM, Dabbs DM, Yao N, Aksay IA, Gruner SM:
v Formation of a silicate L 3 phase with continuously 71. Singh PS, Kosuge K: The synthesis of mesoporous silica
adjustable pore sizes. Science 1997, 277:552]556. spheres by octylamine templating. Chem Lett
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a template to prepare nanoporous, monolithic silicates. The pore
size of the disordered isotropic channel system could be adjusted 72. Lu Y, Ganguli R, Drewien CA, Anderson MT, Brinker CJ,
by a change in the water volume fraction.
v Gong W, Guo Y, Soyez H, Dunn B, Huang MH, Zink JI:
Continuous formation of supported cubic and hexagonal
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from lyotropic liquid crystal phases. Acta Mater 1998, 389:364]368.
46:751]758. An interesting sol]gel based dip-coating method to prepare canto-
nese thin film on solid substrates is described.
Goltner CG, Henke S, Weissenberger MC, Antonietti M: Me-
vv soporous silica from lyotropic liquid crystal polymer 73. Sellinger A, Weiss PM, Nguyen A, Luy Y, Assink RA, Gong
templates. Angew Chem Int Ed 1998, 37:613]616. vv W, Brinker CJ: Continuous self-assembly of
14 Self-assembly

organicinorganic nanocomposite coating that mimic mesoporous molecular sieves. J PhysChem B 1998,
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A similar procedure as described in [72 v x is used to prepare
nanolaminated coatings mimicking nacre. During dip-coating the 81. Yada M, Kitamura H, Machida M, Kijima T: Biomimetic
subsequent self-assembly of a silica-surfactant-monomer micellar v surface patterns of layered aluminium oxide mesophases
species into lyotropic mesophases organizes the organic and inor- templated by mixed surfactant assemblies. Langmuir 1997,
ganic precursors into the nanolaminated form which is subse- 13:5252]5257.
quently fixed during combined organic]inorganic polymerization. Aluminium-based lamellar mesophases templated with dodecyl sul-
fate / alkyl alcohol or dilauryldimethylammonium bromide have been
74. Tolbert SH, Firouzi A, Stucky GD, Chmelka BF: Magnetic prepared; they exhibit complex biomimetic surface patterns.
vv field alignment of ordered silicate-surfactant composites
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M acroscopically uniform orientation by non-condensed application of novel semiconductor oxides. Talanta 1998,
surfactant-silica liquid crystals can be obtained by magnetic fields. 45:759]766.
The orientation is preserved during polymerization thus allowing 83. Qi L, Ma J, Cheng H, Zhao Z: Synthesis and
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75. Edler KJ, Reynolds PA, Brown AS, Slawecki TM, White JW: crystalline walls. Langmuir 1998, 14:2579]2581.
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Mechanical shear of MCM-41 synthesis gels in the presence of
high concentrations of KBr induces macroscopic order which rapidly 85. Stone VF, Davis RJ: Synthesis, characterization, and
relaxes after stopping of the shear. photocatalytic activity of titania and niobia mesoporous
molecular sieves. Chem Mater 1998, 19:1468]1474.
76. Trau M, Yao N, Kim E, Xia Y, Whitesides GM, Aksay IA:
vv Microscopic patterning of oriented mesoscopic silica 86. Eswaramoorthy M, Rao N, Rao CNR: High catalytic
through guided patterning of oriented mesoscopic silica efficiency of transition metal complexes encapsulated in
through guided growth. Nature 1997, 290:674]676. a cubic mesoporous phase. Chem Commun 1998:615]616.
Microcapillaries served as a substrate for the formation of long
oriented silica tubules. An electric field is used to induce 87. Zhou HS, Sasabe H, Honma I: Synthesis of
electro-osmotic flow of the reaction mixture into the capillaries and phtalocyanine-doped silica mesostructured materials by
to control the rate of polymerization by localized Joule heating. The ferrocenyl surfactant. J Mater Chem 1998, 8:515]516.
method allows the formation of oriented microporous channels with
on a non-conducting substrate with an arbitrary microscopic pat- 88. Zhou W, Thomas JM, Shephard DS, Johnson BFG, Ozkkaya
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mesoporous materials with controlled pore sizes in the Anionic ruthenium cluster carbonylates interspersed with PPN
absence of polar organic additives and alkali metal ions. counterions are incorporated from solution into the pores of meso-
Chem Commun 1998:579]580. porous silica. They form tightly packed arrays in the pores which
can be visualized by high-resolution transmission electron micros-
78. Romero AA, Alba MD, Klinowski J: Aluminosilicate copy. Gentle thermolysis yields ruthenium nanoparticles which show
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89. Fowler CE, Burkett SL, Mann S: Synthesis and
79. Kimura T, Sugahara Y, Kuruda K: Synthesis of mesoporous characterization of ordered organo-silica-surfactant
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90. Desai SD, Cussler EL: Microporous vanadium pentaoxide.
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Characterization of aluminophosphate-based tubular 1998, 14:277]282.

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