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Eighth Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, April 2016 (2008 Scheme) 08.801 : ENERGY MANAGEMENT (MPU) Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : Answer all questions from Part — A and any one full question from each Module in Part —B. PART-A . Write notes on the energy utilization from hydro electric power plants. . Explain the concept of energy from waste. ~p 2 Explain Nuclear energy generation. Explain magneto hydro dynamics. > gs What is the significance of energy audit ? 6. What do you understand by energy planning ? What are the objectives of energy management ? ~ 2 What are the methods adopted to conserve electrical energy in houses ? What is co-generation ? © 10. Explain pinch technology. (10x4=40 Marks) P.O. as ui ¢ PART-B Module-1 - @) Discuss about the effectiveness of biomass and fuel cells as sources of Non conventional energy sources. b) Discuss about Electrical energy route. OR 12. a) Discuss about the conventional energy conversion plants in India. b) Discuss about energy storage and distribution. + Module - II 13, a) Briefly describe the energy policy of India. b) Discuss about the computer energy management. OR 14. a) Discuss about energy usage characterization. b) Explain the procedure for conducting Energy audit. Module — II 15. a) Discuss about ECO in chemical and Electrical Industries. b) Explain waste heat recovery in Industries. OR r : 16. a) Discuss about the energy conservation measures adopted in India. b) Explain thermodynamic ECO’s in chemical process industry. t 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

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