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Timing of Marriage

Like in other fields, astrology plays an important role in arriving at the timing of marriage by
adopting different tools available in this divine science. A technical examination of the birth charts
establishes the parameters by which it can be known as to whether the native carries the
promise of early marriage, late marriage, abnormally delayed marriage or no marriage at all. In
the last case, it will be a futile exercise to sit down and start calculating the timing of marriage.
There are fundamentally significant factors which must be considered in determining the timing of
marriages. These are:
I. AGE : Following indicators, in sequence, are to be kept in mind :
Early marriage : 18 to 25 years.
Delayed marriage : 25 to 30 years.
Abnormally delayed marriage : 31 to 38 years.
In the current scenario and circumstances, the happening of early marriage has become a thing
of the past. Besides, the legal angle that 18 years has been made the cutoff stage for a marriage
to be solemnized has also contributed to the absence of early marriage syndrome. The young
men and women of the country are fairly settled to the idea that the time and stage of getting into
the wedlock depends upon their capacity to be economically independent and other several
II. DASHA : The Dasha and Antardasha Lords trigger the event of marriage. Therefore, these
Lords have a role to play in one of the following manners:
Dasha period of the 7th Lord
Dasha Lord is aspecting the 7th House
Dasha Lord is posited in the 7th House
Dasha Lord is the dispositor of the 7th House
Dasha Lord is the Lord of Navamsa occupied by the 7th Lord
Dasha Lord is the star lord of the 7th House
III. Natural Givers of Marriage : It is the general belief of vedic astrology that Moon, Venus and
Rahu are the natural givers of marriage. Moreover, main period of Lagnesh and Bhukti of 7th
Lord also pitches in with their role as marriage givers. Similarly, main period of 7th Lord and
bhukti of the lagna Lord are known for their effort in granting the marriage to the native. Some
research scholars suggest that the Lord of 2nd House (Kutumb sthan) and 11th Lord (fulfillment
of desires) have a significant role in marriage.
IV. TRANSIT : Two methods are commonly used under Transit for reading the timing of
Lagan Chart : Transiting Saturn and Transiting Jupiter must aspect the Lagna or Lagna Lord as
well as the 7th House or 7th Lord.
This aspect of the two major planets shortens the period of marriage to one year because their
influence stays valid for that much time. In order to further fine tune the timing of marriage, the
aspect of transiting Mars on the 7th House or 7th Lord further reduces the period of marriage
possibility to 45 days. Similarly the role of transit Moon and its aspect on the 7th House/7th Lord
brings down the period of marriage to two days.
Navamsa Chart : If we note the position of 9th house Rashi in this chart and secondly its Lord
plus the other Rashi (applicable to those planets who have two rashis under their domain), this
will make a threesome combination. If any one out of the three aforesaid are aspected by
transiting Saturn and Jupiter, the marriage period is brought down to one year. For fine tuning,
we have to see the aspect of Mars and Moon on 9th House or 9th Lord, which will then bring
down the timing to two days.

October , 2015

Questions related to Marriage are quite frequent now a days and its
quite obvious too ,as we all know marriage is the most important
event in a human life.The world itself sustain on concept of
marriage only.The main purpose of marriage is to keep the society
running with new birth and it makes a person serious for his work,in
a way marriage is the basic pillar of society.

Many time we have seen how drastically people change after

marriage in a good way because they sense the responsibility
towards their better half.

Now since matchmaking comes first in our mind whenever we

relate marriage to astrology, so here we will discuss various aspects
of marriage via Astrology.

The first common question is when am I going to get married? Yes,

this is the query which comes in every consultation!!

There are few methods by which marriage timing can be checked.

Before proceeding to marriage timing you should know little basic

like 7th house rules over your marriage and there is Navamsha
chart also called as D-9 which rules over matriage matters.

Now proceeding with the main aim of the article.

1. Check your seventh house which planet is ruling your 7th house.

2.Check where is your 7th lord is placed, is it in trines houses(1,5,9)

in quadrant (1,4,7,10) or evil houses(6,8,12) placement of 7th lord
in trine and quadrants are very supportive to get married and
generally this it gives a good life partner along with awesome
married life.

3.In your navamsha aka d-9 check which planet rules over 7th
house and check if any planet is sitting there.

4.Now coming back to d-1 chart check if any other planets are
affecting your 7th lord or not via exchange,conjunction, mutual
aspects etc.

Now see in your chart above-mentioned points and check your

Dasha pattern, you will get married when your Dasha ruler is
associated with your 7th lord.

Now there are many ways planets are associated with each other
but for keeping it simple I want you to take consideration of given

Suppose Mr.Brock is of Aries ascendent and Venus rules over his

7th house now currently Mr.Brock is of 23 age and he will be having
Antardasha of Venus when he will of 27 age, so here there are high
chances that Mr.Brock will get married when he will hit his Venus
antardasha. Off course here you need to see placement of Venus in
d-1 and d-9 if its weak or strong or is there any marriage delaying
thing in his chart. But for this write up i am taking Mr.Brocks Venus
as strong and placed in good house.

Same way a person can get married if he or she is running Dasha

of 7th lord or planet associated with 7th house of d-9, the same
aspect can be used using D-60R.

Keep above four points in your mind or write them some where as
now iam going to shift towards other technique to find marriage

Add the longitude of the lagan lord and the seventh lord,if the total
exceeds 360 degress, deduct this.The resultant point is called as
Vvoaha Sabam or the marriage time.Now whenever Jupiter or
Venus will transit over Vvoaha Sabam the person can get marry.

Above method may take time to master though its quite easy but it
works with other factors.

Now check degrees of your planets and the planet with lowest
degree will be your darakarka(spouse significator) now using chara
Dasha system check from running Dasha rashi where darakarka is
falling,if its falling on 5th,7th,11th or in the zodiac itself the person
will get marry in that char Dasha.

Above method is as per Jaimini Astrology!!

Using asthvarga also you can find marriage timings, open your
Asthvarga table and add points from 1st to 7th house and now
divide it by 27,why 27?? Because there are total 27 nakshatras and
nakshatra are pillar of astrology!!

Coming back to point, now after dividing you will find a

resultant,suppose you got a resultant of 9 now see which Nakshatra
comes in 9th no, here it will be Ashlesha. Now when ever Jupiter in
case of females and Venus in case of males transits over Ashlesha
the person will get marry.You can find marriage time using
Asthvarga Dasha also but its beyond the scope of this article. Will
deal with it on separate chapter.

Same way you can use yogini Dasha or kaal chakra dahsa or KP
method but above mention, methods are quite basic and easy to

Also you need to see Saturn and Jupiter double transit because
nothing can happen in your life without blessing of Saturn and
Jupiter and double transit of Saturn on 7th house can generate



Bill clinton got married on 11-10-1975 and he was in RAHU-
SATURN, saturn is lord of navamsha and gave him marriage. That
day Jupiter in Pisces which falls into his 7th house. Saturn was in
Cancer which falls in his 11th which is trine to 7th house.

You can see all parameters are fulfilling here.

Timing of Marriage


Om Gurubyo Namaha

Timing of Marriage
I have been asked by many people to write about timing of marriage of an individual using the
common tools, namely, Dasha & Bhukti and Transit of planets. This is an outline on this subject
and details are available in various classical texts.

When we receive a horoscope for determination of time of marriage we have to see under what
classification the individual falls. In olden days the girls were married at a tender age of 12 14
years which was considered normal. But in todays context we have to rewrite this
classification and with my experience I would define these categories as follows:

1. Early Marriage Before 22 years

2. Normal Marriage 23 to 26 years
3. Late Marriage 27 to 30 years
4. Delayed Marriage 31 to 33 years
5. Denial of Marriage 34 years & beyond

I shall enumerate certain important combinations in the chart which points to above
categories. These combinations are only significant ones and students are advised to do their
own research by referring to classical texts.

Early Marriage1. Venus in Lagna/ 7th house

2. Venus in own house /exalted, 7th Lord in a benefic sign

3. Venus + Mars combination in 7th house

4. Lagna Lord in 7th and 7th Lord in Kendra

5. Lagna Lord + 7th Lord in Lagna

6. Venus in 6th house with either Sun or Mars.

7. Lagna Lord closer to 7th House

Normal Marriage

1. The Lagna / Lagna Lord, 7th House / 7th Lord, Venus & Moon should be clear of malefic

2. Venus & 7th Lord occupy good Navamsha sign.

Late Marriage

1. Saturn in Lagna / 7th House.

2. Saturn aspect on Lagna / 7th House /Lagna Lord / 7th Lord

3. Saturn influence on Venus/Rahu/Moon

4. Venus occupying Mars /Saturn Navamsha.

Delayed Marriage

1. Saturn + Mars in Lagna / 7th House or their influence on Lagna Lord / 7th Lord and Lagna &
7th House.

2. Venus and Moon afflicted by Saturn and Mars

3. 7th House / 7th Lord afflicted with malefics without any benefic aspect.

4. Venus in Papakartari Yoga

5. Venus in 8th House

Denial of Marriage

1. Venus in 8th House with Mercury / Saturn

2. Venus debilitated both in Rashi & Navamsha.

3. Lagna /7th House and their Lords in fixed signs & Moon in moveable sign.

4. Venus combust, debilitated and in Papakartari Yoga

5. Malefics in Lagna, 7th &12th House with waning Moon in 5th House.

6. Affliction of 2nd / 7th House and planets posited in fixed signs.

7. Lagna Lord, 7th Lord and Venus posited in Saturn Navamsha.

8. Natural Karakas for marriage, namely, Venus, Moon & Rahu are all highly afflicted.

9. If Venus in seventh House or the Seventh Lord or the Lagna Lord of Navamsha is all afflicted
then one can say that it amounts to no marriage. It would rather be better if such a persons
does not marry.

Note: The combinations enumerated above are prima facie indicators and should not be
taken as conclusive. We have to take into consideration other factors, such as, Shadbala,
Avasthas, Yogas operating at that time and dispositors of karaka planets. For example, a
debilitated Saturn may push the category up from delayed to late marriage and an exalted
Saturn may bring down the category from late to delayed marriage.

Timing of Marriage using Navamsha Chart

o Navamsha Lagna Lord in Kendra early marriage
o Navamsha Lagna Lord in Trikona slight delay but will get married in time.
o Navamsha Lagna Lord in Dusthana, spoilt by malefics like Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu
and Ketu Marriage beyond 30 years.
o Navamsha Lagna Lord is extremely spoilt Denial of marriage.
o Navamsha Lagna Lord in 7th House, 7th Lord in 12th House marriage in 23rd or
26 years of age.
o 8th House of Rashi chart is 7th House of Navamsha, Venus in Navamsha Lagna,
marriage in 25th or 33rd years of age.
o If Venus in seventh House or the Seventh Lord or the Lagna Lord of Navamsha is all
afflicted then one can say that it amounts to no marriage. It would rather be better if such a
persons does not marry.
Dasha & BhuktiThe individual (during marriageable age) may get married during following
o Dasha of 7th Lord, planets occupying 7th house, planets aspecting 7th house
o Dasha of dispositor of 7th Lord, Lord of Navamsha occupied by 7th Lord
o Dasha of natural karakas, namely, Venus, Rahu & Moon
o Dasha of Lagna Lord and Bhukti of 7th Lord.
o Dasha / Bhukti of 2nd Lord
o Dasha of planets with 7th Lord / aspecting 7th Lord
o Add Longitude of Lagna Lord and 7th Lord. When Jupiter transits this point / its
trine/7 from it, marriage is likely.
o Add Longitudes of Janma Nakshatra Lord and 7th Lord. When Jupiter transits this
point /its trine, marriage is likely.
o Jupiter transits / aspects the Rashi occupied by Navamsha dispositor of Lagna Lord.
o Lagna Lord transit of 7th House
o Male gets married when Jupiter transits natal Venus or its dispositor or their trines.
o Female gets married when Venus transits natal Mars or its dispositor or their trines.
o Astakavarga system gives many transits indicating marriage.
Double Transit Method
Many modern astrologers have done research, notably Sri. KN Rao, who have formulated a
theory that marriage can be predicted using the transit of two important planets namely,
Saturn and Jupiter, supplemented by transits of Mars and Moon to narrow the window of
marriage. We all know that nothing good in life can take place without the blessings of Jupiter
and Saturn and marriage is one such event. The conditions postulated are as follows:
o Transit Saturn should aspect Lagna Lord and / or 7th House
o Transit Jupiter should aspect 7th Lord and / or Lagna
o Saturn and Jupiter can reverse their role.
o Mars and Moon meeting above conditions will narrow the timing to month / days.
o Maximum conditions must be fulfilled.
Please note that the conditions specified above may occur many times in an individuals life but
after ascertaining his classification for marriage, consider the nearest to that age.I have used
this method and am confidant to state that it gives fairly accurate results, while I have come
across people who are not convinced about this method. I do not wish to get into any dialogue
on this issue and leave the choice to the readers.Remember that any transit prediction arrived
at has to be corroborated by Dasha & Bhukti running at that time. If they are at variance, then
Dasha & Bhukti prediction will prevail.
Love Marriage
This is a question which crops up time and again. Look for intense connection of 5 th Lord,
7th Lord & 9th Lord either by conjunction or aspects. This condition has to be met even though
many other combinations have been postulated. Rahus involvement with Lagna or 7 th House
indicates inter caste marriage.
Over a period of time, I have done extensive study of many horoscopes and have arrived at the
points enumerated in this article. Inputs from classics and reference books by learned
astrologers have also helped me immensely. I have been fortunate to have had a meaningful
dialogue with many renowned astrologers on this subject and that has also given me several
inputs. The point discussed here are no means exhaustive and I would urge the students to do
more research and the following books may be used as reference.
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

How to Judge a Horoscope Volume II 7th House by Dr BV Raman

Ashtakavarga by Dr BV Raman

Books & Articles by Sri KN Rao on Double Transit Method

Practical Vedic Astrology by Sri GS Agarwal

Timing of marriage is a question that every man & woman wants to ask an astrologer. When will they
get married? If you want to know how exactly an astrologer determines the timing of marriage, then let
me teach you how. If you do not know anything about astrology then I suggest you get my Astrology
Book here first, before reading this article, because I am going to be using terminology that may be a
bit too vein for you right now. I'll be talking about houses, degrees, ascendant and 'dasha' system; all
of which is explained beautifully in my book, in the most simplistic terms.

In astrology, depending upon the time you were born, your wheel of karma will be set, which is seen
by your rising sign aka ascendant. Whatever your ascendant sign is, it will show which zodiac sign &
planet is controlling which sector of your life. In astrology there are 12 zodiac signs and 12 houses,
with each house signifying a certain sector of your life, like money, wealth, health, marriage, children,
education etc...

Today we are going to pick the sector of marriage, which is seen from then 2nd, 7th and 11th house of
a person's horoscope. 2nd house represents your family life, 7th house shows your marriage
prospects and 11th house shows your hopes & wishes. If your wish is to get married right now, then
11th house will show if your hopes-&-wishes will come true in your life. Now, depending upon your
ascendant/your first house/your rising sign, we will be able to see which sign is ruing these three


If you are a cancer ascendant or cancer rising sign during the time you were born, then your 2nd
house will be ruled by Sun (LEO), 7th house will be ruled by Saturn (Capricorn) and 11th house will be
ruled by Venus (Taurus), judging from these three planets and the condition of them in your horoscope
one can see if you will or will not get married, then, to see the timing of your marriage an astrologer
will see when these three planets are going to transit into these three houses in your life.

Remember, Planets in your horoscope are always moving, so when Sun, Saturn and Venus come into
any of these houses (2nd, 7th, 11th) in any order, they will trigger the marriage aspect of your life, so if
Saturn is in Leo, and Sun is in Taurus, and Venus is in Capricorn transiting together for may be 30
days when you turn 26, then this 30 day time period when these three planets are aligned your
marriage can be predicted.

Another important asepct to judge your or someone else's marriage is by looking at their 'Dasha' or
time period of a planet. In each one of our lives we are being ruled by a certain planet for certain
period of time. You might be ruled by Moon right now for 10 years, then Mars for 7 years, then Rahu
for 18 years, so if you're going through your Mars 'Dasha', and Mars rules your 7th house in your
horoscope as in your 7th house is Aries or Scorpio, then this will give a major clue if you will get
married in this time period or not, but only if your are looking at this period after the age of 18.

Also it is important to look at the significator of marriage which are planet Venus and Jupiter. When
Jupiter and Venus are transiting through your 7th house or aspecting your 7th house from a certain
house, then, that, too, triggers prospect of marriage, since Venus and Jupiter are positive planets
representing growth and love, and when 7th house is being looked by Jupiter the planet of expansion
and growth, then that house will be blow up like a balloon and you will see how marriage becomes an
important aspect in your life.

Know the timing of your marriage through Vedic

By Sushil Kumaar Singh
Post Comments
1. Before analyzing the dasha system, we must read the transits of Saturn and Jupiter
carefully. The 2.5 years transit of Saturn and 1-year transit of Jupiter must affect or aspect the
ascendant or ascendant lord or seventh and seventh lord.

2. After getting insured about the favourable transit, one should see whether the native is in
the vinshottary dasha antardasha related to ascendant its lord or seventh or its lord.

3. If both the above parameters are followed in the horoscope we should now read the
horoscope from the jaimini angle. If the marriage is promised through vinshottary dasha
system then jaimini system must authenticate this if jaimini doesnt endorse then there are not
complete chances.

4. In jaimini if the darakaraka, the planet signifying the spouse must have relations with
seventh or ascendant houses. After that darakaraka navamsa should also be seen.

5. The navamsa D9 horoscopes must be read carefully and one should never try to make
predictions without reading the navamsa horoscope.

6. Another dashas must be applied for getting correct results. We should apply other
conditional dashas for example, Dwisaptaptisamadasha system (DSS), Shashtihayani dasha
system (SHS), Chatursheetisama dasha system (CSS),shodashottary dasha system(SSS) or
dwadashottary dasha system.

7. Above dashas are applied only in few horoscopes such as DSS is applied for those natives
who have the ascendant lord in the seventh house or seventh lord in the ascendant.SHS is
applied to those natives who have Sun in their ascendant.CSS is applied to those horoscopes
who have the tenth lord in the tenth house. Apart from vinshottary or jaimini at least two
conditional dashas should be applied to the horoscopes. We should try to know which
conditional dashas are applied. Second houses, fourth and tenth houses also should be seen
here in the navamsa while using any conditional dasha.

8. After that, the transits of mars Venus sun and the moon must be read. There are chances of
placement of many planets over seventh house ascendant or lords of these houses. If not then
these planets should be near the concerned houses.

9. The Jupiter in transit should activate natal Venus in the male chart whereas mars in the
female chart.

10. Ascendant lord and seventh lord of the native must have made mutual connections

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