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Rkill 2.8.

4 by Lawrence Abrams (Grinler)
Copyright 2008-2017
More Information about Rkill can be found at this link:
Program started at: 04/21/2017 06:07:41 PM in x64 mode.
Windows Version: Windows 10 Home Single Language
Checking for Windows services to stop:
* No malware services found to stop.
Checking for processes to terminate:
* C:\ProgramData\Windows Security\winsecurity.exe (PID: 3456) [AU-HEUR]
* C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Network\Dsq\network\sysnetwk.exe (PID: 5868) [AU-HEU
* C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Network\Dsq\browser\syshostctl.exe (PID: 2336) [AU-H
3 proccesses terminated!
Active Proxy Server Detected
* Proxy Disabled.
* ProxyOverride value deleted.
* ProxyServer value deleted.
* AutoConfigURL value deleted.
* Proxy settings were backed up to Registry file.
Checking Registry for malware related settings:
* Explorer Policy Removed: DisallowRun [HKCU]
Backup Registry file created at:
C:\Users\Asus ROG\Desktop\rkill\rkill-04-21-2017-06-07-59.reg
Resetting .EXE, .COM, & .BAT associations in the Windows Registry.
Performing miscellaneous checks:
* Windows Firewall Disabled
"EnableFirewall" = dword:00000000
Checking Windows Service Integrity:
* Security Center (wscsvc) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: Disabled
* gagp30kx [Missing Service]
* IEEtwCollectorService [Missing Service]
* IoQos [Missing Service]
* nv_agp [Missing Service]
* TimeBroker [Missing Service]
* uagp35 [Missing Service]
* uliagpkx [Missing Service]
* WcsPlugInService [Missing Service]
* wpcfltr [Missing Service]
* WSService [Missing Service]
* AppMgmt [Missing Service]
* CSC [Missing Service]
* CscService [Missing Service]
* PeerDistSvc [Missing Service]
* agp440 [Missing ImagePath]
* AJRouter => %SystemRoot%\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricte
d [Incorrect ImagePath]
* WpnService => %systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs [Incorrect ImagePa
* vmicrdv => %SystemRoot%\System32\icsvcext.dll [Incorrect ServiceDLL]
* vmicvss => %SystemRoot%\System32\icsvcext.dll [Incorrect ServiceDLL]
Searching for Missing Digital Signatures:
* No issues found.
Checking HOSTS File:
* No issues found.
Program finished at: 04/21/2017 06:10:48 PM
Execution time: 0 hours(s), 3 minute(s), and 7 seconds(s)

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