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Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

Tlme-45 minutes
35 Questions

Directions: Eachof the questionsor incompletestatementsbelow is followed by frve suggestedanswersot

completions.Selectthe onethat is bestin eachcaseandthen fill in the correspondingoval on the answersheet.

t t l t t l .42
t t l t t l .ql

36. Thrce * uF caDacitorsarc connec0ed
in seriesas
L '
shownin thediagrarnabove.Thecapacitance
of .q3
' ' :uF 38. A point charge+p is insidean uncharged
z ' conductingsphericalshell that in tum is near
(B) I pF severalisolatedpoint charges,as shownabove.
The electric field at point P insidethe shell
) dependson the magnitudeoI
- +uF
J '
(A) O only
(D) (B) the chargedistributionon the sphereonly
' ' +uF (C)
z' Q and the chargedistributionon the sphere
I @) all of the point charges
' - +uF @) all of the point chargesandthe charge
o '
distribution on the sphere
37. A hairdryeris ratedas1200W, 120V. Its
is 39, In a certainregion,the electricfield along the
r-axis is given by
(A) 0.1 o
(B) l0 o E=ax+b.wherea=4OYhrP
(c) 12o andD=4Vlm.
(D) 120o The potentialdiffeiencebetweenthe origin and
(E) 1440O . r = 0 . 5 mi s
(A) -36 V
(B) -7 v
(c) -3 v
(D) 10V
(E) 16V

ot thl.
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

42. A2O pF parallel-platecapacitoris fully
Questions40'41 to 30 V. The energystoredin the capacitoris
X mostnearlY
(A) 9x103J
(B) 9x10-3J
X (C) 6x 10-4J

X AB (E) 2x 10-7J

'-' A ootentialdifference V is maintainedbetween

i*i1**". p*ullel conductingplates'An electron
X X X X .tu.t. fon te.t on the surfaceof oneplate and
acceieratestowardthe other' Its speedas it
with reachesthe secondplateis propodionalto
A Darticleof charge+e andmass ln moves
field B
r*"i*r" o"""taictilar to a uniform magnetic (A) ltv
is a
alr""t"a ioto itt" page.The pathof the particle (B) ruJV
circle of radius r' asshownabove' (c)
40. Which of the following correctly gives
the (D) v
direction of motion andthe equation relating (E) v2
o and r?
Direction Equation 44. A wire of radius R hasa current I uniformly
distributedacrossits cross-sectionalarea'
(A) Clockwise eBr = mtt l*p"tt;. tu* it usedwith a concenniccircular
eBr = ttw2 oath'of radiusr, with r < R, to calculatethe
(B) Clockwise
of the magneticfield B at a distance
(C) Counterclockwise eBr = mu froir the centerof the wite' Which of the
(D) Counterclockwise eBr = mtt2 following equationsresultsfrom a correct
6r n perc's law to this situation?
(E) Couirterclockwise eBr2 -- mtt2 "ppril"ai"
(A) B(2xr) = PoI
41. The period of revolutionof the particle
@) B(zxr)=
(A) mr ",(*)
"B Q) BQnr) = o
(B) 'll^ (D) BQrR) = PoI
(c) -E =
(D) '"1

(E) .-'"rtl

iflcoprylng or tcu.c ol GO ON TO THE NEXTPAGE. 135

ol thl. prgp l. lllgd'
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism


Q W - 4 Q

Particlesof charge Q and-4p arelocatedon

47. When the switch ,Sis openin the circuit shown
the -r-axisasshownin the figure above.Assume
the particlesareisolatedftom all othercharges. above,the readingon the ammeterA is 2,0 A.
When the switch is closed,the readingon the
45. Which of the following describesthe directionof ammeterrs
the electric field at point P ? (A) doubled
(A) +r (B) increasedslightly but not doubled
(B) +v (C) the same
(D) decreasedslightly but not halved
(c) -v G) halved
(D) Componentsin both the -r- and +y-directions
(E) Componentsin both the +t- and-y-directions 48. Two conductingcylindrical wires aremadeout
46. At which of the labeledpoints on the r-axis is the of the samematerial.Wire X hastwice the length
electricfield zero? and twice the diameterof wire L What is the
(A) A
ratio =l of their resistances?
(B) B K..
(c) c
(D) D
(E) E
(c) I
(D) 2
(E) 4

rlz6d copylng or llut

ot llrlr Dllc lr lll.od.
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism


surface'A graphof-electric
- A solid metallic sphereof radius ft hascharge Q uiformly distributedon its outer
49. the
*tentiaf V as a function of poritioo r is sho'wnabove.Which of the following graphsbestrepresents
of the electricfield E asa function of position r for this sphere?

(A) (B)



ot lhl. GO ON TO THE NEXTPAGE. 737

Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

50, Two parallel wires, eachcarrying a cunent 1,

repeleachother with a force F. If both currents
aredoubled,the force of repulsionis
=i lov
'l__l_ , +
(A) 2F r= 20v
(B) 2JTF
(c) 4F f_l-_
@) 4JZF
(E) 8r 52. The figuresaboveshowpartsof two circuits, each
containinga batteryof emf and intemal
51. A circular current-carryingloop lies so that the resistancer. The currentin eachbatteryis I A,
planeof the loop is perpendicularto a constant
but the directionof the currentin onebatteryis
magneticfield of strengthB. Supposethat the oppositeto that in the other.If the potential
radius R of the loop could be madeto increase differencesacrossthe batteries'terminalsare
with time t so that R = dt, where a is a constant.
10V and20 V as shown,what arethe valuesof
What is the magnitudeof the emf that would be
t andr?
generatedaroundthe loop asa function of I ?
(A) =5V,r=15 O
(A) 2nBazt
( B ) = 1 0 V , r = 1 0O
(B't 2nBat
( C ) = 1 5 V , r = 5 Q
(C) 2nBt (D) =20v,r=10 Q
(D') xBa2t @) The valuescannotbe computedunlessthe
completecircuits are shown.
(E) f;n"2f
53. A chargedparticle canmove with constant
velocity througha region containingboth an
electricfield and a magneticfleld only if the
(A) elecaic field is parallel to the magneticfield
@) electricfield is perpendicularto the magnetic
(C) electricfreld is parallel to the velocity vector
(D) rnagneticfield is parallelto the velocity vector
@) magaeticlield is perpendicularto the velocity

ot thlr
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

55. A squareloop of wire carrying a current 1 is

initially in the planeof the pageandis locatedin
a uniform magneticfield B that pointstoward the
oirilnr.oop bottom of the page,asshownabove.Which of the
is Pulled
following showsthe correctinitial rotationof the
54. A conductingloop of wire that is initially around loop due to the force exertedon it by the magnetic
a magnetis pulled awayfrom tlte magnetto the field?
right, asindicatedin the figure above,inducing a (A)
currentin the loop. What is the direction of the
force on the magnetandthe direction of the
magneticfield at the centerof the loop dueto the
Direction of (B)
MagneticField at
Direction of Centerof Loop due
Forceon the Magnet to InducedCunent
(A) To the right To the right
@) To the right To the left (c)
(C) To the left To the right
(D) To the left To the left
(E) No direction; To the left
the force is zero.

ot lhir
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Rz=20 dl 57-5E


+9/ +a
.?i i
+9... i+Q


As shownin the ftgure above,six particles,each

56. In thecircuitshownabove,theequivalent
with charge+p, areheld fixed andareequally spaced
resistanceof thetluresistors
is aroundthe circumferenceof a circle ofradius R.
(A) 10.5()
(B) 15 () 57. What is the magnitudeof the rsultantelectric
(c) 20cr field at the centerof tbe circle?
(D) 50 (, (A) 0
(E) 115O
@) r{o
+xeo Rl

Q +raeo
+ 4Rz
(D) iJ2 Q
4xes I8

(E) 3 Q
2xcs L2

5E.With the six particlesheld fixed, how much work

would be requiredto bring a seventhparticle of
cbnge + Q from very far awayandplaceit at the
centerof the circle?
(A) 0

(' B ) 6 o
4fteo R

G'+; Q2

,r* Q,

ol thl.
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

Questions59-61 61. Howmuchnetworkmustbedoneby anextemal

forceto movea -1 pC pointchargefromrestat
poirt C to restat point E ?
(A) -20 uJ
(B) -10 rtJ
(C) l0 rrJ
(D) NN
(E) 30 pJ

62. Oneof Maxwell's equationscanbe written as

. .1A
e. as = -:{3. Thisequationexpresses
The diagramaboveshowsequipotentiallines J0 d t
producedby an unknownchargedistribution. fact that
A, B, C, D, and E arepoints in the plane. (A) a changingmagneticfield producesan
59. Which vectorbelow bestdescribesthe direction (B) a changingelectricfield producesa magnetic
of the electricfield at point A ? fie1d
( ) , / (C) the net magneticflux througha closed
surfacedependson the currentinside
(D) the net electricflux througha closedsurface
@) ,/ dependson the chargeinside
(E) electricchargeis conserved
(c) \

(D) \

@) Noneof the above;the field is zero.

60. At which point doesthe electric field havethe

(A) A
(B) B
(c) c
(D) D

of tfil.
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

qF *d-l
65. A physicsproblemstarts: "A solid spherehas
chargedistributeduniformly throughout. . ." It
may be conectly concludedthat the
(A) electric field is zeroeverywhereinside the
(B) electric field insidethe sphereis the sameas
the electricfield outside
(c) electricpotentialon the surfaceof the sphere
is not constant
63. The platesof a parallel-platecapacitorof cross- (D) electric potentialin the centerof the sphere
sectionalareaA areseparatedby a distanced, is zero
as shownabove.Betweenthe platesis a dielectric (E) sphereis not madeof metal
materialof constantr(. The platesarecomected
in serieswith a variableresistanceR and a power
supplyof potentialdifference V. The capacitance
C of this capacitorwill increaseif which of the
following is decreased? Questions66-67relate to the circuit represented
(A) A below. The switch S, after being openfor a long
(B) R time, is thenclosed.
(c) ,<
(D\ d
(E) y

66. What is the currentin the cfucuitafter the switch

hasbeencloseda long time?
(A) 0A
(B) 1.2A
(c) 24,
(D) 3A
(E) 12A
64. The currentsin threeparallelwires, X, Y, and Z,
eachhavemagnitude1 andarein the directions
67.Whatis thepotentialdifferenceacrosstheresistor
shownabove.Wire Y is closerto wire X than to
immediatelyaftertheswitchis closed?
whe Z. T\e magneticforce on wire I is (A) 0v
(A) (B) 2v
(c) 7.2V
into the page
(D) 8v
out ofthe page
(D) (E) 12v
towardthe bottomof the page
(E) towardthe left

Unauthoalzdcopvlhg or rru!6 ot
ot lhl. paqo 13
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

68. A uniform sphericalchargedistributionhasradius

R. Which of the following is true of the electric
field strengthdueto this chargedistribution at a x X
distancer from the centerof the charee? B
x X
(A) It is greatestwhen r = 0. Pr P2
(B) It is $eatest when r = Rl2. x X
(C) It is direcdy proportionalto r when r > R.
(D) It is direcdy proportionalto r when r<R. X

@) It is directlyproportionalto l.

70. A sheetof copperin the planeof the pageis

connectedto a batteryas shownabove,causing
electronsto drift throughthe coppertowardthe
bottom of the page.The coppersheetis in a
magneticfield B directedinto the page.P1 and
P2 arepointsat the edgesof the strip. Which of
the following statementsis true?
(A) Pl is at a higherpotentialthan Pr.
(B) P, is at a higherpotentialthan Pt.
69. When a negativelychargedrod is brought (C) P, and Pr arc at equalpositivepotential.
near,but doesnot touch,$e initially uncharged
electroscopeshownabove,the leavesspring (D) Pr and P2 areat equalnegativepotential.
apart(I). When the electroscopeis then touched (E) Currentwill ceaseto flow in the coppersheet.
with a finger, the leavescollapse@). When next
the finger and finally the rod areremoved,the
leavesspringaparta secondtime (IIf. The charge
on the leavesis
(A) positive in both I andIII
(B) negativein both I and trI
(C) positive in I, negativein Itr
(D) negativein I, positive in III
@) impossibleto determinein eitherI or III



lhsllFrL.d coptlE d llrr

a rrof fta. m blllal.
Chapter V: Answers to the
2004AP PhysicsC Exam
SectionI: Multiple Choice . MechanicsQuestion 3
. SectionI Answer Key and PercentAnswering . Electricity and Magnetism Question 1
Correctly . Electricity and Magnetism Question 2
. Analyzing Your Students'Performanceon the ' Electricity and Magnetism Question 3
Multiple-Choice Section
. Diagnostic Guide for the 2004 AP PhysicsC
Section I: Multiple Choice
Listed below are the correct answersto the multiple-choice
SectionII: FreeResponse questions,the percentofAP studentswho answeredeach
. Comments from the Chief Reader
question correctly by AP grade,and the total percent
. Scoring Guidelines,SampleStudent Responses,
and Commentary
. MechanicsQuestion I
. MechanicsQuestion 2

Section I Answer Key and Percent Answering Correctly

lMechanics Electricitv and Maqnetism
Item Correct Percent Correct by Grade
Total Item Correct Pelcent Correct by Grade
No. Answer 5 4 3 2 r Percent
No. Answer 5 4 3 2 7
Correct Correct
96 93 89 a2 64 87 36 E B6 BO 37 71
2 D 97 92 a7 7'I 41 82 37 a7 76 65 50 26 65
3 E 88 75 68 62 52 71 3B 66 55 49 43 25 50
4 C 80 70 66 63 54 6B 39 B a4 62 49 35 '17
5 B 97 95 91 84 63 BB 40 C 73 4A 22 12 6 36
6 6 8 3 7 2 7 7 7 7 33 41 C 7B 42 23 13 I 39
7 93 79 64 47 23 66 42 B 83 61 4A 24 49
B 76 42 23 3B 43 C 63 28 16 10 B 30
I D B5 62 42 51 44 B B1 53 37 29 23 49
10 E 99 98 98 96 82 96 E 94 82 62 3B 73
1'T c 69 5'.7 57 47 35 65 43 30 26 17 4A
C 61 46 42 36 26 44 83 65 54 42 24 5B
13 87 75 64 52 34 66 48 B 71 47 33 21 10 41
14 D 45 32 2S 27 22 33 49 C 85 52 3B 20 56
15 81 61 47 37 17 53 50 C 81 69 55 43 64
C BB 75 60 42 27 62 5i 7'r 32 1a 72 10 33
17 E 58 39 34 27 18 38 52 C 44 29 20 15 27
D 75 52 36 27 77 46 53 B 81 60 47 36 26 54
B 57 27 77 12 10 2a 54 48 24 16
'12 10 25
20 E 78 62 50 37 19 55 C 83 57 45 32 24 53
21 E BB 70 58 4a 30 63 56 D 99 97 94 91 6f 91
22 B 90 85 B0 75 50 79 57 96 90 7A 49 80
23 40 22 '12 23
C 17 14 5B D 63 36 28 23 15 36
B 9B 97 94 B9 63 59 71 46 35 25 i6 43
25 C 56 42 34 31 26 4A 60 B 65 36 29 20 42
26 D 73 49 33 24 17 43 6l B 61 39 31 22 16 37
27 E 92 75 5B 39 17 62 62 85 64 48 34 16 54
28 C 93 75 50 30 19 59 63 D 82 66 53 43 27 58
21 '12 B 22
29 C 48 6 64 E 77 48 34 23 14 44
30 c 81 61 45 34 30 65 E 6B 3B 25 5 35
31 70 41 23 11 6 35 66 C BB 71 59 49 36 64
32 D 63 45 37 32 26 43 67 79 55 40 27 15 4a
c 55 41 34 3L 26 39 6B D 73 37 27
48 30 '13 28
21 69 D 44 33 30 27 T7 32
35 B 61 33 23 18 L2 33 70 B 28 I3 11 B B I5


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