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Lesson number: 1 Duration: 30 mins Class size: 26 Level: Foundation

Topic: team work

Focus: team work and active listening skills
Learning Objectives: We are learning to work as a team and develop our listening skills in a
team environment
Assessment Criteria and method of evaluation
Standards/Outcome Assessment Criteria Evidence
Health and Physical The student can listen to Students working together to consider the
Education: Movement and instructions of the task importance of listening skills
Physical activity ~ Moving
our body The student demonstrates a Students listening to the contributions of
team player attitude others
Practice fundamental
movement skills and The student demonstrates an
movement sequences ability to take on game
using different body strategies contributed by
parts (ACPMP008) others within their group
Equipment Safety measures / Risk Management

Circular cones All hazards on synthetic area or to be

Hula Hoops pointed out to students prior to
Bean Bags commencing activity
Ensure students use synthetic area only

Stage/Time Tasks Teacher action

Stage 1: 1. Discussion of team work and what it Attending to students listening ability
Introduction means to be a team player: of task and discussion
What does it mean to work as team? Noting down student contributions to
Why is it important to work as a team? what evidence of attitude and action
displays team player ethic and
What types of teams do we know?
What are examples that dont
demonstrate being a team player?
Discuss with students importance of
being cautious when running with their
peers, and throughout activity remaining
on the synthetic grass for safety to avoid
trips or falls on the exterior bricks
Stage 2: Fruit Salad 1. Students are to be lined up
Warm up 1. Students are split into three teams (Apple, upon the synthetic with a
(5 minutes) Banana, Cherry) consideration of health and
2. Students will be given an instruction: Walk, safety of their peers, as well as
Jog, Run in which their team must complete avoiding any obstacles (trees,
from one end of the synthetic grass to the twigs etc.)
3. The team with the most cones collectively 2. Commencing the activity ensures all
facing either up or down wins the round. (2x3 students understand their role and
minute rounds) the actions intended.

3. Students questions are answered

Stage 3: 1. Students return to centre of synthetic area to Ensure safety of students
Development, discuss rules of Protect your medals game.
Practice 2. Students are divided into four teams. Ensure students are aware of
Consolidation 3. Two rules are to be emphasized: no guarding set task boundary areas and
their hoop, or taking more than one bean bag rules
at time per person from another teams hoop.
4. Students are to be considering the Observation of students whom listen
importance of team player attitude and to set task and exemplify team play
action, as well as active listening skills. attitude
Stage 4: *Revisit objectives Reflect on activity and what it means
Conclusion *What was learnt (taught) and why is that to be a team player
and closure Observe student contributions and
What strategies assisted with your ensure to link back to the idea of what
teams success?

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