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Saxon genitive
Phil has got a big dog.

The children have got long hair.

Thomas has got Chinese friends.

The avatars have got red eyes.

My dad has got a new computer.

2. A/an/ some/ any/ the.

I want ................ water, please.
There is .............. new programme on TV. ............ programme starts
at 9.
Are there .......... sandwiches with cheese?
Every morning, I have ............ egg for breakfast.
I usually eat in our school cafeteria. _____ cafeteria hasn't got ____
sandwiches, but it has got good food. I usually have _____ meatballs
with tomato sauce. I always put _____ cheese on them. I also have
____apple, ____ banana and ____milk.
3. How much/How many
________________________ lemonade have we got?
_________________________ bottles are there?
__________________________ meat is there?
___________________________ bananas have we got?.
___________________________ sugar have we got?
4. Some/any
I'm going to buy _________ eggs.
I can't pay. I haven't got _________ money.
There aren't _______ shops in this part of the town.
Have you got ______ brother or sister?
There are ______ beautiful flowers in the garden.
5. There is/ are + a/ an/some/ any
a) _________________________________________ eggs.

b) __________________________________________ banana.

c) __________________________________________sandwiches.

d) ____________________________________________ fish.

e) _____________________________________________ oil.

f) _________________________________________ tomato sauce.

6. Order the words to make sentences

have blue I got pen not a. __________________________________
big a You book got have ? __________________________________
He got a has little dog. ____________________________________
car Your is father's black. __________________________________
are clever You not a pupil.__________________________________
is green. pencil his?________________________________________
working mother your now is ? _____________________________
riding not sister her is horse a. _______________________________
are now we basketball playing right.__________________________
7. Choose the correct option
I have / has got a new pencil case.
You have / has got a blue T-shirt.
Andrea have / has got an MP3 player.
Sam and I have / has got green eyes.
I have a dog. ________ dog is brown.
Wendy has a brother. ________ brother lives in Los Angeles.
Tom is 8 years old. _____ sister is 11 years old.
You have a bicycle. ____ bicycle is blue.
Dan and I have blue pens. _____ pens are new.
Frank and Don like sports. _________ favourite sport is soccer.
8. Present Continuous affirmative.
I ________________ (study) English now.
The doctor _______________ (work) at the hospital right now.
The boys _________________ (play) tennis now.
Dan _________________ (walk) to the museum at the moment.
We _______________________ (do) homework now.
9. Present continuous negative.
10. Present simple interrogative.
11. Write questions with the words below.Use short answers.

Neil / play / the piano

Jack and Karen / eat / pizza

Liz / do / her homework

Dan and Jenny / cook / chicken

Steve / sleep / a siesta

Albert and Pam / study / English

Zoe / read / a book

Ann and Fred / use /a computer

Tommy / wash / the plates

Di and Peter / watch / TV

Sarah / write / a letter

Alex and Alice / swim / in the sea

12. Write questions.
_________________________________________________? Yes, shes
___________________________________________? Shes studying
__________________________________________? No, Im not going to
the pub.
____________________________________________________? Im going
_______________________________________________? Yes, Fred is
___________________________________________? Because he is really
____________________________________________? No, Im not doing
_________________________________________________? Im doing
________________________________________? No, it isnt snowing right
_____________________________________? No, Laura isnt feeling well

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