Lesson 4

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Reading and Writing

Lesson 4
Obstacles to Reading

Facts discovered by specialists

Reading experts have made meaningful studies which point to various facts about
Children display dominance in the two spheres of their brain, such is the
case with those who are left-handed or left eye dominant. But researches
have shown that such manifestations dont affect the ability to read. So, it
is advised that children be allowed to display their left-handed or left-eye
dominant tendencies.
Handicapped children may display spatial or directional disorientation. Thus,
they have difficulties in differentiating letters, especially in case of letters
which are alike such as f and t, p and b, g and d.
Intellectual or emotional maturation lag is a cause for reading retardation.
There is a close correlation between intelligence and reading achievement.
Those with high I.Q. will acquire higher reading skills faster than those with
lower I.Q..
Basic to success in reading are: (a) visual acuity with eyes integrating images
well and (b) auditory acuity with clear hearing of the sounds of words.
Reading is intertwined with language, and so non-speakers of a language will
have more difficulties reading a second language.
Reading and listening (particularly sounds of words) are closely related.
Proficiency in listening is conducive to proficiency in reading.

Facts that relate to Obstacles in Reading Achievement

Those having difficulties in achieving reading skills may be affected by any

of the following factors:

Malfunction of the visual and auditory faculties.
In particular, eye defects such as near/far-sightedness, speech
impediments, etc.
Physical discomfort among students such as headache, stomach ache,
hunger, thirst etc.
Childs lack of self-confidence, feelings of rejection and other
negative personality traits (shyness, being withdrawn, poor rapport
with others, conflict with parents and peers etc.)
Teacher personality factors such as lack of competence, emotional
immaturity, lack of social sense, etc.
General emotional atmosphere at home and school, including the
attitude among parents in guiding their childrens progress in school.

Conditions at home and school, including conditions of poor room
lighting, ventilation, seating arrangement, etc.

Low economic status (poverty) of children of poor families.
Sensationalism and retrogressive literacy as fostered by
commercialism in mass media.
Policies and programs of government and of the schools on the
development reading program. Should this program be extended not
only to student teachers in college, but to all college students?

Activity: Answer the question below.

1. Who are more literate and more highly appreciative of reading, people in
developed/industrialized countries or those in developing/peasant
economy countries? Defend your answer.

Reading and Writing

Lesson 5
Selective Reading

Reading helps thinking. A man who doesnt care to read actually undergoes
intellectual fasting. In contrast, Francis Bacon wrote: Reading maketh a full man.

But there is reading and more reading. If we read by just running our eyes
quickly along a page or print, we would be shocking the Ancients. Few people in
antiquity knew how to read, a few possessed the bricks, stones or rolls for reading.
For the young students of ancient Greece, these reading materials were a treasure
in their hands.


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