Quote Cantas Kristian Guna Nama ALLAH

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Allah is not from Bahasa Malaysia, it is not a National Language.

It belongs to
the Language of the Muslims all over the world. Therefore your argument using th
is for the word Allah does not fit into your idea of God because Allah does not ha
ve a son. It is not one of three. That is why, out of respect to Allah we can t al
low you to use this. We agree you want to use God then use Tuhan as we also use th
at. But we understand in the Malay language Tuhan is not a translation of Allah. T
hat is why we say, Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah not, Tiada tuhan melainkan Tuhan . So
Allah cannot be translated as no language has translated Allah. But if they use
it and they say in Indonesia they have used it, why can t we here. It is because o
f the Muslims. If Muslims don t care, they will go on and use it, and in Indonesia
they are using not only that but other things too. They even call it choir for
selawat. Choir is not a Selawat as selawat is for the Prophet. It is not singing
a hymn ,Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas.

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