Test 3 of Ise II Boo1

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Task 3: Read into writing

Essay: A game of darts
The popularity of darts is unquestionable; In fact, the Professional Darts World Championship , which took place in 2015,
was watched by millions of viewers. because there were many people who watched the 2015 Professional Darts World
Championship. This game of skill was legally recognised legal around 200 years ago, when the dart player William Big Foot
said to the British court that darts should be considered as a professional game of ability.

It is also said that the game is not complicated; it involves hitting a circular board with a small darts. The players must
will score points if they hit / when hitting specific areas of the board. This board is numbered from 1 to 20 to each
person score within this range and they may double or triple points if the dark goes directly to the outer or inner circle
directly. The hightest score in any throw can be 60. Apparently, the rules may seem simple, but in practice, achieving a
high score demands a great ability.

To sum up, other pub games are decreasing in popularity, because darts have become more practicable. This sport involves a
great interest due to it is recognised legally in Tv sport programmes and associated sporteams.
Task 4: Extended writing: An environmental issue that concerns me

Write an article about why the issue is important and what can be done about it.

As we know the environement has been polluted due to industrial factories and agricultural practises. The paper
manufacturing industry is damaging the environment due to trees have been cuttig out and the burning of paper products is
producing unhealthy gases into atmosphere. However, have you thought if we recycle paper, we can reduce all of these

It is true that recycle is necessary due to millions of trees could be save or the atmosphere would improve. If we consider
that reclycing is a simple process, we should foster to do it.

I am sure that if people take the responsibility to save the enviromnet,they will be able to recycle paper. The way of doing
should be gather wastepaper products in recycling bins provided by the government. Then, the paper will be sent to paper
factories which involved in the process of doing new paper.

To sum up, recying is vital to preserve the planet where we live. There is no excuse to reclcye because the process is
simple, is just an individuals effort and responsibility. If we dont reclyce, we will destroy our forests and suffer future
negative consequences in the place we live, the Earth.
Write a short report (150-180) on working in the US logging industry. Your report should include general information about
the US industry, as well as information on employee pay and conditions.

Working in the US logging industry

The logging industry and employment

The aim of this report is to analyse the US logging industry. As a relevant industry, there are 80000 workers. However, a decline
in construction section has been reducing the success of the sector due to they are competing with Canada industries that are
productive factories in the market.

Employees are affecting physical dangers

A recent study advocates that employees must be careful since they may suffer accidents such as:

Falling branches, which are the most important risks in the kind of job.

Serious injuries or death from manual equipment, for example saws. However, this equipment has been replaced by
mechanical tree cutters, which are more safe and reduce the injuries in the industry.

Economical pay

Some people believed that being a lumberjack supposes to have a high salary. Nevertheless, the salary of a logger is low, even if
lumberjack works in international companies, but if you were work as a postman, you would earn more money than being a

Current situation of the logging industry and employmen t

The logging industry is recovering after a lately brief setback. Although this job is not well-pay, the lumberjacks will be secure for
the time being.

Task 3: Reading into writing:

Write a short article for your geography teacher on problematic snow conditions and features which make the Scottish Highlands
challenging for hillwalkers.

Title: Dangerous snow conditions and challenging features of the Scottish Highlands


The aim of this report is to describe the main types of dangerous snow conditions and the features of Scottish Highlands.

Challenging features of the Scottish Highlands

Scottish mountains should be safe; however, these hills are dangerous like mountains of the Alps, since the extremely bad weather
and avalanches may be very usual in winter. There are two relevant avablaches such as:

Slab avalanches which are formed by the wind hitting the Scottish highlands.

And wet snow avalanches are often specially when the temperature suffers strange changes.

In spite of the dangers of the avanchanche, Brice Mccleod,who works for the Scottish Avalanche Information Service during
winter, advices people safe places where there couldnt be dangerous snow.

On the other hand, the most common types of dangerous snow conditions are the following ones:

o Windslab as snow, which blows with the force of the air and goes to different places, may cause avalanche.
o Weakness within layers are separated snowballs which can roll of making an avalanche.
o Wet snow is formed when rains a lot on top of the snow.
o Cornices are build up when snow falls down over the edge of the hill with no floor. If you see a cornice, you should be careful
with it because you could fall down.

To conclude, Scottish higlands are tourism and also dangerous place where there would be avalanches however if you avoided
danger places in the hills, the risks would reduce significally.

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