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Victoria Wilson

Mr. Fronk

AP World History


DBQ: Peter the great Modernizing Russia

Peter the Great was the first Tsar of Russia. He established Russia into a major European

Empire through his leadership, by example, and by the power he had as the Tsar of Russia.

Through Peters travels to Europe he was able to learn European customs, have leadership in

promoting education and certain dress, put these customs into action in his own life, and

maintained the power to decree laws relating to them. Peter the Great has a long lasting legacy

due to the steps he took in modernizing Russia by his successful leadership.

According to Decrees from Peter the Great himself about the Education of Russian

Nobles, Peter promoted education which was primarily a European day of thinking. This source

in document two is very reliable because it is a primary source from Peter himself. According to

the document, many people during at the time were not educated or had the means of which.

Serfdom was a major part of everyday society in Russia. The serfs were tied to the land and the

owners of the land had complete control of all on the land. Serfdom was a major part of Russian

culture and hence a reason for educated people to come to these regions. The Decree says that

without education people will legally not be allowed to get married. Peters leadership gave

people an incentive to become educated. Through his journey to Europe, Peter the Great became

educated in European culture and the advancements in technology at the time. Returning back to

Russia he was very knowledgeable.

Education was a matter of mystery to many of the Russian people until Peter the Greats

time. Bishop Burnett of England states in 1698 the time of which Peter was ascending the throne

that he encouraged the travel of Russians to England in search of an education. Bishop Burnett

had contact with Peter in England. This is the time period before Peters role in Russia came to

be. He wanted to learn of ways in which to better his country by these travels. In Document 1 it

states, that Peter the Great encouraged learning and even would allow his people to travel to

other countries in search of education. This was not a decree but it was knowledge given to the

higher officials at the time.

Peter the Great also issued another Decree stating the importance of dressing. Peter

initially states in the fourth document that all member s attending to the royal family need to

dress a certain way. Then he moves on to talking about all citizens of Moscow including women

need to wear Western clothing. Unlike many other leaders in the European countries, Peter the

great talks about women as well as men. Women throughout the world are oppressed and

continue to be for many years to come. There is a comparison on the way in which he stated

dress code and the how the Faith of Islam talks of their dress code. In the Middle East and even

today in that region, dress code for women is strictly enforced. Women must wear hijab and

cover their entire body. Men of the Faith also needed to cover their bodies but not their heads.

The reason for Islam was faith based while, the reason for Peter to do this you could argue is

family based as well. Peter the Great loved his country and wanted to modernize it in a way that

was widely respected. He had good faith that this would be the way in which modernizing the

country would be significant. He leads by example saying that he and all other men of his court
will wear Western clothing, and continues upon that for all citizens in Moscow, in hopes that

others will allow the decree.

In the painting in document 7, Peter the Great shows off his Western Style clothing. He

is dressed from top to bottom in these western apparel. This would be another example of how

he lead by example. Peter not only made these decrees put as the painting concludes he followed

them as well. Peter the Great was a very strong leader. His country came first in his life.

Peter the Great was a Tsar of Russia from 1682-1725, in 1723 a Statute for the college of

Manufactures in Document 5, discuss the way in which he ruled. This document was written

during the time period in Russia in order to discuss Peter the Greats rule. It is discussed that

Peter the Great was a very established leader and hoped to spread Russian culture through dress

code and also enforced the importance of manufacturing and factories. This shows strong

leadership in hopes to improve country. Peter the Great gives permission to anyone to open

factories in the region and even encourages it. Economically Peter changed Russia through these

factories and commerce. He also led the country in another way of life.

To enforce the dress code, it is discussed in a Biography written by Jean Rouseset de

Missy, in her book titled Life of Peter the Great, that Peter enforced many other practices of

wear. Peter the Great according to the document made a decree saying that all men must shave

their beards or pay a tax on them. This law made many of the older men mad, yet, many of the

younger men enjoyed this. The fact that this upset the men and still they followed the law

because their tsar decreed it, shows how strong of a leader that Peter was. People were willing to

follow him, even though their beard was sacred. Peter also set an example for the the younger
men that were willingly following the law. This precedent showed the importance of dress code

to the younger generations setting a basis for many generations to come.

Peter the Great role Russia in hopes of reforming and shaping the country, much like the

Reformation in the Protestant church years earlier. The Protestant church broke away from the

Catholic Church because of the corrupt role of the Pope. Peter the Great also sought reforming

his own country from the ruin of times before, and uniting the country. These two historical

events showed that in order for changes to be made there needs to be proper leadership. Martin

Luther and Peter the Great are exemplary rulers who in the search for a new way of life,

established strong leadership.

Peter the Great used his strong leadership in order to move Russia into a time of

modernization. The modernization was only possibly through the promotion of education, dress,

strong leadership, and love for country that Peter the Great had and established.

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