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>$----Z >i-l-V> Cl-t- t s -S-MS$ l-]l$-]l#-l$]l A-$-

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-$ ]l$->-]l$ ---^lyl ]l A-- l-VS VSZ fVS ^la$, ]l*--$, $ ^ #-M>-]l$ M]l$-V$ ^l$-s$. B* {]l -W. ]lQV> B* s - $ >$. l]l$ A]l$-- VS-_ B*
]lMS$ A H-lV> -$--yll$. OV> D l-Ol$]l >]l r$ #-M>$, l-VS , Cs , {gMSt M_VS r$ {lMS l$s--$-]l$ MS*y C$- SZ C$]l ^ {$ ]l$-M>-]l A>--l ]l$-M>-]l --]l*-]l$ S$V> --$.
S l $ H ]l*-^-> Gl ]lMS$ VS$$-- ]l$$, {*-VS-> ]l$$ ll-O-]l-s B-V> s. M> Gl ^l- CM> ^ll-- ]lyl-yl Er$-. D l-lZ s - AVS Gyl-sZ--$ iZ Cl $ MS*y
r$t-M-VS--V> -S-$ l ]l ]l$->- $ H$, G l$a-MS$-r$- E--$ G Ml $W Er$. ^ll {MS]l$Z Ml- S A-$$ ]l*--$ ^ll-]lyl l--- Es. B* V>-Z {]l-Q$$ --
]l$ l$-$-M-]l-y-MS E-*-VS--yll$. M>st A^l l$. l >--lMS ]l-MS]l Ml l-* l-l$-l$-s. s ]l V> ]l*. l]l$ {$ Z MS V> s >$-s$. ]l$-M>-]l A>-MS$
{VS- -l, ]l$-{VSV> ]l-MS]l ^l*- As$. Cl$Z {-]lV> $VS$ M> l-- ^l$-MS$l ]l*Y l-$MS ^-]l$ MS-]l$MS yl$- yl$ {]l {-MS- r$, yl$ CW -_ ]l${VS -- r$, s ^-
]l A]l- El VS$-_]l > {$l ]l$ E-*-W-^. l$-s$. r--sMS O{-$ l-MS$y ]l*- {-MS$ ^l-l-$ ]l$-M>-]l --]l*-O {lMS -]l$, --l$Z s {]l l-
6 ]l$_ 9]l l-VS ]lMS$ -l ]l${VS ]l- 1) {*-VS-> ]l$$ (10 ]l*$P-$) ]l ^l$- Ar$-$ #-$$. O{-Z N A]l-V>--]l]l$ l$---]l-ylZ Gs l ]l${VS ]l->$ B Z Es. C
MS]l (--D) -]lZ -S$ --. D 2) >l A>$ (r$ #-M>$, Cs- ll-O-]l- B* j-MS$t-MS$ -_ l$ QZ - l l$. A-$ gq ^l$-. Al$-]l s
]ll ]l$_ sl MS -S-]l$ Cl - ) (10 ]l*$P-$) l #-M>-$-s. B* A>-MS$ -_ -S A-$$ {MS]l$ l-MS$y {-
]lZ f--]l$-$. 3) {gMS$t ]l$$ (10 ]l*$P-$) -Z-l-]l$ ^l]l {VS$ Al$--r$Z {-]lV> ^ll---]l... {]lQ ]l--{-MSZ Gyls i ^ll$-]l#l*
4) S (20 ]l*$P-$) Es. s-> A-$$ l]l$ j-MS$tO N- Ey.
80 ]l*$P-MS S -Z r$t -^l-]l-^lar$$ #-$$. -l-l-Z # A {-MS$ ^ lV>,
sl MS -SZ Cs ]lMS$ 1. {*-VS-> ]l$$ GMS$P]l i- Es. A i-]l$ ^ll-
JMP j-MStZ yl$ -MS$ -$$ {*-V>$ ^l ]l$-$Z -MS-> A]l$-MS, ]lyl l-OMS]l $ M>l$. Al A]l--]l
"-r r$ Gyl-r-' MS*y..
MS 100 ]l*$P-MS$ -S$ -MS->$ E-*-W-^l-ylZ {l--_]l Ol#, {*-
O{--Zl Al-$]l.. l$. {$l A {-MS$ Al->j-$, Gyl-sZ--$ iZ Cl-MS, r r$ Gyl-
--^l-$. Cyl$ -$$ 80 ]l*$P-MS - VS --]l, ]ll*l$ ^l ]l, --]l$ -_ {>l -]l- l-lZ g$, {$, t, h-l, ]l* - r, Cl -MS- u-MS$$ ]l El->-]l$
S$ >$. $W-]l 20 ]l*$P-]l$ E--$ >--MS$ >]lyl ll-O]l A>---s E-- ^-]l$ s -S A-$$ MS$ {lMS i-]l$ MSs--$-. s -S- {^l$--$. --V> {$l ]l*-f-Z
Al-Yl (->--l-MS) ]l-MS]l > MS$-#- yl$ ---^. OlZ {*-V>$ l-- M>st O{--Zl Al-$]l W-$-$. Ol>-l- MS$ ]l-l-]l$$ A-$$ B* i-Z ]l$-$, Al-MS$-]ll$ ]l_a]l -O u-
$. E-~l -l-]l]l$ -- M>-$z-]l$ >*. Z _MSP-yl- {r O{, Aj--VS-g-Z ]lQ-Ol$]l -O lt---^. s -S MS$ A-{-*-]l$ ]l-* C Es. B*
$]l $W-]l {VSy ]l>$.. El, M>-]l -MS->-$-/--- {r O{--MS l ^l* l$ QZ A- MZ ]l*, {$ -MS$ Al $, ]l$--MS$ --_]l ]l --l$-
j-MStMS$ >l -SZ 28 $-$, $-M--]l g{VS-l$, $$ Al-$]l W* MS--$. C -]l$- {]l Eyll$. Al$-]l s ]l$-]l*- ]l$ A ^l$-MS$-l-l$MS$ C E-*-VS--yl-.
]l*$P$ MS_a-lV> >. Ol j-MSt]l$ -- ll 100 ]l*$PZ {*VS ]l, ]ll*l$, - MS {--l W-^lyl ]l j-MS$tMS$ {lV> ^l-l --l$. ]l*---Z A-
Al-Yl ]l-MS-]lZ f]l- Ol --&1 (hMS O)MS 50 -, ---MS- ll- --_]l l--]l$ {VS* ylP-l > $$ {-]lV> ^ll---]l.. "-s ' ]l$a--l$...
$ ]l*$P$ ]l_a >l ]l*$P$, f]l---Ol --&2 (-*--i-)MS O-]l M>-zZ Ey. ]l ^l$-M-]l-^l$a. AVS j-MStMS$ -_ Al->j-$, Ol-SMS A>$
-SZ 35 ]l*$P$ ]l 50 ]l*$P$ MSs--^$. hMS O sMS -_ MSs--_]l ZOl]l ]l*-^ M -l $MS]l$ lrl l, {^l B-M>->$ ]l*---]l$ ^ll ]l$-$Z ]lQ-Ol$]l A>-]l$
-$$ E-$~---]ls. -Z 50 ]l*$P--MS$-V>]l$ 40 ]l*$P-]l$ 10 ]l*$PZ {*VS -- ^l* ]lQ-Ol$]l s s ^l$-M]l^l$a. >-]l-, BVS -l $ B k yls l$-MS$ s ^l$-M-. l l$yl
S ]l$$ >l S >, $W-]l 10 ]l*$P-]l$ _]l l-MS 4 ]l*$P$, {*- Gyl-sZ--$ i ]l l>l G-Oyl HOl A>-MS -_
Al-Yl ]l-MS]l > MSs--$. VS-> M>-$z-MS$ 6 ]l*$P$ ]l->$ l$-$-MS$... Ol Ayl sM>-i, lMS$ --_]l l l-l Bk -]l$ ^l* lV>Y ]l
VSl {VSyl ]l*$P$ -s MSs--^. $. ^l$-M-]l^l$a. AVS B* $, Z MS-^l
]ll ]lMS$ O{ ]l$_ -l M $MS {MSy $ Ml -$-/-s----i MS*y s ^l$-MS$ l>l
sl MS -S- G1 91&100 10 G.. $MS $-MS$]l A-$$ Al$-Z ]lQ {lMS l->Z {^l$-^l $. s A>-$-/--]l---]l$ l$-$-M-.
MS$ yl$-]l G2 81-&-9-0 9 jMS$t #$$, -r]l$ lrl s ^l$-M-]lyl ]l$_.
VSr ]l$$ MSs--^$. 1 71-&-8-0 8 fyl^lG & C]l$MS$, l>l B #-M> l G]l-O $-MS A]l-M> {lMS i$..
Al ]l*l]l -]lZ {- 2 61-&7- 0- 7 l*$ h. E. AVS l]l$ j-MS$tMS$ -_ O{-Z
{l ^ll-]l-y-MS 15 $-$ 1 51-&-6-0 6 E]l {-]l-Ol$-]l #M> ]l->$ l$-$-M-. {$l l$-VS$Z A ]l--{-MS$ s -S
Al-]lV> MSs--^$. Al$- 2 41-&-5-0 5 sl & "-hMS O >l l {VSr$ O-]l GMS$P]l #-M> A-$ M {- {lMS i-]l$ {^l$--$-
]l S ]l$$ 2.45 VSr- yl1 35-&-4-0 4 A>$, {gMS$t ]l$$..' ]l->$ l$-$-MS$ A]l---Ol$l s Al-$]l . A-$$ s MS*y {MS]l$ l-MS$y
MS$ -W. yl2 0&-3-4 & & s -lZ.. ^l*. ^ll$-]l#l* Ey.

Which city hosted the 2016 NATO Summit?

1. Who is the new Human Resource final of the 1974 FIFA World cup. March 22, 2016? Anand Mahindra. He is the
Development Minister? 18. Who was selected for the Vyas Brussels (Belgium) chairman and managing director of
Prakash Javadekar. His Predecessor Samman 2015? 25. Which historic city was recaptured Mahindra and Mahindra Group.
Smriti Irani is the new Textiles Sunita Jain. Well-known Hindi by the Syrian Army from Islamic 33. Who is the only India to feature in
Minister. scholar Sunita Jain was selected for State (IS) terror group on March Fortune magazine's 'World's 50
2. Which city hosted the NATO the Vyas Samman for 2015. For her 26, 2016? Greatest Leaders' in March 2016?
Summit in July 2016? book 'Kshama'. Palmyra. It is an ancient world Arvind Kejriwal. The Delhi Chief
Warsaw. Poland capital Warsaw 19. Who won the men's singles title at Heritage site located in Syria. Minister was ranked 42nd. The list
hosted the North Atlantic Treaty the Swiss Open Badminton 26. Which country topped the World is topped by Jeff Bezos, Amazon
Organization (NATO) Summit in Championship in Basel, Switzer- Happiness Index 2016? CEO.
July 2016. land in March 2016? Denmark. As per the World 34. Who become the first Indian athlete
3. What is the name of the Program H.S. Prannoy. He defeated Marc Happiness Report 2016, India was to win a Gold Medal in the Asian
that was launched to build bridges Zwiebler of Germany in the final. ranked 118th out of 156 countries. 20 km Race walk championships in
for safe and seamless travel on Burundi is the least happy nation. March 2016?
National Highways? 20. What is the name of the former 27. In March 2016, Barack Obama Gurmeet Singh. This championship
Setu Bharatam. Prime Minister captain of New Zealand cricket became the first U.S. President to was held in Nomi, Japan.
Narendra Modi launched 'Setu team who passed away in march visit which Country in 88 years?
Bharatam' in New Delhi on March M. Venkaiah Naidu. The urban 2016? Cuba. Calvin Coolidge was the last 63rd National Film Awards
4, 2016. The program aims at Competitive Guidance Development Minister was Martin Crowe. He died of cancer at U.S. President to visit Cuba in Best Film - Baahubali (Telugu)
making all National Highways selected for his contributions to the age of 53. He is newzealand's 1928. Best Director - Sanjay Leela
railway level crossing free by 2019. Current Affairs inclusive growth and towards greatest batsman. His highest Test 28. With which country did India sign Bhansali (Bajirao Mastani)
4. Who was chosen for the prestigious poverty alleviation in India. since is 299. a memorandum of understanding Best Actor - Amitabh Bachchan
Dadasaheb Phalke Award on March 8. Who was named Secretary General 13. Who was named the winner of the 21. What is the name of former LOK (MOU) for construction of six (Piku)
4, 2016? of the Arab League? 2016 Abel Prize? Sabha speaker and former Chief nuclear reactors in Jaitapur in Best Actress - Kangana Ranaut
Manoj Kumar. He is the 47th Ahmed Aboul Gheit. He is former British mathematician Sir Andrew Minister of Meghalaya who passed March 2016? (Tanu weds Manu Returns)
recipient of India's highest film Foreign Minister of Egypt. Wiles. away in March 2016? France. Jaitapur is in Maharashtra. Best Debut Film of a Director -
award. His original name is Hari 9. Who was appointed as the Chair- 14. Who is the author of the book P.A. Sangma. He was speaker of 29. Where was the first ever make in Neeraj Ghaywan (Masaan)
kishan Giri Goswami. man of Central Administrative 'Stand in Guard - A year in Oppos- the LOK Sabha from 1996 to 98. India week organised in February Best Popular Film Providing
5. Who was appointed the chair- Tribunal (CAT) in March 2016? ition? He was the Chief Minister of 2016? Wholesome Entertainment -
person of the 21st Law Commi- Justice (retd) Permod Kohli. He is a Former Union Minister P. Meghalaya from 1988 to 1990. Mumbai Bajrangi Bhaijaan.
ssion? former chief justice of Sikkim High Chidambaram. 22. Where was the Exercise Iron Fist 30. What is the name of the Indo- Best Children's Film - Duronto.
Justice Balbir Singh Chauhan. He Court. 15. Who won the 2016 Global Teacher conducted in March 2016? Indonesia Joint training exercise Best Feature Film on National
was a judge of the Supreme Court 10. Who was elected President of FIFA Prize? Pokhran. The Indian Air Force held in March 2016? Intergration - Nanak Shah Fakir
from may 2009 to July 2014. on February 26, 2016? Hanan Al Hroub. She is a Pale- (IAF) conducted Exercise Iron Fist Garuda Shakti. It was held in (Punjabi)
6. Who took office as the President of Gianni Infantino. He holds dual stinian Primary school teacher. in Pokhran, Rajasthan. Magelang, Indonesia. Best Film on Social Issues -
Myanmar on March 30, 2016? nationality, Swiss and Italian. 16. Who were awarded the 2016 23. India successfully test-fired Agni -I 31. What is Sundarbans Maithri? Nirnayakam (Malayalam)
Htin Kyaw. He is the first civilian 11. Who was re-elected as the presid- Dinanath Mangeshkar Prize? ballistic missile on March 14, 2016. It is the joint exercise between the Best Hindi Film - Dum Laga Ke
President since the army took ent of Uganda in February 2016? Sanjay Leela Bhansali (Director) What is its range? Border Security Force (BSF) and Haisha
power in a 1962 coup. Yoweri Museveni. He has been and Ranveer Singh (Actor). 700 Km. Agni- I is indigenously the Border Guard Bangladesh Best Telugu Film - Kanche
7. Where win be the 8th annual the president of Uganda since 17. What is the name of the Dutch built nuclear capable intermediate (BGB). It was conducted in March
BRICS Summit held in October 1986. football legend who passed away in range ballistic missile. It is capable 2016.
2016? 12. Which Union minister was March 2016? of hitting a target 700 kilometers 32. Which Indian businessman was N.Vijayender Reddy
Goa. BRICS comprises five conferred the Skoch Lifetime Johan cruyff. He is regarded as one away. conferred the knight of the Legion Senior Faculty,
countries - Brazil, Russia, India, Achievement award in March of the greatest footballers in the 24. In which European city 34 people of Honor award by Frame in Hyderabad
China and South Africa. 2016? history. He led the Netherlands to the were killed in terrorist attacks on March 2016?

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