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Sidney Szerlip

Balden 4

AP English IV

2 April 2017

Mother Nature

Beauty and serenity of a landscape

Tranquility of a still lake

Whisper of the leaves in the trees in a forest

Nature never wears a mean appearance.

The sky is where she finds her equanimity

Theres nothing but soft clouds and serene hues of blue

In the woods, is perpetual youth,

She returns to reason and faith-- no disgrace.

She is uplifted by the blithe air into infinite space.

All mean egotism vanishes

And the currents of the Universal Being circulate through her.

She is the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty.

But she cries for help as the fire vanquishes her outermost layer

And the dependents never hear her call.

Its an unstoppable cycle of destruction

That scrapes at the elegance of her appearance.

We have created a lethal relationship with her.

Placing our own well being over her

Forgetting the consequences of our greed and

Forgetting that we are merely a sub-set of her elements.

The cold draws nearer

As she lets out her final breaths.

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