Rescenter Manual

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Manual Contents

How to Log In................................................................................................................................................ 2

Website Link.............................................................................................................................................. 2
Login Credentials....................................................................................................................................... 2
Key Terms: .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Staff Room Inspections: ............................................................................................................................ 3
Scheduled vs. Unscheduled Staff Room Inspections ................................................................................ 3
Resident Room Inspections: ..................................................................................................................... 3
Professional Staff Responsibilities ............................................................................................................... 4
Student Move-In: ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Student Move-Out: ................................................................................................................................... 4
Room Condition Reports (RCRs) .................................................................................................................. 5
Complete an unscheduled RCR or ACR ..................................................................................................... 5
Complete a scheduled RCR or ACR ........................................................................................................... 9
View a completed staff RCR/ACR ............................................................................................................ 12
Review Disagreements in a Resident Room Inspection .......................................................................... 15
Patron Module ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Check In Student ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Look up a patron ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Look up student housing assignment ..................................................................................................... 20
Create Resident Roster ........................................................................................................................... 21

How to Log In
Website Link

Login Credentials
Username: ualbany\NETID (i.e. ualbany\AB123456)
password: same password as you use when logging into your computer

Directory: select UAlbany

ResCenter Homepage

Key Terms:
Inspection: An inspection is a Room Condition Report or Apartment Condition Report. This is
ResCenters word for RCR or ACR.

Disagreement: A resident has completed their ACR/RCR and has disagreed with the condition of their

Follow-up: An item within a bedroom or suite has been marked as damaged or missing by a student or
staff member.

Staff Room Inspections:

These are the RCR/ACR that a staff member completes OR that are automatically generated at the start
or end of the year. Before the start of the semester, the RCR/ACR for any unoccupied room
automatically has all items marked as good.

During the semester, if a student leaves a room, a staff member completes an unscheduled Staff Room
Inspection (RCR/ACR) in ResCenter.

Pending: a RCR/ACR that must be completed by a staff member.

Past due: a RCR/ACR that should have already been completed by a staff member

Completed: these are any RCRs completed for a room this year

Scheduled vs. Unscheduled Staff Room Inspections

Unscheduled RCRs: These occur during the semester when a student moves out or into a room. Staff
will typically complete unscheduled RCRs.

Scheduled RCR: This occurs at the beginning or end of year when all RCRs are automatically marked as

Resident Room Inspections:

These are the RCRs that residents complete after moving in. A resident completes the room inspection
through MyUAlbany under Campus Life and their Housing Application. If they complete a RCR, this is
listed under Count.

Pending: RCRs eligible for resident completion

Completed: Any RCR completed by a student

Disagreement: The student has disagreed with the original condition of an item on their ACR/RCR. The
professional staff member must review any disagreement.

Professional Staff Responsibilities
Student Move-In:
1. If a student submits a disagreement on their RCR:
a. Flag is created on ResCenter home page under Disagreements
b. The RD who oversees the space opens the disagreement
a. If a work order must be submitted, RD requests secretary to submit work order
c. RD clicks edit and then checks box next to Disagreements reviewed
2. The Assistant Director of the living area is responsible for monitoring professional staff
members completion of disagreement acknowledgements andwork orders

Student Move-Out:
1. The RD who oversees the space is notified about a student move out
2. Once Odyssey reflects move, an unscheduled RCR is triggered in ResCenter
3. RD visits rooms and completes a physical inspection of space
4. RD completes the unscheduled RCR in ResCenter
i. If a work order must be submitted, RD requests secretary to submit work order
5. RD notifies Assistant Director of living area about items needing billing
a. AD reviews items marked as Damaged with accompanying photograph
6. The Assistant Director of the living area is responsible for monitoring the professional staff
members completion of move out RCRs

Room Condition Reports (RCRs)
Complete an unscheduled RCR or ACR

1. Select Maintenance tab (drop down will appear)

2. Select Staff Room Inspections

3. Search for space

a. Click Magnifying Glass

b. Click Lookup

c. Sort through tree by clicking the + icons to choose space and then press SEARCH

4 Select the appropriate inspection type

Assessing entire suite/room: Click

drop down and click Inspect All

Assessing one space: Select the

check box next to the room you
are assessing.

5. Select the appropriate tab:

a. Inventory Item: Common Rooms/Bathroom
b. Space Condition: Bedroom

Space Condition: Bedroom

Inventory Item: Only
Common Areas

6. Physically review condition of bedroom (space condition) and common areas (inventory items)

7. If anything is damaged or missing:
a. Click corresponding button under current condition
b. Add comments describing condition
c. Upload photo for damage
i. Click blue icon under image next to corresponding damaged item

Click this icon to upload a photo

1. Click select a file:

a. If using a phone/tablet to take a photo, click take photo
b. If uploading a photo from a computer, search for photo file
2. Click add
3. Select photo from drop down list or scrolling list
4. Press submit

8. Submit completed ACR /RCR
a. scroll down and select save

Complete a scheduled RCR or ACR
1. Select a Pending or Past Due staff room inspection

Select the number under Count.

If its a new RCR that must be
completed, it will be on the
Pending row. If it is a past due
RCR, then it will be on the Past
Due row.

2. Select the appropriate inspection type

Assessing entire suite/room: Click

drop down and click Inspect All

Assessing one space: Select the

check box next to the room you
are assessing.

3. Select the appropriate tab:
b. Inventory Item: Common Rooms/Bathroom
c. Space Condition: Bedroom

Space Condition: Bedroom Only

Inventory Item:
Common Areas only

4. Physically review condition of bedroom (space condition) and common areas (inventory items) tabs
5. If anything is damaged or missing:
a. Click corresponding button under current condition
b. Add comments describing condition
c. Upload photo for damage
i. Click blue icon under image next to corresponding damaged item

Click this icon to upload a


1. Click select a file:
a. If using a phone/tablet to take a photo, click take photo
b. If uploading a photo from a computer, search for photo file
2. Click add
3. Select photo from drop down list or scrolling list
4. Press submit
6. Submit completed ACR /RCR
a. scroll down and select save

View a completed staff RCR/ACR
1. Select number under count next to completed

2. If you do not see RCR/ACR, search for it

a. Click magnifying glass

b. Click lookup

i. You can also type in space name that matched name in Odyssey (i.e. Adirondack
Hall 102 102-1)
c. Sort through tree and select appropriate suite and room
d. Click search

e. Click blue check mark next to RCR/ACR

Any photos taken by staff are

found here

Resident comments: If the

Current condition of room: Look student had comments, then
for any damaged or missing. they will display under this
If the staff had comments, they
will display under this column

f. To view common area condition:

i. Scroll to bottom of RCR
ii. Click edit

iii. Common area conditions will then open above the bedroom conditions

iv. Scroll down and click cancel after viewing condition

Review Disagreements in a Resident Room Inspection
1. Under Resident Room Inspections, click count under Disagreements

2. Search for facility: Type in building, click lookup, and then click search

3. Click blue check mark next to appropriate space

4. Review line by line for any comments

I. Non-work orders:
a. Wear and tear does not mandate work order (i.e. paint chips, tack holes, minor
aesthetic damage to furniture)
II. Work orders:
a. If a student comments that something requires a work order, work with your
secretary to submit work orders for the space
i. Confirm prior work order is not in AIM

III. Photos:
a. Some students may include a photo, as indicated by the box in the image column
becoming blue.

b. To view a photo, click blue image box

c. Click image

d. Click view
5. Mark Complete
a. 1. Scroll to bottom of resident room inspection
b. Click edit

c. Check box next to disagreements reviewed

d. Press save

e. Press close

Patron Module
Check In Student

1. Click Patron drop-down Menu

2. Click Check- In
3. Select Student Identifying Information from drop down:

You can look student up by their

name or ID number.

4. Enter student information

5. Click Lookup
6. Confirm student information is accurate
7. Click Continue

7. Confirm information is accurate

8. Click check-in

Look up a patron
1. Insert student information into patron search box in upper right corner
a. Utilize ID # or student name (Last name, First Name)

Patron search box

2. Press search
3. Select correct student

Select blue box with correct student info

4. A screen with student information will now load:

Look up student housing assignment
1. Open the students information in ResCenter
2. Click Contracts tab

Contracts Tab

3. Look for Active under Status column

4. Look for building/room in row that Status is in
a. Building room will be under Contract Name column

Active = current assignment

Preliminary = future assignment

Canceled = student never live in space

Completed = student lived in space for full


Terminated = student moved from space


Create Resident Roster
1. Click Patron
2. Click Advanced Find Patron

3. Scroll to bottom of page

4. Click Select Saved Search

5. Select Quad Alphas from drop down

6. Select Blue Eye icon next to your Living Area roster

7. Dates:
I. Under Term drop down menu, select appropriate date range:
i. Prior to semester:
1. Select upcoming semester

ii. During semester:

1. Select blank bar
a. This will pull residents currently living in area

8. Click Run

9. Download to excel (optional)

I. Click dropdown
II. Select Export to Excel


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