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CIR vs.

Pascor Realty and Development CIR then contended that CTA gravely abused
Corporation 309 SCRA 402 its discretion in denying the Motion to
Assessment(Sec. 203, 222) Dismiss.
CA Ruling: The CTA committed no grave
FACTS: BIR Commissioner Jose U. Ong abuse of discretion in ruling that the Criminal
authorized its Revenue Officers to examine Complaint for tax evasion filed by the CIR
the books of accounts and other accounting with the DOJ constituted an assessment of
records of Pascor Realty and Development the tax due, and that the said assessment
Corporation. (PRDC) for the years ending could be the subject of a protest. By
1986, 1987 and 1988. The said examination definition, an assessment is simply the
resulted in a recommendation for the statement of the details and the amount of
issuance of an assessment in the amounts of tax due from a taxpayer. Based on this
P7,498,434.65 and P3,015,236.35 for the definition, the details of the tax contained in
years 1986 and 1987, respectively. the BIR examiners Joint Affidavit, which was
attached to the criminal Complaint,
On March 1, 1995, CIR filed a criminal constituted an assessment.
complaint before the DOJ against PRDC, its
President, and its Treasurer, alleging evasion
of taxes in the total amount of ISSUE: Whether or not the criminal
P10,513,671.00. Consequently, PRDC filed an complaint for tax evasion can be construed
Urgent Request for as an assessment.
Reconsideration/Reinvestigation disputing
the tax assessment and tax liability, which
then was denied by the CIR on the ground RULING: The filing of the criminal complaint
that no formal assessment has as yet been with the Department of Justice cannot in any
issued by the Commissioner. In effect, PRDC way be construed as a formal assessment of
elevated the CIRs decision to the CTA. PRDCs tax liabilities. Neither the NIRC nor
the regulations governing the protest of
CIR then filed a Motion to Dismiss the assessments provide a specific definition or
petition on the ground that the CTA has no form of an assessment. However, the NIRC
jurisdiction over the subject matter as there defines the specific functions and effects of
was no formal assessment issued against an assessment. To consider the affidavit
PRDC, but the same was denied by the CTA. attached to the Complaint as a proper
assessment is to subvert the nature of an
CTA Ruling: The criminal complaint for tax
assessment and to set a bad precedent that
evasion constitutes an assessment. The
will prejudice innocent taxpayers.
amount and kind of tax due, and the period
covered, are sufficient details needed for an
True, as pointed out by the private
assessment. Assessment is laying a tax.
respondents, an assessment informs the
The ultimate purpose of an assessment to
taxpayer that he or she has tax liabilities.
such a connection is to ascertain the amount
But not all documents coming from the BIR
that each taxpayer is to pay. More
containing a computation of the tax liability
commonly, the word assessment means
can be deemed assessments. To start with,
the official valuation of a taxpayers property
an assessment must be sent to and received
for purpose of taxation. An assessment
by a taxpayer, and must demand payment of
simply states how much tax is due from a
the taxes described therein within a specific
taxpayer. Thus, based on these definitions,
the details of the tax as given in the Joint
Affidavit of respondents examiners, which
The issuance of an assessment is vital in
was attached to the tax evasion complaint,
determining, the period of limitation
more than suffice to qualify as an
regarding its proper issuance and the period
assessment. This Court unquestionably
within which to protest it. Section 203 of
acquired jurisdiction over the instant
the NIRC provides that internal revenue taxes
must be assessed within three years from
the last day within which to file the return.
Section 222, on the other hand, specifies a Facts: In 1993, Maria Tancino died leaving
period of ten years in case a fraudulent behind an estate worth P32 million. In 1997,
return with intent to evade was submitted or a tax audit was conducted on the estate.
in case of failure to file a return. Also, Section Meanwhile, the National Internal Revenue
228 of the same law states that said Code (NIRC) of 1997 was passed. Eventually
assessment may be protested only within in 1998, the estate was issued a final
thirty days from receipt thereof. Necessarily, assessment notice demanding the estate to
the taxpayer must be certain that a specific pay P14.9 million in taxes inclusive of
document constitutes an assessment. surcharge and interest; the
Otherwise, confusion would arise regarding estates liability was based on Section 229 of
the period within which to make an the [old] Tax Code. Azucena Reyes, one of
assessment or to protest the same, or the heirs, protested the FAN. The
whether interest and penalty may accrue Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR)
thereon. nevertheless issued a warrant of distraint
and/or levy. Reyes again protested the
The fact that the Complaint itself was warrant but in March 1999, she offered a
specifically directed and sent to the compromise and was willing to pay P1 million
Department of Justice and not to private in taxes. Her offer was denied. She continued
respondents shows that the intent of the to work on another compromise but was
commissioner was to file a criminal eventually denied. The case reached the
complaint for tax evasion, not to issue an Court of Tax Appeals where Reyes was also
assessment. Although the revenue officers denied. In the Court of Appeals, Reyes
recommended the issuance of an received a favorable judgment.
assessment, the commissioner opted instead
to file a criminal case for tax evasion. What Issue: Is the formal assessment notice is
private respondents received was a notice valid?
from the DOJ that a criminal case for tax
evasion had been filed against them, not a Ruling: No. The NIRC of 1997 was already in
notice that the Bureau of Internal Revenue effect when the final assessment notice was
had made an assessment. issued. Under Section 228 of the NIRC,
taxpayers shall be informed in writing of the
The purpose of the attached Joint Affidavit, law and the facts on which the assessment is
therefore, was merely to support and made: otherwise, the assessment shall be
substantiate the Criminal Complaint for tax void. In the case at bar, the final assessment
evasion. Clearly, it was not meant to be a notice merely stated the amount of liability
notice of the tax due and a demand to the to be shouldered by the estate and the law
private respondents for payment thereof. upon which such liability is based. However,
the estate was not informed in writing of the
facts on which the assessment of estate
ISSUE: Is assessment necessary before filing taxes had been made. The estate was merely
of Criminal Complaint? informed of the findings of the CIR. Section
228 of the NIRC being remedial in nature can
RULING: No. PRDC maintain that the filing of be applied retroactively even though the tax
a criminal complaint must be preceded by an investigation was conducted prior to the
assessment. This is incorrect, because laws passage. Consequently, the invalid final
Section 222 of the NIRC specifically states assessment notice cannot be a basis of a
that in cases where a false or fraudulent compromise, any proceeding emanating from
return is submitted or in cases of failure to the invalid final assessment notice is void
file a return such as this case, proceedings in including the issuance of the warrant of
court may be commenced without an distraint and/or levy.
GR 134062, 17 April 2007
CIR vs Reyes | GR No. 159694 and
163581 | Bonganciso, Wiem FACTS: On 28 October 1988 petitioner
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR)
assessed respondent Bank of the Philippine Jurisprudence, on the other hand, simply
Islands (BPI) deficiency percentage and required that the assessments contain a
documentary stamp taxes in the total computation of tax liabilities, the amount the
amount of P129,488,656.63. In a letter dated taxpayer was to pay and a demand for
10 December 1988, BPI requested for the CIR payment within a prescribed period. The
to state or to inform the taxpayer why he is sentence The taxpayers shall be informed in
being assessed a deficiency, and as to what writing of the law and the facts on which the
particular percentage tax the assessment assessments is made; otherwise, the
refers to. Subsequently, BPI received a letter assessments shall be void was not in the old
on 27 June 1991 dated May 8, 1991 from CIR Section of 270 but was later on inserted in
stating that it constitutes the final decision the renumbered Section 228 in
on the matter, and the basis of the 1997.Evidently, the legislature saw the need
assessments. BPI filed a petition for review in to modify the former Section 270 by inserting
the CTA but the latter dismissed the case for the aforequoted sentence. The fact that the
lack of jurisdiction since the subject amendment was necessary showed that,
assessments had become final and prior to the introduction of the amendment,
unappealable. The CTA ruled that BPI failed the statute had an entirely different
to protest on time under Section 270 of the meaning. The amendment introduced by RA
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) and 8424 was an innovation and could not be
Section 7 in relation to Section 11 of RA reasonably inferred from the old law. Clearly,
1125. On appeal, the CA reversed the tax the legislature intended to insert a new
courts decision and resolution and provision regarding the form and substance
remanded the case to the CTA for a decision of assessments issued by the CIR.
on the merits. It ruled that the October 28,
1988 notices were not valid assessments Under the former Section 270, there were
because they did not inform the taxpayer of two instances when an assessment became
the legal and factual bases. It declared that final and unappealable: 1) when it was not
the proper assessments were those protested within 30 days and 2) when the
contained in the May 8, 1991 letter which adverse decision on the protest was not
provided the reasons for the claimed appealed to the CTA within 30 days from
deficiencies. Thus, it held that BPI filed the receipt of the final decision.
petition for review in CTA on time.
2) Whether or not the assessments made by
Hence, CIR filed this case. the CIR were valid, final, and unappealable?

ISSUES: Failure to protest within the 30-day period: 1)

final and unappealable; 2) presumption of
1) Were the October 28, 1988 notices valid correctness
RULING: Yes, BPI should have protested
RULING: within 30 days from receipt of the notices
dated October 28, 1988. BPIs failure to
Yes the notices sufficiently met the protest meant that the assessments made
requirements of a valid assessment under are final and unappealable. The December
the old law and jurisprudence. The CIR 10, 1988 reply it sent to the CIR did not
merely relied on the provisions of the former qualify as a protest since BPI did not even
Section 270 prior to its amendment by RA consider the October 28, 1988 notices as
8424 (Tax Reform Act of 1997). Accordingly, valid or proper assessments. Moreover, BPI
when the assessments were made pursuant was from then on barred from disputing the
to the former Section 270, the only correctness of the assessments or invoking
requirement was for the CIR to notify or any defense that would reopen the question
inform the taxpayer of his findings. of its liability on the merits.
Nothing in the old law required a written
statement to the taxpayer of the law and Presumption of Correctness. There arose a
facts on which the assessments were based. presumption of correctness when BPI failed
to protest the assessments: Tax assessments
by tax examiners are presumed correct and Assessment Notice No. FAN-1- 87-91- 000649
made in good faith. The taxpayer has the dated 1 February 1991, which, the CIR
duty to prove otherwise. In the absence of alleges, was sent to Barcelon through
proof of any irregularities an assessment registered mail on 6 February
duly made by a Bureau of Internal Revenue 1991. However, Barcelon denies receiving
examiner and approved by his superior the formal assessment notice.
officers will not be disturbed. All
presumptions are in favor of the correctness CIR denied the protest
of tax assessments. Even if we consider the
December 10, 1988 letter as a protest, BPI CTA in favor of Barcelon
must nevertheless be deemed to have failed
to appeal the CIRs final decision within the CA in favor of CIR
30-day period. The CIR, in his May 8, 1991
response, stated that it was his final Issue: has the action of the CIR prescribed?
decision on the matter. BPI therefore had 30
days from the time it received the decision Ruling: yes.
on June 27, 1991 to appeal but it did not.
Instead, it filed a request for reconsideration Under Section 203 of the National Internal
and lodged its appeal in the CTA. Revenue Code (NIRC), the CIR had three (3)
years from the last day for the filing of the
BPI is still liable under the subject tax return to send an assessment notice to
assessments: That state will be deprived of petitioner. An assessment is made within the
the taxes validly due it and the public will prescriptive period if notice to this effect is
suffer if taxpayers will not be held liable for released, mailed or sent by the CIR to the
the proper taxes assessed against them: taxpayer within said period. Receipt thereof
Taxes are the lifeblood of the government, by the taxpayer within the prescriptive
for without taxes, the government can period is not necessary. At this point, it
neither exist nor endure. A principal attribute should be clarified that the rule does not
of sovereignty, the exercise of taxing power dispense with the requirement that the
derives its source from the very existence of taxpayer should actually receive, even
the state whose social contract with its beyond the prescriptive period, the
citizens obliges it to promote public interest assessment notice which was timely
and common good. The theory behind the released, mailed and sent.
exercise of the power to tax emanates from
necessity; without taxes, government cannot In the present case, records show that
fulfill its mandate of promoting general Barcelon filed its Annual Income Tax Return
welfare and well-being of the people. for taxable year 1987 on 14 April 1988. The
last day for filing by Barcelon of its return
Barcelon v. CIR was on 15 April 1988, thus, giving the CIR
August 7, 2006 until 15 April 1991 within which to send an
Julius Anthony Ragay assessment notice. Barcelon denies having
received an assessment notice from
Facts: Barcelon is a corporation engaged in respondent.
the trading of securities. On 14 April 1988,
Barcelon filed its Annual Income Tax Return When a mail matter is sent by registered
for taxable year 1987. After an audit mail, there exists a presumption that it was
investigation conducted by the BIR, the CIR received in the regular course of mail. The
issued an assessment for deficiency income facts to be proved in order to raise this
tax in the amount of P826,698.31 arising presumption are: (a) that the letter was
from the disallowance of the item on properly addressed with postage prepaid;
salaries, bonuses and allowances in the and (b) that it was mailed. While a mailed
amount of P1,219,093,93 as part of the letter is deemed received by the addressee
deductible business expense since Barcelon in the ordinary course of mail, this is still
failed to subject the salaries, bonuses and merely a disputable presumption subject
allowances to withholding taxes. This to controversion, and a direct denial of the
assessment was covered by Formal receipt thereof shifts the burden upon the
party favored by the presumption to prove Formal Assessment Notice No. FAN-1- 87-91-
that the mailed letter was indeed received by 000649 was released, mailed, or sent
the addressee. before 15 April 1991, or before the lapse of
the period of limitation upon assessment and
The CIR was unable to present substantial collection prescribed by Section 203 of the
evidence that such notice was, indeed, NIRC. Such evidence, therefore, is insufficient
mailed or sent by the respondent before to give rise to the presumption that the
the BIRs right to assess had prescribed and assessment notice was received in the
that said notice was received by the regular course of mail. Consequently, the
petitioner. Furthermore, independent right of the government to assess and collect
evidence, such as the registry receipt of the the alleged deficiency tax is barred by
assessment notice, or a certification from the prescription.
Bureau of Posts, could have easily been
obtained. Yet the CIR failed to present such

In the present case, the evidence offered by

the CIR fails to convince the Court that

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