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LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 - Walkthrough

Landscape Mode is recommended for viewing FAQs

Albert Runcorn cost?

Hogsmeade platform (2 GB) - y es, clock twice
bonus level

The Levels
5.1 Year 5, Level 1 "Dark Times"
5.1.2 Str ength Potion &Thestr als
5.2 Year 5, Level 2, "Dumbledor e's Army"
5.2.1 Dueling
5.2.1 Dueling
5.3 Year 5, Level 3, "Focus!"
5.3.2 Difndo
5.4 Year 5, Level 4 "Kreacher Discomfor ts"
5.4.2 Expect o Patronum, Grawp, Legilimency, &Weasley Wizard Wheezes
5.5 Year 5, Level 5 "A Giant Vir tuoso"
5.6 Year 5, Level 6 "A Veiled Threat"
6.1 Year 6, Level 1 "Out of Retir ement"
6.1.2 Spectr especs & the Dr aught of Living Death
6.2 Year 6, Level 2 "Just Desser ts"
6.2.2 Aguamenti
6.3 Year 6, Level 3 "A Not So Merr y Christmas"
6.3.2 Reduct o
6.4 Year 6, Level 4 "Love Hurts"
6.5 Year 6, Level 5 "Felix Felicis"
6.6 Year 6, Level 6 "The Hor crux and the Hand"
7.1 Year 7, Level 1 "The Se ven Harrys"
7.1.2 Apparition
7.2 Year 7, Level 2 "Magic is Might "
7.3 Year 7, Level 3 "In Grave Danger"
7.4 Year 7, Level 4 "Sword and Lock et"
7.5 Year 7, Level 5 "Lovegood's Lunacy"
7.6 Year 7, Level 6 "DOBBY!"
8.1 Year 8, Level 1 "The Thief's Downfall"
8.2 Year 8, Level 2 "Back t o School"
8.3 Year 8, Level 3 "Burning Bridge s"
8.4 Year 8, Level 4 "Fiendfyr e Frenzy"
8.5 Year 8, Level 5 "Snape 's Tears"
8.6 Year 8, Level 6 "The Flaw in the Plan"

The Hub: London and Hogwar ts

Diagon Alle y
Knockturn Alle y
The Leaky Cauldr on
The London Str eet
Platform 9
Hogsmeade T rain Platform
Gate Yard
Owlery Courtyard
Entrance Cour tyard
Grounds Cour tyard
The Grounds
Thestral Area
Entrance Hall
Dormitory Corridor
Slytherin Common Room
Gryfndor Tower
Hufepuff Common Room
Ravenclaw Tower
Classrooms Hall
Defense Against the Dark Ar ts Classroom
Potions Classr oom
Charms Corridor
Charms Classr oom 1
Charms Classr oom 2
Herbology Cour tyard
Divination Classr oom
Astronomy Tower
Upper Hall
Upper Corridor
Great Hall
Rear Cour tyard
Storage Room

5.1 Year 5, Level 1 "Dark Times"

Playable characters: Harr y (Blue T-Shirt), Dudley (Grey Top), Kingsle y Shacklebolt, Mad-E ye
Moody, Harry (Brown Jacket), Arthur (Suit)
Characters to unlock: Dudle y (Grey Top), Elphias Doge, Ar thur (Suit)

The story begins with Harr y and Dudle y on a playground, and y ou need to use Harry's wand and
Dudley's strength to get out. To the right, ha ve Harry levitate some plants out of the wa y of a
gate and then ha ve Dudley pull the gate open. In the second ar ea, use Harr y, then Dudle y, to
destroy the broken down car, then Harr y again to make a bridge out of the pieces. Ha ve Dudley
open the gate acr oss the bridge t o get into the third area. Have Harry blast the car ts off the
ledge, knocking down diff erently colored and shaped blocks, then use the blocks t o construct
steps up ont o the ledge.

In the rst ar ea, blast the sandbo x to reveal a digging patch and then dig up a W easley
Box. Use this t o get a pair of Sticky T rainers and walk up the W easley Wall on your left to
reach the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest. Put a handle on the merr y-go-round and then pull it
apart to reveal Dudley (Grey Top). In the second ar ea, use Dark Magic t o remove a grate
and save a Student in P eril. Use Difndo t o make a lawnmower that y ou can use t o cut
ve patches of gr ass and unlock the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest: 1) in the rst ar ea, 2)
behind the dumpster in the second ar ea, 3) near some plants on the right in the second
area, 4) on the left in the thir d area, and 5) at the v ery back of the thir d area.

As soon as y ou enter the tunnel, demen tors will begin t o close in on Harr y and Dudle y. Have
Harry use the patr onus charm on them; the y will overwhelm you anyway, leading to a cut scene
in which Harr y sends them off with his stag patr onus. The cut scene will cont inue to at the
Dursleys' house, rst with Dudle y being ill, then with members of the Or der of the Phoenix
rescuing Harr y. You resume contr ol while ying over London with members of the Or der,
collecting coins as y ou go.

While on y our broom, blast v e buoys to unlock the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest.

You crash land in a park with Harr y and Kingsle y; the other members ar e scattered about and it' s
now your job to nd them. Beginning in the upper left of y our screen, use Wingar dium Leviosa to
place two purple saw blades at the base of a tr ee; the saw will cut down the tr ee, freeing
Emmeline V ance. Moving to the bottom left, use Wingar dium Leviosa to assemble four pieces
of a car t, from which Nymphador a Tonks will appear . To the upper right, ha ve Kinglsey use
Reducto to blast the shiny metal padlock off the shed door , then use Wingar dium Leviosa to
assemble and r aise a mallet t o knock Elphias Doge out of the r oof of the gaz ebo. You now have
enough people t o collectively use Wing ardium Leviosa on the statue t o free Mad-Eye Moody.

Use Aguamenti t o ll a container on the left next t o the benches and unlock Elphias
Doge. Have Arthur repair a strange vehicle in the upper center and then use it t o pick up
ve piles of garbage and unlock the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest.

As Mad-Eye blasts loose, his cane ies in the other dir ection; retrieve it for him and then walk t o
the illuminated spot in fr ont of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Ther e is a brief cut scene in the
Black house befor e you regain contr ol with Harry and Ar thur Weasley in the Ministr y of Magic.
Use Arthur to repair a blue car t, which w ill release pieces fr om a replace, which, when built, will
create a passage for ward using Floo P owder. Turn the fountain off using the large red wheel;
blocks will dr op from the fountain spr ay for you to build and y a paper-airplan e-memo, which
will tell the gatek eeper to open the gate.

In the elevator vestibule, use Dark Magi c on an ele vator gate on the left t o nd Arthur

In the vestibule, ha ve Arthur repair an ele vator gate; inside this ele vator is a briefcase containing
a toad, which y ou will need t o take to a nearby wizard. He will then giv e you the blocks y ou need
to create the missing piece of the ele vator in front of you. The level ends with a cut scene of
Harry's trial befor e the Wizengamot.

5.1.2 Strength Potion &Thestr als

Harry, Ron, and Hermione appear in Diagon Alle y. Continuing for ward, you will reach the Leaky
Cauldron; go in and then out the other door . Upon exiting the Leaky Cauldr on through the other
door, you nd yourself on a London str eet. Walk toward the front left and y ou will nd a closed
gate down t o the trains and a Station G uard standing next t o it. Use Wingar dium Leviosa to
open the gates and go in, and y ou will nd yourself on Platform 9. T oward the front end of the
platform, use the blue machine t o dispense a tick et; give the ticket to the conduct or, and you're
off to Hogwar ts!

The train drops you at the Hogsmeade tr ain platform, fr om where you continue ont o a path up t o
Hogwar ts. Along the path, nd two wagon wheels t o repair the car t and ride it int o the castle
grounds. On the other side of the Gate Y ard, you will meet Pr ofessor McGonagall and enter the
castle. After a shor t cut scene intr oducing Pr ofessor Umbridge, Harr y and Ron nd themselv es
in the Gryfndor dormit ory. Follow your ghost guide, Nearly Headless Nick, down t o the
common room and giv e the girl at the d oor the owers next t o the replace. Proceed down,
through the Entr ance Hall, int o the Clas srooms Hall, and go t o Defense Against the Dark Ar ts
(DADA), in a classr oom on the left upper le vel. In this lesson, y our main objectiv e is to collect all
the ingredients for a Str ength Potion (hint: it involves cleaning up a spider web, giving Ne ville a
shovel, and killing a bat in a cage). Ther e follows a cut scene of class with Umbridge, the r esult
of which is she bans D ADA, and the char acters lose all their spells (ex cept Lumos). To get out,
either Ron or Hermione will ha ve to use their pet (she can 't take that away!) to retrieve the key.

Follow Nick out ont o the grounds, wher e you will meet up with L una behind Hagrid' s hut for a
lesson on thestr als. After giving each t hestral its desired snack, follow Nick back t o Gryfndor
tower to found Dumbledor e's Army.

5.2 Year 5, Level 2, "Dumbledor e's Army"

Playable characters: Harr y (Winter), He rmione (Scar f), Ron (Winter Clothes)
Characters to unlock: Ne ville (Winter), Hermione (Scar f), Cho (Winter)

You begin just outside Hogsmeade and the main gimmick is that each char acter wants
something befor e they sign up for the D .A. First, you need to have Hermione use Cr ookshanks
to dig Dean out of the snow , then hand him his wand. He will br eak up some chunks of ice,
which you can use t o construct a bridg e across the water. Blast four ador able baby dragons out
of their cages in or der to get the pieces to construct the other hog' s head, then, with two pla yers,
use Wingar dium Leviosa to open the gate.

Use the Quibbler stand on the left and then cr oss back o ver the water, assemble some
spectre pieces int o a snowman, and un lock Neville (Winter).

Up the hill, next t o Madam Puddifoot' s, blast Luna out of a barr el, then giv e her a pot of tea; she
will set off a sequence of e vents that will melt the ice barricade, wher e you will nd Ne ville. Back
down the path a little, blast open a gate and go int o the yard to retrieve a shovel for Neville, who
will then set up a cauldr on. Retrieve ingredients from around the yard to make a strength potion,
to pull over the wagons, t o get owers, t o give to Cho. Put the missing piece i n the pipe and then
have Hermione use Cr ookshanks t o dig up pieces and knock one down fr om the pipe.

In the yard where you found Ne ville's shovel, use the Apparition P oint to get into the next
yard over. Use the gun-chair ther e to blast six pictur es of Death Eaters and unlock the
Ravenclaw Hogwar ts Crest. At Madam Puddifoot' s, have Harry Focus on the girl inside
to reach the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest. Outside the Hog' s Head, grab a pair o f Sticky
Trainers and walk up the W easley Wall on the right, while another char acter raises it, to
reach Hermione (Scar f).

Assemble the Hog' s Head sign and go in. Inside, y ou, once again, need t o retrieve items for

Use Reduct o to unlock the cellar door , left of the bar. In the cellar, grab a pair of
Spectrespecs, pull open the barr el in the bott om right corner, and assemble t o spectre
pieces to make a pump that will clear the water fr om the oor. Now you can use the
Weasley Box on the left and launch a r ocket that will unlock the Hufepuff Hogwar ts
Crest. Send a pet up the pipe in the upper left corner t o knock down some jars and get
the boiler going, then assemble the distiller y and set both dials t o match the p icture on
the left to brew up the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest. Hop in the wheelchair in the bott om
left corner and follow the r esulting trail of coins t o Cho (Winter). Use Dark Magic t o
release a Student in P eril from the barr el in the bott om right corn er.

Back upstairs, blast the r ed and white t able to turn it int o a puppet show which y ou can use t o
get a Voldemor t puppet for Ginny . Have Hermione use the rune cabinet t o get an apple for the
hog's mouth, which will r eveal a demen tor, which Harr y can defeat in order to give Parvati Patil a
bone. On the left, blast the barr els to get pieces to make a picture, which will giv e you a phoenix
feather for Seamus Finnigan. With the D.A. assembled, the le vel is complete!

5.2.1 Dueling
You return to the Entrance Hall, wher e Colin is looking for his camer a. Hand it t o him to get a
green key for the door t o the Upper Hall. Her e you will nd Ne ville and the Room of Requir ement,
where the D.A. will assemble t o learn Dueling. This is a combat dynamic used a lot in this game,
so get used t o it. To begin the duel, y ou must enter the cir cle and press B. Your opponent will
select a spell, and y ou must blast them with that spell, then k eep tapping eithe r X or A to knock
them down; do this four times t o win the duel. The cir cle will change color and the corr ect spell
will ash on y our spell cir cle to indicate which spell t o use, but it's also a good idea t o press B to
put up a shield while y ou switch t o the right spell.

After the lesson on dueling, Harr y returns to his dorm, wher e he has a very bad dream . . .

5.3 Year 5, Level 3, "Focus!"

Playable characters: Harr y (Blue T-Shirt), Professor Snape
Characters to unlock: Dudle y's Gang Me mber, Molly (Apr on), Snape (Under wear)

You begin on the same pla yground as the rst level, but now y ou are in a grayed out
dreamscape. The goal in each brief dr eam scene is t o detect and r etrieve what each char acter
wants; you must rst use Snape t o Focus, or the char acters won't want anything. In the rst
scene, use Harr y to blast the merr y-go-round and benches t o get the pieces t o build a bulldo zer.
Bulldoze the sandbo x to reveal a cake for Dudley.

Do a high bounce on the tr ampoline to reach Dudley's Gang Member . Dig up a patch of
earth to the front to unlock the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest.

In the second scene, Number 12 Grimmauld Place, use Wingar dium Leviosa on a doorknob t o
the left to get a duster. Dust off the por trait to your right and the people in the por trait will give
you the knob Molly wants.

Use Reduct o to unlock a cabinet on the right and then pull open a dr awer to reveal Molly

In the third scene, the Room of Requir ement, kill v e ghting manikins t o get Cho's wand.

Blast six shiny metal objects with Reduct o to unlock the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest. Put
out the ames in the r eplace to release a Student in P eril.

In the four th scene, the Ministr y of Magic, just ahead of the star t point, blast a container on the
right side and a sign on the left t o nd pieces t o make a net. Catch a paper-air plane-memo and
take it to Fudge.

Unroll ve ministry notices on the walls to get the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest.

In the nal ar ea, walk to the upper end o f the train platform.

On the left just ahead of the star t point, use the W easley Box to get a pair of S ticky
Trainers. Then walk t o the very bottom of the screen and walk up the W easley Wall while
another char acter raises it to reach Snape (Under wear). Just befor e you reach
Voldemor t, use Dark Magic t o stack some luggage on the left ont o a trolley. It will crash
into the wall, unlocking the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest.

You can Focus on Voldemor t to uncover his thoughts. But what he wants is still a myster y . . .

5.3.2 Difndo
You will return to the dorm corridor , from which Nick will lead y ou down to Charms class t o learn
Difndo. With this spell, y ou can utiliz e all the objects and walls made of r ed blocks. Begin b y
practicing on the wall t o the right t o make a ower. Then blast two r ed tables, one on each side,
and use the pieces t o make a ship. The ower will become a fan that pr opels the ship acr oss
the room, where it crashes. Use its pieces t o make a vacuum, which sucks up the barricade
blocking you from the upper le vel. Next, use Difndo on another wall t o make an escalat or up to
the upper le vel. Here, repair the br oken pipes, blast the st opper at the pipe 's opening, and then
use Crookshanks or Pigwidgeon t o go through the pipe and knock down a cha ndelier to break
the barricade. A t the third wall, mak e a sh for the tank and, v oila!, you've unlocked Difndo.
Follow Nick down t o the Entrance Corri dor, where you can now use Difndo t o access Entr ance
Courtyard, and follow Nick thr ough the Owler y Courtyard (but no owler y this game!), t o the Gate
Yard and out t o the Hogsmeade tr ain platform t o go home for the holida ys!

5.4 Year 5, Level 4 "Kreacher Discomfor ts"

Playable characters: Harr y (Blue Jack et), Hermione (Cr eam Jumper), Ron (Striped Shir t), Sirius
Characters to unlock: Ar thur Weasley, Kreacher, Sirius Black

Back in Grimmauld Place for Christmas, Harr y wants to have a chat with Sirius, but Kr eacher
keeps creating obstacles. In the rst r oom, you need the doorknob that Santa is ying ar ound
with. Use Wingar dium Leviosa to turn the knob on the closet door . Use the pieces that come
out to build an o ven, out of which will come a cak e, to distract Santa.

Blast ve small wreaths on the walls t o decorate, and unlock Arthur Weasley. Have a
Strong Character pull open a door in the back room to go up to Sirius' bedr oom, where
Buckbeak wants some chick en. Blast the cabinet in the r ear left corner near Buckbeak t o
nd an apple. Use the Apparition P oint to get to the other side of the r oom and blast a
box to nd a banana. W alk to the bottom right corner and blast a chest t o nd a chicken
leg. (This does not ha ve to be done in or der; whate ver you blast last will contain the
chicken leg.) Bring the chick en to Buckbeak t o get the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest.

In the next r oom, Kreacher has again ta ken the knob - and the stairs. Just r otate the heads on
the wall to bring the stairs back.

Rotate the rst of thr ee purple wall plaq ues. Use Dark Magic t o get a ladle out of the
cabinet under the stairs. Blast the lock off the r oom on the right t o enter the dining r oom,
where you need to nd three parts of the portrait on the wall t o unlock the Slyt herin
Hogwar ts Crest. Begin by giving Molly the ladle. Y ou may now use Difndo t o nd a
Parseltongue wall; use the wall t o unlock the rst por trait piece. Use the Deluminat or to
take the light fr om the bott om end of the table t o the upper right corner t o melt a piece
loose. Blast the dishes t o get the nal piece.

In the third room, Mrs. Black' s screaming por trait will keep you from passing, s o Harry will have
to sneak by in his invisibility cloak. Once acr oss, blast the cabinet, construct a cur tain pull, and
use it to close the cur tains over the por trait. Have Hermione use the Rune Cabinet t o get the

Rotate another purple plaque. Use Dark Magic on an e vil-looking cabinet t o nd


In the next r oom, you need to complete the family tr ee of the Noble and Most Ancient House of
Black. First, blast the pot along the left wall and ha ve Sirius (transformed int o Padfoot) dig par t
of the pictur e out of the dir t.

Rotate the last purple plaque in or der to get the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest. Fill the tank
on the left t o oat out Sirius Black . Interact with the pictur e on that wall t o remove the
rug, revealing a shiny metal opening in the oor. Down in the subterr anean room, blast
the metal wall on the right t o save a Student in P eril. Use Difndo on the left wall, then
levitate a key into the chest t o get the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest.

On the right wall, ha ve Harry speak Parseltongue to get another piece. Use Wingar dium Leviosa
on the clock t o retrieve the last of the p ieces on the lar ger square. Blast the chest t o get the last
three, colored pieces. With the family tr ee assembled, y ou can have a nice chat with Sirius.

5.4.2 Expect o Patronum, Grawp, Legilim ency, &Weasley Wizard Wheezes

We now return to the Room of Requir ement, where the D.A. is learning the P atronus charm.
You'll need t o nd four of the dement or-manikins t o ensure everyone has a turn: 1) blast two
targets along the right wall; 2) le vitate a lever along the same wall; 3) on the bott om left, use the
rune cabinet and jump on the bellows; 4) on the upper left, le vitate a ball thr ough the pipes, then
send in a pet t o release a gr een key and unlock the cabinet. With Expect o Patronum unlock ed,
Nick will lead y ou out to Hagrid, who wi ll introduce you to Grawp. Grawp wants a series of loud
toys; once you nd and build them, Gr awp will be ofcially befriended.

Back in the castle, Nick will lead y ou into the Classr ooms Hall, wher e you will need t o hand
Snape his ladle. Y ou will then enter ano ther legilimency lesson with Snape, and witness Snape 's
worst memor y. In the memor y, levitate the pieces of the cr est into place to get through the door,
then blast Snape out of the lock er he's hiding in. Once outside, use either Sirius or Remus t o turn
into an animal and dig up the thr ee patches in the gr ound. Build shears t o cut down the br anch
Snape's sitting on and then duel with him. This will unlock Legilimens so that Harry can now
read minds. Sor t of.

Next comes some fun with W easley's Wizard Wheezes in the Rear Cour tyard. First, use a
Weasley Box and blast some blocks out of a tr ee that you can use t o make a hammer and
smash the barricade t o the right. Clear the plants in the middle of the next ar ea to reveal a
cauldron; make a Strength Potion and open the gr ate in front of another W easley Box. Grab a
pair of Sticky T rainers and walk up the wall behind y ou, where you will nd another W easley Box
with a rocket to blast awa y the next bar rier. With a pair of Sticky T rainers, walk up the wall on the
far right while another char acter holds it up. Use the W easley Box up there to get a Portable
Swamp that will help y ou through the d oor into the Storage Room. Ther e, nd three pieces t o
construct a lar ge rocket, and Weasley Boxes will be unlock ed!

5.5 Year 5, Level 5 "A Giant Vir tuoso"

Playable characters: Harr y (Grey Jacket), Hermione (Jumper), Ron (Red Sweater)
Characters to unlock: Pr ofessor Umbridge, Emmeline V ance, Neville Longbott om

You begin with Harr y, Hermione, and Ro n in Umbridge 's ofce, wher e you need to nd the Floo
Powder in or der to communicate with Sirius.

Use Dark Magic t o unlock the cuckoo clock and then blast it t o get Professor Umbridge .
Use the Key Vault to unlock the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest.

Begin by levitating the bottle of milk lef t of the door int o one of the cat plates. Now rotate the
plate below so that the pictur e on it is o riented the same wa y as the others in that r ow (three
turns); the cat will walk thr ough it down the r ow and a plate will fall off the wall. Le vitate the
fallen plate int o place and then r otate it; the cat will walk thr ough again and kn ock some pieces
onto the oor. Build and r otate this last plate t o allow the cat t o walk into the pictur e over the
replace and knock down the Floo P owder.

Out in the F orbidden Forest, walk to your right, to the ledge, use Wingar dium Leviosa on a nearb y
owering plant t o get LEGO pieces, and build a ower platform. Stand on the ower platform
while another char acter levitates it to reach the ledge abo ve. There, use Wingar dium Leviosa on
a plant to release the vines blocking y our path. Down below and fur ther on, you will need thr ee
pieces to complete the purple ower below the ridge: use Wingar dium Leviosa on a owering
plant at the r ear; blast some plants out of the way and have Crookshanks dig u p two patches of
dirt for the others.

Out of the Beaded Bag, pull a spider-bouncy-ride. Ride it, using the jo ystick to bounce,
until a Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest appears. Up on the ledge, use Reduct o to pull the
Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest out of a chest.

In the next ar ea, blast some plants t o get pieces to make shears, then use the shears t o cut
down the lar ge blue and purple owers and remove the barricade.

At the far right, use the W easley Box and launch a r ocket into the log at the far left end of
the area to release a Student in P eril. In this same corner , use Aguamenti t o sprout four
owers on the r ock wall and then blast them t o unlock Emmeline V ance.

After this, y ou come to the area where Grawp is. Blast awa y some plants t o get the par ts to
complete the Bell Bik e, then ride it ar ound to the illuminated spots t o scare away the birds.

To the left, use Wingar dium Leviosa to clear a owering plant. Behind it, use Aguamenti
to sprout a large purple ower , then blast the ower t o unlock the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts
Crest. Near Grawp, have a Strong Character pull open a bo x to nd Neville Longbott om.

Once the barricade is clear , use the Bell Bik e to wake Grawp and lead him t o Umbridge.

5.6 Year 5, Level 6 "A Veiled Threat"

Playable characters: Harr y (Grey Jacket), Hermione (Jumper), Ron (Red Sweater), Sirius Black,
Professor Dumbledor e
Characters to unlock: Lucius (Death Eater), Hermione (Jumper), F udge (Wizengamot)

You are inside the ministr y with a group of other students, looking for Sirius. In the rst ar ea,
you need to make an Explosion P otion to clear the barricade: nd the popsicle after breaking
some glass balls right at the entr ance; have someone lift y ou on the car t to get the spider;
correctly place the color ed glass balls t o the rear to get the owers. In the nex t area, after you
have confronted the Death Eaters, the shelv es of glass balls ar e falling all ar ound you, so get
ready to run.

At the star t, blast ve glass balls t o unlock the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest. As you run,
blast ve large glass balls t o get the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest. The glass balls ar e hard
to spot, so use the Cr est Detector and/or hold X t o target your wand and scan the ar ea.

You will pause briey between some fa llen shelves; beware, there are Death Eaters attacking y ou
and as soon as y ou move forward, more shelves begin falling on y our head.

On the left, le vitate two pieces of a lar ge glass ball t ogether and then use Dark Magic to
get Lucius (Death Eater) . On the right, use Aguamenti t o ll the tank and then Dark
Magic to unlock Hermione (Jumper) .

In the nal ar ea, the D.A. and the Or der of the Phoenix ar e battling the Death Eaters. Y ou will
need to nd a series of objects t o levitate and throw at those thr eatening your friends (this will
involve blasting, digging, and building).

Dig a Student in P eril out from under some rubble. Use Dark Magic on v e rocks to
unlock the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest: in the upper right corner , lower right corner , lower
left corner, upper left corner , and center.

This scene ends with Harr y and Sirius dueling Bellatrix and L ucius. In the nal scene, Harr y and
Dumbledor e are battling Voldemor t. First Dumbledor e ghts off V oldemor t, who then comes
back with a snak e of ame.

Put out ten small r es, caused b y the snake, to unlock the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest.
All the way to the right in the centr al area is Fudge (Wizengamot).

The snake will cause some pieces t o fall, which can be used t o make a sprinkler; t ogether, Harry
and Dumbledor e turn the r ed wheels on each side of the hall t o douse the snak e. Voldemor t is
now on the fountain; le vitate a ball of w ater onto him to stop him tempor arily. Voldemor t will
then hurl shar ds of glass at y ou. Dumbledor e produces a shield t o protect both of you while
Harry waits for blocks t o fall, which y ou can use to build little castles t o hurl at Voldemor t. Do
this three times to send Voldemor t packing.

6.1 Year 6, Level 1 "Out of Retir ement"

Playable characters: Harr y (Black Coat) , Dumbledor e (Cursed), Slughorn (P yjamas), Ron (Striped
Shirt), Hermione (Br own Coat)
Characters to unlock: Slughorn (P yjamas), Milk Man, Dumbledor e (Cursed)

You are in the charming village of Budleigh Babber ton, where you need to nd Horace Slughorn.
You begin outside, with lots of fun thing s to blast. Use L umos on some vines hanging fr om a
wall to release pieces t o make an Appa rition Point, which Dumbledor e can use t o go to the other
side of the barricade. Blast a lock on the gate t o get into the yard, then blast a lawnmower ,
which will open the gate so that Harr y can come in. Now y ou need to make a Strength Potion to
open the house door . Open the gar age door to get a cauldr on out of the car . Blast a statue t o
make a birdbath; a bir d will come t o it, dropping a snak e tooth for your potion. Blast the arm
bone out of some plants. T o the left, ha ve one character turn on the sprinkler while another
levitates the wheelbarr ow; the sprinkler will water the ower bed, giving y ou a ower.

Before you go inside, blast v e garden gnomes t o unlock Slughorn (P yjamas): 1) by the
pillar at the beginning; 2) next t o a fence where the road turns; 3) down the pa th at the far
right (use Dark Magic t o access it); 4) in the upper left corner of the y ard, use Dark Magic
to remove a gate and then open the K ey Vault; 5) on the r oof over the garage. At the far
right, use Dark Magic t o access a path, at the t op end of which is a Quibbler stand. Go
back to the other side of the barricade and use the spectr e blocks to build a ce ment
mixer, which spits out a blue chest. T ake a pair of hedge clippers fr om the che st and
shape the hedges on either side of the gate t o unlock the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest. At
the far right, ha ve Arthur repair a lawn m ower and then mow v e patches of gr ass in the
yard to unlock the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest. Left of the door , dig up a Beaded Bag plate
and pull out a ower pot; blast it t o sprout a ower containing the Milk Man.

In the house, r epair the piano t o get the handles to the doors. Once y ou open the door , a cut
scene will star t. After the scene, Harr y and Slughorn need t o clean up the hou se and put
Slughorn's pictures back in place.

Use Dark Magic t o open a door on the left and go int o the bathr oom. Fill the s hower with
water to oat out the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest. On the left, blast some jars t o make the
bath bubbly, blast the bubbles, and build the t oilet to unlock Dumbledor e (Cursed) .

Blast the r eplace, then sweep up the d ust, to nd the rst pictur e. Put the chandelier back up t o
drop the second pictur e. Blast awa y some metal pieces, then r epair the table t o get the thir d

After a cut scene in which we catch up with Snape and Bellatrix, Dumbledor e and Slughorn dr op
Harry in Diagon Alle y, where Weasley Wizard Wheezes is open for business.

Upstairs on the left, use Dark Magic t o move the large rocket and access a W easley Box.
(Further left, I don't recommend using the Rune Cabinet, but go ahead if y our curiosity is
just too much to bear.) Grab some Stic ky Trainers and go all the wa y to the right to walk
up the Weasley Wall. Walk to your left and, past the Apparition P oint, you will nd a
Student in P eril. Continue left and use Difndo t o make a bouncy-t oy and bounce down
to the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest.

To get out and follow Malfo y, go upstairs and blast the clown while another char acter opens its
mouth. This will open the cur tain on the V anishing Cabinets so Ron can go thr ough and use a
Weasley Box to get a small r ocket. Attach the rocket to a tightrope gure that will r oll up in the
extreme bottom right, and it will dr op a cover down below. Go down and put the co ver over the
baby dragon and it will blast the door o pen.

6.1.2 Spectr especs & the Dr aught of Living Death

En route to Hogwar ts, Malfoy waylays you at the train, but Luna comes t o your rescue. You can
now get a pair of Spectr especs from any Quibbler stand; the y allow you to see and build with
spectre LEGO pieces, just look for the b lue and purple sparkly ar eas.

In the castle, Slughorn is the new P otions teacher, so it's time for class. In the Classr ooms Hall,
put on a pair of Spectr especs in or der to build the two statues on either side of the centr al gate.
Once levitated into place, the y will open the gate and giv e you a Gold Brick . Today's lesson is
the Draught of Living Death; nd potion ingredients throughout the r oom by blasting, building,
and hissing.

After class, y ou meet with Pr ofessor Dumbledor e to see some of his memorie s, beginning with
Tom Riddle at the orphanage, and then the students tak e a trip to Hogsmeade.

6.2 Year 6, Level 2 "Just Desser ts"

Playable characters: Harr y (Black Coat) , Dumbledor e (Cursed), Ron (Striped Shir t), Hermione
(Brown Coat)
Characters to unlock: Cormac (Suit), M adam Rosmer ta, Harry (Christmas)

In the Three Broomsticks, y ou need to get Slughorn a mug of butterbeer . Go upstairs t o blast the
rubber duck on the wall, go downstairs t o retrieve it, and then giv e it to the wizard in the por trait
to the left; he will t oss you the tap and y ou can ll Slughorn 's mug.

Find three mugs and place them on the front table to get the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest:
1) use Wingar dium Leviosa on a small k eg on the bar; 2) blast awa y a door to the rear
right; 3) blast a cupboar d to the right up stairs. In the back downstairs ar ea, put out the
re to unlock Cormac (Suit) . Upstairs, use Dark Magic t o enter a side r oom. Bounce on
the couch t o reach Madam Rosmer ta. Transfer light from one end of the r oom to the
other to melt loose a Beaded Bag plate. Pull out a br oom, which will sweep the
Ravenclaw Hogwar ts Crest out of the chimne y.

In Slughorn's room, after his dinner par ty, you need to help clean up. Blast the cart along the
back wall; it will z oom forward and knock loose the pieces t o make a sink. Use the br oom to the
right of the table t o push the dishes off the table and then le vitate them int o the sink. Levitate
the sponge t o wipe down the table.

In the upper left corner , use a Strong Character to pull open the cupboar d and give a hat
to the wizar d in the por trait; he will giv e you the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest as thanks.

At Slughorn's Christmas par ty, Hermione is trying to hide from Cormac and y ou need to track her
down. First she will be under a lampshade, which y ou need to levitate off. Next, hang up a
pumpkin to get her out of the tr ee. Finally, she'll be hiding under a platter on the table. After
rooting out Hermione, pick up the two gr een handles and us them t o open the curtain at the back
of the room.

Use Dark Magic t o go out ont o the balcony. Light ve lamps to unlock the Huf epuff
Hogwar ts Crest. Using the Rune Cabinet, build a gar goyle that will help the Student in
Peril off the ledge. Using the Beaded Bag, nd an anvil and then bring it inside t o pull
open a cur tain. Behind the cur tain are pieces for a Quibbler stand. Gr ab a pair of
Spectrespecs and use the spectr e pieces in the middle of the oor t o build a por trait over
the replace. Le vitate the por trait around and say 'hello' to unlock Harry (Christmas) .

6.2.2 Aguamenti
Charms Class again, and time for a br and new spell! Use Aguamenti t o extinguish the Rune
Cabinet so Hermione can use it and get a gr een piece for the tank at the left end of the r oom.
Use the steps in the tank t o reach the u pper level. Use Aguamenti t o get block s from the pictur e
to build a watering can. Use the watering can on the giant ower t o get the gr een key to unlock
the trunk down below , in which Pr ofessor Flitwick is tr apped.

6.3 Year 6, Level 3 "A Not So Merr y Christmas"

Playable characters: Harr y (Blue Check ed Shirt), Arthur (Cardigan), Remus L upin, Tonks (Pink
Coat), Molly W easley, Ginny (P yjamas)
Characters to unlock: Molly W easley, Bill Weasley (Wedding), Tonks (Pink Coat)

You begin in Ar thur Weasley's shed, wher e you need to put clothes in the mad washer to placate
it so you can get out the door: Reduct o the lock on the cabinet at the r ear right; repair a vacuum
and then use the r esulting pieces t o make a sewing machine; blast a fan t o clear some papers
off a table on the left.

Blast four rubber ducks t o get the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest. Use Dark Magic t o adjust
the antennae on the T V and unlock the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest.

Once you get out of the shed, the burr ow comes under attack b y Death Eaters. Clear some
rewood to the left and ha ve Remus dig up a patch of gr ound to reveal a handle. A ttach the
handle to the shed and ha ve Remus pull it open t o reveal a Quibbler stand. Get a pair of
Spectrespecs to build the water v ehicle. Put out the ames t o your right and then assemble the
shower head in the bathtub t o free Arthur. Use Ar thur to repair the water v ehicle so y ou can
drive it around. Driv e the water v ehicle to the right t o put out a bank of ames t o continue on.

While you have the Spectr especs, build a handle for the wringer and use it t o unlock
Molly Weasley. Use the Deluminat or to take some light fr om over the door t o the house
to a lantern in the middle of the y ard to unlock Bill Weasley (Wedding). If you steer the
water vehicle to your left and put out that bank of ames, Ar thur can repair a carr ot-
thrower that will knock a Death Eater out of the air and r escue a Student in P eril. Repair
the pipe and dig out the entr ance to it, then send a pet up t o knock down a bas ketball.
Dunk it to get the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest.

The next ar ea is out in a eld, wher e you need to have Remus dig up the pieces t o make a pair of
shears and trim t o plants blocking y our path. Use L umos to scare away the vines and then ha ve
Remus pull down the r ow boat.

At the far right end of this ar ea, dig up the tr ee stump to unlock Tonks (Pink Coat). Past
the boat, in the far right corner , dig up a Quibbler stand. Use the spectr e pieces at the far
left to build a pump and dr ain the pond so you can reach the Apparition P oint. apparate
to the other side, scar e away the vines, and open the K ey Vault to nd the Gr yfndor
Hogwar ts Crest.

Past the reeds at the r ear far right y ou will nd Harr y and Ginny, and enter a battle with Bellatrix.
She will thr ow things at y ou, which y ou will need t o levitate and thr ow back; wh ile she's stunned,
blast her.

6.3.2 Reduct o
Back in Charms, y ou nally get t o learn Reducto so you can blast shiny metal objects. Y ou have
to blast ve (four down below and one up above) to unlock this charm.

6.4 Year 6, Level 4 "Love Hurts"

Playable characters: Harr y (Red Jack et), Slughorn (P ajamas), Ron (Red Sweater), Harr y (Grey
Jacket), Ginny (Light Gr ey Hoodie)
Characters to unlock: Pr ofessor Slughorn, Ginny W easley, Draco (Suit)

Ron has been tak en out by a power ful love potion and Harr y and Slughorn need t o make an
antidote. First, place two pieces of sheet music on the piano: one is on the table right in fr ont of
you when the le vel starts; the other can be oated out a jar on the same table using Aguamenti.
The piano will pla y, making the people i n the por trait on the wall happ y, so that the y will throw
down a leaf y ou need for the antidote. Use Reduct o on some cups on the tabl e to get an oilcan.
Together with Slughorn, use Wingar dium Leviosa on the r eplace and the last ingr edient will
drop out. Use Spectr especs to build a p ortrait of Lily, just for fun

Use Reduct o under the por trait to reveal a Key Vault containing the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts
Crest. Use a Str ong Character to pull open a chest on the right, build the piano-pla ying
skeleton inside, and unlock Professor Slughorn . After turning the knobs on the r eplace,
extinguish the ames and dig in the ash t o unlock Ginny Weasley.

Use the cauldr on and Ron is then cur ed, but immediately poisoned, so now y ou have to deal with
that. Assemble the pieces in fr ont of the r eplace, position the r esulting moose head, then blast
the chandelier t o drop the green key for the cabinet. Rie thr ough the cabinet and sho ve a
bezoar down Ron's throat. After he 's cured, Ron and Harr y follow Malfo y down the hall int o the
girls' bathroom.

As soon as y ou enter the r oom, you engage in a duel with Malfo y; once you vanquish him, he will
run off to a bathroom stall. To ush him out, so to speak, ll the tank at the rig ht end of the
room, while y our partner holds it open. Once it's full, have Ron send Pigwidgeon up the pipe t o
tilt the drain and then use Wingar dium Leviosa to tilt the other dr ain; the owing water will knock
down some pieces t o build some dynamite. Flush the dynamite down the t oilet to blast Malfo y
out, and then duel him one last time.

Use a Strong Character to pull down a s ink in the upper left corner and jump in the
resulting ge yser to reach the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest. All the wa y around the
bathroom stalls, use Dark Magic t o reach the urinals, wher e you can free a Student in
Peril and Ron can tr ansfer some light t o the sinks second on the right t o unlock Draco

Now you have to hide the potions book in the Room of Requir ement. You need a Str ength Potion
to pull down the rst barricade t o the right, so rst, collect all the ingr edients: in the shaking
cabinet to the left; use Difndo t o build some stairs and get the ower; use Aguamenti t o x the
broken section of pipe, then send Arnold the p ygmy puff up t o get the snak e tooth.

Make three puppet shows t o unlock the Gryfndor Hogwar ts Crest: just past the rst
barricade, ha ve Arthur repair a blue pup pet stage; after the second barricade, assemble
one on the left; after the thir d barricade , use Wingar dium Leviosa on the nal stage.

Next, use Reduct o to blast some shiny metal objects t o get pieces t o make a chandelier, then
use the chandelier t o knock down a W easley Box. Use the W easley Box to make a Portable
Swamp that will tear down the second barricade. Use the next W ealsey box to send up a r ocket
that knocks down some pieces; use Reduct o on a statue on y our left and get the r est of the
pieces to make a gramophone, which w ill musically r emove the next barricade.

Use Dark Magic t o play the harp, puttin g the wizar d in the por trait to sleep and gaining a
Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest.

In the last ar ea, use Difndo t o make an anvil to weigh down one side of the cu rtain, and
Aguamenti t o weigh down the other , revealing the v anishing cabinet.

6.5 Year 6, Level 5 "Felix Felicis"
Playable characters: Harr y (Grey Jacket), Professor Slughorn, F ang
Characters to unlock: Pr ofessor Sprout, Fang, Hagrid

You begin at the gr eenhouses, wher e a rogue tendril has become a monstr ous ower blocking
the exit and y ou must blast its thr ee large creepers to get out. Beginning in th e greenhouse t o
your left, use L umos to free the gate fr om some vines, blast some plants, and then le vitate the
resulting herbicide t o kill the plants bloc king the door. Inside, blast the lock of f the cage and kill
the plant within it t o release the rst cr eeper.

In the left gr eenhouse, Reduct o loose a Quibbler stand and get a pair of Spectr especs to
build a box outside the door . Blast the bo x off the wall t o unlock Professor Sprout. Use
the Key Vault to nd the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest. To get the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest,
use Wingar dium Leviosa to make ve large yellow owers blossom, then blast their
stamens: 1) on the ceiling of the gr eenhouse on the left; 2) in the ower bed t o the left; 3)
on the right between the two gr eenhouses; 4) on the upper right wall in the right
greenhouse; 5) t o the left of the exit.

To the right, use Aguamenti t o ll a con tainer, which will water some owers, w hich will lean
aside to reveal a creeper, which you can then blast. On y our right down the middle path, le vitate
some pots out of the wa y to enter the r ight greenhouse. Le vitate the color ed barrels in front of
the door to blast the wall and r eveal the last creeper. Now go blast the thr ee red stamens on the
main plant t o exit the ar ea.

Out on the gr ounds, your objectiv e is to make a device to drain the venom from Aragog's dead
body. You are going to need to make an Explosion P otion, so use Difndo t o get the popsicle
while you are in the rst ar ea. At the top of the ar ea you just left, the cauldr on you need is stuck
in the ground; chase the nifer ar ound like a whack-a-mole until it pops the ca uldron out of the
ground. Off t o your left, blast a spider o ut of its web. Uphill t o the right of the spider is the
bunch of owers y ou need. Once the p otion has exploded, build the rst of two platforms and
carry up by Aragog to put on the pump, which you need to free from some vine s. Off to the right,
levitate some plants out of the wa y to gain access t o another ar ea and have Fang dig up the
second platform. Once both platforms ar e on the pump, jump on it t o get it wo rking.

While in the rst ar ea, use Dark Magic t o take two rocks off the Beaded Bag; pull out a
box of fruit and blast it t o unlock Hagrid. Blast the nifer once mor e after it kno cks the
cauldron loose to unlock Fang. To the far left of wher e the cauldr on was, use Dark Magic
to move three rocks, dig up the patch o f earth below them, and build a scar ecrow to
unlock the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest. In the upper right ar ea, pull a P ortable Swamp
out of a Weasley Box and then le vitate a barrel out of the swamp t o free a Student in
Peril. Use Dark Magic on thr ee evil-looking owering plants t o unlock the Hufepuf f
Hogwar ts Crest: 1) to the far left of the cauldr on; 2) behind Ar agog; 3) in the upper right
corner, where the second platform is.

6.6 Year 6, Level 6 "The Hor crux and the Hand"

Playable characters: Dumbledor e (Cursed), Harr y (Red Jack et), Ginny (Dark Gr ey Hooded Top)
Characters to unlock: Pr ofessor Dumbledor e, Tom Riddle (Orphanage), Hagrid ( Wedding)

You begin in the ca ve where Voldemor t has hidden the Slytherin lock et. As Dumbledor e,
apparate to the central island and le vitate the rock to raise a bridge for Harr y to cross. On the
other side, use Difndo t o make a torch and then light it and use it t o scare away the spider on
the rock face in fr ont of you, revealing a ladder. Use Reduct o to clear the r ocks from your path
and Lumos to clear the vines fr om the Parseltongue Wall. Once Harr y speaks P arseltongue, a
staircase will extend down t o the lower ridge, wher e you must place the squar es of the Dark
Mark plaque t o open the door .

Use Dark Magic on the wall in the upper right corner t o unlock Professor Dumbledor e.
Using the Beaded Bag plate on the island, pull out a buck et and feed the sh t o unlock
the Ravenclaw Hogwar ts Crest.

In the second ar ea, levitate some plants out of a pool t o raise a Parseltongue Wall; when Harr y
repeats after it, it will r elease a br oom, which y ou will then use t o dust off som e colored buttons
on the ground to your left. You must repeat the color patterns t o raise a boat, in which y ou and
Dumbledor e cross to the main island.

Use Wingar dium Leviosa to illuminate v e purple cr ystals in or der to get the G ryfndor
Hogwar ts Crest. Have a Strong Character pull down th e snake to unlock the Slytherin
Hogwar ts Crest.

In the third area, begin at the r ear right, with Harr y and Dumbledor e each standing on a white
button to open an ar ea to the front right. Retrieve the rst piece fr om that area and place it on
the green square in the middle, then stand on the white butt ons to the rear left. Another ar ea will
open up at the fr ont left; retrieve the second piece fr om there.

Use Dark Magic on thr ee rocks - in the r ear center and in each side ar ea - to unlock Tom
Riddle (Orphanage) .

The next par t is a bit tricky. Dumbledor e must drink v e times, but as soon as he begins
drinking, dead bodies begin attacking. Harr y alone must def end Dumbledor e and himself b y
blasting the bodies with Reduct o. Do this quickly and pa y attention t o which direction the
closest bodies ar e coming fr om becaus e if they reach you, they will grab you both and dr ag you
down into the water t o die.

By the time Harr y and Dumbledor e return to Hogwar ts, Death Eaters ha ve inltrated the school;
Harry and Ginny chase them out ont o the grounds. Begin at the r ear of the scene and extinguish
the ames in fr ont of Bellatrix t o get the spigot. Carr y it to the front right, ll a container with
water, attach the spigot, and pump water ont o the large re below.

Have Ron take light from a lantern on a mound near the star t point to the uppe r left
corner to scare away a vine, so y ou can get the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest out of a
barrel. At the far bott om left is a Student in P eril being menaced b y a Death Eater. After
saving him, ha ve a Strong Character pull open the bo x behind Snape t o nd Hagrid

The level ends with a duel with Snape - the Half-Blood Prince.

7.1 Year 7, Level 1 "The Se ven Harrys"

Playable characters: Harr y (Dark Blue J acket), Arthur Weasley, Mad-Eye Moody, Hagrid
(Goggles), Harr y (Waistcoat), Hermione (Cardigan), Ron ( Wedding)
Characters to unlock: Mad-E ye Moody, Ron (Wedding), Hermione (Red Dr ess)

It's time for Harr y to say 'goodbye' to Privet Drive, but to make his escape, he will need some
Polyjuice Potion: raise the blinds on the right and then pour the thr ee bottles on the window
ledge into the pot to get the apple; ha ve Arthur repair the vacuum to get the ha ir; blast open the
fridge to get the cherries.

Put three pictures on the wall t o get the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest: 1) straighten the one
to the right of the door; 2) carr y one from the right fr ont to the left of the door; 3)
straighten one mor e outside (t o the left) on the patio. While y ou're in the yard, free a
Student in P eril from the shed. With the pieces fr om the shed, build a wheelchair and
ride it over three sprinkler heads t o get the Ravenclaw Hogwar ts Crest.

In the front yard, you need to repair Hagrid's motorcycle before you can take off: one piece is
caught in a bush t o the far left; ha ve Hagrid pull o ver a trashcan to get another piece; turn on the
hose to ush the last piece out of the gutter .

Use Dark Magic on a neighbor 's garage to nd pieces t o build a water r ocket. Fill it with
water and launch it t o unlock Mad-Eye Moody. Blast a sculptur e in the Dursle y's lawn
and then dig up a gar den gnome. Place it with the other gnomes t o nd the Sl ytherin
Hogwar ts Crest.

After a brief chase thr ough London, y ou and Hagrid saf ely escape V oldemor t, and it is time for
Bill and Fleur 's wedding. Scrimgeour has dr opped by with Dumbledor e's bequests, so Hermione
can now use her Beaded Bag, and Ron, the Deluminat or. These are really going t o come in
handy when the wedding is attack ed. Blast a ower stand t o turn it int o a rain cloud that y ou can
levitate over the re on your right.

Turn the rubble fr om the rst r e into the rst of thr ee bird houses y ou will build (and
blast) to get the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest; the other two ar e: after the second lar ge re;
next to the cake. While still in the rst ar ea, use Dark Magic on a wedding pr esent to
make an Apparition P oint and appar ate to the left. Gr ab a pair of Spectr especs and use
the spectre pieces to play the wedding mar ch - and unlock Ron (Wedding).

Extinguish the small r es in the next ar ea to reveal a pink plate on which Hermione uses the
Beaded Bag; in this case, t o get a pickax e, which she will use t o make an ice sculptur e to levitate
over the next lar ge re.

Have a Strong Character pull open the b arrel behind y ou to unlock Hermione (Red

Beyond that r e, use the Beaded Bag t o nd a water cooler , ll it with water , and use it t o put out
the last bank of ames. Ron can now access the lantern on the far right and tr ansfer some light
to the cake.

7.1.2 Apparition
Thus begins Y ear 7. You can now appar ate, and the main hub is no longer Hogwar ts (although
you will be able t o go back), but r ather London and the for est in which y ou camp. Finding
yourself on the London str eet, begin b y going into the cafe. You will be attack ed by Thornn and
Rowle in disguise and the y will throw plates at you, which y ou will need t o catch and throw back,
and then blast them while their stunned.

7.2 Year 7, Level 2 "Magic is Might"

Playable characters: Harr y (Alber t Runcorn), Ron (Reg Cattermole)
Characters to unlock: Harr y (Alber t Runcorn), Ron (Reg Cattermole), Hermione (Mafalda),

Harry and Ron ar e in the Ministr y of Magic, disguised b y Polyjuice Potion, trying to track down
the Slytherin lock et. Begin b y going to the right and using Reduct o on two me tal curtain pulls to
reveal a red block wall. Use Difndo t o make a Decoy Detonator and create a distraction.

To the left, use the Rune Cabinet t o unlock Harry (Alber t Runcorn) . In the same corner ,
have a Strong Character pull open a bo x to nd ve rubber ducks; blast them t o nd the
Gryfndor Hogwar ts Crest. Use Wingar dium Leviosa to light three lanterns and unlock
Ron (Reg Cattermole) .

Once the room is in chaos, walk t o the rear and ha ve Ron transfer light from one lantern on the
left to another. The light will cause the statue t o drop his violin case; r ebuild the violin t o make
music that puts the watchful st olen eye to sleep and y ou can get int o Umbridg e's ofce. In
Umbridge's ofce, you need two purple keys to unlock the cabinet at the r ear. Have Ron and
Harry levitate a shield and swor ds mounted on the wall t o drop the rst k ey from the ceiling;
blast the desk t o get the other.

Use the Key Vault to nd the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest.

The locket is not in Umbridge 's ofce, so y ou return to the hall. Fill a watering can using
Aguamenti t o grow a ower, which clears out the r ain in the next r oom so the g uard can open the
gate. In the ele vator lobby, blast the lock off the center ele vator to get the pieces t o repair the
pipe. Have Ron send Pigwidgeon up t o knock down some pieces that y ou use to repair the
elevator you need to use.

Use Dark Magic on a chest t o unlock the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest, and on an ele vator
to the left to nd the Student in P eril and Hermione (Mafalda) .

Down in the cour troom, you are being attack ed by ministry guards; blast them until the y stop
coming and Umbridge star ts throwing things at y ou. Dodge the rst two items, then catch the
purple chest and thr ow it back at her; do this thr ee times to take her out. In between bouts with
Umbridge, y ou will be attack ed by guards again and ha ve to duel with Yaxley, and then nally
duel Umbridge herself. Once y ou defeat her, dementors are going to attack you en force, so
start running.

Right befor e the end of y our run, a wider ar ea with a statue will open up; run t o the left,
behind the statue, t o get the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest.

7.3 Year 7, Level 3 "In Grave Danger"

Playable characters: Harr y (Godric's Hollow), Hermione (Gr ey Coat)
Characters to unlock: Lily P otter, Bathilda (Snak e), Harry (Godric's Hollow)

You arrive in Godric 's Hollow in the cemeter y, where you need to nd the gr ave of Ignotus
Peverell. Lift the snow off v e graves and have Hermione r ead the inscriptions on them; Ignotus
will be the last one: 1) le vitate the snow off the one b y the star t point; 2) blast a pipe on the back
wall to reroute the steam; 3) r eplace a small t ombstone and then build a barr el of salt to pour
over a grave; 4) use Difndo t o build a f urnace and melt the snow off a gr ave to your right; 5)
have Hermione pull a hair dryer out of her Beaded Bag t o clear the last one.

Use Wingar dium Leviosa to place ve red bouquets on gr aves to get the Hufe puff
Hogwar ts Crest. Use a Weasley Box to launch a r ocket that will blast open the gate on
the left. Near the upper left corner , grab a pair of Spectr especs and then use some
spectre pieces on the other side of the gate to complete a monument t o Jame and Lily
Potter - and unlock the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest. In this same ar ea, blast the statue on
the left to unlock Lily Potter, and have Ron grab some light. T ake the light t o a lantern
left of the Difndo wall t o melt loose a Beaded Bag, fr om which Hermione will pull a
gramophone. The music fr om the gramophone will cause ghosts t o appear an d do the
Thriller dance - and unlock the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest. In the upper right corner , use
Dark Magic on a cr ypt to free the Student in P eril

Bathilda Bagshot (actually Nagini in disguise) will come up t o you at this point and tak e you back
to her house. Y ou need to get upstairs to talk to her, so star t by blasting the ca binet on your left.
A Beaded Bag plate will appear and Hermione will pull out a watering can; ll the can using
Aguamenti and put out the r e on your right. This will r elease a giant set of false teeth, which
will chomp thr ough the books blocking the stairs.

In the upper left corner , use Dark Magic t o open the door t o the kitchen. The k itchen is a
mess, so put the stinky things in the bin and then put the lid on t o unlock the S lytherin
Hogwar ts Crest. Run a bowl thr ough the wringer t o unlock Bathilda (Snak e). In the living
room and kitchen, as well as upstairs, blast four spiders t o unlock Harry (Godric's

Now Bathilda/Nagini r eveals her true co lors and you have to battle the snak e by levitating items
and throwing them at her; the thir d one will daze her, at which point y ou need to throw an object
into her mouth and then thr ow Nagini herself back. Do this thr ee times to defeat Nagini and
escape the house.

7.4 Year 7, Level 4 "Sword and Lock et"

Playable characters: Harr y (Locket), Ron (Underwear), Harr y (Grey Jacket), Ron (Cardigan)
Characters to unlock: Harr y (Locket), Ron (Underwear), Hermione (Gr ey Coat)

You begin in the icy lak e, searching for the swor d of Gryfndor. Start by levitating the giant
octopus arm t o pull down some ice, fr om which a swor dsh will appear t o cut a hole through the
ice below y ou. Continue down, mo ving some gr een - and then some purple - vines out of the

Blast three jelly sh t o unlock the Hufe puff Hogwar ts Crest: 1) behind y ou at the v ery
beginning; 2) as y our paths come t ogether in the second ar ea; 3) above you in the last
area of the lak e. In the second ar ea, use Dark Magic t o open a chest on the fa r left and
unlock the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest.

Here your paths split and y ou must tak e turns moving forward. First, use Wingar dium Leviosa
on the lower path t o life the rocks in the upper path so y our partner can pass thr ough. Then the
person on the upper path needs t o stop the ow of bubbles fr om above the crab will move out of
the way of the person below . Continue up int o the large nal under water area. Levitate some
nearby bait onto the hook in fr ont of you and an anglersh will come, dr opping some pieces t o
make a hammer. Use the mallet on the lar ge block of ice in the middle and r elease the swor d.

Before you break up the lar ge block of ice, use the mallet on a small piece of ice on the
right wall to unlock Harry (Locket).

Back on dr y land, you need to nd the P arseltongue wall in or der to open and d estroy the locket.
To the front right, use Difndo t o make a torch and then use the t orch melt a gr een piece out of a
block of ice. Carr y the green piece bac k to where you started and set it in its place t o begin to
raise the Parseltongue wall. To your left, use Wingar dium Leviosa on a bunch of owers t o
make an Apparition P oint and then app arate into a nearby corner. Scare away some vines and
use the freed branch to reach the ar ea above you and get the second gr een piece. Place it t o
raise the Parseltongue wall the r est of the wa y.

On the right, ha ve Hermione pull a bouncy mushr oom out of her Beaded Bag t o reach the
ledge above. On the ledge ther e is the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest. Use Dark Magic t o
release the Student in P eril. Take Spectrespecs out of the Quibbler stand and build with
spectre pieces on the ledge, t o the upper right, and t o the lower left t o unlock Hermione
(Grey Coat). To the far right, le vitate a snowman out of the gr ound to unlock Ron
(Underwear). To the rear, use a Weasley Box to get the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest.

Now use the P arseltongue wall t o open the lock et. Once open, the lock et-Horcrux unleashes the
full fury of Voldemor t's spirit, which will hurl skulls at y ou. Dodge them, and then, e very third
skull, an illuminated cir cle will appear; h ave Ron run up t o it and swing the swo rd. After the rst
time, spiders will appear , rendering Ron paralyzed with fear, so you will have to ght them as
Harry. After the second time, pieces will appear for y ou to build a ower-fan-d evice; hop on and
turn it toward the skull-whirlwinds t o hold them at ba y. When the illuminated cir cle appears a
third time, have Ron run up and swing t o vanquish Hor crux-Voldemor t.

7.5 Year 7, Level 5 "Lovegood's Lunacy"

Playable characters: Harr y (Dark Blue J acket), Ron (Jack et), Hermione (Dark Coat), Br other 1,
Brother 2, Brother 3
Characters to unlock: X enophilius (L una), Skeleton, Luna Lovegood (Purple Coat)

You've decided t o go talk to Xenophilius Lovegood, but rst y ou have to nd the knocker for the
front door b y releasing thr ee dirigible plums. The one in the middle is easily r eleased using
Wingardium Leviosa. The one on the left is held b y a bee; ha ve Hermione pull an ice cr eam cone
out of her Beaded Bag t o lure the bee a way. Use Aguamenti t o sprout the dirigible plum bush on
the right. As each plum is r eleased, it w ill crash into a kite abo ve and knock down par ts to make
the door knock er.

Down the path in fr ont of the house, use L umos to release a Student in P eril trapped by
vines. Blast v e crows hanging ar ound the yard to get the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest. Pull
the ve carrots on the right side of the yard to get the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest. Use
Lumos to release the W easley Box on the left, then gr ab a pair of Sticky T rainers and walk
up to the ledge. Ther e, use Reduct o to unlock the Quibbler stand and gr ab Spectrespecs.
On the ground, use Lumos to free up a patch of ear th on the left, dig up a ches t, use Dark
Magic to open it, and then assemble the spectr e pieces to unlock Xenophilius (L una).

Inside the Lo vegood house, y ou need to lower the stair case in order to follow Xenophilius
upstairs. Use Difndo on a cabinet on the left t o get the second pull chain and then you and
another char acter can use Wingar dium Leviosa to lower the stairs.

Use Dark Magic on a chest on the right t o unlock Skeleton. Have Arthur repair a machine
on the left, ride the machine t o clean up v e green puddles, and r eceive the Hufepuff
Hogwar ts Crest. Blast some dishes at the back; after the y nish their drum solo, blast
them again t o unlock Luna Lovegood (Purple Coat) .

Now the le vel switches t o the Story of the Thr ee Brothers, in which y ou will play as each of the
three brothers in turn. The y each have a different ability, which you must use t o get through the
level: Brother 1 has the Elder W and and can blast thr ough shiny gold objects; B rother 2 has the
Resurrection Stone and can summon h is Ghost Fiance t o help you along; Br other 3 has the
Invisibility Cloak and can sneak past Death. Beginning with Br other 1, blast th e gold block in
front of you to move forward. At the tree, have another char acter lift you up so you can levitate
the two pods off the tr ee, thus acquirin g pieces to make a bouncy mushr oom and get up ont o
the ledge in fr ont of you. When y ou come to the bridge, Br other 2 will need t o summon his Ghost
Fiance to pull the le ver on the opposite side and r aise the bridge. A t the log, use Br other 1 to
blast the gold r oots and remove the owers blocking y our path. Almost immediately , you will
meet Death; ha ve Brother 3 sneak past him in the Invisibility Cloak and then us e Wingardium
Leviosa to chop down the tr ee Death is in. Next, y ou will come upon some logs up a hill; ha ve
Brother 1 blast the gold log in fr ont, but run back behind the ditch quickly or the logs will smash
you. At the windmill, ha ve the Ghost Fiance pull the le ver on the right t o reverse and slow the
blades so y ou can pass. A t the next windmill, sneak past Death in the Invisibility Cloak and then
throw three pumpkins at him. A t the river, have Brother 1 blast the anchor t o release the boat
and the ha ve the Ghost Fiance pull the le ver across the water t o release some bo xes for you to
jump across on. Death is on the suspension bridge and will dr op the treads out fr om under y ou;
jump back befor e you fall and then le vitate the treads back int o place. Ha ve Brother 1 blast the
gold crate and build the bell, outside th e gate, and then ha ve the Ghost Fiance go up and pull the
lever to open the gate. When y ou reach the houses, Death appears again; ha ve Brother 3 sneak
past him and then shine a light t o scare him off. Towards the end of the r ow of houses, y ou will
fall into a cellar; ha ve Brother 1 blast se veral barrels and crates to get pieces t o make a staircase
so you can get out, at which point, the s tory ends.

Back in the Lo vegood house, y ou need to lower another stair case and to do this, you will need a
Strength Potion. Have Hermione open the rune cabinet t o start of the Quibble r printing pr ess,
out of which will fall an arm bone. Use Spectr especs and Reduct o to get pieces out of a cabinet
to build a snak e's head, then tak e one of its teeth. Use Difndo t o make a feather duster t o dust
away those cobwebs b y the window, revealing the purple ower . Take the Strength Potion, pull
down a section of wall t o reveal a pipe, and send a pet in t o knock down the pu ll chain for the
stairs. Befor e heading upstairs, ha ve Ron put some light in the Deluminat or.

Up in Luna's room, use Reduct o on the cabinet t o reveal Luna-dummy number one. Le vitate the
canopy on the bed t o nd the second L una-dummy, as well as a gr een handle. Use the gr een
handle on the chest t o the right and out pops a v ery disturbing X enophilius-dr essed-as-Luna.
Now would be a good time t o make your escape.

Use the Deluminat or to light a lantern on the back wall and get the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts

7.6 Year 7, Level 6 "DOBBY!"

Playable characters: Harr y (Dark Blue J acket), Ron (Jack et), Ollivander (Brown Waistcoat), Luna
Characters to unlock: W ormtail, Olliv ander, Dobby

You are trapped in the dungeon of Malf oy manor and, t o make matters worse, y our wands ha ve
been taken away so you can't use magic! But y ou can still build and y ou can still smash most
things by rolling into them. First, put on a pair of Spectr especs and use the pieces in the middle
of the oor t o build a chest. The k ey for this chest is t o the rear right; smash int o the shelv es to
get it down. Once the chest is open, y ou will have pieces to build a cauldr on and you now need
to get the ingr edients for an Explosion P otion. Smash some tr ash cans to the front left to get
pieces to build a y; once in the spider web, a spider will come and eat it and l eave you a little
spider. Have Ron send Pigwidgeon up the pipe in the r ear left corner t o knock down some

Directly behind y ou at the star t point, use Reduct o to free a Student in P eril. In the
bottom left corner, use Dark Magic t o open a chest and unlock Wormtail. Blast three
skeletons off the walls t o unlock the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest. In the bott om middle
release a chest fr om the grip of some v ines to nd Ollivander. Use Difndo on a wall on
the right to make a vehicle that sucks u p water; suck up v e puddles t o get the Gryfndor
Hogwar ts Crest.

Finally, have Ron transfer some light fr om the lantern next t o the Quibbler stand t o the lantern in
the rear right corner t o release the ice cr eam car t from the clutches of some v ines. Potion
nished, it will blast awa y a section of w all to reveal a Parseltongue wall. Onc e Harry speaks to
it, it will giv e you pieces t o make a mirror, which will call Dobb y to you.

Upstairs, you have wands again and mu st duel Draco and Nar cissa Malfo y times. In between
bouts, Bellatrix will thr ow things at y ou; dodge ying debris and Death Eaters until she hurls a
purple piece that y ou can levitate and hurl back. The thir d bout, instead of dueling, Dr aco and
Narcissa will be thr owing things at y ou. Once y ou've knocked both of them ou t, you only have
Bellatrix to deal with.

At this point, y ou can mo ve around the room. Levitate three place settings ont o the table
on the right t o get the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest. In the replace, use Dark Magic t o
unlock Dobby. Use Dark Magic on the cr eepy music box in the upper left corner t o nd
the Ravenclaw Hogwar ts Crest.

Defeat Bellatrix in a duel and y ou can all escape Malfo y manner with Dobb y, who, unfor tunately,
doesn't make it. Even as LEGOs this is sad L

8.1 Year 8, Level 1 "The Thief 's Downfall"

Playable characters: Harr y (Grey Jacket), Hermione (Gringotts), Ron (Gringotts), Griphook,
Characters to unlock: Griphook, Bogr od, Hermione (Gringotts)

You begin this le vel at Gringotts, riding a cart through the subterr anean tunnels, wher e you need
to blast ve red lights to turn them gr een and continue on. After passing under the Thief 's
Downfall and near-cr ash landing, the v e of you are in a wide, high ar ea with a v ery large dragon
breathing re. The ames ar e currently blocking y ou from the door and the r ear half of the
room. Levitate a green piece of machiner y at the center fr ont and then build a Beaded Bag plate;
Hermione will pull out a mechanical cow . Weird, yes, but wait for it: le vitate a mallet at the far
left to break apar t a hanging ball and ge t a green key. Use the k ey to start the cow, ride it near
the dragon, and scar e the dragon with t he cow bell. Y ou can now get out the door on the right.

Use Reduct o to blast four shiny metal r ocks and get the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest. Use
Dark Magic on the r ed light to the right, turning it gr een and sending a car t your way. The
cart will deliver a rolled up Weasley Wall and a Weasley Box; take them out of the cart
and use them t o reach Griphook.

In Bellatrix's vault, grab a goblet on the table in fr ont of you; the charm on it will cause it t o
replicate, cr eating a stack of similar goblets. Blast and then extinguish a br azier in the r ear left
corner so Hermione can use her Beaded Bag; she will pull out a bir d. Use its dr opped feather to
make the snake on the wall sneez e, dropping pieces t o complete the mechani sm on the right
wall. With another char acter, use Wing ardium Leviosa to operate the mechanism and get the
pieces for a P arseltongue wall. Once Harr y speaks to it, it will r elease a second goblet, which
will also replicate, and giv e you pieces to build a key vault on the left. Ha ve one of the goblins
use the vault to lower a lantern. Ha ve Ron transfer light from that lantern t o one in the r ear right
corner, scaring off the vine that' s holding it. One of the goblins can now use the k ey vault in that
corner to raise the lantern and get the v ine off the Beaded Bag plate on the upper ledge. As
Hermione, climb the pile of goblets and pull the swor d of Gryfndor out the Beaded Bag.

Use Dark Magic on a cr eep music bo x on the left to get a Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest. Use
Dark Magic on a ball in the r ear left cor ner to get a gold skull; place the skull w ith the
others on the left wall t o unlock Hermione (Gringotts) . Use Dark Magic t o release a
Student in P eril in a cage on the right. Use a Str ong Character to pull open the dr awers
on the right and tak e out pieces for a Quibbler Stand. With a pair of Spectr especs, build a
giant head in the r ear right corner and b last it to unlock the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest.
Use Dark Magic on a chest on the right wall t o pull out a poster of V oldemor t and

Back in the dr agon room, you need to pull out six purple pins holding chains in place to free the
dragon. Use Aguamenti so Hermione c an pull a pickax e out of her Beaded Ba g to use on the
rocks overhead; you can now pull out th e two pins abo ve. Have Bogrod use the key vaults to
lower two lanterns and then ha ve Ron transfer light from one lantern t o the other. Have Bogrod
raise the left lantern t o release two mor e pins from some vines.

Have a Strong Character pull open a bo x on the far left; in it y ou will nd pieces t o build a
Quibbler stand. W earing Spectr especs, use the spectr e LEGO pieces t o the right to build
a very large bird roasting on a spit. Rot ate the bird to unlock the Hufepuff Hogwar ts

You are now on the dr agon, but y ou being pla ying as the dragon. Use this t o turn the dr agon
toward the ledges at the back of the r oom, then become Harr y or Hermione. Y ou need to blast
ve goblins to get out, but unlik e the usual system, y ou are automatically tar geting, so mo ve the
target circle over a goblin on a ledge, then pr ess X. Once y ou get all v e, you escape on the back
of the dragon.

8.2 Year 8, Level 2 "Back t o School"

Playable characters: Harr y (Beige Jack et), Ron (Dark Red Check), Hermione (Denim Jack et),
McGonagall (Black)
Characters to unlock: Alect o Carrow, Aberforth Dumbledor e, Amycus Carrow

It's time to inltrate Hogwar ts - but rst , you need a wa y in. You begin in Hogsmeade, wher e
Death Eaters ar e on the lookout for y ou; blast a gr oup of them and y ou will have the street to
yourself. Ha ve Crookshanks dig up a p atch of ear th near the barricade so Hermione can pull a
woodchipper out of her bag. A ttach the green handle and watch it chop the cr ates to bits. Ther e
will be another gr oup of Death Eaters, so sta y on your toes. At the far end of the lane, y ou need
to make an Explosion P otion. Have Ron transfer some light fr om a lantern on the right in the
middle of the str eet to one on the left a t the end of the str eet, in order to free a student fr om a
block of ice and get the popsicle. Pull the owers fr om the car t to the right. Ha ve Hermione pull
a tub from her Beaded Bag and then ll the tub with water t o get the spider.

Blast three "Undesirable No. 1" posters t o get the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest. Build an
outhouse with the pieces fr om the woodchipper . Use Dark Magic on some r ocks on the
left to get a green key that opens the outhouse t o unlock Alecto Carrow.

As you continue down the lane, Aber forth Dumbledor e will come and get y ou, and Ne ville will
arrive to take you into the castle. Y ou arrive in the Room of Requir ement, wher e you need to
wake Dean, Luna, and Seamus. T o the left, use Difndo t o make an alarm cloc k to wake Dean.
In the middle, hang thr ee house banner s (Slytherins ar e not welcome her e) to get the pieces for
a Weasley Box and have Ron pull out a r ocket to rouse Luna. Finally, have Hermione pull a r adio
out of her Beaded Bag; blast it and le vitate it to wake Seamus.

Open the K ey Vault to nd the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest. Overhead in the bott om left
corner, blast a suspended Student in P eril. On the far right, ha ve a Strong Character pull
open a chest t o nd Aberforth Dumbledor e.

With the gang assembled, y ou go out t o the Great Hall, wher e you and Professor McGonagall
must duel with Amy cus and Alect o Carrow.

Use Reduct o on three statues on the le ft to get the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest. On the
right, use the Rune Cabinet t o nd the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest. Use Dark Magic t o
unlock the chest in the upper right corner t o nd Amycus Carrow.

Once you've defeated them, y ou have to face Snape, who will thr ow things at y ou. As usual,
dodge any ying objects until he thr ows something y ou can throw back; whac k him three times
and then duel him, and he will do a bunk.

8.3 Year 8, Level 3 "Burning Bridges"

Playable characters: Harr y (Beige Jack et), Luna (Blue Jumper), Ne ville (Cardigan), Seamus
Finnigan, Ron (Dark Red Check), Hermione (Denim Jack et)
Characters to unlock: Gr ey Lady, Seamus Finnigan, Ne ville (Cardigan)

The level starts with Harr y and Luna in the castle. Use Wingar dium Leviosa to unfurl a
Hufepuff banner and get pieces for y ou to levitate onto the pictur e behind you. Once the pieces
are in place, y ou will get mor e pieces, w ith which to build a Quibbler stand. Pu t on some
Spectrespecs and extinguish the r e to your right to nd the pieces t o build a hammer and
chisel, which y ou will then use t o hack apart the collapsed column in y our way (you will need t o
blast the column t o nish it completely).

Use Dark Magic and Aguamenti on a chest below the stairs t o nd the Slytheri n
Hogwar ts Crest. Carry some light fr om below the stairs t o the left of the mo vable
staircase, then use Aguamenti t o unlock the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest.

Further down the corridor , you will need t o make a Strength Potion. Only one side of the stairs is
usable at a time; use Wingar dium Leviosa on the suit of armor in the middle t o change which
side is 'up.' Water the beds ar ound the cauldron to get the purple ower . At the top of the stairs,
use some spectr e pieces to build a suit of armor, and then blast it t o get its arm bone. On the
right side of the stairs, r aise a Slytherin banner to access the P arseltongue wall t o make the
snake on the other side open his mouth; go o ver and steal one of his teeth. Using the Str ength
Potion, you can pull open the cabinet and tak e out pieces t o make a toxic-green-ooze-vacuum.
Continuing on, ther e is a re blocking y our path. Fill the container t o your right and use it t o put
out the re so you can talk t o the Grey Lady.

Blast the wizar d statue that was holdin g the container and he will giv e you the Grey Lady.

The level now moves outside, t o where Neville and Seamus need t o place ve explosives to blow
the bridge befor e the Death Eaters br eak the def enses. The rst one is dir ectly behind y ou when
you start. Follow the path down and wa ter three vines to sprout owers y ou can hop acr oss.

Have Ron bring some light up fr om the area before the vines t o scare the spider awa y.
The spider will dr op a Weasley Box, from which y ou can pull Sticky T rainers to walk up
and snag Seamus Finnigan .

On the other side, tak e the lower path rst and get one de vice from inside a ch est held by vines,
and another fr om a spider 's web. Return t o where the path split and go up. Use the t orch to get
the vines to let go of a swinging platform so y ou can cross the gap. Use Difn do to make a y,
which will carr y away the large spider on y our left, lea ving a web for y ou to bounce on to reach
the ledge to your left. Ther e, you will nd the third device in a chest. Up the stairs, the bridge
reaches solid gr ound. Dig up the last d evice and go back t o place it on the bri dge.

Follow the path all the wa y up and back to nd a Student in P eril held in a giant ower .
Use Dark Magic t o destroy some rocks on the right on the path up and then use
Aguamenti t o make the ower bloom and r elease the student.

The level moves again, this time, int o the Chamber of Secr ets with Ron and Hermione. Ha ve
Hermione clear some vines in the upper left corner and then use her Beaded Bag t o paint the
purple area above you as a Weasley Wall. Ron can then get a pair of Sticky T rainers from a
Weasley Box on the ledge abo ve and walk acr oss to get some light in his Delu minator. Take the
light all the wa y to the right, wher e it will scar e some bats out of a ca ve, knocking down pieces
for a Parseltongue Wall. This time, Ron can use the P arseltongue Wall and ope n the snakey

Assemble thr ee dancing sk eletons to unlock the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest: 1) nd one
to the far left of the rst r oom; 2) blast one out of a spider web in the Chamber itself; 3)
dig one up in fr ont of the basilisk sk eleton. Levitate three sh into the pond at the far
right to get the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest. Use Dark Magic t o destroy two rocks in front
of the snak ey door. Dig under one and use the Beaded Bag plate under the other t o
uncover a jewel and a snak e, respectively. Put the jewel in the snak e's mouth to unlock
Neville (Cardigan).

In the Chamber, levitate a chest out a s nake statue's mouth, build a Beaded Bag plate, pull out a
drill vehicle, and driv e it through the barricade. On the other side, open the snak e's mouth, build
a Beaded Bag plate, pull out a giant pair of pliers, and r emove a basilisk fang. The le vel
concludes at this point with cut scenes showing Ne ville and Seamus blowing up the bridge, and
Ron and Hermione destr oying the goble t-Horcrux (and snogging!).

8.4 Year 8, Level 4 "Fiendfyr e Frenzy"

Playable characters: Ron (Dark Red Che ck), Hermione (Denim Jack et), Harry (Beige Jack et),
Characters to unlock: Tom Riddle, Gr egory Goyle, Harry (Brown Jacket)

You are in the Room of Requir ement loo king for the Diadem of Ra venclaw. First of all, y ou will
need to make an Explosion P otion to get past the barricade. Blast down a cauldr on from a stack
of them to your right and then blast the leg off a table t o the left to get a bouquet of owers. Pull
a brush and dustpan out of the Beaded Bag t o get down a spider fr om its web. Use the W easley
Box to get a rocket to get a fan t o give to the wizar d in the por trait, who will then giv e you his

Past the barricade, fr om the Rune Cabinet, get a shield t o give to the suit of ar mor, which will
make a platform so another char acter can raise you up to the Quibbler Stand. With the spectr e
pieces below, build a catapult and use i t to break the barricade. Next, ha ve Ron transfer light
from a lantern on the left t o one on the right b y a table; once the table is illuminated, the suits of
armor blocking y our path will come run ning to eat.

Use Dark Magic t o unlock a cage behind y ou and then ll the blue de vice with water t o
unlock the Ra venclaw Hogwar ts Crest. On the right past the table wher e the suits of
armor are eating, blast a twisted hamm ock until a Student in P eril springs out.
Assemble thr ee dancing sk eletons to unlock the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest: 1) just past
the second barricade, use Wingar dium Leviosa to get one out of a chest; 2) in the second
section, do the same on a chest t o your left; 3) behind the dr agon skeleton in the second

As soon as y ou nd the diadem, Dr aco and his cr onies attack y ou; Ron runs after them lea ving
Harry and Hermione t o uncover the diadem. T o the left, le vitate a section of pipe back int o
place. Blast some metal pieces off the scale t o your right to lower the r emaining por tion of the
pipe; repair it and send Cr ookshanks up . As he comes out, he will knock down a statue, which
will knock down the debris blocking y ou from the diadem.

On the right, blast open the dr agon skeleton's mouth and ha ve a Strong Character pull the
skeleton apar t. Behind it, wind up the weir d music bo x to nd the Hufepuff Hogwar ts

You now have the diadem, but Go yle has sent Fiendfyr e after you. Begin heading t o the right,
putting out small r es along the wa y to clear the path.

Along the wa y, use Dark Magic t o take the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest out of a cage. Open
the Key Vault and nd Gregory Goyle.

Once you've gone as far as y ou can go, a ame-serpent will come thr ough, blasting a new path.
Now go left, taking turns le vitating the w recked car so y ou can all cr oss the ga p safely. At the
far left, blast some furnitur e out of the way and build stairs with the debris so y ou can continue
up. A ame-lion now comes thr ough, changing the path y et again. W alk to the right and ha ve
Ron pull a r ocket from the Weasley Box, which will blast awa y some furnitur e above you. Jump
to a blue cushion t o your right and boun ce right. Blast the cabinet, which will r otate to its red
side; use Difndo t o make a ladder and climb up befor e a ame-dr agon ies b y.

You are set to escape on br oomsticks, but y our conscience won 't allow you to leave Malfoy,
Goyle, and Zabini t o die. You need to land on each of thr ee islands, blast and/or le vitate the
objects ther e until have loose pieces t o build a water cannon, and ll the cannon using
Aguamenti so it will spr ay the re around Draco and company .

Fly toward the bottom left to nd an isla nd without a cannon. Use the objects ther e to
make a bed and bounce on it t o reach Tom Riddle . Fly toward the bottom right to nd
another island and ha ve Arthur repair the machine on it t o unlock Harry (Brown Jacket).

8.5 Year 8, Level 5 "Snape 's Tears"

Playable characters: Harr y (Beige Jack et), Ron (Dark Red Check), Hermione (Denim Jack et)
Characters to unlock: F enrir Greyback, Death Eater, Professor Snape

The Battle of Hogwar ts has begun and both castle and gr ounds are in chaos, with giants,
enormous spiders, and Death Eaters e verywhere. You are in a castle cour tyard and need t o open
the gate on the left t o let a giant cr ash through the rubble t o the right. Use Aguamenti t o ll a
container t o the left and then use the container t o put out the lar ge re in front of a Weasley
Box. Have Ron use the bo x to get some Sticky T rainers, walk up the W easley Wall, and build the
crank at the left end of the ledge; this w ill open the gate and let the giant in.

In the rear right corner of the star t point, go behind a wall and use Dark Magic on some
rubble to unlock Fenrir Greyback. After opening the gate, use Dark Magic on the cr ank
chain on the ledge t o unlock the Gr yfndor Hogwar ts Crest. Use Dark Magic t o open
three chests t o unlock the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest: 1) atop the Weasley Wall in the rst
area; 2) in the r ear left corner when y ou rst encounter the giant; 3) t o the left of the last

From here on out, Death Eaters will be attacking y ou constantly, so watch out. Continue on
down the stairs int o an area where you must face a giant. Blast the metal statue t o uncover a
Beaded Bag plate; Hermione will pull out a catapult that launches pumpkins. Hit the giant thr ee
times and he will knock down some platforms, which y ou can attach t o the wall to climb up.
Atop the wall, walk t o the right, go down a spiral stair, and you will come t o another open ar ea
with a giant in it.

Just after the spir al stairs, open the K ey Vault to nd Death Eater. Go to the far bott om
right corner t o free a Student in P eril from two Death Eaters.

Harry must sneak past it in his Invisibility Cloak. Use Difndo t o make a gramophone; the music
will make the giant dance and knock down a W easley Box. From the box, pull a Portable Swamp,
which will consume the giant so y ou can continue on.

The three of you then go down t o a boat house, wher e you must collect Snape 's dying tears. Use
Lumos to release an anchor fr om a vine and then le vitate the anchor t o drop down a net with
some pieces t o build a winch. Oper ate the winch t o pull a black and r ed sh (and the wall
blocking you) away. Have Hermione use the Rune Cabinet and build a little bo at, which will
zoom around and cr ash in the water . Use the boat pieces t o build a fan that w ill oat you out of
the water.

Use Dark Magic t o pull apar t the black and r ed sh and unlock Professor Snape . In the
upper left corner , have Arthur repair a walking row boat to unlock the Ra venclaw
Hogwar ts Crest. In the upper right corner , have a Strong Character open the cabinet t o
nd the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest.

You will nd Snape in the center of the room; have Harry Focus to learn that Sn ape wants a
barrel. Use the Deluminat or to transfer light from a lantern left of Snape t o a lantern t o the right;
this will cause some vines t o release a wheel. Carr y the wheel t o the front right and place it in a
machine, then ll the machine with water and star t it. It will blow up the blow sh on the wall,
dropping a barr el. Bring the barr el to Snape and collect his tears.

8.6 Year 8, Level 6 "The Flaw in the Plan "

Playable characters: Ron (Dark Red Che ck), Hermione (Denim Jack et), Neville (Cardigan), Harr y
(Beige Jack et),
Characters to unlock: Bellatrix Lestr ange, Kingsle y Shacklebolt, V oldemor t

You are on the Hogwar ts grounds for the nal battle. Begin on the right b y levitating and
blasting some rubble out of the wa y to set up a cauldr on for an Explosion P otion, then set about
nding the ingr edients: the popsicle is r ight at hand in the grip of an unconscious giant; the
spider is in a r ed block embedded in the ground to the left; build and ll a tub on the left wall t o
sprout the owers.

Dig up three patches of ear th to uncover the Hufepuff Hogwar ts Crest. Levitate a Key
Vault out of the gr ound and open it t o release a Death Eater and a Student in P eril. Put
out ve small res, here and in the follo wing area, to unlock Kingsley Shacklebolt.

The story now jumps t o another ar ea completely, where Kingsley and Molly must sa ve Ginny
from Bellatrix. Use the W easley Box to set off a r ocket that will blow awa y the debris blocking
your path. Use Wingar dium Leviosa to build a bridge and then, on the other side, t o levitate a
weight, thus bringing up a second bridge.

After crossing the second bridge, walk t oward the front to reach a Gr yfndor Hogwar ts
Crest. To the rear, have a Strong Character pull down the planks co vering a Quibbler
stand. With Spectr especs, go back t o the upper left corner t o build a bo x containing the
Ravenclaw Hogwar ts Crest. In the bottom right corner, use Dark Magic t o open a
cupboard containing the Slytherin Hogwar ts Crest.

On the other side of this bridge, pr oceed to the right until y ou drop down to a lower ar ea. There,
use Wingar dium Leviosa to build a platform that will bounce y ou back up. In the nal ar ea, ght
off a group of Death Eaters and then duel Bellatrix - r epeat three times. Killing Bellatrix her e
once and for all will unlock Bellatrix Lestr ange.

We now return to our main battle, alr eady in progress. You are now battling Nagini. Giant
spiders are still running ar ound and y ou can levitate one of them, once y ou've blasted it, and
throw it at the snak e. Do this thr ee times, while being attack ed by acromantulae and
dementors. You will then be able t o force Nagini's head to the ground and Ne ville can run up and
cut it off.

In the rear right corner, under the colon nade, is Lord Voldemor t.

The action now alternates between Harr y battling Voldemor t, and Hermione, Ron, and Ne ville
(but mostly Hermione) battling acr omantulae and dement ors; once Harr y has bested V oldemor t
four times, he def eats him and the wiza rding world is out of danger for ever.

The Hub: London and Hogwarts

Diagon Alle y
On the left, ha ve two characters use L umos to chase awa y a plant in the gr ate below Olliv ander's,
thus revealing Gregorovitch. A little fur ther ahead on the left, blast Mundungus Fletcher 's table
of illicit goods t o unlock Mundungus Fletcher . A little fur ther ahead, go int o the alley on the left,
between The Daily Pr ophet ofce and W easley Wizard Wheezes, to nd a Gold Brick .

Weasley Wizard Wheezes is where you come to enter cheat codes and buy fun spells. Inside,
there is a Student in P eril in a spider web at op a ladder. In the upper right corner , blast the thr ee
pygmy puff cages t o unlock George (Pyjamas) and use Dark Magic on a cr eepy music box to
nd a Gold Brick . Left of the stairs, blast a bo x of Peruvian Instant Darkness P owder to unlock
Fred (Pyjamas). In the bott om left corner, blow up some r eworks and then the bo x they were in
to unlock George Weasley; do the same t o another bo x of reworks, nearby on your right, to
unlock Fred Weasley.

On the left at the end of the alle y, just before you enter the Leaky Cauldr on, is Madam Malkin's,
where you buy unlock ed characters. In side Madam Malkin 's, blast the middle clothes rack to
unlock Madam Malkin herself. Upstairs, blast the left dr essing room door t o reveal a Gold
Brick. Blast the right dr essing room door t o help a Student in P eril.

Knockturn Alle y
Use Dark Magic on a pipe on y our left to unlock Pius Thickness. Down the path on y our left is a
crate with a spider in it; blast it t o unlock Slytherin Twin #2. At the end of the path, in fr ont of
Borgin and Burk es, go around the corne r to the right t o nd Sirius (Azkaban). In this same ar ea,
blast a crate at the r ear containing a spider t o unlock Slytherin Twin #1 and use Dark Magic t o
release a Student in P eril from under a r ock. Borgin and Burk es is where you come to buy Gold
Bricks; nd one in the shop, ho vering in front of the mirr or. Use Dark Magic on a che st in the
middle of the shop and bring out some bones; assemble int o a dancing sk eleton and then blast
the skeleton to unlock Mrs. Black. To the left, ll a tank with water and th en blast it thr ee times
until Narcissa Malfo y comes out.

Up the stairs at Bor gin & Burkes is a pile of Gold Bricks. Once y ou have twenty-four , you can
build a door and enter a bonus le vel where the goal is t o earn 1,000,000 studs by destroying
everything in sight. Y ou earn a Gold Brick by doing this.

The Leaky Cauldr on

Find three mugs and place them on the bar to get a Gold Brick . Blast the two r ed stools in front
of the bar and then jump on them t o launch int o the air and unlock Hestia Jones . Up the stairs
you will nd a Student in P eril in a spider web. In the upstairs corridor , the rst room on your left
is where you purchase all the Red Brick s you have unlocked. At the end of the corridor is the
room in which y ou can watch cut scene s and make a super-special constructi on out of all 200
gold bricks. All the wa y to the left, behi nd a chair, you will nd Mrs. Figg.

The London Str eet

Just outside the door t o the Leaky Cauldr on, use a Key Character to get the Ministry Guard out
of the Key Vault. All the wa y to the right, use Wingar dium Leviosa to put some trash on the
street into bins, then empty the bins int o the yellow dumpster t o get a Red Brick (Gold Brick
Detector). Have Ron get some light fr om a lantern on the right in fr ont of the Leaky Cauldr on
and carry it to a book st ore around the corner to the right fr ont; the light will open the bookst ore
and unlock Rufus Scrimgeour . Use Aguamenti t o clean up some gr afti along the right wall t o
unlock Mary Cattermole and Mafalda Hopkirk . On the left, in fr ont of the entr ance to the train,
blast the red post box to release a Student in P eril. On the same corner , use Wingar dium
Leviosa on the guitar and amp in the st ore window t o make proper gentlemen in bowler hats
breakdance on the str eet - and to collect a Gold Brick .

On the far left end of the str eet is a caf with a lot of unlockables in it. In the fr ont right corner,
use Dark Magic t o pour a cup of tea and unlock Thornn Rowle . Near that same corner , use
Dark Magic on the cabinet on the wall and tak e out some sponges; wipe down three tables to
unlock Dolohov (Workman). Draw on the chalkboar d on the left wall t o unlock Petunia Dursle y.
Make a cup of coff ee in the rear right and a plate of chick en in the back r oom and put them on
the table in the fr ont; a man will come in t o eat, and lea ve Dudley Dursley as a tip. Adjust all four
clocks on the right wall t o unlock Petunia (Green Coat) . In the back r oom, use Dark Magic on a
tank across from the door t o nd Mrs. Cole. Turn on the faucet t o release a Student in P eril
from the sink, then wash the dishes and put them awa y to unlock Vernon Dursle y. Turn on the
radio so the waitr ess can dance - and unlock Waitress (Luchino). Have a Strong Character pull
open the o ven door to unlock a Gold Brick.

After "Magic is Might", Harr y, Ron, and Hermione enter the campsite for the rst time; ther e are a
lot of different areas here, but will not be able t o reach all of them at rst. In the tent, open the
Rune Cabinet t o unlock Xenophilius ( Wedding). Use the Deluminat or to transfer some light fr om
the lantern on the right t o the one in the r ear, freeing a Student in P eril from some tr eacherous
vines. Use Dark Magic on a chest in the r ear left corner t o nd a Gold Brick .

On the rocky outcropping wher e the tent rst appears, use Dark Magic on a r ock to make a sort
of gun-chair appear; use it t o shoot down thr ee balloons and get a Gold Brick. In this same ar ea,
blast a rock to unlock Hermione (Ministr y). At one point, Pr ongs-Patronus appear s on the
outcropping; go t o him to unlock James Potter (Ghost) . In the centr al area, at the pond, blast
three toads into the water t o unlock Percy Weasley. Left of the pond, use Dark Magic t o release
Yaxley from some e vil weeds. Use Aguament i to sprout a patch of owers t o the left of the
green gate and then blast it t o unlock Reg Cattermole. Sprout another patch of owers t o the
right of the gr een gate and r elease a Student in P eril; blast the lar ge purple ower t o unlock
Fleur Delacour. In the rear middle, use Dark Magic t o release Snatcher from some e vil weeds.
To the right, le vitate a large mushroom-with-legs out of the gr ound and then ri de it over each of
the ve smaller mushr ooms which sub sequently spr out to unlock a Red Brick (Christmas) .
After "Swor d and Lock et," a Beaded Bag plate appears; fr om the bag, Hermion e pulls a bir d,
which chops down the tr ee to the rear, unlocking Xenophilius Lo vegood. At some point, thr ee
skeletal cows appear , grazing around the central camp area. Blast each of them (it won 't hurt
them) and the y will congr egate at a centr al location, do a little dance, and unlock Remus Lupin.
All the way in the rear right corner, by a gate, you will nd Lucius Malfo y and Scabior behind evil
weeds; use Dark Magic t o unlock them. In the snowy ar ea, blast thr ee ice-covered trees to
unlock Ron (Winter Clothes) . By the water, levitate a shing r od to sh out Albert Runcorn. Use
Difndo to blast awa y the building wall and nd Dragomir Despar d inside.

Platform 9
Beginning at the back and mo ving forward, use Difndo to literally unlock a Red Brick (Scor e
x4). Blast the clock t o release a Student in P eril. Blast apar t a snacks stand t o unlock the lo vely
Waitress (Treats). In front of the snacks stand and slightly ar ound the corner t o the right, blast a
yellow bin to unlock Muggle Orphan . Use a Pet Character to get Dudley (Shirt) and a Gold Brick
from atop the pipe.

Hogsmeade T rain Platform

Beginning on the left, assemble v e lamp posts to unlock the Station Guar d. Use Dark Magic on
the Hogsmeade sign and then blast it t o unlock a Red Brick (Red Brick Detect or). Use Reduct o
on a metal bo x to the left of the wa y out to nd the missing piece of the pipe; u se a Pet
Character to send an animal up the pip e and knock down a br oom. Use the br oom to y up to
the roof to get Luna (Overalls). Use Wingar dium Leviosa on the clock abo ve the archway
(twice?)to get a Gold Brick . Have Hermione use her Beaded Bag on the right end of the
platform. She will pull out a metal pig; blast it t o get a knob for the r ed machine t o your right, out
of which will pop a v ery cramped Student in P eril.

On the path fr om the train platform t o the school, blast open a gate on the left t o enter a pond
area; ride one of the dr agon-oaty-t oys. A trail of coins will appear - follow it t o earn a Gold
Brick. In the same pond is Lily (Young Casual) .

Along the path fr om Hogwar ts to Hogsmeade, blast apar t a cart to reveal Fred (Winter). Blast
apart an ice-covered tree to unlock George (Winter). Use Reduct o on a barr el to release a
Student in P eril and Michael Corner . Use a Str ong Character to open the bo x and the v ery back
of the lane and nd a Gold Brick . Use the Deluminat or to transfer light from a lantern on the left
to one on the far right and melt loose a Red Brick (Scor e x6).

In Hogsmeade pr oper, on an upper ledge on the left is a lantern; use the Deluminat or to transfer
its light to a lantern t o the right of the Thr ee Broomsticks' door and thaw out a Student in P eril.
Blast away all seven icicles ar ound this door to unlock Harry (Winter). In the rear left corner,
blast apar t a cart to reveal Parvati Patil. Put on a pair of Spectr especs and bu ild a snowman out
of spectre LEGO pieces t o the front left to get a Red Brick (Scor e x2). Jump on t op of the Key
Vault to get Marietta Edgecombe. Have a Key Character open the K ey Vault to nd a Gold
Brick. Dig up two patches of gr ound in the center ar ea to unlock Seamus ( Winter) and Dean

Gate Yard
Inside the rst y ard you enter coming fr om the Hogsmeade Platform int o the castle, use Lumos
to drive off a plant holding a chest; out from the chest leaps a Student in P eril. With a Digger,
dig up some blocks that y ou can use t o make steps up t o Luna Lovegood. With either a Str ong
Character or the Str ength Potion nearb y, pull open a door t o reveal James Potter (Young). Have
Hermione use her Beaded Bag t o put a scar ecrow in the pumpkin patch. Use Wingardium
Leviosa on the scar ecrow to get a Red Brick (Scor e x8).

Owlery Courtyard
I'm preserving this name fr om the rst game (Years 1-4) e ven though ther e is no Owler y now, so
this is just the cour tyard between the Gate Y ard and the Entr ance Cour tyard; you won't be able to
reach it until the end of Y ear 5. Cut down the tr ee in the rear right corner t o nd a Red Brick
(Collect Ghost Studs) . Use the Deluminat or to transfer light from a lantern at the r ear center t o a
lantern in the fr ont right corner; the light will attr act some glowing insects, dr awing them awa y
from a Student in P eril.

Entrance Cour tyard

In the rear right corner, use a Weasley Box to make a Portable Swamp, out of which will gr ow
vines you can walk up t o reach the roof and a Gold Brick . After "Back t o School," you will come
here and bring items t o various professors; when y ou bring Pr ofessor McGonagall some owers,
it will unlock Professor McGonagall (Black).

We'll begin in the y ard in front of the gr eenhouse. In the r ear right corner, use Dark Magic t o
release a Gold Brick from some e vil looking owers. In the rear left corner, rescue a Student in
Peril from a bully lling him with water . While you're there, use Aguamenti t o sprout a large
purple-blue ower and then blast it t o unlock Cornelius F udge.

Inside the gr eenhouse, use Aguamenti to ll a buck et and then pour it o ver a pot to sprout a
ower that will cause a nearb y plant to open and r elease a Student in P eril. Use Difndo t o
make a vacuum which y ou can ride o ver the soil t o pull up v e carrots, unlocki ng a Gold Brick .
At the back, use Dark Magic t o open a c abinet containing Slughorn ( Young). Pull a cactus out of
the Beaded Bag that y ou can climb t o reach Arthur (Cardigan).

Grounds Cour tyard

Use Aguamenti t o make four large owers blossom, then blast them t o unlock Rita Skeeter.

The Grounds
Use Spectr especs to build a standing s tone and unlock a Red Brick (F ast Dig). Use Aguamenti
on a standing st one to unlock Professor Grubbly-Plank . Use the Deluminat or to take light from
a lantern b y the castle entr ance and ca rry it to the Quidditch Pitch t o unlock this ar ea. Once
inside, you are on a broomstick ying along a tr ail of coins; goodies appear along the tr ail so
keep an eye out for Madam Hooch, Ron (Quidditch), Nymphador a Tonks, and a Gold Brick. By
Hagrid's hut, use a Str ong character to pull open a bo x and reveal a Gold Brick. Use Lumos to
release a nearb y Student in P eril. Pull a ying pumpkin out of the Beaded Bag and use it t o
follow the tr ail of coins t o Bellatrix (A zkaban).

Follow the stairs t o the front right to reach a Beaded Bag plate. Ha ve Hermione pull out a bell,
levitate it, and ring t o open the gate; thi s takes you down b y the lake. Right off the bat, blast the
metal statue t o nd a Red Brick (Scor e x10). Open the K ey Vault to nd Professor Binns . Have
a Strong Character open the bo x to reveal Crabbe (Jumper) . Pull a giant, bouncy mushr oom out
of the Beaded Bag t o reach a Gold Brick . Use Dark Magic t o free a Student in P eril.

Thestral Area
Towards the right, wher e you enter from the grounds, ther e is a Gold Brick overhead; you can
reach it on a thestr al, but they cannot g et high enough up fr om the ground, so you will have to
jump your thestral off a nearb y branch or off the ledge t o your left. In this same ar ea, walk
toward the bottom of the scr een and use Dark Magic on some r ocks to unlock a Red Brick
(Regenerate Hear ts) (the owl stand is t o the left, o ver the bridge and on the other side of the
log). Between the bridge and the log, down below , dig up a chest containing Padma Patil. On
the left in that same ar ea, use Dark Mag ic on a rock to reveal another, less evil rock; jump on it t o
raise Katie Bell in the stream of toxic muck to your left. On the far left, past the str eam of toxic
muck, use Wingar dium Leviosa on a tr ee to open its br anches, unlocking Luna (Blue Jumper) .
On the upper le vel, do the same thing t o reveal a Student in P eril.

Entrance Hall
Use Wingar dium Leviosa on six wall t orches to get a Gold Brick . Use Wingar dium Leviosa on a
suit of armor with a f eather in his helm to reveal a Student in P eril. Use Wingar dium Leviosa to
give a suit of armor a swor d, and unlock Susan Bones .

Find and put awa y ve yellow books t o unlock a Gold Brick : to the rear near a car t as you enter;
in a spider web near the entr ance; at th e top of a pipe; t o the front right (use W ingardium
Leviosa); use the Rune Cabinet t o get a glass cover; blast it t o make it bigger and then le vitate it
over the gramophone. In the second r ear alcove, use Dark Magic t o open a ch est and then build
a fan to oat you up to Madam Irma Pince. Have Hermione pull a tub out of her Beaded Bag and
ll the tub with water for a Student in P eril to jump down int o. Have a Ravenclaw student talk t o
the portrait on the wall t o get a key for the door on y our right, behind which ar e Anthony
Goldstein and a Red Brick (F all Rescue) .

Use Difndo t o unlock a chest all the wa y to the left and help a Student in P eril. Use Difndo on
a door halfwa y up the second stair case to reveal a Gold Brick and Zacharias Smith. In the
middle of the thir d set of stairs, light an d then extinguish (using Aguamenti) the ames in the
two brazier stand anking the entr ance to Dumbledor e's ofce to unlock Dumbledor e (Young)
and Regulus Black. At the top of the thir d set of stairs, use the Rune Cabinet t o unlock Ernie
Prang. All the wa y at the top of the stairs, hop up the spider webs t o reach Dedalus Diggle .

Dormitory Corridor
Blast eight house banners t o get a Gold Brick . Have Harry use a Parseltongue wall next t o
Slytherin's common r oom to release a Student in P eril. Blast two r olled up banners on either
side of the door t o Gryfndor Tower, build the suits of armor , and use Reduct o on them t o unlock
the Fat Lady. Use the Rune Cabinet next t o the entrance to the Hufepuff Common Room to
unlock Ron (Blue P yjamas).

Slytherin Common Room

To get into the Slytherin common r oom, use Dark Magic bring down some pieces fr om above the
door, use the pieces t o make a Beaded Bag plate, then pull out a small batterin g ram. Just
inside the door, you will nd Blaise Zabini . Use Aguamenti t o ll a tank at the bott om of the left
stairs and then use the tank' s pump in or der to unlock Goyle (Jumper) . Use the P arseltongue
wall in the middle of the r oom to nd Draco (Sweater) .

Gryfndor Tower
In the boys' dormitory, blast the furnace and some lamps ar ound the room to make the furnace
blast off, lea ving a Gold Brick. In the common r oom, use Wingar dium Leviosa to throw a dar t at
a picture of Malfoy on the boar d in the bottom right corner t o unlock Harry (Pyjamas). Use
Aguamenti t o save a Student in P eril in the replace. Use the Deluminat or to take light from
right of the r eplace and put it int o the portrait on the left wall t o unlock McGonagall (P yjamas).
Above a bookshelf on the left, y ou will nd Hermione (Ball Gown) . Next to the door, blast the
portrait on the wall t o unlock Ginny (Pyjamas).

Hufepuff Common Room

Use Dark Magic t o enter the Hufepuff Common Room. Once inside, blast a b rown trough
below a pictur e of Cedric Diggor y to make a ower bed, and unlock Madam Pomfrey. Use
Reducto to open a chest on the right and unlock Neville (Tank Top).

Ravenclaw Tower
Place the raven on the left column, then use Aguamenti t o put out the ames o n the right
column; another r aven will land her e, raising the gate. Once inside, use Dark Magic t o get into
the room on the left and nd a Student in P eril and Marcus Belby. Blast open all thr ee shutters
to unlock Moaning Myr tle. Grab a pair of Spectr especs and use the spectr e LEGO pieces at the
far right to build a knock er and unlock Luna (Pink Dr ess).

Classrooms Hall
On the right, upper le vel, play a quick ga me of chess t o unlock Hermione (Car digan). On the
lower level, to the right of the centr al door, use Reduct o to free a Student in P eril from a cabinet.
Once you've unlocked Difndo ( Year 5, after Le vel 3), you can use it on the r ed wall to the right on
the lower le vel to gain access t o the Herbology Cour tyard, Divination Classr oom, and (with the
Beaded Bag) the Astr onomy Tower.

Defense Against the Dark Ar ts Classroom
Blast a Student in P eril hanging fr om a balcony. Using Dark Magic, unlock the horse sk eleton
left of the entr ance and then blast it un til it kicks open the cabinet behind it, unlocking a Red
Brick (Extra Hearts). Toward the top of your screen, use Da rk Magic to open a chest; out falls
Umbridge ( Wizengamot) and some dinosaur bones. Assemble the dinosaur bones and the
skeleton will cough up Draco Malfoy. In the far left corner , concealed b y the stairs, is a Gold

Potions Classr oom

All the way to the left ther e is a Gold Brick tucked away by a window. Release four t oads from
on top of the tables in or der to unlock Charity Burbage . On the far right, ther e is Student in P eril
trapped in a spider web.

Charms Corridor
Use Wingar dium Leviosa to give a suit of armor a swor d and unlock Ron (Red Sweater) .

Charms Classr oom 1

When you rst use Difndo during y our very rst lesson, y ou will earn a Gold Brick. Blast the
three Hogwar ts banners on the wall t o release three platforms; jump ont o the platforms and
blast a Slytherin banner t o free a Student in P eril. Put on a pair of Spectr especs to build a stand
in front of Professor Flitwick; a chorus of students will come in and sing for a minute, unlocking
Hannah Abbott . Once you've built the r ed vacuum, blast it apar t to unlock Justin Finch-
Fletchley. On the upper le vel, use Aguamenti t o ll the tank on the right until it oats out a ring;
levitate the ring for the sh t o jump through to unlock Professor Flitwick .

Charms Classr oom 2

Opposite the door , between the r ows of students, is a hidden Gold Brick . All the wa y to the left is
a Student in P eril behind some ames. On the lower le vel in the top right corner, blast a statue
of a wizard until it unlocks Lavender Brown. On the upper le vel, use the Deluminat or to take the
light from above the por trait to the left and put it in a lantern t o the right, r eleasing the suit of
armor's helm. The suit will then giv e you Cho Chang .

Herbology Cour tyard

Build and blast thr ee hanging plants t o unlock Ginny (Dress). Near the t op left corner, use
Aguamenti on the gr ound to sprout some owers and a shrub; blast the shrub to unlock a Red
Brick (Invincibility) . Near the t op right corner, right of the door t o the Divination Classr oom, use
Aguamenti t o free a Student in P eril. Grab a pair of Spectr especs and use the spectr e LEGO
pieces in the center t o open the plant fan; it will oat y ou up to Neville (Waiter) and a Gold

Divination Classr oom

On the left, blast a stack of mugs t o nd a Student in P eril. Nearby, use Aguamenti t o ll a water
cooler and oat out Professor Trelawney. On the right, blast thr ee enormous mu gs suspended
from the wall t o nd pieces t o make another lar ge mug, and unlock Neville (Pyjamas). In the far
top right, use Reduct o to open a cabinet and tak e out the missing piece of pipe. In the bott om
right, nd a Gold Brick behind some junk. While y ou're there, assemble a bo x that will launch
you up to the balcony. On the balcony , grab a pair of Spectr especs, use the spectr e LEGO pieces
on the left t o build a table with a cr ystal ball on it, and then blast the cr ystal ball to unlock a Red
Brick (Char acter Token Detector).

Astronomy Tower
Using Dark Magic, light v e large, red candles to unlock a Red Brick (F ast Magic) . On the left,
blast a yellow telescope t o unlock Antonin Doloho v, and a red globe to unlock Grindelwald
(Old). In the back r oom, use the P arseltongue Wall to release a Student in P eril. Take
Grindelwald ( Young) from the Rune Cabinet. Inside the K ey Vault, nd pieces t o build a lantern
and then use the Deluminat or to take its light o ver to the por trait on the left, who will then giv e
you Professor McGonagall .

Upper Hall
In the rear right corner, nd Dean Thomas behind a lar ge sculptur e/lamp. Focus on Filch and
then retrieve his broom to get a Gold Brick. Use the Deluminat or to transfer light from a lantern
in the rear left corner t o one up the wall to the right t o release a Student in P eril in some vines.
Use a Weasley Box in the front left corner t o walk up the wall and blast open a chest containing
Ron (Green Coat). Use Dark Magic t o open a bo x on the right and use the r esulting pieces t o
make a little car; it will driv e around the hall, leaving a trail of coins that end with a Red Brick
(Hogwar ts Crest Detector).

Upper Corridor
Use Wingar dium Leviosa to swing four chandeliers t o unlock Cormac McLaggen . Light four
brazier stands t o unlock Blaise (Black Shir t). Approaching from the spiral staircase from the
Upper Hall, use Wingar dium Leviosa on a suit of armor , on your left, with a f eather in his helm t o
unlock Luna (Yellow Dress). Down the corridor , blast a suit of armor t o unlock Vincent Crabbe.
Down the right wing of the corridor (at the t op of the other stairs), use a Rune Cabinet to unlock
Dirk Cresswell. Along the left wing, blast a Student in P eril out of a spider web. A t the end of
the left wing, blast a metal statue with Reduct o to get a Red Brick (Stud Magnet) and use Dark
Magic to open a chest containing a Gold Brick .

Great Hall
Have Hermione use the rune cabinet; thr ee candles will come out and ho ver - blast them t o
unlock Penelope Clear water. Blast a plate of fruit on the right-hand table t o unlock the Fat Friar.
Blast the Slytherin banner in the r ear left corner and out tumbles the Bloody Baron. Use Reduct o
on a rattling platter in the same corner to free a Student in P eril. Lift the lids off thr ee large gold
platters to get a Gold Brick. In the top right corner, use Dark Magic on a chest t o nd a Red
Brick (Char acter Studs) .

Rear Cour tyard

Use a Weasley Box to get some Sticky T rainers to walk up the W easley wall on the far left and
unlock Charlie Weasley. Blast a shiny section of wall t o repair an incomplete W easley wall
between the far right wall and the centr al area and walk up t o reach a roof; blast a Hufepuff
banner to release a Student in P eril. Now walk up the W easley Wall in the far right front corner
while another char acter raises it to nd a Gold Brick . In the centr al area are places for four
house sigils; once the y are all in place it will unlock George (OWLs) : the Hufepuff sigil is alr eady
in place; Ra venclaw's is being held b y a plant in the cour tyard to the right; Slyth erin's is cleverly
concealed in a Slytherin banner t o the right; and Gr yfndor's in buried next t o the cauldron. Fill a
tank next the fountain in the right cour tyard to make the fountain spout out Fred (OWLs) . In the
top left corner of this cour tyard, under the colonnade, use Dark Magic t o unlock a Red Brick
(Super Strength).

Storage Room
Use the Rune Cabinet t o unlock Argus Filch. Use Dark Magic t o free a Student in P eril from a
red cabinet on the right. Blast open the white cabinet on the right t o nd Arthur (Torn Suit).

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