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The Mysterious

By: me
Once there was a guy in Terrarian Land. He traveled through the
land searching far and wide for the amazing ancient buildings.
Then he found this very mysterious man. People call him the
Guide, but the man calls him Andrew. The Guide said there was a
dungeon in the South. This dungeon has over 9000 gold bars
The Guide said. The Dungeon was made of blue bricks. The Guide
look suspicious but the man trusted him.
So he went on to find the super-secret mysterious dungeon. As
he went he stopped to find the biggest house ever. It was made of
Adamantite Ore and Lihzahrd Bricks. These blocks were super rare
because you could only find the Adamantite Ore deep
underground, and you can find Lihzahrd Bricks only part of a
secret jungle temple. So he found the owner of the building. The
owners name was The Clothier. So the man told him about the
dungeon. The Clothier said there was no such thing as that, but
the man didnt believe him.
So he continued his Journey of the great dungeon. He traveled to
the dark corruption forest. There he thought he would meet
somebody, but all he found was an empty gold chest and so many
very empty cabins. Then he passed the forest and reached the
hallow. This is called the very super peaceful biome. Its peaceful
at day but deadly at night. This is because of gastropods. So when
he was passing by he met 3 gastropods. They tried to attack, but
he trapped them with 1,000 active stone blocks
Now he reached the area where The Guide said the dungeon was,
but apparently The Guide lied. So the man went to the guide and
smacked him with a Meowmere to solve his problem. The Guide
still lied to people for eternity, but the man kept traveling and
lived happily ever after.
Lesson: Dont trust suspicious people

The Biomes by me of course

In a land far away there were 5 types of biomes in the land of
Terraria. They were the Corruption, Crimson, Hallow, Desert,
Forest, Underground, Ocean and Snow biomes. Each was special
in its own way. The Corruption and Crimson had a lot evil
enemies. The Hallow had nice looking but evil enemies. The
Ocean had fish enemies. The Desert had dried up enemies, and
the rest of the biomes had cool slimes that are weak.
If 2 biomes mixed theyre create these special enemies. These
were more powerful and annoying. So one day all the biomes
mixed and the enemies were created. Then a man came here,
and noticed the biomes. He had the only tool to stop it. It was
called the Clentaminator. It could be used to mix biomes and
restore them to its original state. So he used the tool to restore
the biomes. The biomes should have never been mixed.
So he decided to contain mix biomes in a green house. The man
studied the biome enemies, and showed people the enemies
because of this. Now the whole world knows about them. So now
the man kept studying and lived happily ever after for some
Moral of the Story: some things shouldnt mix.

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