Standard 6 2 and 7 3 Task 1 - Reflection Journal

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Natasha Ravanello

EDFD220: Teaching and Managing Learning Environments

Professionalism in Teaching and Learning

Professionalism in teaching and learning is about a teacher displaying

adaptability and flexibility to different situations that theyre
confronted with. A major example that I noticed during placement was
the need to cater for a range of different learning levels within the
class. Many factors need to be taken into consideration such as their
learning behaviours, their likes and dislikes, what will motivate them
to keep on learning and the appropriate ways to explain information in
a child friendly way. Therefore, the implementation of the Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers provides a framework which
makes explicit the professional knowledge, practice and engagement
that supports teachers to transition into new phases of their career
(Wallace, 2015).

Professional knowledge is a major component of teaching as

there are many factors that need to be accommodated for within the
classroom. Knowing each individual student and their learning
abilities is what makes an effective teacher, something that I grasped
a better understanding of during placement. My year 5 class had a
variety of students, ranging from students at year 1 level to a minimal
amount of students at year 6 level and all others in-between. My class
also had a student who is high on the autism spectrum and another
student from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait background. Therefore
with these circumstances, it was challenging to create lesson plans
that suited each individual student and their specific learning abilities.
Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students
across the full range of abilities (Australian Institute for Teaching and
School Leadership, 2015) is one of many professional standards that
teachers are expected to achieve in order to utilise their professional
knowledge. During my placement, I found it difficult in the beginning

Natasha Ravanello
EDFD220: Teaching and Managing Learning Environments

to plan my lessons for my class as the altering learning abilities made

it a challenge. However, I learnt that rather than creating numerous
lesson plans for different students, altering the success criteria for the
mixed abilities in the class allowed me to assess each student on
whether or not they were able to successfully achieve the learning
intentions of the lessons based on their capabilities and what level
theyre at.

Creating supportive learning environments is a key factor to

ensure students are motivated and feel encouraged to learn. Having a
variety of activities, resources, and technologies can engage students
in their learning and allow them to be more driven to attempt the
work implicated for them. In regards to the Australian Standards, plan,
structure and sequence-learning programs (Australian Institute for
Teaching and School Leadership, 2015) is something teachers need to
take into major consideration to promote learning. During placement,
it was evident that the teaching team would work cooperatively to
create lesson plans that were not only relevant to student learning,
however were also engaging to support student participation. An
example of this was using ICT to show videos relevant to the class
learning as a way of grasping the students attention from the
beginning of the lesson. This strategy is effective as students are
immediately involved in the content of the lesson and are more willing
to participate and answer questions. Therefore, during a teachers
professional practice its vital to know what their students interests
are in order to create a lesson plan suitable for the whole class,
something I plan to instill in my future as a teacher. Another
component of professional practice is behaviour management within
the class. Having established and negotiating clear expectations with
students and address discipline issues promptly, fairly and
respectfully (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership,

Natasha Ravanello
EDFD220: Teaching and Managing Learning Environments

2015) is an appropriate and effective way to manage classroom

behaviour. A technique Ive learnt from my observations was having a
chart that was split into three categories: friendly reminder, warning
and consequence. This indicated that if a student had been told to
stop doing something three times, they would suffer a consequence
such as spending 20 minutes of their lunch time sitting outside the
staffroom. The chart was placed on the notice board where every
student could see it, and the students name would be placed in the
categories when they had displayed inappropriate behaviour. I found
this system to be effective as not only were all the students aware of
how it worked, once a student had been given a friendly reminder,
their behaviour had altered in order to avoid being given a

Engaging with other staff members as a teacher is a

fundamental component in terms of managing the learning needs of
each of the students. Working cooperatively with teachers to support
teaching and learning (ACT Government, 2015) aids in the childs
success rates and allows teachers to enhance their professional
knowledge and practice. Its essential that teachers take on board
feedback from other colleagues and supervisors to assist them in
developing better relationships with their students to understand their
learning needs. During observation, I had the opportunity to sit in on
the teacher planning sessions where teachers were achieving one of
the Australian standards for professional engagement, engage with
colleagues and improve practice (Australian Institute for Teaching and
School Leadership, 2015). The professional learning team involved
having discussions based around evaluating what has been working
and what needs to be improved to achieve the students best
academic results. These meetings and sessions allowed for different
opinions and suggestions to be raised in terms of what is best for the
students educational outcome.

Natasha Ravanello
EDFD220: Teaching and Managing Learning Environments

Word Count: 864


ACT Government. (2015). Professional Teaching Framework. Retrieved


Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2014).

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (No. 1.5).
Retrieved from

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2014).

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (No. 3.2).
Retrieved from

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2014).

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (No. 4.3).
Retrieved from

Natasha Ravanello
EDFD220: Teaching and Managing Learning Environments

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2014).

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (No. 6.3).
Retrieved from

Wallace, O. (2015). Lecture 1: Australian Professional Standards for

Teachers. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

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