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Syllabus for Control Systems FINAL EXAM

30% Pre-mid, 70% Post-mid, 4-Questions, Time 2 Hours, Total Marks: 60

Chapter 3,4, 6,7 ,8, 9
Please see relevant chapters of Norman S Nise for following topics

Transient performance of 2nd order systems ( calculation of rise time, settling

time, steady state error, percent over shoot, damping factor, and natural
frequency of oscillation)

Steady state performance of 2nd order systems

Over damped, underdamped, undamped and critically damped 2nd order


Gain and poles calculation for Stability of control systems using Routh

Kp, Kv and Ka calculations of Error Constants for step input and ramp input
and their effect on steady-state error

Root locus method and plot, asymptotes angles with their centroids, break-
away break-in points, jw crossing point, gain K calculation, calculating
damping factor from root locus plot, calculating wn from root locus plot

Calculation of Dominant Poles from given specifications of Tp, Tr, Ts and


Design of PI, PD, Lead and Lag compensator via Root Locus for given
specs for Transient response improvement and steady state error reduction

OP-Amp circuit implementation of Compensators and calculating values of

R and C

Finding A B C D state matrices of a given system

State-Space to Transfer function conversion

Transfer function to state-space conversion

Phase Variable form representation of state space equations of control


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