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Names and surnames: Charlotte Smith, Levi Otto, Elaine Priest & Marie Vamben

Tutorial session: Friday 10am

School name: Year Level: sessions:

Holy Child Primary School Grade 1/2 4
- Overall aims/goal of the unit c- How is this unit informed with the Encyclical Laudato Si?
The Encyclical Laudato Si discussed the impacts of social change on the
At the end of this unit students will be able/capable of:
environment around us. Humans are using natural resources at a fast pace
without thinking of the needs of tomorrow. This moves beyond just a
At the completion of this unit, students will demonstrate an understanding of personal
sustainability issue for society, but is becoming a major social issue for many
and social identity. Students will be able to recognise that there are similarities and
groups around the world. Those in developing countries or who heavily rely on
differences between all people and, that these unique qualities contribute to our
the environment for food, shelter and income are watching these resources
personal and social identity.
slowly diminish around them. Leaving them with little other resources to use to
live adequately in their home environments.
Year 1/2s will explore the impact that family, geographic location and culture play in
determining personal attributes. They will gain an understanding of the important impact The Encyclical Laudato Si has informed our unit of work as the focus is directly
that these factors have in shaping who we are. on both animals and humans and the environment around them. The aim is to
enlighten students on the different effects of the changing environment and the
Students will demonstrate the ability to recognise and express unique differences in impacts it has on those who depend on it and live in it. Further this unit aims to
humans and animals. Collaborative discussion and exploration of personal and social encourage the students to think about the different ways we as a society can
identity will allow students to share their individual differences and similarities with their change our behaviour to prevent further damage to the environment.
peers and gain an insight into the identity of others. Thus, further enhancing their
understanding of personal identity.
d- Teaching approach chosen and how will it inform the goals and priorities
Recognition of differences and similarities will expand students views of social and of the unit and school community?
cultural diversity within their school and wider communities. Teaching approach: Indigenous Science

This teaching approach will be utilised throughout the four lessons and will
- School priorities/frameworks and how this unit addresses them? involve open-ended discussions, interactive activities and development of critical
Identity: thinking skills.
We all come from diverse cultures which makes us unique. This allows greater
opportunity to deepen our understanding of self. Interactive activities align with constructivist theories of teaching and learning.
Students will be encouraged to explore features of living things and recognising
We all belong to a variety group of communities. - Self management differences between humans and animals.
Communities work together to achieve goals.- Self management
We all have responsibilities within each community. The inclusion of collaborative and hands on activities will allow students to
construct their own conceptual understandings and conclusions.
Self competencies:
Self-awareness Open-ended, collaborative discussion between the class, allows students to
Self management engage with various views and opinions. Listening to, engaging with and
relationship management challenging different ideas encourages critical thinking and deeper analysis of
decision making content.

Critical thinking and analysis is an essential scientific skill, which can be

translated to all areas of life. Each lesson in this unit will encourage students to
engage with content and think critically about their own understandings.
Encouraging students to question and explore possible outcomes will expand
their understanding beyond the surface level to develop deeper conceptual

This unit will involve an Indigenous Sciences perspective. Students will explore
scientific concepts as informed by Indigenous ways of learning. This approach to
science explores both physical and spiritual realities, through senses (sight,
sound, taste, touch and smell) and different languages and methods of
communication, such as art, stories, music, body language and sensory
- Victorian curriculum learning area contents AND Capabilities Brief description Key science concepts, skills and Capabilities to be learned:
informing the entire unit of work:
Key science concepts:
Science Different animals have different physical features (adaptations) that allows them to survive in
Biological Sciences their environment.
describe examples of external features and how humans and animals use senses to explore the physical
Living things have a variety of external features and live in different places world.
where their basic needs, including food, water and shelter, are met All animals and humans communicate through different methods or ways.
(VCSSU042) Understanding the world now and possible changes to the environment and animals 100 years
recognising common features of animals, for example, head, from now.
legs and wings
describing the use of animal body parts for particular
purposes, for example, moving and feeding Key science skills and capabilities:
exploring what happens when habitats change and some living
things can no longer have their needs met To question different concepts
To compare different aspects and concepts in and between different lessons
To read and use tables, drawings and labels
To suggest different ways to problem solve
Critical and Creative Thinking To use technical and relevant language
Questions and Possibilities To identify different features
To understand the importance and use of different features
Identify, describe and use different kinds of question stems to gather To describe how and why animals/humans are the same but also different
information and ideas (VCCCTQ001)
Compare and contrast information and ideas in own and others reasoning

Personal and Social Capability

Use basic skills required for participation in group tasks and respond to
simple questions about their contribution to group tasks (VCPSCSO014)

Ethical Considerations
Understanding Concepts
Explore the meaning of right and wrong, good and bad, as concepts concerned
with the outcomes of acts (VCECU001)
Using the term good, bad, right or wrong to describe a choice and exploring
whether this reflects consideration of a likely outcome.

Intercultural capabilities
Cultural Diversity
Imagine and explain what their responses might be if they were placed in a
different cultural situation or setting (VCICCD004)

- Overall structure of the unit:

Session 1 goal: Exploring the five senses and the physical features used to experience the sensory world.
Teaching team/person: Charlotte Smith

Identify which physical features experience the five senses

Locate and explore different sensory experiences around the school
Identify individual preferences between sensory experiences

Session 2 goal: Exploring different features of animals and how these features allow them to survive in their environment.
Teaching team/person: Marie Vamben

Identify features of a kangaroo

Identify features of pre-selected animal
Create poster describing animal
Present poster to the class as a group

Session 3 goal: Comparing and contrasting the difference between animals and humans and the way they communicate
Teaching team/person: Elaine Priest

Identify how animals such as the bird communicates with its own species
Identify different ways humans communicate- language, body language, song, dance and art
To use body language to convey a message or activity to a partner
To use examples of Australian indigenous art to create their own story in groups of three.

Session 4 goal: Understanding the world now and 100 years from now? changes in humans and animals (adaptations).
Teaching team/person: Levi Otto

Reflect on previous lessons and Identify different adaptations

Discuss what new adaptations would be useful in different environments or even 100 years from now
start creating their own story 100 years from now and what they think the world would be like

- Assessment in brief:

Assessment tool(s) (brief description in dot point as it will need to be fully developed for the first draft of assessment 2 in week 8).
The assessment needs to reflect the key learning, capabilities and skills identified, the teaching approach and the school priorities.
Observations using a shared grid - Appendix A
Sharing at table groups/ with the class

Victorian curriculum and assessment authority. (2017). Victorian Curriculum. Retrieved from:

Libreria Editrice Vaticana. (2015). Encyclical Laudato Si. Retrieved from:
Rashika, S., & Sylila, M. (2016). Creating social change: The ultimate goal of education for sustainability. International journal of social science and humanity, 6(1), 72-76.

Troy.D, S, (2011). Socio-scientific Issues in the Classroom. Springer Netherlands. 10.1007/978-94-007-1159-4

Darwish, B. (2015). How Effective Can Ethics Education Be?, Bio Ethics Education in a Global Perspective: Challenges in Global Bioethics. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht.
(4), 109 117. Retrieved from:
Hart, v., Whatman, S., Mclaughlin, J., & Sharma-Brymer, V. (2012). Pre-service teachers pedagogical relationships and experiences of embedding indigenous Australian
knowledge in teaching practicum. A journal of comparative and international education 42(5), 703-723.

Lesson plan - Session 1: Exploring the different features of humans

Name and surname: Charlotte Smith

Name of the school Year Level:

Holy Child Primary School Level 1/2

a- Learning outcomes: Assessments

Students can identify the different physical and sensory features of human
beings Observation grid (see Appendix A)
Students can recognise how our physical features engage with our five All ACU students will have copy of this

b- Teaching approach chosen:

Indigenous Science
d- Specific and detailed activities (600 words)

Session 1 goal: Exploring the different features of humans

Teaching team/person:

Sensory experiences - Focus on human senses

Intro: Small Group
Begin the session with all students on the floor, divided into groups of 3 (one teacher per group).
- Hand out a number of different sensory items (hard, soft, scented, loud, quiet, rough, smooth, cold, warm, dark, light etc).
- Students pass around the items, using their senses to feel and engage with each item.
- Teacher guides their group through the senses that are being used, explaining what we feel with our skin, see with our eyes, hear with our ears
or smell with our noses.
Students work together to match the sensory items with the image of the physical feature used (cut our eye, hand, nose, ear, mouth).

Development: Small Group

Take students around the school to experience different sensory items in the playground.
In their groups, students will go out into the yard for sensory scavenger hunt:
Guiding teacher will assist students to find items on their list (smooth, rough, scented, bright, cold, hot, light, dark etc).
All students will come back into class and describe some of the sensory items they found.

Discussion: Whole Class

We all use our eyes, ears, noses, and skin. We all use our senses, but we all like different things.
Create a class Tally on the board to see differences in sensory preferences.
Class tally on the board to find out what personal preferences students have
- Favorite color
- Favorite food - do you like sweet or salty?
- Music (soft music, loud music, singing)
- Hot or cold
- Smooth or rough.

My favorite things
Colour, draw and write all your favourite things .
Lesson plan - Session 2: Exploring different features of animals and how these features allow them to survive in their environment.
Name and surname: Marie Vamben

Name of the school Year Level:

Holy Child Primary School Level 1/2

a Learning outcomes:
Students can correctly identify the different physical features of the different Observation grid (see appendix A)
pre-selected animals. Collect posters created in groups
Students can recognise how different physical features help animals to live
and survive in their particular environment.

b Teaching approach chosen:

Indigenous science
d- Specific and detailed activities (600 words)
(In terms of what the students will do)

Whole Class

Students will look at the different features of a kangaroo together as a class.

Describe the physical features of the kangaroo - label and explain
Students will answer questions such as
- Where do kangaroos live?
- What do kangaroos eat?
- What makes them special?

Small group

Students will then go into the same groups as the previous lesson with their group teacher/leader
Each group will have a special environment/ themes that they will need to explore
Environment/ themes are Creatures in the sky, Creatures in water, Creatures on land
Students need to find out what type on animal live in these environments and how they are able to live there.
As a group, create a poster, detailing all the important information about their animal

Whole Class

Students will then present their poster to the class.

Ex Extension Activity:
Students are to create their very own Super Animal. This Super Animal will have features that can make them survive in any environment or anywhere around the
world. Students will draw and label their Super Animal in detail and explain why they think their animal will survive no matter where they go in the world.
Lesson plan - Session 3: Comparing the different features between humans and animals
Name and surname: Elaine Priest
Name of the school Year Level:
Holy Child Primary School Level 1/2

200 words Assessment:

a- Learning outcomes: Collection of group poster/brainstorm of the differences and similarities between humans
Students are able to recognise that communication is used by all animals and animals
and humans in different ways Observation grid (see Appendix A)
Humans communicate through language, body language, music, and art
Animals all have different forms of communication. Ie. birds communicate
through song.

b- Teaching approach chosen:

Indigenous Science

d- Specific and detailed activities (600 words)

(In terms of what the students will do)
Session 3: Compare and contrast languages used by humans and animals

Tuning in activity:
Class will sit in a circle.
Without speaking I want everyone to smile.
How do you think everyone is feeling?

Without speaking everyone cross your arms and relax your face.
How do you think everyone is feeling now?

What we do with our face and our bodies tells everyone how we are feeling using no words at all. This is called using our body language.

Activity one: Facial expressions- Body language.

Each pre-service teacher will work with a group to match the facial expression to the word.
Pre-service teachers will act to prompt the students on what this tells other people about how you are feeling.

Another form of communicating is drawing. Drawing tells other people a story.

Here is a picture of what I have drawn it tells a story of what makes me happy. Reading a good book makes me happy.
What is something that makes you happy (class discussion)

Activity Two: Drawing a picture is a form of communication.:

Each pre service teach will hand out small pieces of white paper.
They are to discuss with each student what makes them happy and encourage each student to draw this.

What did you learn today?

You might have learnt that your expressions you make with your face are important in telling others how you feel.
You might have learnt that when you draw pictures, that it tells others a story.

Extension: Whole class activity

Pre-service teachers will take a small number of students.
In the groups pre-service teacher/students will try to communicate a message. For example i am feeling hungry, i am feeling tired, stop, go, happy, sad, angry.
Lesson plan - Session 4: understanding the world now and 100 years from now? changes in humans and animals (adaptations).
Name and surname: Levi Otto

Name of the school Year Level:

Holy Child Primary School Level 1/2

a- Learning outcomes:
Students will identify aspects of the environment and resources that are Class presentation
needed for humans and animals to live Observation Grid (see appendix A)
Students will describe why these resources are important and what may
happen if they are taken away
Students will describe different adaptations which may occur 100 years from
in in a changed environment.

b- Teaching approach chosen:

Indigenous Science

d- Specific and detailed activities (600 words)

(In terms of what the students will do)
session 4:

Tuning in:
Read the students a picture story book focusing more on the changing environment rather than the story, Periodically through the story question students about what
they think it would be like 100 years from now? what would happen if there were no trees, grass here etc. Two books are suitable for this task and they are: My Place by
Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlins, the other book is Window by Jeannie baker.

Think/pair/share different ideas in how the world will change in 100 years and how the different pictures would look like.
Whole class/group:
students then to break up being lead by a supporting teacher where:
students will draw one picture looking out the window what the world would look like in 100 years from now
get students to write/draw a short story/comic with a superhero as an animal or human could be themselves with the setting as 100 years from today.
prior to students creating their stories touch on adaptations again, what animals abilities could be etc
Students to share their stories in the groups they are in
think/pair/share important discoveries realisations
Discuss the importance of different adaptations and how they impact the diversity of the environment.

Appendix A:
Observation Notes Holy Child- Grade 1/2

Students Name Lesson 1. Exploring the Lesson 2. Exploring the Lesson 3. Comparing the Lesson 4. What would
different features of different features of different features between happen if you took
humans. animals. humans and animals. environmental aspects
away? What could you do
to avoid these from

Overall Progression:

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