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Also In This Issue

General Election /
An Interview with SU Election /

Joi MA Choreography /
Trumps Strike

Kyono / Against Syria /

LGBTQI+ 25 Firsts /
our centerfold feature & More inside /

EDITOR .................................. Emily Maloney

DESIGN & LAYOUT .............. William Branston

CONTRIBUTORS .................. Daniel Forster

Freya Bell Gillon
George Gooch
Georgina Bowden
Joseph Howlett
Samantha Harper Robins

In this issue
3 A note from the editor
4 Was Trumps Syrian Strike a Huge Mistake?
5 Philosophy or Choreography?
6-7 TLSU Elections
8-9 An Interview with Joi Kyono
10 To go au naturel, or not?
11 The 2017 General Election
12 Welsh Wind Orchestra Conquer Carnegie Hall
13 Pulled Chicken Recipe
14-15 25 Firsts in the LGBTQI+ world
16 Student Societies at Trinity Laban

Get in touch with us on Facebook

Did you like this issue of the TL Review?

Want to contribute to future editions?
Wed love to hear from you! Drop Emily an email on
or send us a message through our facebook page /tlreview

A note from the editor

fter a two year hiatus apathy to decide our future.
the Trinity Laban The NUS #GENERATIONVOTE
Review is back, and encourages all young people to
I would like to say a be active in political life, and that
massive thank you starts with registering to vote. I
to all of the contributors, the SU cannot urge you enough to do
and our design editor, William this, it really does only take a few
Branston, for helping me make minutes to have your say in the
this happen! next five years!

Our conservatoire is unique in Despite the turbulence of many

the UK because we have three areas of our lives, there will
different faculties of Music, always be one thing that is a
Dance and Musical Theatre. constant here in SE London,
It strikes me, as well as many a thriving social and foodie
other students, that for much atmosphere. Taking inspiration
of the time we exist as separate from our wonderful markets and
entities (CoLab not withstanding truly diverse part of the city I will
of course, though lets not talk be sharing with you some of my
too much about that..) Here at best recipes for easy, tasty and,
the Trinity Laban Review we are most importantly, cost effective
hoping to bridge that gap, and food. This edition features my
this issue features pieces written BBQ pulled pork, and I promise
by members of all faculties, at all that you can feed all of your
levels of study. mates for under a tenner. Jobs a
good un.
The return of the Review
coincides with the return to the Emily
tumultuous world of politics,
and thats just the SU Elections.
The General Election in June
comes in the shadows of the
recent American and French
Elections, and reminds us that
the wider world of politics is ever
changing. We live in a democracy
that allows of the privilege of
exercising our right not to vote
(which is totally your right by the
way), however we cannot allow


Send us your article to be
included in our next edition.

Was Trumps Syrian Strike a Huge Mistake?

Joseph Howlett

n Tuesday 4th of this strike? precedent now, and its a slippery
April 2017, chemical The civil war raging in Syria is now slope from here.
weapons were employed at a critical point; Assad is gaining If this remains a one-off strike
against civilians in Khan ground in his fight against the to deter Assad from chemical
Sheikhoun, a district rebels, and the chemical weapons weapons use then it may be
of Idlib, Syria. Bashar al-Assad is attack would have strengthened forgiven - but now there is no
believed to have been behind the him further were it not for Trumps leverage against Syria if Assad
attack, although he denies any intervention. In that sense, Trumps employs another chemical attack.
involvement. attack was successful. The regime Trump darent wage war against
would be infinitely more brutal Syria lest he invoke the wrath of
The attack shocked the world. A if it werent for the USA hanging Russia, but now if Assad uses
similar event took place during the threat of attack over them; chemical weapons again Trump will
Obamas administration which the honeymoon period between have no choice. He has set a clear
prompted the UN to demand Assad Trump and Putin lured Assad into indication that chemical weapons
surrender his chemical weapons. thinking that the USA was no longer use will be punished with military
Obamas cool response to the last a threat, but now Assad is aware intervention.
chemical attack hurt the Assad that he is still under scrutiny. It
regime without endangering seems improbable that hell get the Trump is a risk-taker. The risk he
diplomacy. toxic gases back out again soon. has taken with Syria is great, but it
could pay off. Now is the time for
However, the response of the So great! Trump made the right Syria to de-escalate the fighting,
current United States government decision. This attack has done what and Trump has given them this
was military intervention - 59 it was supposed to do. opportunity. We must pray that the
tomahawk missiles were fired at opportunity is gratefully seized, and
the Shayrat air base from which the But effectiveness is not the only that this doesnt evolve into
chemical attack was released. measure of success. World War III.
This attack was swift,
Many countries have condemned expensive, and dangerous.
Trumps response, with Russia Trumps response
being the most vocal, and the was so instant it seemed
tensions between the U.S.A. and almost kneejerk
Russia are now at their highest Obama
since Donald Trumps inauguration. agonised
Some international diplomats over military
argue that the response violated intervention
international law. The issue is in Syria where
highly contentious, but the question Trump leapt in. This
stands: was Trump right to order attack sets a dangerous

Philosophy or Choreography?
Samantha Harper Robins

o study choreography at practice in a field, beyond that of mainstream recognition (as Tony
Masters level at Trinity the current accepted knowledge Thatcher, MA course leader would
Laban Conservatoire level of a degree. say thats a joke.) But because
of music and dance, movement and art is inherent to us
in some circles could When Google-ing (as all intelligent all and it should be fully known to
be impressive. Individuals and people do) the word Choreography, us all.
professionals in the dance world the Oxford dictionary states it
who understand the historical as - The sequence of steps and In a climate where we are
and forerunning prestige of the movements in dance or figure experiencing government funding
institution will get it. To all of the skating, especially in a ballet or cuts for the arts, low pay and
Joe Bloggs on the street that make other staged dance. Wikipedia did criticism it should be more widely
up the 'others', what does it even a little bit better with - the art or known and understood that there
mean and is it even important that practice of designing sequences of is a stream of the arts that has
they understand it? movements of physical bodies (or progressed from showmanship as
their depictions) in which motion, the core of its understanding and
Personally and professionally form, or both are specified. invests in investigation into current,
it goes without saying, for an social, political and conventional
artist wanting to examine and You only need scratch the debate in a constant adjustment
develop their own practice surface most lightly and we can of philosophy, research and
under the supervision of highly see definitions broaden from an practice, to be shared and shown in
recognised industry leaders, acknowledged purpose of basic movement.
its unquestionable. But in a construction and showmanship to a
society where mostly the wider more philosophical deconstruction I circulate in a lot of business, office
understanding of choreography in of the art of creative movement. and social environments that are
mainstream thinking is the routines Times this by 10, add it to the not acquainted with Contemporary
of Strictly Come Dancing and So analysis of your own creative arts and choreography on this
You Think You Can Dance, (nothing movement practice, divided by a lot level. I am always encouraged,
wrong with these programs by the of technical, philosophical, social, after the initial look of confusion
way!) how could there even be a political thought and there you on their faces of explaining my
Masters in choreography? have it. MA Choreography at Trinity masters topic, that they become
Laban. genuinely interested and excited
Studying at Masters level, for the concept of choreography to
has different purposes for So why is this important? As be explained in such an important
different careers, but overall it someone who is an artist and also and current way. So hopefully now
is a postgraduate level of study, studies this course, on a basic its a tiny bit clearer. Im sure Ive
potentially leading to individually generalized level I think its quite left a lot out, but the moral of the
lead research. It aims at finding significant. Not because Im paying story is theres more to a Masters in
new elements of information or student fees and want some Choreography than meets the eye.

Where mostly the wider understanding of choreography in mainstream thinking is

the routines of Strictly Come Dancing ... how could there even be a Masters in
Cast your vote on the 16th of May between
10am-5pm on moodle.

Additional voting areas will be set up at King

Charles Court and on the Laban Ramp with
results being announced in The Bar Downstairs
on May 16th 5:30pm.

Your candidate for President: Luke Faber

A regular weekly open door drop-in session for each faculty so that
you can voice your concerns to me, whether it be personal, academic
or otherwise.
Honing our already well established SU and putting on plenty of events
for you to get involved with.
Balancing class opportunities across all campuses to make sure
everyone gets fair access to some of the great opportunities the SU
can provide.
Striving for better communication across all courses to create a more
united conservatoire.

I have been involved with all three of our campuses over my four years
at Trinity Laban and have a deep understanding of the faculties we have,
this gives me the strengths to unite Trinity Laban and address all issues
across our conservatoire. I will be dependable, diligent and devoted to
making sure the SU is there for you and your needs.

Your candidate for Your candidate for

VP of Music: VP of Dace:

William Branston Lydia Touliatou

Lets face it - its in everyones interest to Additional diverse classses / work-

make TL and our SU the best it possibly shops to improve abilities
can be. University is expensive and we Professionals form the dance industry
rightly expect to get a lot for our money. I for students to gain experience
would work hard, alongside the President, Student network to bring the dance and
VP of Dance and the rest of the team, music faculty closer
to hold TL to account and fight for more Multicultural environment
SU funding so that we all get the best Support from the local market, working
experience, and have a great time too! to obtain discounts from local business
Your candidate for Academic Ofcer Music: Emily Maloney
- Further establish the student representative scheme
- Be a clear & effective line of communication between the TL staff and students
- Ensure that there is an easy way to provide feedback to the university
- Make sure Moodle is used as functionally as possible and all information is
conveyed as simply as possible
- Ensure that students are actively represented at all levels of discussions around
changes to our degree programmes

Your candidate for Academic Ofcer MT : Aaron Bennett

- Bridge the gap between all of the faculties and make sure that Music, Dance
and Musical Theatre are as connected as possible.
- Make sure that there are enough open eating spaces and generally improve
the facilities, particularly at Laurie Grove.
- Discuss the provision and prices of food, or lack thereof at Laurie Grove, an
essential element of all of our wellbeing.
Voting me for MTAC & youre voting for your time at TL to be as great as it can!

Your candidate for Dance Academic Ofcer: Michael McEvoy

-Use the student union to further develop our daily schedules. As students work
together to build extra curriculum programs and societies, allowing us to mould
our training further.
-Create better relationships between classes, year groups, courses & even schools.
-Finally, allowing the process of our courses to develop into what can mould
our friends, relationships, careers & lives. Leaving TL having an experience of
something special.

Your candidate for Publicity/Comms Ofcer: Molly Amelia

- I will use social media to bring students from all of the different faculties
together & make sure that students feel connected to social aspect of the SU.
- I will make sure that all of the TLSU social media platforms are regularly
updated, promoting events not only to students, but to the wider community
- Continue to promote all of the SU Events at campus, with particular
improvement to the facility to do this at Laurie Grove.

Positions with no candidate:

International officer
Welfare officer
oi is a 21 year old
classically trained
singer, songwriter and
multi instrumentalist
and a born and
raised Londoner. Her new
single When You Call bridges
genres between soul and old
fashioned RnB, and those of
us lucky enough to remember
Craig David, well theres a hint

An of that too (told you she was

a Londoner!). She is currently
directing the music video to go

with this single and I caught
up with her during her shoot
to chat collaboration, Trinity

Laban and the lesser known

Emily Maloney


When you arent recording solo Theres a Spanish fashionista and you aren't nervous, you arent think
music, what are you doing? performance art creator called Pal- about the consequences. I dont ever
oma Wall. She actually worked with want to lose the nerves, but its so
Im currently setting up my own Solange Knowles on her new album, important not to let them hold you
teaching business alongside teach- another one of my favourite artists! back!
ing piano a few days a week. That
and watching Ramsays Kitchen How did your Trinity career prepare Whats your most prominent perfor-
Nightmares. you for the outside world, if at all? mance memory?
(I reassured her that most of us still
find refuge in Gordon smashing up I think it did help me personally I think the Connect It dance at
peoples restaurants when were actually. Trinitys composition de- Royal Albert Hall, because it then
supposed to be practising/arrang- partment is quite experimental, so lead on to Proms in the Park later
ing/practising!) being exposed to so many different that year. Performing on stage in
influences meant that I now feel the park was so surreal, it was like
Was it ever a choice for you to be a really free to experiment within an out of body experience. I wasnt
solo artist? Do you ever see your- pop music too. My favourite Trinity too nervous because I was just in
self being part of a larger ensemble experience was working with Central the back, so I got to really enjoy
in the future? Saint Martins fashion department the performance. I think the best
for the Rude Health project, because bit about it wasnt actually my own
Myself and Alistair (her partner in I got to explore visual effects and performance, but watching the
crime) write together, and hopefully music. I think it was also important Jackson 5 perform afterwards, and
in the future well release some duo for me to discover what I didnt want thinking Wow, Ive just been up there,
material together. Its very important to do, I learnt from trying that actu- and now theyre there. That was the
for me to trust the people that I ally, Trinity wasnt the place for me, most amazing thing for me, definite-
work with, its quite hard to establish but it certainly helped me not to be ly.
something where youre all equally afraid to do new things.
invested in the cause and really trust My final question - Do you have any
each other. I love collaborating, but What do you feel the most impor- dates for the diary for us?
to have a full time band where we all tant thing you learnt at Trinity was?
have a great dynamic, Im yet to find My single will be launched by the
that connection. I discovered my independence and end of June, and after that watch
learned to take criticism, because this space! Stay in touch with my
What do you think are the most im- not everybody is going to be a fan. blog and website, and Ill be sure to
portant elements of trusting people I dont think I ever got fully positive keep everybody updated there!
that you work with? feedback about anything really, but
thats life, I dont think youre ever
Being able to throw anything out going to receive a perfect reaction
there and know that theyll take the from everybody.
best of it and not judge! Knowing
that theyre on the same wavelength Do you think this affected you in
as you and have have something to terms of the way you perform and
offer that you might not necessarily your confidence? Are you a nervous
have. performer, or do you really enjoy it?

Where do you gather your inspira- I know that whenever I perform ill
tion for your songwriting? come out the other side. Sometimes
I feel really great pre-performance,
lots of things! One of the most sometimes Im sh***ing myself. But
important things about my music generally I know how to handle it
is the visual element, like today, Im now having gained more experience.
working with dancers. It could be
a piece of art that I really like, and I Are performance nerves prominent
really connect with performance art within the professional world?
Oh yeah, definitely! I think all the
Who would you say your major best performers do get butterflies, it
influences are? stops the performance being flat. If

To go au naturel, or not?
Freya Bell Gillon

s a horn student Of course, some may question
at conservatoire, the relevance or need for
one of the many studying historical performance
opportunities offered at all. I would argue that doing
to us is the chance so really allows us to get close to
to study the modern horns composers original intentions,
rustic ancestor; the natural horn. and at the same time can give
Given that there are plenty of you a fresh perspective on a
challenges to keep us occupied piece by opening up a new sound
with just modern horn alone, and world. And failing that, I would
indeed with the rest of a BMus say that its always good to try
course to tackle in general, some things which may be slightly
may question why we would outwith the norm when it comes
seek to create more difficulties to music - as musicians in
for ourselves by going back to a todays economic climate we are
time before valves. I would argue constantly having to find ways
that the discovery of a whole new to make us more adaptable
sound world, the excitement of and employable, and being able
these challenges, and the chance to perform in an historically
to play various genres of music informed way is a valuable skill.
in an historically accurate way
are a selection of reasons for Upcoming historical performance
advocating its study. Studying courses:
the natural horn over the past Austria Barock Akademie,
two years has made me aware of 18th - 29th July, Gmunden at
a whole other scene in the horn- Seeschlo
playing world, one which I think Historically Informed Summer
deserves as much attention as School (HISS) 14th - 18th
mainstream horn playing, and my August, Yorkshire
interest in the world of historical Early Music Summer
performance practice has been School, Conservatorium van
further increased by studying the Amsterdam, 28th August -
performance practice specialist 2nd September, Amsterdam
option module this year.
If youre interested in developing
This year, my studies with my your technique on your relative
individual teacher have been instrument in a historical
further enhanced by studying the performance context, or you
performance practice specialist want to try playing in period
option module. This focuses on ensembles and gain valuable
the academic aspect of historical performance experience,
performance and explores issues summer courses like these are
to do with all instruments and a great way to get involved. The
various compositional periods, Austria Barock Akademie is
which has given me a much particularly aimed at students,
wider context when doing my whilst the HISS course and
own playing and research. the Conservatorium van
Amsterdams course are open to
all ages and abilities.

William Branston

ust incase youve been dont care; politics and politicians dont have it, dont worry you can
living in a bubble for can affect your lives and futures. send alternative ID and a note to
the past few weeks - say you dont know your number,
Theresa May has called Voter registration takes only a or look it up on the government
a snap general election few minutes, you can do it online website.
which is coming up pretty soon. at
Traditionally, student turnout is
We here at the TL Review have all The deadline for registering is pretty poor compared to other
registered to vote and are excited Monday 22nd May and voting day demographics

to make our voice count at the is Thursday 8th June.
ballot box on election day. 55% of people aged 18-
All you need to register is your 24 are registered to vote,
Having your say on who governs address (It can be a home or compared to over 90% of
our country is tremendously university address depending on over 65s.
important. Not only because it is where you wish to vote) and your Lets make a difference this
your democratic right, but also National Insurance Number. You election by staying informed and
because no matter if you are left may have a card with it on or it using our hard-earned right to
or right wing, have no clue what will be on any of your payslips if vote on the 8th of June.
wings even are, or simply just you do, or have, worked. If you

Our Local Polling Stations

1. Meridian Adventure Play
2. Invicta Primary School
3. James Wolfe School MCMILLAN
4. St. Marks Community Centre
5. James Wolfe School, Royal Hill LABAN
6. Devonshire Drive Baptist
7. Jubilee Club Room, Woodville
8. The Library at Deptford Lounge

Dont forget you can only vote at your nominated polling station!

Welsh Wind Orchestra Conquer Carnegie Hall

George Gooch
irst year student George with the soaring Prismatic number New York, New York
Gooch has recently Light by Alan Fernie, before made famous by Frank Sinatra,
returned from New premiering Bernard Kane Jnr.s which was quickly followed by
York after performing new euphonium concerto Seren Another Opnin, Another Show
principal clarinet at Wren with euphonium virtuoso, arranged by Stephen Roberts;
Carnegie Hall with the Gwent David Childs. The orchestra a medley celebrating the great
Youth Wind Orchestra. Under then performed Gareth Woods Broadway shows of the Golden
the direction of Sean ONeill thematic epic Salome before Age era such as Kiss Me Kate,
the group performed at this David Childs returned to the West Side Story and Anything
years New York International stage once again to premier the Goes. Trumpets Wild, an
Music Festival playing a range lyrical Welsh Prayer, by Paul impressive trumpet feature by
of traditional Welsh music. Mealor. After the soloist took his Harold Walters was then played
The orchestra were honoured final bow, the orchestra played by a trio of trumpets, before An
to premier two new pieces by on with a rousing, fiery rendition American Tale by Dan Price was
Welsh composers Paul Mealor of Danzn No.2 by Mexican passionately performed by the
and Bernard Kane Jnr. (who composer, Arturo Mrquez orchestra. To finish the concert,
joined the orchestra onstage that and arranged by Oliver Nickel. a patriotic rendition of the Welsh
night), with world class Welsh They finished the first act with National Anthem was performed
euphonium player, David Childs, a haunting performance of which induced a rousing reaction
also his first time playing at the the Welsh Hymn, Abide With from the Central Park Visitors.
prestigious Carnegie Hall. Me, written by W.H. Monk and
arranged by Karl Jenkins. As Carnegie Hall was the final
The fifty-nine piece wind concert for many older members
orchestra, whos ages ranged The all-American repertoire of the wind orchestra and their
from 14 to 22 years-old, toured played by the orchestra at the conductor, Sean ONeill, the trip
to New York for five days from in popular Central Park Bandstand was certainly going to be an
April at the invitation of the World had a much lighter feel than experience that would stay with
Projects organisation. Apart from that played at Carnegie Hall, the ensemble for a lifetime.
appearing at Carnegie Hall, the beginning with the big band
ensemble also had the chance
to perform an all-American
repertoire at Central Park
Bandstand, have a master class
workshop with Dr. Lawrence
Sutherland, as well as exploring
the exciting city of New York.
The trip included a view from
the top of the Rockefeller centre
and cruising past the Statue of
Liberty on a boat party down the
beautiful River Hudson. A trip to
New York wouldn't be complete
without a trip to Broadway and
Cirque Du Soleils jaw-dropping
spectacle Paramour didnt

The programme of the gala

concert saw the group open

BBQ Pulled Chicken Recipe

Emily Maloney

his recipe is what is
affectionately known as an
Emily Special i.e, chuck
everything together, cook it
for a really long time and itll taste
great. Its a really cheap way of
catering for a big group of people,
and makes the most of what I can
only describe as an essential in
student cooking - the humble slow
cooker! Trust me, you wont regret

Slow Cooker BBQ Pulled Chicken

Feeds 6-8
Costs 8.50


Skinned and Boneless Chicken

breasts (half a chicken breast per
Tub of Tomato Passata/Tin of
250 ml BBQ Sauce
Red Onion
Chilli Flakes
1. Place the chicken breasts into the slow cooker and season well
Worcester sauce
with salt and pepper. Finely slice the red onion and add to the
Bread Rolls to serve

2. To the chicken add the tomato passata/tin of tomatoes and stir everything together. Add the BBQ
sauce to the dish and a dash of Worcester sauce too. If you like it spicy you can add a generous shake of
chilli flakes to the pot, but dont go mad if you arent a heat lover like me!

3. Give everything a really good stir together, and pop the slow cooker on. If you are out for the day
then put it on thee lower setting, and itll be ready in about 6-7 hours. If you use the high setting then itll
be done in 4! Alternatively, pop everything into an ovenproof dish with a lid on a low heat (around 150
degrees) for 3-4 hours.

4. Once the chicken is cooked through and the sauce is lovely and thick, remove the chicken breasts from
the pot and place on a board. Using two forks pull the meat apart until it is shredded. Place all of the meat
back into the sauce and stir it all together. You can keep this warm for a while, in fact the chicken will take
on even more flavour the longer you leave it!

I always serve this with fresh bread rolls, coleslaw and potato salad. Its an absolute winner when youre
cooking for a crowd, but equally it freezes really well so you can keep it all to yourself if you like!

25 Firsts in the LGBTQI+ world

Daniel Forster
I very recently read a fantastic article on Buzzfeed about moments in a womans life that she will never
forget (33 First Times Every Woman Has Experienced), and it really got me thinking about moments Ill
never forget in my own life. A lot of the thoughts that came up were things that I experienced as a gay
man. So here is a list firsts that the LGBTQI+ community will never forget.

1. Being a young person and hearing your guy friends

talk about the hot girl in your class, or your girl
friends talking about the super hot guy and knowing
that you didnt feel that way.
2. Maybe having your first heterosexual relationship
just to fit in with the norm, yet still feeling utterly
3. Seeing someone of the same sex that you had
some feelings for but being completely confused by
them all.
4. Getting your first real crush on someone and being
even more confused.
5. Hearing the word homosexual for the first time and
something instantly clicking in your head.
6. The hours you spend researching homosexuality
and swearing down that that cant be right.
7. Hearing everywhere that gay people arent normal,
or that theyre different .
8. Feeling trapped and scared about being one of
those different people.
9. The absolute terror of having to tell your parents/
guardians that you may be gay. 10. Feeling like you dont fit in anywhere at all and like
you have to keep your life a secret.
11. Every LGBTQI+ person will remember the very first
person they come out. Having all of that fear build
up inside of you finally being realised as you utter
those words.
12. Feeling so free after finally letting it out!
13. Then you begin to meet more people like you, or
see characters on tv and in books and movies that
are going through the same things as you and real-
ising that you arent weird or different or disgusting.
Seeing that you are completely normal.
14. The time you come out to your parents for real.

15. Having your first real boyfriend or girlfriend and

finally feeling like everything is normal.
16. But then you have the naysayers, the bigots and
homophobes that bring you down. And you will re-
member the first time someone calls you a faggot
or a dyke or a tranny.
17. Feeling like all is lost again and that the confidence
youd built up around yourself begin to crumble.
18. Thinking that everything they say is true.
19. What about the first time someone doesnt include
you in something because youre gay?
20. But then all of that love that was around you
comes swooping back in. All the friends and family
who love you and never want you to change come
around and make it all better again. They help you
to build your confidence back up.
21. Going to your first gay club and having the
best night of your life.
22. Attending your first pride and realising that you
really do belong in this world.
23. Seeing all of the good that LGBTQI+ people
can do for this world.
24. And the biggest part of all, realising that be-
ing LGBTQI+ is only a part of you and that it
doesnt define who you are. Knowing that it
has no more baring on your life then loving
cheesecake does.

Finally feeling free.

The LGBTQI+ community have gone a long, long way since the days of homosexuality being illegal pret-
ty much everywhere. In the western world we are much more accepted nowadays which by all means
is amazing. However there are still so many countries out there
and so many people that dont want us to exist. We are regularly
ridiculed, discriminated against and killed in countries like Saudi
Arabia, Sudan and Afghanistan. Even gay conversion therapy still
exists in places like America. So for any LGBTQI+ person this can
be a really terrifying time, what with Donald Trump being a person
that exists. But I want every single member of this community to
know that we have fought oppression many times before. We took
on our oppressors at Stonewall and we came out strong and more
fierce than ever and if we can do it once we can damn well do it a
million times more.

And to all of our allies out there help us. Come to our protests, be
there at our prides, just be there for us when we need it. It gets
better, it will always get better.
Student Societies at Trinity Laban
Trinity Laban may be a specialist conservatoire for dancers & musicians, but it doesnt mean we
dont have our fair share of student-run societies! Heres a list of a few of them & what they do...

Actor Musician Society Christian Union

Rehearsal 4 performances TL students who love Je
Workshop type sessions & want to give everyone
Building upon our skills chance to hear more!
Contact: Claire Habbershaw Contact: Sarah Ann Taylo
r Sarah.T15@edu.trinitylab

Feminist Society
A positive place to talk, share idea
fun around feminism and other issu s and have
Join us every month as we visit curry houses main aim is to have a bit of fun and es. The
around Greenwich. With food & drink deal s its a bring down the patriarchy in the me craic, and
great to meet people, have fun, and eat curry antime.
Contact: Matt Payne Contact: Matthew Crisp

Football Society

Contact: Sean Murray

Contact: Lawrence Michalowski

Musical Theatre Society Netball Society

Gathering regularly to perform your favo
musical numbers with the aim of puttingurite
on full-
shows and concerts to showcase TLs ama zing
Contact: Joe Howlett Contact: Lucy Bray

Puzzlepiece Opera
Philanthropy Society
Student-run & funded gala concerts and fully
staged opera. Were always looking for passionate
contributors, singers, dances & instrume Contact: Olivia Fraser, Rachel Murphy &
Ella Vickers
Contact: Issy Morgan & Megan Linnell

Spotted a gap in the market? Get down to the SU to propose your own NEW society!

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